• 2 years ago
Durante o podcast "Fala AE", o jornalista Péricles Souza explicou a origem do apelido 'vaquinha' e falou sobre sua relação de amizade com o repórter Thiago Reis, criador do apelido ainda no programa "Bola na Área".

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#tvalterosa #podcast #alterosaesporte #futebol


00:00 You know what was cooler? Tiago fell down.
00:02 "Let's make a painting, let's put it in a bar, let's do it."
00:06 Then, suddenly, his fateful nickname came,
00:09 who gave him that nickname was me, Serrote.
00:12 And Serrote got it, and he was worried.
00:15 His wife, Alessandra, came and said,
00:17 "No, stop with these jokes, because Tiago does commercials,
00:20 Tiago does this and that." And Tiago said,
00:22 "No, I'm worried, my wife doesn't like it,
00:24 I think she can play against my image."
00:27 "What's that, man? You're a character, it's a joke."
00:30 Then he incorporated it, and he saw how good it was.
00:34 Then he said, "I'll tell you later."
00:38 "Tell us? Enjoy it, tell us."
00:42 "I'll give you a nickname." "I have a nickname, Garibaldo,
00:45 Bicudo, I don't know, Pezinho, Pé de Falsa, I don't want that."
00:50 Then, time went by,
00:54 and I met a friend of mine, I remembered,
00:56 Tiago was close, I said, "This is Eduardo,
00:58 my friend from Cursinho." This guy was kidding me.
01:00 I used to drink a Coca-Cola at Cursinho,
01:03 my classmate was expelled from Cursinho,
01:05 I've never seen that in my life.
01:07 I used to drink a Coca-Cola, I'd get to the top of the stairs,
01:09 and that noise, and people would be screaming,
01:12 "Cow!"
01:14 Then I told Tiago,
01:17 Tiago looked at me and said, "Your nickname is Cow now."
01:20 I said, "It won't work, man, it won't."
01:22 "Cow is a male nickname."
01:26 Then, time went by,
01:30 and I started to call him Cow,
01:32 which is a nicer name.
01:34 Did he tell you the reason for that?
01:36 I did, I did. I also told a friend of mine,
01:39 Eduardo, who is a doctor,
01:41 and when I saw that it really worked,
01:45 I went to the Minas Gerais,
01:47 I ran to interview someone,
01:49 and the guy came in, I said, "I'm back."
01:51 When I came back, everyone was like, "Cow, Cow!"
01:54 -Is that a Minas Gerais fan? -Yes, it is.
01:57 It's interesting when it works, right?
01:59 I think it's really cool, because it shows that the fans
02:01 create an identity, you get closer to the fans, to the audience.
02:04 TV Alterosa, with these popular shows,
02:09 it makes it easier for us.
02:11 Sport is a spectacular thing.
02:14 My wife calls me "Pau de Enchante,"
02:16 which is a nickname Dudu also had,
02:18 because we can't do it,
02:21 but when you walk a little, the guy stops,
02:23 "Cow, take a picture with me, tell me what it's like."
02:26 And you keep going,
02:28 it's like the "Pau de Enchante" when you release the water.
02:30 -You keep going. -Exactly.
02:32 And you keep going.
02:34 I think it's really cool, it's my passion.
02:36 I love it. You can stop me on the street,
02:38 you can talk to me, if I'm late, I'll stop.
02:40 It's no problem for me, it's very pleasant.
02:43 Recently, even because of Toledo,
02:46 he was playing with this thing called "cheek,"
02:48 and today I even joke with the set designers
02:52 that whoever calls me "cheek" will be interviewed.
02:55 I'm in Mineirão, doing a news story,
02:57 in the outskirts, recording with the fans before and after the game,
03:00 and the guy said, "Cheek" is the priority.
03:02 So much so that I don't care, I think it's cool.
03:05 When you're going to do "Public Speaks,"
03:07 you're going to talk to people on the street,
03:09 it's hard because people are running,
03:11 they don't want to give interviews,
03:13 or they're shy,
03:15 but when you give an interview, people leave.
03:17 People say, "Hey, cheek, come here, hug me."
03:20 -It breaks the ice. -It's a good interview.
03:22 -Exactly. -You can't come, you know?
03:24 Talking about...
03:25 [BEEP]
