• l’année dernière


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51:19 - Hi!
51:27 - What's up, man?
51:33 - Let me finish.
51:35 - Tell me, is it true what I heard?
51:39 - That the little boy is the star?
51:43 - It's true, as you heard, Diakomanoli.
51:47 - Come on, man!
51:49 - Now your arrogance has reminded you that Stamatakis is the father of the boy?
51:54 - So, the boy who was not born to be a soldier?
51:57 - If you don't sit down, don't talk, Diakomanoli!
52:01 - Tell me, do I have to sit down?
52:04 - How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to your villagers?
52:09 - Don't you have homes?
52:11 - I'm sick of talking to them!
52:13 - Your father is right.
52:15 - Come on, you talk without knowing.
52:17 - Let me tell you a little bit about how things are.
52:19 - Don't be stubborn!
52:20 - The boy is a man and he finds his place.
52:23 - Oh, Garidas!
52:25 - Don't tell me to ask you.
52:30 - Did you lie to Amelia or did you do it?
52:33 - What happened?
52:34 - What happened?
52:35 - What Amelia wanted, to come closer to Dimitris.
52:39 - And you came?
52:41 - Yes, we did it anyway.
52:44 - Pavlos, from what I understand, the Lord has other purposes for you.
52:53 - What purposes does He have?
52:55 - As you can see, on the road where He has put you, and on the wheel.
53:02 - You are walking proudly and with pride.
53:06 - I see that He has a purpose for you for something more important and more important.
53:12 - You, father, who are His secret advisor, don't tell me why He has a purpose for me.
53:19 - You will be the one who will seal the seal.
53:28 - I will seal the sea.
53:30 - My dear, I'm late.
53:48 - Did anyone ask me?
53:49 - No, everything is fine.
53:50 - Okay, I'm going to change and get to work.
53:52 - What am I doing?
53:53 - I'm going to change.
53:54 - Come on, my child.
54:00 - Come on, mom. I saw that you called me. I didn't have time. Did something happen?
54:05 - Yes. I just wanted to tell you that everything is fine.
54:09 - When you say everything is fine, what do you mean? The sea?
54:13 - Yes, yes. I don't want you to worry, my child.
54:17 - I won't worry if I really know that you are fine. Are you?
54:23 - Yes, I am.
54:24 - Are you serious?
54:26 - Yes, yes.
54:28 - Well done, mom. Well done. You make me very happy.
54:34 - That's how I want to hear you. Come on, I have to go. I have work to do.
54:39 - Okay. Okay. Bye.
54:48 - Don't be angry with me. Please, don't be angry with me, my king.
54:54 - I did everything to protect our child. I failed.
55:00 - God had other plans. That's why I'm asking you to be closer to him.
55:06 - Ask him to protect him.
55:10 - So that he doesn't fall into the abyss.
55:16 - And to show mercy for our star and the moon.
55:19 - Because he is innocent and he will not bear such a loss.
55:24 - He will disappear from such a shame.
55:27 - And all this, this loss that he found us.
55:32 - My king! My king! My king! My child! My child, you're back!
55:42 - My child, you're back! You didn't leave.
55:46 - Vasiliki didn't let me go.
55:48 - Oh my God! Thank you, my king!
55:52 - My Levente!
55:54 - Don't be angry, mom. Things don't change.
55:57 - Everything changes, my child. Everything.
55:59 - This gives us hope, it gives us time.
56:03 - Vasiliki loves you, that's why she didn't leave you.
56:05 - She didn't do it for that. She didn't do it because she loves me.
56:09 - She did it for the inheritance, and for you.
56:12 - My son, Vasiliki loves you.
56:16 - And only for that she did it. I am a woman and I know.
56:21 - It takes time, my child. She is in a bad situation.
56:26 - Time will pass. It's a long way to kiss.
56:31 - But in the end, you'll see how it goes.
56:34 - You will be reunited again, my girl.
56:38 - And me? My soul? How will my soul be redeemed?
56:45 - When you receive forgiveness from your wife, my child. Then.
56:51 - My son, I'm flying with my joy, because now I have hope.
57:01 - I have time before us.
57:05 - You will see. They will fix everything.
57:09 - They will only fix a few things and everything will be back to normal.
57:16 - What things?
57:18 - I'll tell you when the time comes, my child.
57:21 - Calm down, my child.
57:24 - I thank God that you came back. This was the right thing to do.
57:30 - I'm sorry, my child. I'm sorry.
57:34 - I'm sorry.
57:36 - You've been doing research for so long and you haven't found anything.
57:43 - Nina believes you're on the wrong track.
57:45 - Fine, tell me. Who is the number two suspect?
57:48 - You know that I don't like to be threatened.
57:51 - You're a good threat. A hundred thousand is nothing for you.
57:55 - Don't tell me, Vangelis, with those lessons I gave you about guns.
57:58 - It's all right. You're preparing me for something I don't understand.
58:02 - For something a little more demanding than what happened with Stelios.
58:06 - I came to make you a proposal. For the good of all.
58:10 - Tell me, I'm listening.
58:12 - You will take your girl and you will both come to stay at our house.
58:19 - I hope the time has come now to unite the couple.
58:24 - Many things have to be fixed before we get there.
58:28 - What?
58:29 - You mean, Pavlos, you admit that you gave orders to kill Michel.
58:36 - Yes, I admit it.
58:38 - I'm not going to stop you from going.
58:40 - I'm not going to pressure you, but I can't leave the child alone.
58:44 - Especially after what we learned today.
58:46 - I'm thinking of starting to start slowly.
58:49 - To put my things together and to tell you about the transfer process.
58:52 - How does it look to transfer to my father's house in Annopourgienne?
58:57 - Don't you ever forget that it's not just the wedding and the family
59:01 - that you didn't let me go to surrender, but also your love for me.
59:05 - This love has been lost.
59:08 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
