• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi everyone, Lala here, known as lalasabtus on Instagram.
00:05 Super excited to be here with you today
00:07 and my beautiful model, Nicole.
00:09 My sexy hair family and I have exciting news
00:12 to share with you today.
00:14 We had so much fun and we were so successful last year
00:18 with the contest that we come up with.
00:21 And we had so many entries that we felt so bad
00:24 for all those talented people that didn't make it
00:26 through the 10 finalists.
00:27 So we decided to come up with a new one.
00:30 This time we're gonna go over textured styles and braids.
00:34 And we're gonna have again 10 winners,
00:37 which will be able to bring a guest to LA.
00:39 We're gonna spend five days together
00:41 and I have a lot of other surprises
00:43 to share with you about this contest.
00:45 But you'll have to stay tuned
00:47 until we're done with this live demo
00:50 and I'll explain to you everything that we have for you.
00:56 First, I will go a little bit over what we're doing here
00:59 and what we use to prep the hair.
01:01 I have a new line from Sexy Hair, the Healthy line
01:05 that I have used in the last couple of weeks
01:08 and I absolutely fell in love with it.
01:10 So this is what we prep the hair with today
01:13 and I will go a little bit over that.
01:15 Meanwhile, if you guys, when I do the demo,
01:18 if you have any questions regarding prepping the hair,
01:21 styling, anything like that, feel free to ask.
01:24 I have my husband handing the phone there,
01:26 I mean holding the phone there.
01:28 So he will direct that to me.
01:31 Let me share a little bit about
01:32 what we use to prep the hair.
01:35 This is the new Sexy Healthy line
01:39 that I absolutely fell in love with it.
01:41 We use a little bit of texturizing hairspray
01:43 because we're going over a boho look, right?
01:45 So boho looks means that we have
01:47 to have a little bit of texture.
01:49 We prep the hair with the texturizing hairspray
01:51 from the new Sexy Healthy line.
01:55 And then my favorite one, the dry shampoo.
01:59 It looks like a powder, like a volumizing powder,
02:02 and it even actually acts like one.
02:05 That's why I love dry shampoo so much
02:07 because one, you get rid of the oil, if there is any.
02:12 It smells divine and it gives you the texture
02:14 and the volume that you need.
02:16 This is what we prep the hair with.
02:17 So I'm gonna get into this
02:20 and I will go over a quick style.
02:22 This is one of my signature styles.
02:24 Every time I do boho, I go for this.
02:28 It takes me five to 10 minutes.
02:29 If you're not sharing stories or take your time,
02:32 it shouldn't take you more than five minutes.
02:34 So I will share that with you
02:35 and then I will get back to the contest details.
02:38 And meanwhile, if you guys have any questions,
02:40 I will be more than happy to answer all of them.
02:42 - Are you gonna be in LA with him?
02:44 - In LA, yes.
02:45 The contest will be, the winners, actually,
02:48 will get to spend that weekend with me.
02:50 And more, there is more.
02:52 Not just me, there is more.
02:54 So let's get over that really quick.
02:58 We're taking side sections.
03:04 And I decided to go with this style a little bit on the side
03:11 because boho styles look amazing when we do it on the side.
03:15 And again, meanwhile, if you guys have any questions,
03:19 feel free to ask.
03:20 We are using rubber bands.
03:24 I would recommend you, whenever you use rubber bands,
03:26 to use rubber bands that match the color
03:30 of your client's hair.
03:31 It will be easier for you to hide them
03:34 and you don't have to fight with that at the end to try to.
03:38 So we're pretty much just working with side section,
03:42 securing them together.
03:43 We're not twisting, we're not twisting around each other.
03:49 We're just taking side section and we secure them together
03:52 with the rubber band.
03:53 How simple is that?
03:54 I think anyone can do that.
03:56 You don't really have to be a bridal stylist
03:59 to go over it with this.
04:00 One more time.
04:04 And you're pretty much repeating the same steps
04:07 over and over again.
04:08 Now, because we use the texture hairspray
04:11 and the dry shampoo, we have enough texture
04:13 to make the hair stay together.
04:14 So you're not gonna have any loose pieces hanging in there.
04:17 And if that's the case,
04:18 if you feel like the hair is too loose,
04:20 I recommend just to go and wrap that elastic
04:22 a little bit more tighter.
04:25 So instead of two times wrapping the elastic around,
04:28 go with three.
04:29 And that way you're gonna get the grip
04:31 and you're gonna make the hair feel more secure.
04:34 Usually I leave pieces of hair like this out.
04:38 I go and I curl them and then I just have them blend in.
04:42 It's really a matter of preference.
04:44 But the more hanging pieces you have,
04:46 the more boho it's going to look and the more romantic
04:49 and that's what the brides and the bridesmaids like.
04:52 - It is better to do this with not too many layers.
04:57 - Absolutely.
04:58 But when I have, you have to be prepared
05:01 for any kind of clients and any kind of texture
05:06 in your chair.
05:07 So anytime I have clients who have short layers
05:10 and I'm going for this style,
05:12 I make sure that I curl the hair before.
05:14 Because when I curl the hair, those flyaways,
05:17 that, those short layers,
05:20 are still probably going to stick out
05:24 but because they are, they are bent in, they are curled,
05:27 they are going to blend in with the style.
05:29 So they are not going to stick out like this.
05:32 So if you have clients with short hair,
05:34 I recommend you to curl the hair before you start doing this.
05:37 And the more you pull, please have that in mind,
05:39 you control how big the style is gonna be
05:42 by how much hair you're pulling.
05:45 So the bigger you pull, the fluffier it's going to be
05:49 and the wider.
05:50 If you're looking for something more sleek and small,
05:52 then you're not going to pull that much.
05:55 - Want to know if the hair is clean or a bit dirty?
06:00 - I would recommend you for these kind of styles,
06:02 anytime you do texturize,
06:04 texturize that styles to have the hair not very clean,
06:10 meaning not washed on the day of the event.
06:13 Probably 24 hours or at least two days, it'll be best.
06:17 And if that's the case, if it doesn't happen,
06:19 'cause most of the times we educate our clients
06:23 not to wash their hair and they come with the hair wet,
06:25 then I would recommend you to probably go
06:27 and use the texturizing hairspray to give it that grip
06:30 and that texture that is necessary for the Bubblist styles.
06:35 Do you guys love it so far?
06:37 - Yeah, I love the style. - And if you have a piece
06:38 of hair hanging in there because you pull too much,
06:41 don't worry, you can always go
06:43 and wrap that around your finger, put some hairspray
06:46 if you don't have time to curl it,
06:47 or just simply go and curl it and then pin it,
06:50 or just leave it hanging in there.
06:51 In this case, I'll just do that.
06:55 Going back, and if you see any gaps in between the sections,
07:00 you can always go back and push that elastic more up.
07:03 And when you do that, you're blending in the sections
07:06 and you prevent that space in between the sections.
07:09 So simply push that elastic more.
07:13 - I mean, style, love it, just beautiful.
07:16 - And so easy, right?
07:18 Like literally, this will take you probably five minutes.
07:22 And not only that, but it's going to last the whole night
07:25 because you're not really using any bobby pins.
07:27 You are securing this with rubber bands
07:28 who are not going to go anywhere.
07:30 They can go to sleep and they're still going
07:32 to have this style on their hair.
07:35 And it's texturized, it's boho,
07:36 it's exactly what they are looking for.
07:38 And bonus, it's going to last the whole night.
07:42 Can you guys see how big you can go with this?
07:48 Let me give you an example.
07:50 Let me fix that gap in there,
07:53 as I pull that piece of hair.
07:54 Okay, do we have the camera?
08:00 Let me show you guys how big you can go.
08:02 Can you go a little bit further?
08:04 There, so the more you pull,
08:07 the bigger and the wider the style is going to look
08:11 by simply pulling more hair to the sides.
08:13 And I'm pushing this elastic up so I can hide it
08:18 and blend in the sections.
08:20 And I'm going over one more.
08:24 Do you have any questions?
08:26 - Not so far.
08:29 - No, no questions.
08:30 - Beautiful, same.
08:33 I promise you guys are going to love this.
08:35 You don't need a lot of skills
08:37 or a lot of practice to achieve this style.
08:39 It's simply side sections, pulling,
08:42 and you control how big that style is going to be
08:46 by pulling the hair.
08:48 And one more.
08:53 - Is that all her natural hair?
08:56 - We actually added some extensions into it.
08:58 I mean, let's be honest, guys.
09:01 All the boho styles, the big boho styles
09:04 and the big braids that you see on Instagram and Facebook,
09:07 when they tell you that's my own hair,
09:09 I'm telling you that's bullshit, okay?
09:12 Let's be real here.
09:13 Nobody, nobody has that kind of hair.
09:17 Maybe one in a hundred, not even, okay?
09:21 And if they do, you're lucky,
09:22 you don't have to do anything.
09:23 But most of the times when you see those big braids
09:25 and those boho styles,
09:27 99% of the times they have extensions added
09:30 because you cannot achieve that fullness
09:33 unless you add hair or you crimp the hair.
09:37 That will give you three times more volume.
09:39 So most of the times when I get to the last piece over here,
09:45 usually this has the tendency,
09:47 if the hair, especially if they have short layers,
09:49 the last piece has the tendency to stick out like this.
09:53 If that's the case, if you do have a client
09:55 that will have the last piece sticking out like that
09:57 and it doesn't blend in with the rest,
09:59 you're gonna go and twist that up
10:03 and that way you're gonna have that section stay
10:05 and blend in with the rest.
10:09 And there you go, guys.
10:14 Our boho style in probably less than five minutes.
10:17 I told you guys, you can do it in actually five minutes
10:20 without using any hot tools, no bobby pins,
10:22 just rubber bands and side section, adding some extensions.
10:25 Do you guys love it?
10:26 - Yes.
10:28 Everybody loves it.
10:30 - Let me turn it around for you to see
10:32 how it looks from the side as well.
10:33 And you can always go back and pull more.
10:36 If you feel like it's not fluffy enough
10:38 or it's not big enough or your client is telling you,
10:40 I feel like I want it bigger, just go and pull more.
10:44 Don't be afraid to pull.
10:45 If you pull the section that is too loose,
10:47 you can always fix that with a bobby pin.
10:49 You don't have to take everything out.
10:50 And that's our boho look in five minutes, guys.
10:54 Excited to hear the news about the new contest?
10:56 - Love it.
10:57 - So let me go over that.
10:59 So last time we had the contest, we had 10 winners.
11:02 Each winner was allowed to bring over a guest.
11:06 So you're not coming alone.
11:07 You are actually allowed to bring one guest with you.
11:12 Everything will be covered.
11:14 There will be five days.
11:15 Two days where you're gonna travel back and forth
11:18 and three days spent with me
11:20 and the director artistic from Sexy Hair.
11:24 You're gonna learn a lot of things from us.
11:26 So 10 winners with their guest, five days in LA,
11:31 airfare and hotel and ground transportation Santa Monica
11:36 will be covered in full for you and your guest.
11:39 You're gonna have a healthy sexy hair experience
11:42 at the Sexy Hair Academy.
11:45 On day one, you're going to learn cutting techniques
11:50 from the artistic director from Sexy Hair team, Rafay.
11:55 And on day two, you will spend a day with me
11:58 when we gonna go over a class.
12:00 You will get to choose what you wanna learn from me.
12:02 So I make it easy for you.
12:04 So give me one second 'cause I lost my thought here.
12:09 So 10 winners, too much information.
12:17 10 winners and a guest airfare covered one day with Rafay
12:22 learning the sexy hair cutting techniques.
12:27 One day with me going over an updo class,
12:31 a spa treatment of your choice during the weekend
12:35 and a meet and greet with artist James Goldcrown
12:40 created of the love wall.
12:41 Now, these are the details and what you're going to win
12:45 and what we're going to do over that weekend.
12:48 If you want more details and rules about this
12:51 and how to enter, the contest starts today
12:54 and it ends up on--
12:56 - How do we enter?
12:57 - How do we enter?
12:58 You can go to loveisinthehaircontest.com.
13:06 I'm gonna post that on the Facebook page after we're done.
13:09 So you're going to loveisinthehair,
13:12 this is how the contest is called actually.
13:14 It's called loveisinthehair.
13:16 Last time we had Lala in this time--
13:20 - Chair, pin the website on the video.
13:24 So you could go to the site right on the video.
13:27 - Yes, so you have to go, it's gonna be posted there
13:30 or you have to go to loveisinthehaircontest.com
13:34 and you're gonna find all the rules
13:36 and the details about the contest.
13:38 And we're gonna post that as well.
13:41 So loveisinthehaircontest.com.
13:44 The contest starts today and it ends on March 31st.
13:50 I think, right?
13:51 - Yep.
13:51 - Did I remember that well?
13:52 - You did.
13:53 - So you can start entering today
13:57 and the last day will be March 31st.
13:59 And if you want more details,
14:01 you're gonna go loveisinthehaircontest.com
14:05 to find out how to enter or where to enter
14:07 and everything else.
14:10 So, but I wanna share something else with you.
14:13 Probably a lot of you saw that on my page.
14:17 I am honored and proud to let you guys know
14:19 that I'm one of the Cosmoprof artistic team members for 2018
14:24 so you will get to see my face in almost all the shows.
14:27 You can get your tickets at the Cosmoprof local stores
14:32 and I look forward to meet all of you at the shows.
14:37 And not only at the shows,
14:39 but I look forward to see your entries
14:42 and spend amazing time with you in LA.
14:45 If you guys know anyone that won the first award,
14:48 you can reach out to them and ask them how fun,
14:52 how much fun they had with this.
14:54 And we are finishing, let me finish this really quick
14:58 with a little bit of hairspray
15:00 'cause I always finish my products with hairspray.
15:03 We are using the Weightless hairspray
15:06 from the new Sexy Hair line.
15:08 And this is a very light hairspray.
15:11 It's perfect for the boho styles
15:13 because we are not looking for a very dry
15:16 or a very hard hairspray.
15:17 We're looking for something just to clean the flyaways
15:19 and make the style stay in place.
15:23 I hope you guys enjoyed it.
15:24 I'm super excited to see your entries.
15:26 It's gonna be super hard again.
15:28 Last time we had such a hard time to choose just 10 winners
15:31 because everyone was so amazing.
15:34 So I look forward to see your entries.
15:36 I look forward to spend those days with you in LA
15:39 and I look forward to see all of you
15:41 at the Cosmoprof shows.
15:43 Love you guys, I hope you loved it
15:45 and I will try to go back and answer any questions
15:48 that you might have had about this or anything else.
15:50 Thank you so much for having me.
15:52 Thank you to Behind the Chair for having us
15:55 and letting us take over the Behind the Chair page.
15:58 And thank you for my Sexy Hair family
16:01 for having me for their love and support.
16:03 I love you guys.
16:04 Thank you.
16:05 (footsteps)
16:08 (door slams)
16:12 (footsteps)
16:14 (footsteps)
