00:00 I think the main question we want to know because we're all fans of the BBC
00:04 show too is how are you you got really big shoes to fill there yeah that's an
00:09 enormously popular show here too so everybody's like off the record they're
00:13 like boy I hope this doesn't suck yeah you're gonna be not set you see you said
00:17 it nicely everyone's saying please don't get up so I'm glad you said that's what
00:21 they really say that's good political spin on it um by I think by just because
00:25 we were fans of the show as well and we we want to just do what we can do be us
00:30 in that context and I think the way it's built the way the show is built it's as
00:35 long as you're having a good time and generally like cars yeah I really can't
00:39 mess it up too much because there and we seem to get along I mean don't tell them
00:44 that but I kind of like hanging out with him occasionally yeah he gets annoying
00:47 when he laughs like that so who is related to the BBC characters yeah
00:52 there is that's what's crazy there is a totally different yeah and that's why a
00:56 hundred percent why we think it's gonna work is that people I think the fear
00:59 that people have is kind of twofold one is they think well you could never be
01:03 those people like Adam saying 100% so don't try if you try you'll fail so so
01:09 just don't do that on the other hand the formula if you think if you tried to
01:13 describe someone what Top Gear is who's never heard of it was three guys in cars
01:17 okay three guys that have a lot of fun or maybe don't have a lot of fun in
01:23 certain events doing things together well there you could never replicate
01:27 three people hanging out having fun wait a minute what's wrong with yes you can
01:31 my god the man drinks in the morning so like that the one thing that I think I
01:36 think will be really important is you know you've seen the changes in the
01:41 automotive industry in the past 20 years and we've all grown up around them and
01:44 seen different things you know Adam always came from a love of muscle cars
01:49 Tanner has been lucky enough to drive all sorts of exotic high-end cars I had
01:54 the crappy $1,500 beaters all my life and for some reason continue to by choice
02:01 but so but yeah exactly so so like all together when you put together we have
02:06 these very different views and but have all the same kind of similarities about
02:10 what is it that makes us love cars so much so in our eyes I really think that
02:14 that's what's gonna make it work the fact that we get to go out and do things
02:18 with cars that you just dream about when you're a kid that seem so wrong
02:22 Adam jumped a 76 Cadillac Tanner race a basically bone stock suspension wise new
02:31 Ford Raptor that had been massaged a little bit by Hennessy against what some
02:38 people would be an unfair opponent and Tanner runs through the desert at 80
02:43 plus miles an hour in Arizona it's just this epic thing to watch