• 3 years ago


00:02:28Give me a hand here, Cash.
00:02:30You know I will.
00:02:45Poor little cuss.
00:02:48Appears to me we'll be splitting our grubstack three ways from now on, Cash.
00:02:55Yeah, I reckon so.
00:03:05What have we got to do to fit his gizzard?
00:03:09He came through a tilky.
00:03:12He came through a tilky?
00:03:14Oh, you don't know nothing.
00:03:17A oatmeal gruel and a mite of bacon grease will see him through.
00:03:23Come on, partner.
00:03:42Ah, yes, sir.
00:03:55Ah, yes, sir.
00:04:00Ah, yes, sir.
00:04:18Give me a hand here with the boy, Cash.
00:04:20You know I will.
00:04:28Hey, you little rascal, you.
00:04:31Hey, come here.
00:04:33Come here.
00:04:42You're going to get your shirt on now, Bill.
00:04:47That's right.
00:04:50Pretty little cuss, ain't he, Jim?
00:04:52He sure is.
00:04:54Looks just like me.
00:04:57Don't you, Bill?
00:05:04There we are.
00:05:05Hey, hey.
00:05:06There we are.
00:05:08There we are, boy.
00:05:10Oh, dear, boy.
00:05:13Bill sure does love me, Jim.
00:05:18Come on.
00:05:46Take a swig of this, Bill, to put hair on your chest.
00:05:50Don't be giving that maverick poison.
00:05:52And don't be calling him Bill.
00:05:55Once and for all, Casual.
00:05:56Look, we're calling him Daniel Boone Cameron.
00:06:10And once and for all, Jeff Cameron,
00:06:12we're calling him Buffalo Bill Holbrook.
00:06:16I've put up with your bullheadedness about long enough.
00:06:22Why, you hammer-headed old mule.
00:06:24You're as stubborn about Brandon that yearling as you are
00:06:27about wanting to settle down here at this measly waterhole.
00:06:31Water means a grub stake in this country, Cash.
00:06:34We're staying right here.
00:06:38We ain't.
00:06:39You are.
00:06:42Grub stake's just about as far as you can see.
00:06:45I'm heading west till I hit grazing land.
00:06:49I've put up with your stubbornness ever since we started out, Jeff.
00:06:54Now I'm done with you.
00:07:10Now I'm done with you.
00:07:41If you're heading west, seems to me you'd best get a-going.
00:07:46Well, then, I'll take Dan.
00:07:52Bill's a-going with me.
00:07:54Oh, no, he ain't.
00:07:55He's too smart for you, Holbrook.
00:07:57He's a Cameron, and he knows where he belongs.
00:07:59He's a bit young to know what a pig-headed old hyena you are, Cameron.
00:08:04But I'll learn him.
00:08:08You wouldn't love Dan, would you, Cameron?
00:08:28And if you was to drill me in the back while I was a-riding away,
00:08:33why, you'd just naturally bust Bill's neck.
00:09:33Hi, Ellen.
00:09:55Yes, Dad?
00:09:56They're coming.
00:10:09Watch your ear to the ground.
00:10:19You see, I was right, Mary Ellen.
00:10:21When I seen that fake ornery Bill Holbrook riding the ridge this morning,
00:10:25I figured that him and his old man was up to something.
00:10:28Dad, them two are just alike, meaner and two rattlers.
00:10:32Cash Holbrook ruined the boy, Mary Ellen.
00:10:35He was a likely young'un when I found him.
00:10:37Well, Dad, if they think they're going to water cattle here tonight,
00:10:40here's two Winchesters say they ain't.
00:10:50Well, I reckon we ought to turn the herd towards the gap here, Mr. Holbrook.
00:10:54We'll get to the waterhole quicker that way.
00:10:57All right, turn them.
00:10:59You'll know more about it than I do, Curly.
00:11:03I ain't set foot on Jeff Cameron's land in a good many years.
00:11:08I wouldn't be doing it tonight if this herd wasn't drying up on me.
00:11:11Well, we won't have no trouble.
00:11:13Ain't nobody at the waterhole but old Cameron and his daughter.
00:11:16I don't care if there's 50 of them.
00:11:19Cameron ain't keeping me away from that water no longer.
00:11:24Come along.
00:11:38What was that?
00:11:41Coming afoot.
00:11:49Stay where you are.
00:12:00What do you want here?
00:12:05I can use some.
00:12:09My name's Rance Britt.
00:12:11Had to shoot my horses.
00:12:12They ain't prairie dog holes.
00:12:14This is the first water I've seen.
00:12:16I don't know this country.
00:12:19You don't know Cash Holbrook neither, I suppose.
00:12:29Go ahead, fill up.
00:12:32Thanks, mister.
00:12:34Go ahead, fill up.
00:12:37Thanks, mister.
00:13:26Who's this Holbrook you're talking about?
00:13:29You never heard of him, I suppose.
00:13:32I'm from Montana.
00:13:34I'm headed New Mexico way.
00:13:37What was your name in Montana?
00:13:48Same as here.
00:13:50I'm headed New Mexico way.
00:13:56At least I was.
00:13:59While I had a horse.
00:14:02Seems like I'd stepped into something here, mister.
00:14:07Might be you'd care to enlighten me, what?
00:14:11Cameron's my name.
00:14:13Jeff Cameron.
00:14:15My daughter, Mary Ellen.
00:14:17I'm honored to know you, Miss Cameron.
00:14:21This here is my living.
00:14:24The only water hole between the range and the railroad.
00:14:28Cowmen all water here on the way to the loading vans.
00:14:32All but one.
00:14:35This Holbrook fellow?
00:14:41I make him go the long way for water.
00:14:4427 miles across the desert, losing beef every mile.
00:14:55Got a match?
00:15:07When they smell that water, they're going bent for election.
00:15:11The iron brimstone won't stop them.
00:15:14Neither will Jeff Cameron.
00:15:17I got married and settled down here.
00:15:20He kept on persecuting me.
00:15:22About a month after her ma died,
00:15:25he tried to stampede me into selling.
00:15:28It began right here,
00:15:30and it's liable to end right here, tonight.
00:15:37Meaning what?
00:15:39Meaning this.
00:15:43Miss, do you aim to take a hand?
00:15:45I do if the Holbrook crosses our line.
00:15:50Well, the odds ain't with you.
00:15:54Perhaps it'd even him up a little if I might offer to throw in with you folks.
00:16:00Thanks, just the same.
00:16:02Well, put it this way.
00:16:04Maybe I could work it out around here long enough to get me a horse.
00:16:11Starting tonight.
00:16:15They're coming.
00:16:19Throw a saddle into one of them Bronx and we ride out to meet them.
00:16:23Good enough.
00:16:25They won't get in here tonight.
00:16:37They're getting mighty uneasy.
00:16:39We'll have to start any minute now.
00:16:41They're getting mighty uneasy.
00:16:43We'll have to start any minute now.
00:17:07We'll tangle with them right here.
00:17:09Marianna, you get behind them rocks.
00:17:11Brett, you hold down the other side of that watch.
00:17:13I'll stay here.
00:17:32Don't take no chances with yourself now.
00:17:39There they go.
00:17:54It's a bunch of rustlers.
00:17:56No it ain't.
00:17:57Cameron's got men to help him.
00:17:59They're stampeding the herd away from the waterhole.
00:18:02They're stampeding the herd away from the waterhole.
00:18:05They're stampeding the herd away from the waterhole.
00:18:23What happened?
00:18:25I'll tell you what's happened.
00:18:27They're not Holbrook's cattle at all.
00:18:29But Holbrook's got men running off stuck at the end of my water.
00:18:33He's trying to break through.
00:19:03Well, it might have been worse.
00:19:05We only lost a few head.
00:19:09Jeff Cameron declared war on me when he drove them cattle off tonight.
00:19:16Before it's over, I'll drive him out of the country.
00:19:20I wonder who those men was that helped us get here.
00:19:23I wonder who those men was that helped us get here.
00:19:26I wonder who those men was that helped us get here.
00:19:28I wonder who those men was that helped us get here.
00:19:30I wonder who those men was that helped us get here.
00:19:34I'll find that out too.
00:19:43And when I do...
00:19:44Take it easy.
00:19:51I ran that herd out of there tonight, Dad.
00:20:00You ran that herd off?
00:20:07What's back of all this, son?
00:20:09I'll tell you, Dad.
00:20:11I ran those cattle off to keep you and Jeff Cameron from killing each other.
00:20:15I'll tell you, Dad.
00:20:17I ran those cattle off to keep you and Jeff Cameron from killing each other.
00:20:20And who appointed you to be my guardian angel?
00:20:23And who appointed you to be my guardian angel?
00:20:24You and Jeff split over me, Dad.
00:20:26You and Jeff split over me, Dad.
00:20:28Tonight, when I learned you were gonna tangle, I had to stop it.
00:20:31Tonight, when I learned you were gonna tangle, I had to stop it.
00:20:33And make a fool out of me right in front of him to say nothing to the cattle lost.
00:20:37And make a fool out of me right in front of him to say nothing to the cattle lost.
00:20:38You and Jeff have shared your last blackjack once.
00:20:41You and Jeff have shared your last blackjack once.
00:20:42Since then you've wasted all those years hating each other.
00:20:48But it's not too late.
00:20:50I've got something to show you.
00:20:58You see that?
00:21:04Well, what is it?
00:21:08What about it?
00:21:11That is tungsten ore.
00:21:14There might be a little gold and silver in it, too.
00:21:17But the tungsten's what counts.
00:21:20And I've located a rich deposit of it.
00:21:24But there's a catch to it.
00:21:28Just what are you driving at?
00:21:31Well, the man that owns the land that this is on doesn't even know it's there.
00:21:35If he did, he couldn't mine it.
00:21:38He's broke.
00:21:41You've got the money, and I know how to run a mine.
00:21:45You can help him.
00:21:48And he was once your friend.
00:21:51Now do you know who I mean?
00:21:55You mean Jeff Cameron?
00:21:58Jeff Cameron.
00:22:01He needs your help, Dad.
00:22:04He's old, and he's getting tired.
00:22:08He'll give in if you'll let him.
00:22:13Did I hear right?
00:22:16You want me to make up to him?
00:22:20I think it's about time you did, Dad.
00:22:24I raised you single-handed and alone.
00:22:29I sent you to mining school when you ought to have been punching cows.
00:22:35I always let you have your say.
00:22:38Most always, your own way.
00:22:41But I'll see you eternally in fire and brimstone...
00:22:45before I let you stand up there and tell me to leave.
00:22:49I didn't tell you, Dad.
00:22:52I asked you.
00:22:58A man sure gets punishment for his mistakes.
00:23:03When I picked you up on the desert...
00:23:06I made mine.
00:23:08I don't know what kind of blood you got in you...
00:23:12but I know I saved you.
00:23:15I don't know what kind of blood you got in you...
00:23:19but I know it ain't my kind.
00:23:25I'll say goodnight to you on that.
00:23:29And when I get up in the morning...
00:23:34I don't think you'd better be here.
00:23:46You and Jeff...
00:23:49have spent half your lives building a wall that separates you...
00:23:54when you should have been friends.
00:23:57But someday, I'll break it down.
00:24:03Goodbye, Dad.
00:24:15Goodbye, Jeff.
00:25:00Afternoon, Miss Mary.
00:25:02You stay where you are, Bill Holbrook.
00:25:06Is your father in? I'd like to talk to him.
00:25:10You must be craving trouble to come here after what you've done last night.
00:25:15Last night?
00:25:17Don't try to brazen it out.
00:25:19I saw you and your hands run them cattle off.
00:25:22You must feel mighty proud of yourself, taking away our living.
00:25:30You'll excuse me now. I'll go and talk to your father.
00:25:33You'll not set foot on our land.
00:25:40I'll take care of him, Mary Ellen.
00:25:43You'll ride over and get ahold of Rance Brett.
00:25:46He's stringing new wire up at the Gap.
00:25:53What are you doing here?
00:25:56Mr. Cameron, I'd like to have a little talk with you.
00:25:59I ain't got nothing to talk to you about.
00:26:02You will have when you've heard what I've got to say.
00:26:05Your threats don't bother me none.
00:26:08Get on inside.
00:26:22Now then.
00:26:24Do your talking and talk mighty carefully.
00:26:39Hi there. Mary Ellen.
00:26:42Hello there, Tonopah.
00:26:45Hey, come on, Heliotrope.
00:26:47See who's waiting for you.
00:26:49Look who's waiting to see you.
00:26:51Come on.
00:26:55Well, Mary Ellen.
00:26:57Why, you're getting prettier every day.
00:26:59How's old Heliotrope?
00:27:01Oh, lazy in the deuce.
00:27:03Where you in from this time, Tonopah?
00:27:05Where you in from this time, Tonopah?
00:27:07Tonto Basin.
00:27:09My gosh, I put in there dried up and blowed away.
00:27:12Where you running off to?
00:27:14Old Dad's got that Bill Holbrook inside.
00:27:16I'm gonna go over and...
00:27:18Bill Holbrook?
00:27:20Oh, doggone it.
00:27:21I knowed I had some news for you.
00:27:24Listen. Listen to this.
00:27:26I came by Holbrook's this morning.
00:27:28And, uh, well, sir,
00:27:30there ain't been a ruckus like that around here
00:27:32like they had in years.
00:27:34I went up and I...
00:27:36If you...
00:27:38Doggone it, maybe I'd better begin at the beginning, huh?
00:27:45On my land and takes my water to mine it.
00:27:48That's right.
00:27:56I made out a loan a good many years.
00:28:00And I ain't taken a Holbrook for a partner just yet.
00:28:07If you can borrow money at the bank to mine this stuff,
00:28:10so can I.
00:28:12Yes, you can, Jeff.
00:28:19How come you have to borrow money?
00:28:23Have you fought with Cash Holbrook?
00:28:28With Cash?
00:28:29After what he's done for me?
00:28:36No, but he's fought with you.
00:28:39Ain't that it?
00:28:44I knowed it.
00:28:46Cash wouldn't have no truck with me.
00:28:49Cash wouldn't have no truck with me.
00:28:52No more than I would with him.
00:28:55But he's on the outs with you...
00:28:58over that.
00:29:03Cash thinks he's right in hating you.
00:29:07Just the same as you think you're right in hating him.
00:29:12But you're both dead wrong.
00:29:15I've told him that.
00:29:17Now I'm telling you.
00:29:19And someday I'll make you both believe it.
00:29:23Don't you try it.
00:29:25I'll never stop.
00:29:26Might as well.
00:29:28That stuff can lay on the ground till Judgment Day...
00:29:30before I have dealings with a Holbrook.
00:29:40That's what I am.
00:29:44Hold on.
00:29:46By the eternal you ain't.
00:29:50You're a Cameron, by rights.
00:29:52I found you.
00:29:54You pointed me out to be your pa...
00:29:56right here at this waterhole years ago.
00:29:59Did I, Jeff?
00:30:00You sure did.
00:30:02And I knowed I'd get you back someday.
00:30:06You belong right here.
00:30:10I'll throw in with you, Bill.
00:30:12I mean, Dan.
00:30:15Water and all.
00:30:17Give me that stuff.
00:30:19So you see, Mary Ellen...
00:30:20in doing what he allowed was right about them cattle...
00:30:23he riled Cash Holbrook into throwing him out of the house.
00:30:38Well, I've got to be in town a few days...
00:30:40but we'll break ground in about a week.
00:30:42When Cash Holbrook hears about this...
00:30:44he'll have to be hog-tied.
00:30:58Come here.
00:31:05See you in about a week.
00:31:06Good luck.
00:31:09Well, Jeff!
00:31:11I'm glad to see you. How are you?
00:31:13Hello, Tonopah.
00:31:14Say, Bill Holbrook was over here...
00:31:18and you and him seem to be kind of friendly, don't you?
00:31:21You bet we're friendly.
00:31:22Well, say, did you hear about what happened between he and Cash?
00:31:26They had an awful rumpus.
00:31:28Cash throwed his own boy out of the house.
00:31:30His own boy, mind you.
00:31:32What do you mean, his own...
00:31:34What do you mean, his own boy?
00:31:36His own boy.
00:31:37He's my boy.
00:31:39Well, how could you...
00:31:42He's my boy now.
00:32:02I've got something to say to you.
00:32:04I've got no use for you...
00:32:06and I've been raised to hate everything that carries your brand.
00:32:09But I've got to tell you that...
00:32:11well, I'm sorry for what I said.
00:32:13I didn't know then why you run them cattle off last night.
00:32:17That's mighty nice of you to say that, Miss Mary.
00:32:20You know, you had me a mite uneasy with that Winchester.
00:32:25What have you been talking Dad into?
00:32:28Lots of things.
00:32:51So you see, you and your Dad will have more money than you'll ever need.
00:32:55You can have all the things you've always wanted.
00:32:58All the things you should have had.
00:33:00Oh, it doesn't seem possible anything so wonderful could happen to us.
00:33:06It's always been out there.
00:33:08But I'm glad I was the one that found it for you.
00:33:11You know, the desert's taken so much out of Dad.
00:33:16Gee, it doesn't seem possible as to not to pay it all back.
00:33:19I'm happier for him even than I am for me.
00:33:25Mary Ellen, look out there across the desert.
00:33:30As far as you can see.
00:33:33Way off there in the distance.
00:33:36You see those big lonesome pinnacles?
00:33:42When I was a little boy,
00:33:44I used to lie out there evenings watching the shadows cross over them.
00:33:49I used to imagine there were all sorts of things.
00:33:53Dragons fighting.
00:33:56Giants lying there sleeping.
00:33:59And great big monsters that might come down there after it got dark and get me.
00:34:03I know. I used to think that way too.
00:34:06You got over it though.
00:34:08Over it? Why, sure.
00:34:11Soon as I knew what they really was.
00:34:13Just big rocks.
00:34:15But before that you were a little bit afraid of them, weren't you?
00:34:18Yes, I was.
00:34:21Well, it's just that way with folks.
00:34:26Away off in the distance of your mind,
00:34:30there's a terrible man called Cash Holbrook.
00:34:35To you he's been one of those awful monsters that you used to imagine.
00:34:41But I've been up close to him in the broad daylight.
00:34:47And to me, he's been a kind man.
00:34:51And mighty good.
00:34:55I never had anyone make things so sort of clear to me before.
00:35:01Would you think I was kind of crazy if I asked you to forgive me
00:35:06for the thoughts I've held about you all these years?
00:35:11I can't do that, Mary Ellen.
00:35:15There's nothing to forgive.
00:35:18I hope there will never be.
00:36:25Well, we've done it. We've done it.
00:36:28There she sits.
00:36:30The first load ready to roll and right on time.
00:36:34And none too soon.
00:36:36You know something, Jeff?
00:36:38Banks have a very funny habit of wanting their money on time.
00:36:41And they'll get their wish tomorrow.
00:36:43And from then on, those wagons will keep right on rolling.
00:36:46And the mine will pay its way.
00:36:49Well, I guess I'm all ready, but the wagons are about to start, I guess.
00:36:53You're not sorry you're going, though, are you?
00:36:55Of course she ain't.
00:36:56Mary Ellen always wanted to go to school, ain't you, Mary Ellen?
00:36:59Yes, but it's going to seem kind of lonesome being away from all of you.
00:37:05Won't be no time before vacation comes around.
00:37:09No, sir.
00:37:10Come on.
00:37:12Say, what's in here?
00:37:16Brent, why ain't you down there with the folks?
00:37:20What for?
00:37:22Well, wife said goodbye to Mary Ellen.
00:37:29I only work here.
00:37:31I got the teams ready.
00:37:32I guess that lets me out, as far as she's concerned.
00:37:37I know, but, doggone it, she's going away.
00:37:41She's going to school.
00:37:44Yeah, I know.
00:37:46Great idea.
00:37:48What's Bill Holbrook to think that of?
00:37:55That girl in town on loan.
00:37:58Oh, she's going to live with old lady Gilroy.
00:38:01She won't be lonesome.
00:38:03And Bill Holbrook will have to be getting in town every week or two.
00:38:12That'll be great.
00:38:13You bet, Trill.
00:38:17You know that, Bill.
00:38:18You know that, I'll be smacking the daylights out of you.
00:38:36Help her there, Carson.
00:38:41I'm going to know if she'll appear right.
00:38:45I'm going to bust a bottle of the real old corn right on her nose.
00:38:50Come on.
00:38:57And bury me not in the lone prairie where the wild coyotes.
00:39:06Oh, a rat.
00:39:19Hey, hold on there, everybody.
00:39:23Listen, when they launch a cooler stone, they christen her.
00:39:29Same as when they christen a ship, they launch a cooler stone.
00:39:34You understand?
00:39:35Well, same as you're christened a mine.
00:39:41That's that.
00:39:43Now, I'm going to be christened.
00:39:46I'm going to christen.
00:39:47I'm going to, oh.
00:39:52Oh, dog, go in your eye and christen it.
00:40:08Goodbye, Rad.
00:40:16Why, what's the matter?
00:40:22All ready, boss.
00:40:24All right, let her go.
00:40:27Goodbye, Mary Ellen.
00:40:29Goodbye, Bill.
00:40:30You'll come to see me soon, won't you, Bill?
00:40:33What do you think?
00:40:40Oh, good.
00:40:55Oh, Bill.
00:40:56Take good care of Daddy.
00:40:58I'll tuck him in bed every night.
00:41:12Get up.
00:41:19All right.
00:41:20Get up.
00:41:21Come on.
00:41:36There's Cash Holbrook.
00:41:38Is this his land we're going through?
00:41:41Both sides of it.
00:41:42From here to the canyon.
00:41:43Get in there.
00:41:47Get out of there.
00:41:50Get out of there.
00:41:53Well, it looks like the boy and Cameron
00:41:56was doing pretty good.
00:42:00Think so?
00:42:04Come on.
00:43:00Come on.
00:43:03Come on.
00:43:21There's someone on the ridge.
00:43:24Just some of the cowhands coming in off the ridge.
00:43:26That's all.
00:43:28Why don't they use the road I once saw?
00:43:30Be civilized, girl.
00:43:42Denver, look! There they are again!
00:43:45Just don't fret yourself now.
00:44:30What's the matter? What happened? What's wrong?
00:44:56Are you hurt, boy?
00:44:57No, ma'am. But we're shy seven tons of ore, two wagons, and quite some mule power, though.
00:45:03Where'd they get to? Who was it?
00:45:05We was kind of busy. We didn't stop to ask.
00:45:08Oh, but don't be squabbling about that. Come on. We want to get Mary Ellen out of here.
00:45:12Come on, fellas. Hop on. Let's get out of here. Come on.
00:45:16Now, roll on into town. I'll beat it back to the mine and tell Bill.
00:45:20What? Why, it's Tex!
00:45:42What's going on here? Let's go and see.
00:45:46What happened?
00:45:48Easy, boss. Wait a minute.
00:45:51What's the matter, Doyle?
00:45:52Somebody's plugged it.
00:45:55What happened, Tex? Are you hurt bad?
00:45:57They got us at the rim.
00:46:09Are you sure she's all right?
00:46:11Yes, got through.
00:46:13In town by now.
00:46:16Boys, get him into my house, quick.
00:46:19Doyle, get both your chefs out. We're going to start loading.
00:46:23Brett, I've got to have two wagons and a tank. Get them mules on.
00:46:27And listen, $1,000 for the chef that gets their wagons loaded first.
00:46:32Gentlemen, watch.
00:46:3311th row.
00:46:34Step into it. Break out the torches.
00:46:37Did you see anything of Cash Holder?
00:46:39Yeah. Past him. Some of his men.
00:46:44Crossing his North 160.
00:46:47I knowed it.
00:46:55Cash Holder done that?
00:46:59Cash didn't have any more to do with that than I did.
00:47:02Nobody but him would ever have...
00:47:03That's enough, Jeff. You're wrong.
00:47:06We've got to get seven tons of ore into that railroad by morning...
00:47:09and he'll be in the mining business instead of us.
00:47:13And I'm going to drive.
00:47:20He hurt bad, Charlie?
00:47:22Just creased a little, Bill.
00:47:24Oh, he'll be all right.
00:47:27Take it easy, boy.
00:47:34I'm going with you.
00:47:35If Cash Holder thinks he can get away with anything like this, I...
00:47:39You're going to stay right here on the job.
00:47:42And I'll tell you something else.
00:47:44I'm going through.
00:47:47Nobody's going to stop me.
00:47:49Do you understand that?
00:48:00See you later, boys.
00:48:31We're coming to the canyon ramp.
00:48:46Hang on.
00:48:51What about you, Sam?
00:48:53I never thought of it.
00:48:54Well, Tiny, you don't know.
00:48:57Here comes Carson and the boys.
00:49:00Set out of bottles, ma'am.
00:49:02They'll be wanted.
00:49:05Seen the sheriff yet?
00:49:07He's over to Red Rocks.
00:49:08Be back tomorrow.
00:49:10Hey, Judge.
00:49:11The silver dollar welcomes you.
00:49:13Have one on the house, boys.
00:49:16Well, how's the little lady feeling?
00:49:18Why, uh...
00:49:19Oh, here's Denver now.
00:49:21How's my Ellen, Denver?
00:49:22Well, Miss Gilroy finally got a lay down for us, Bill.
00:49:26She's red.
00:49:27She wanted to start back to the minor horseback.
00:49:29Worried about Bill, huh?
00:49:31She's local about him.
00:49:33Bill Holbrook?
00:49:38Wait till this old man hears about that.
00:49:44Hiya, Santa Fe.
00:49:45All right.
00:49:50Here's your bill of landing, Carson.
00:49:52All right, Santa Fe.
00:49:53Have a drink.
00:49:55I never refuse.
00:49:56How are you, Santa Fe?
00:49:59Lot of good that's going to do us.
00:50:01Seven tons of ore on the car and seven more in the bottom of the canyon.
00:50:06That old Red Beacon buzzed at it.
00:50:07He said, what is his name?
00:50:09Mr. Banker.
00:50:11That's him.
00:50:12He won't wait five minutes for his due.
00:50:13He'd love to get his hooks into that mine.
00:50:15Well, that's pretty near now, yep.
00:50:19Time enough for another load.
00:50:21If Tex got through.
00:50:23Say, who do you lie about it?
00:50:25Up in the wagons?
00:50:27Well, I'd say it was Cash Holbrook.
00:50:30Don't you think that's a pretty broad statement, young fella?
00:50:33Well, given your straight answer, Judge, I don't.
00:50:36You talk a whole lot with your mouth, don't you, Steve?
00:50:39He's right.
00:50:40Holbrook wouldn't stop at nothing when it comes to Jeff Cameron.
00:50:49Hey, Cash Holbrook just rode in town.
00:51:07What's that?
00:51:15It's Bill.
00:51:17Give us a hand up here, Carson.
00:51:19They plugged us off.
00:51:20Tried or not?
00:51:23I'll get over here.
00:51:26Hand it down here, Bill.
00:51:28Take it easy, boy.
00:51:31Did you get any of them?
00:51:33Don't know.
00:51:34I didn't wait to see.
00:51:35Bill, is Mary Ellen all right?
00:51:37You bet.
00:51:38She's resting over at Gilroy's.
00:51:40I'll get Doc Parker, Bill.
00:51:41OK, Doc.
00:51:42Now, did you see who they was?
00:51:44No, they tried to stampede us into the canyon.
00:51:47That's what they've done to me.
00:51:54Carson, you get that oar over there in the car.
00:51:57Santa Fe, go along with it and hurry that Bill a lady, will you?
00:52:00Sure thing, Bill.
00:52:01I'll have it here in ten minutes.
00:52:05You can go in and tell old man Steve.
00:52:09Bill, you're safe!
00:52:11I knew you'd try and bring those wagons through, and I...
00:52:15Oh, Bill.
00:52:17The wagons had to come in, honey.
00:52:19And I had to know how you were.
00:52:21Well, I'm all right, but...
00:52:23Well, you'll have to go back there.
00:52:25I won't let you, Bill.
00:52:26I couldn't stand it.
00:52:40Oh, uh, Judge Matthews.
00:52:44Do you think you could arrange to marry a couple of people, uh, say about, uh,
00:52:48four o'clock this afternoon?
00:52:50If my suspicions is correct, as to the parties involved,
00:52:56I have no suspicions at all.
00:52:59Well, then I'll have to see.
00:53:03I'll have to see.
00:53:04And I'll have to see.
00:53:05I'll have to see.
00:53:06I'll have to see.
00:53:07I'll have to see.
00:53:08I'll have to see.
00:53:09If my suspicions is correct, as to the parties involved,
00:53:14I should be most honored.
00:53:19Hey, Frosty.
00:53:20Will you ride out to mine and get a hold of Jeff?
00:53:22Sure thing, Bill.
00:53:26How's chances for the loan of a Coleman brush?
00:53:30A Coleman brush.
00:53:32How about a curry comb over at the barn?
00:53:57Clear out of there!
00:54:04We all right here, dynamite?
00:54:06Yeah, plenty far.
00:54:09You know, Cameron, if I'm right, of course, I could be wrong.
00:54:13But if I'm right, there's these jacks up at the corral, dynamite,
00:54:17less than four of them.
00:54:18Go ahead, Ryan.
00:54:20As I was saying, of course, I can be wrong.
00:54:25But if I'm right, there's somebody taking dynamite out of my powder house.
00:54:30You mean stealing?
00:54:31Yes, sir.
00:54:33Now, today, I counted out what I had.
00:54:37Then I figured out what I'd of had.
00:54:39And there's somebody around here...
00:54:42Why, heck, you know, that fits in with something that happened last night.
00:54:49Somebody around here's stealing it.
00:54:51Say, looky here, Jeff.
00:54:52You know, I didn't sleep very well last night, and I heard something.
00:54:55Because I couldn't do it with the bad tooth I got here, see?
00:54:58I just...
00:55:02And if I find out who it is, I'll...
00:55:13What's that?
00:55:15Somebody else shooting?
00:55:16There hadn't better be.
00:55:47Who's using powder down there?
00:55:49We don't know what's happening.
00:55:52Clear, everybody.
00:55:53She's coming down.
00:55:55Anybody hurt?
00:55:56Now, everybody get clear.
00:56:15Ten years ago, that was a producing mine.
00:56:20Paying its way.
00:56:22Now it's...
00:56:37Better ride out of town.
00:56:40I don't feel quite up to it.
00:56:44And Bill...
00:56:47Cameron Mining Company...
00:56:52Ain't in business...
00:56:59Well, Bill, it's night now.
00:57:01You couldn't be old friend, now, could you?
00:57:03Oh, he ain't the first one to be broke a harness.
00:57:06Maybe not the first, but sure enough, the luckiest.
00:57:09My boy!
00:57:11In my many years as priest-side justice in this here township,
00:57:15I have never looked forward to splicing the holy bonds of matrimony
00:57:19unto no young couple with more salubrious feelings of admiration and esteem.
00:57:27To our illustrious fellow citizen, William Holbrook,
00:57:33and his charming bride-to-be.
00:57:36Thank you, Judge.
00:57:39Hold on, fellas.
00:57:41Right after the wedding, me and Buck here is giving a barbecue up to the ranch.
00:57:45And everybody in town's invited.
00:57:50Does that take in cash, Holbrook?
00:58:09Hello, Dan.
00:58:12I'll be right out, Inder.
00:58:49Jeff Cameron sent me in town to find you.
00:58:52What's wrong?
00:58:54There's been a slide at the mine.
00:58:56The mill's gone and both shares are filled.
00:58:59There's nothing left.
00:59:01Anybody hurt?
00:59:02No, the first blast warned them.
00:59:04They was all out when she let go.
00:59:07What do you mean?
00:59:08What happened?
00:59:09The men say it sounded like four explosions and number two drift.
00:59:12On the last one, half a mountain cut loose.
00:59:19Well, I guess we're all through.
00:59:22What do they think happened?
00:59:26They think what half this town's thinking.
00:59:31What's that?
00:59:33Cash, Holbrook.
00:59:43Do you know Cash Holbrook?
00:59:51Well, he and Jeff Cameron have been enemies for a good many years.
00:59:56He had a boy that he'd raised.
01:00:00Threw him out of his house.
01:00:04Folks always said that he was mighty fond of that boy.
01:00:11Didn't look much like it when he done that.
01:00:16The boy and Jeff Cameron went partners.
01:00:20Since then, he's hated Cameron worse than ever.
01:00:26He's had more reason to be back of this than any man in the world.
01:00:35Do you think he done it?
01:00:55Oh, uh, they're coming.
01:00:59When the bank opens up in the morning,
01:01:02I want my account fixed up so as it can be drawed on right up to the last two-bit piece by my boy.
01:01:17I'll take right, bartender.
01:01:27Thanks, Cash.
01:01:32And one thing more.
01:01:36Half my share in the mine belongs to you.
01:01:44If that's the way you want it.
01:01:55Can we step into your office a minute, Judge?
01:02:11I want you to arrange something for me, Judge.
01:02:45Do you know what's happened?
01:02:48I'm part owner in Jeff Cameron's mine.
01:02:52That makes me part owner in the wells.
01:02:56I heard on the way to the railroad right now.
01:03:00They're going to water Jeff Cameron's wells.
01:03:08What'll you have?
01:03:09Uh, small beer.
01:03:11What about that?
01:03:12Small beer?
01:03:16To Cash Oldbrook.
01:03:20Half interest?
01:03:21In my share.
01:03:37Jeff Cameron here?
01:03:48I work for him, ma'am.
01:03:55Sign it right there, my boy.
01:04:05I'd rather you give this to him.
01:04:12How about the wedding?
01:04:14Don't you want him there?
01:04:16Sure, I do.
01:04:18But he'd never come.
01:04:21I'll see you at the courthouse, four o'clock.
01:04:24All right, Judge.
01:04:52I'm going to water beef tonight at Cameron's well.
01:04:57Don't let nobody tell Bill.
01:05:00It would only rile him.
01:05:08There goes trouble.
01:05:14Where is Bill?
01:05:16Wait out.
01:05:19I'll find him.
01:05:20Wait a minute.
01:05:39Hello, Jeff.
01:05:41Glad you got in all right.
01:05:43First time I've had a chance to ask you about Mary Ellen.
01:05:47How's for your partner being your son-in-law?
01:05:50You ain't my partner.
01:05:52You ain't never going to be nothing to me.
01:05:58What do you mean by that, Jeff?
01:06:00One thing I hate to admit to is being mistook in my judgment of a man.
01:06:06I've always told myself you wasn't a Holbrook.
01:06:09But you are.
01:06:12The thing you've just done proved it to me once and forever.
01:06:19The thing I've just done?
01:06:20Sold me out to Cash Holbrook.
01:06:24But Jeff, we were all through.
01:06:27Cash offered his help, and I took it.
01:06:30Of course you took it.
01:06:31Why not?
01:06:32You'd side with him again, me.
01:06:34And believe him when he lied it was to help me.
01:06:38Help me.
01:06:40He's been trying to get a hold of my wells ever since we split.
01:06:43Now he's done it, and you've helped him.
01:06:48You're wrong, Jeff.
01:06:50And him driving his cattle in there tonight?
01:06:53Answer that.
01:06:56Say, how did you hear all this, Jeff?
01:06:58You ain't answered me yet.
01:07:00I said, how did you hear it?
01:07:02Ryan's breath happened to be right there.
01:07:04You forgot that.
01:07:12Mary Ellen.
01:07:15You don't believe that I did anything.
01:07:34We all better be getting over to the courthouse, Bob.
01:07:36Move's time for displacing.
01:07:41Might not be any.
01:07:45What's that?
01:07:50Let's have a drink.
01:07:53No thanks.
01:08:05Hey, what are you going to do, Jeff?
01:08:09Don't let Mary Ellen out of the house.
01:08:13Cash Holbrook ain't going to water no cattle at Cameron's wells tonight.
01:08:19No, you're going to get...
01:08:21Don't let Mary Ellen out of the house.
01:08:35I just started out to find you, Bill.
01:08:42This fellow, Brett.
01:08:44What about him?
01:08:46He just said something that sounded sort of peculiar.
01:08:51Well, it wasn't so much what he said as the way he said it.
01:09:04I've been waiting for you, Cubby.
01:09:08We're going to water cattle at Jeff Cameron's wells tonight.
01:09:15Well, I'll tell you what I just heard.
01:09:18Jeff's a-looking for you.
01:09:20He is?
01:09:21Yeah, with a .44.
01:09:28Bob, I think you're right about this fellow, Brett.
01:09:43I know I am.
01:09:46Is Cash Holbrook in the bar?
01:09:47No, he left.
01:09:49Is Brett there?
01:09:53Don't follow me in there too soon.
01:10:01You wait here.
01:10:05He ain't leaving town just yet.
01:10:10Well, he was in the Silver Dollar a little while ago.
01:10:17Now, Mary Ellen, don't you take on about something you ain't got nothing to do with.
01:10:21Open that gate.
01:10:22No, sir, Reebob.
01:10:24Jeff said you stay right here.
01:10:26Tonopah, you open that gate.
01:10:29No, sir.
01:10:33Hello, Cash.
01:10:35Hello, Jim.
01:10:36You looking for Jeff Cameron?
01:10:41Supposing I am.
01:10:43Well, he's headed for the Silver Dollar.
01:11:21Brett, I've got something to settle with you.
01:11:52I never thought I'd have to kill a man.
01:11:55But it may be that I will.
01:11:59Brett, you're back of all this trouble.
01:12:03And what you've done may cost the lives of two of the finest men on this earth.
01:12:09Now, talk.
01:12:11Out loud, so everybody can hear you.
01:12:14And clear Cash Holbrook.
01:12:17Holbrook, if you lie to me, I'll know it.
01:12:23And Brett, I'll kill you.
01:12:29All right, Holbrook.
01:12:31Here it is.
01:12:33I did everything.
01:12:35Wagons, mine and all.
01:12:38And I'd do it again if you or any other man come between me and what I want.
01:12:45That enough?
01:12:52Everybody hear that?
01:12:54I think so.
01:13:00Get moving.
01:13:15Come on.
01:13:46I don't know which one of you did that, but you're both bad shots.
01:13:55Give me a hand with the boy, will you, Jeff?
01:14:00You know I will, Cash.
01:14:16Bill, what's happened?
01:14:18Only one thing.
01:14:24We're going to be a little bit late at the courthouse, honey.