00:00The Rock Riders ride, beware! The Rock Riders ride, take care!
00:19They're the finest bunch of riders in the land, chasing every rustler and guerrilla band.
00:25The Rock Riders watch the trail, the Rock Riders never fail.
00:33They keep law and order everywhere they go, without a fear of any foe.
00:40And it's always great to know they're on your side, when those old Rock Riders ride.
00:47When the Rock Riders ride.
00:55Hey, that Martelli's here? Yeah, we've laid off of her long enough. The orders are to take them.
01:15Yeah, but we've always... Here comes Red. Everything all set? Yeah, nobody around at me, so go ahead.
01:24All right.
01:53Hey, Ma! Ma Turner! Pat, please! What are you howling about this time of night? Anything the matter with Molly or the baby?
02:00No, Ma, but they're rushing cattle out of your north corral. What? Get some help. I'll see if I can head them off.
02:05I'll be with you in a minute, Hank.
02:14I'll drive them to the Holts Grange and mix them with his herd, like we did before.
02:55I'm sorry, Ma. Looks like they stopped me, instead of me helping you.
02:59Oh, I ain't complaining, Hank. It's you we've got to think of now. Oh, let me see.
03:03No use, Ma. I'm going. Look after Molly and the kid, will you? Sure I will, Hank.
03:32You go on over to the meeting, son. I'll be there directly. I want to stop here at the bank and see Miller about extending our loan.
03:38All right, Dad. But hurry it up. You know how the ranchers look to you to lead them.
03:42Yeah, I know. I'll be there.
03:56Morning, Holmes. Morning, Joe.
03:58You going over to the saloon for the meeting? Yeah, just a minute.
04:01Say, Holmes, I hope you've figured out just what you're going to do.
04:05You know, this is getting mighty serious for me, too.
04:08Just had to get another loan from Miller.
04:11You know, I've got my store mortgage right up to the hill, just because the ranchers can't pay me.
04:16Well, we ought to be getting some action today. You just hang on.
04:20All right.
04:24I thought I'd find you all here.
04:27Now, listen, Miller. When you and I cooked up this deal,
04:30there wasn't going to be any killing if we were laying off Marturner's spread.
04:33That's right, John. You would handle the rustled cattle and I was to loan the ranchers cash.
04:38Foreclosed on the mortgages as fast as they were cleaned up.
04:41But our deal to take over this whole valley is no good without Marturner's spread.
04:47You know that. Sure, she's in the clear. Miller hasn't had to loan her a dime.
04:51Yes, that's why I told Duke to tell Hogan and the boys to go ahead last night and start cleaning her out.
04:57And for the killing of Hank Peterson, well, that was his own fault.
05:02He had no right to butt in where he didn't belong.
05:04Which puts us in a fine spot, with the town folks up in arms and the ranchers, too.
05:08They're holding a meeting right now.
05:10Well, what's the matter with that? You can handle them.
05:13You'll always have. You can stall them a while longer, can't you?
05:17I'll handle them, and I'll do it my way.
05:20I'm still running this deal, Miller, and don't you forget it.
05:30Maybe we'd better go over and see what he's got on his mind.
05:34You run along first, Sheriff. It'll look better with you up there with Hulk.
05:40In the beginning, it'll be a little difficult down there.
05:45Oh, well, we shall see.
05:51I've got a job here that needs doing bad.
05:54I smell something stronger than rustling, but don't know what.
05:57The ranch has got an investigator from Cattlemen's Association coming out on next stage.
06:02But I want you to come private and come a-snorting Ma Turner.
06:07Same old Ma. Well, I guess that's it, Tim.
06:10Well, I felt it must be pretty serious, or you never would have wired me to meet you here.
06:14Looks like a three-man job.
06:16You mean Sandy's coming, too?
06:17Wired him the same thing. I don't know what's keeping him.
06:23Looks like it's over the hill.
06:48Get out of that coach.
06:51Give me that gun.
06:53I'll get on that horse.
06:56Looks like they're taking somebody off that stage.
07:17Take care of them, and I'll stop the stage.
07:48I'll give you those credentials that show who you are and for what.
07:51You won't be needing them any longer.
07:53You're not going to get away with this.
07:55You're right that time. I've got those guns.
08:00Get down off those horses.
08:04I'll be back.
08:06I'll be back.
08:08I'll be back.
08:10I'll be back.
08:12I'll be back.
08:14I'll be back.
08:17Crack over against that tree.
08:22Frank, stranger, you got here just in time.
08:24I said all of you get down.
08:26But I'm not one of them.
08:27I was on the stage. I just stampeded after killing the driver back down the road.
08:30Just kind of took a fancy to you, eh? Wanted to show you the scenery or something.
08:33No, they were stopping me from getting to Red Bluff.
08:35I'm a special investigator from the Cattlemen's Association.
08:38Here's my credential.
08:40They wanted them probably to impersonate me.
08:43That sounds like a smart idea.
08:45I never like to pass them up when they're smart.
08:47What do you mean you'll never pass them up?
08:49Take that rope and get down off your horse.
08:51Go over there and tie those fellas up.
08:53What kind of a game are you up to?
08:55I like dealer's choice when I'm dealing.
08:57Now get down and get busy.
08:59There's enough rope there to tie up four as well as three, you know.
09:04Now scatter out, you fellas.
09:06Each pick your own tree.
09:16Give me that arm.
09:21Come on, come on, hurry up. We haven't got all day.
09:32All right, get mounted.
09:36I'll get you for this, stranger.
09:38Not if I can get him first.
09:40Never mind. Climb over.
09:42Move out.
09:46Bolt must be pretty worried with us not showing up at the shack with those credentials.
09:49Well, can we help it?
09:51If I could just figure out who that fella could be and what he's up to hijacking that investigator.
10:13Listen, we've got something around the bend now.
10:16Hey, you. Come here.
10:19Wait a minute.
10:23Well, slap my catch.
10:25What's going on here? A feud?
10:28No, some of the boys and I outfitted something funny.
10:31They tied us up here as a joke, cause of an argument over a bet.
10:34Yeah, that's it, stranger. Turn us loose, will you?
10:37Oh, well, I don't know.
10:39I don't want to spoil no laughs for any hard-working cowfolks.
10:43Oh, shucks. They'll probably come along and turn you loose themselves.
10:47I'm afraid they won't. It's a bet, you know.
10:49Well, now that sort of gives me an idea.
11:00Oh, Magnolia.
11:04Now, you fellas probably don't know who I am,
11:06but I am the famous Dr. Sandy Hopkins in person.
11:10Glad to know you, Doc.
11:11Glad to know you, bub.
11:13And you know, I manufacture, I imagine, the finest pacifying panacea of its kind in the world today.
11:20And it'll get a man out of almost any predicament that he finds himself in.
11:24Now, just to prove my point, I'll give you a free sample.
11:27Well, I better not.
11:28Why, it won't cost a thing. It's just free gratis. Try it.
11:32That's good for you.
11:35There you are.
11:36It's just as soft as a kitten's ear.
11:38Oh, Doc.
11:40Have another?
11:41No, no, thanks very much.
11:43I'll tell you what I'll do.
11:44If you'll turn us loose, I'll buy all that snake juice you've got in that wagon.
11:48Sure enough?
11:49It's a promise.
11:50Well, that's a deal.
11:53Now, you know, Sandy, I've only got about eight and a half dozen bottles left,
11:59and that'd be quite a load for you to tow.
12:01Well, that's why we can't take them with us now.
12:05You deliver them to us at Red Bluff.
12:08Red Bluff?
12:09That's just the way I'm a-headin'.
12:11The doctor will deliver them to you personally.
12:15Well, I made myself a pretty good deal.
12:23We'll be seeing you, Doc!
12:31I hope that investigator knows his business and ain't afraid to tear into them range rats.
12:53And I hope the next time he comes trekking into town, it won't be just for talk.
12:57So do I.
13:02Better do your stuff. You know the program.
13:07You know, Miller's throw a big white about this thing.
13:10I don't know what the most of us ranchers would do without the help he's given us from the bank.
13:14Well, I don't know.
13:16But I'd just as soon Miller or anybody else didn't have a mortgage on my place.
13:20First time anything like this has happened to me in over 30 years of ranching.
13:24Oh, hello, Sheriff.
13:26Where's all the folks for the meeting?
13:28Oh, hello, Sheriff.
13:30Where's all the folks for the meeting?
13:31Sorry we couldn't get word out to you fellas, but that investigator ain't getting in today.
13:35He sent Holt a message from Rockford last night that he had to stay over.
13:38So Holt's going over there to meet him.
13:39Well, that's a fine note.
13:51Say, something's wrong.
13:52That's a stranger bringing that stage in.
13:59Well, it's a holdup, maybe.
14:01Hey, who's this fella?
14:03Did anybody around here lose a stagecoach?
14:05What happened?
14:06Where'd you find it, stranger?
14:07Picked it up about five miles back.
14:10The only thing left aboard was this mail pouch.
14:12Are you the Sheriff?
14:13That's right.
14:15Tie on to that, will you?
14:18Guess there's nothing to worry about, Sheriff.
14:19Doesn't look like a holdup.
14:21Reckon it don't at that, Duke.
14:22Guess the horses took off by themselves when the driver stopped them down there by the junction.
14:26Yeah, well, he'll come living in the town after a while.
14:29Not Pete.
14:30He'll die of old age right where he is if leaving means walking.
14:33Well, that's what he gets for being careless.
14:35Herman, hop up there on that coach and take it around to the barn.
14:40Seems to me that somebody ought to thank you for all your trouble, stranger.
14:43Oh, it wasn't any trouble.
14:44Headed that way anyhow.
14:47The name is Duke Mason.
14:48How are you?
14:50If you're thirsty, the drinks are on the house over at my place.
14:54I'll take you on that a little later.
14:56Excuse me, I gotta get my horse.
15:06Hello, Dad.
15:07What are you doing back from Rockford so soon?
15:09Well, I...
15:10Where's that investigator?
15:11I guess I must have missed him.
15:13Had our dates mixed up.
15:15You go on back to the ranch, son.
15:16I reckon I'll be home early.
15:25All right.
15:26Out the back way, Elvin.
15:27But stick around that saloon until you find out who that fellow is
15:29and why he snatched that investigator.
15:32Now, get this clear, you two.
15:34I'm splitting hold out of this deal.
15:37When we take over this whole valley, we'll split it three ways instead of four.
15:42There's no telling what this investigator fumble will bring
15:44and we're not taking any chances.
15:47We'll split it three ways.
15:49There's no telling what this investigator fumble will bring
15:51and we're not taking any chances.
15:54We're killing two birds with one stone
15:57and dumping the troubles of the ranches right into Mr. Holst's lap.
16:03When the showdown comes, Red here will do plenty of talking.
16:07And since he's Mark Turner's favorite, Carl Anza,
16:10I guess the stalkers around here will believe him, all right.
16:13Not while I'm on my feet, they won't.
16:16If anybody's being double-crossed, it ain't going to be me.
16:23Oh, take it easy, Holt.
16:25You've got us all wrong.
16:27You've got me wrong, Miller. That's the way it stands.
16:29I'm still running this deal.
16:31And I've given you five minutes to get those ranchers' loans out of that vault
16:34and transfer them over to me.
16:46He's dead, kid.
16:48Just what happened?
16:52I don't know exactly.
16:54I walked in here just in time to see the sheriff shooting my father in the back.
16:58And I let him have it.
16:59If the sheriff hadn't killed Holt, he'd have killed everyone in the room.
17:06Ah, something's happening.
17:09What's all this rumpus about?
17:11Looks like Steve Holt shot the sheriff.
17:13Oh, no.
17:14Get me in here, kid.
17:16Who is this man, Mason?
17:17The United States Marshal, Buck Roberts.
17:20And I sent for him.
17:21Seems like you got here none too soon.
17:27What in Sam Hill are you doing here?
17:29Why aren't you out in the rain?
17:31Well, I'm out in the rain.
17:33I'm out in the rain.
17:36What in Sam Hill are you doing here?
17:37Why aren't you out in the rain?
17:38Well, I bumped into something awful, Ma.
17:40I couldn't think of nothing but getting the information in town here at the sheriff.
17:44I found him here with Duke and Mr. Miller.
17:46Oh, quit talking and spit it out.
17:48What did you find out?
17:50Well, I...
17:51Well, let me explain, Fred.
17:54It isn't going to be an easy job, Ma.
17:56I still can't believe it myself.
17:58But it seems that Holt was behind all the rancher's troubles.
18:01And that goes for Steve, too.
18:03Seems he ran the whole spread and was so quick to kill the sheriff.
18:07That's a lie!
18:08Wait a minute, kid.
18:11Listen, Marshal.
18:13My father never did anything to hurt the ranchers.
18:16He was their best friend.
18:17And I'm vouching for that, Duke.
18:19You ought to know that yourself.
18:20Sure, he loaned them money as long as he could.
18:23Then he got Mr. Miller to help and we started losing cattle ourselves.
18:28Just what are you driving at, Mason?
18:30Well, Ma.
18:32Fred found rustled cattle from your range and some of the others in the Holt's spread.
18:37And he saw Holt and Steve directing the rustles and clean them out.
18:41That's the truth.
18:42And Holt didn't deny it.
18:43That's what started the shooting.
18:45He was going to get us all and then we're out, wasn't he, Mr. Miller?
18:48Yes, that's right.
18:49I'll choke you!
18:50I warn you!
18:52You're in deep enough now.
18:53But he's lying.
18:55You don't believe it, do you, Ma?
18:58They're guilty.
18:59The court will find it out.
19:00You're a good trial.
19:01Are you the banker, Mr. Miller?
19:03Yes, Marshal.
19:04And I feel as deeply about this as Mason here.
19:08But I'll have to ask you three gentlemen not to leave red blood.
19:11I may need you as witness at this boy's trial.
19:14Yes, of course.
19:15To be sure, to be sure.
19:17The justice and the goodwill of this community mean more to me, Marshal,
19:20than anything in the world.
19:22But I do feel that Holt and his son are guilty.
19:27Well, he admitted it when he pulled his gun on him.
19:30Maybe so.
19:31But there's still something goddarn funny about this to me.
19:34They're lying.
19:35That's what it is.
19:36Listen, Ma.
19:37Don't let your sympathy run away with your good judgment.
19:40Come on, kid.
19:41I've got to lock you up.
19:42You're making a mistake, Marshal.
19:43Listen, the more you talk, the worse you're going to get into it.
19:46Oh, Ma, I can't believe it.
19:48Can't we do something?
19:49Stop your whining.
19:50Get out the buckboard.
19:52Stop your whining.
19:53Get out the buckboard.
20:13Red, get back to the ranch.
20:15I ain't paying you to start any more trouble.
20:17But Ma, I only done what was right.
20:19Right or wrong,
20:20there's enough trouble around here now to stampede more than one heartbreak.
20:28I'll listen, Miller.
20:30But I ain't satisfied.
20:37What's he done, mister?
20:39Shot the sheriff, that's all.
20:41That's all?
20:43Sounds like a heap to me.
20:51Red, you go over to the sheriff's office
20:53and tell Buck Roberts to come to my ranch for supper.
20:55I'm going to see him.
20:56Yes, ma'am.
20:57Say, Ma, you don't think Steve's guilty, do you?
21:00Why, I don't know.
21:02Evidence says he is.
21:03And there's a heap lot of it.
21:05Get it!
21:21What's going on, old timer?
21:23I don't know exactly.
21:25Except he says that young fella killed the sheriff.
21:27United States Marshal took him in there and locked him up.
21:30He did, eh?
21:33Just went in through the door.
21:36Hold it, hold it!
21:39The Marshal's doing the right thing, men.
21:41We fought to get law and order up here,
21:43and we should uphold it.
21:45Maybe so.
21:46But when I think of that Stephen Holt and his no-good son
21:48pretending to be our friends, I don't feel very well.
21:51All right.
21:54Any of you men John Holt?
21:56Marshal, you've got to listen to me.
21:58You tell your story to the judge when the time comes.
22:03Here you go, deputy.
22:04Hey, what's so interesting?
22:06Some stranger out there asking for John Holt.
22:09John Holt, huh?
22:10You two deputies keep your eye on that prisoner.
22:12Don't let that crowd outside get any funny notions.
22:14Yeah, sure, Marshal.
22:15Good boy.
22:16He's laying over there in the bank there.
22:18And the Marshal's just locked up his kid.
22:20But who are you and what did you want with Holt?
22:22I was ordered to report to him.
22:24Tell him our credentials.
22:26Why, he's our investigator from the Cattlemen's Association.
22:33Folks are sure waiting for you, Mr. Dodd.
22:35They generally are when there's rustling trouble.
22:39Are you always too late?
22:41You know this investigation's about over.
22:45That's fine. Saves me a lot of work then.
22:47But Marshal, Holt's gang of rustlers are still on the loose.
22:50I thought you said the investigation was about over.
22:54A little bit optimistic, aren't you?
22:56I never take any chances.
22:58Let me see those credentials.
23:03I don't see any Marshal's badge on you anywhere.
23:10Well, are you satisfied, Mr. Marshal?
23:13Sorry I got a little rough with you, Dodd.
23:16My name's Roberts.
23:18Looks like a kind of a bad mess around here,
23:20and you and I could help each other out.
23:22I'll let you know if I need you.
23:24But I don't generally holler for help.
23:38Hey, Joe.
23:39Tell the Marshal Ma wants him out at the ranch tonight for supper, will you?
23:42Yeah, sure.
23:52You better vanmoose too, Magnolia, and look for her custody.
24:10Stranger just showed up at the Sheriff's office looking for Holt.
24:12He talked to the ranker and said he was that investigator.
24:15He's heading this way now. I can't be seen talking to you fellas.
24:19Go on. See him.
24:22Oh, I'm sorry, Stranger. I didn't see you.
24:24All right.
24:33You just came in with the wrong plan.
24:40What'll you have, Stranger?
24:41A glass of sarsaparilla.
24:44That's right.
24:46Make a move, Stranger, and I'll blow the gizzard out of you.
24:49I'll still have that sarsaparilla.
24:51All right, start talking.
24:52Who are you, and what did you do with that investigator?
24:55Ever hear of Tom Steele?
24:56Yeah. He's in Leavenworth, train robbing and rustling.
25:00He was in Leavenworth.
25:02Right now he's drinking sarsaparilla.
25:04He's got a gun.
25:06He was in Leavenworth.
25:08Right now he's drinking sarsaparilla.
25:10What? Did you crash prison?
25:13Well, I'm here.
25:15And that investigator?
25:18Spotted over in the canyon where I lifted him from you.
25:21What's your game, Steele?
25:25My name is Dodge now.
25:27Jim Dodge.
25:29Agent for the Cattlemen's Association.
25:32And my game is the same as yours because you're going to cut me in half.
25:36Well, well.
25:42You know, I thought I'd seen you three fellas come in here.
25:44I never forget the phase of a satisfied customer, especially the big ones.
25:49Now, this is all I'm able to tote at the present time.
25:51Shall I leave it in here and go up to the wagon and get the rest of it?
25:54Oh, you're crazy. What do I want with all that snake poison?
25:56Get it out of here!
25:57Sounds like you ordered it.
25:59Ordered it? Why, they bought the whole kit and moodle.
26:01Eight and a half dozen bottles of the famous Dr. Hopkins pacifying panacea.
26:09Why don't you tell him where to deliver it?
26:11Yes, I can deliver it. Out to your ranch, maybe.
26:14Oh, I don't want to cause you all that trouble, old-timer.
26:17You just take it outside of town and I'll have Slim here get a wagon and take it off your hands.
26:21Well, it ain't no trouble at all.
26:22I'd like to take it out of your ranch because I'd like to know where my customers live.
26:26So I can look them up on my next trip in.
26:28No, you just take it outside and wait.
26:30Slim will give you the address when he meets you.
26:32Yeah? Well, I'd like to have your friend try a bottle of this. You'll enjoy it.
26:36Well, sure. I'll give him one.
26:38You beat it. We're busy.
26:40All right.
26:41Oh, I'd better leave a bottle of it for you.
26:45Because it's mighty good for lead poisoning.
26:51Good afternoon, brother.
26:52Lovely weather we're having.
27:01Well, are you fellas cutting me in?
27:03What if I was to tell you this ain't our deal? We ain't running it.
27:06Just about the way I figured it.
27:08You'll have till tonight to contact your boss.
27:12I'll be back in here then to meet him.
27:14I may have a few ideas of my own.
27:18Howdy, stranger.
27:19Been taking care of all right?
27:21Sure. Best sarsaparilla I ever drank.
27:26That's the bird that swiped our investigator.
27:28He's beating us to the impersonating.
27:30Wants to cut in on our deal.
27:31His name is Tom Steel.
27:32Tom Steel?
27:33Yeah, just broke out of Leavenworth.
27:34Get out there and tail him. Don't let him out of your sight.
27:37Roy, go over and get Miller.
27:39Come on in the back room.
27:53Come on.
28:13Good morning, my good friend.
28:15And a goodly morning, you dearest two.
28:18May I introduce myself to you, good neighbor?
28:20I'm the famous Dr. Sandy Hopkins.
28:23Discoverer and founder of the world's greatest pacifying panacea.
28:28Good for man, woman, and child.
28:30And may I inveigle you to throw a lip over this corn silk.
28:34It's as soft and smooth as a kitten's ear.
28:38Why don't you cut it out, Sandy?
28:40How are you?
28:43How are you, Buck?
28:44That was a good line.
28:46Well, change of technique.
28:48That's my motto.
28:50And it worked out all right, too.
28:53When I met you and Tim after he hornswoggled that investigator.
28:58You're about right there.
29:00Wonder what's keeping Tim.
29:01Who wants to know?
29:03Well, slap my cash.
29:06Why don't you call your shots, partner?
29:08And how did you get in this rigging?
29:10Well, I had to hide somewhere in a hurry to keep those fellows from trailing me.
29:13We better start comparing notes.
29:15I've got a date at sundown.
29:16So have I.
29:17Climb out of that rig and bring it back in this stick.
29:20Nobody can see us. Come on.
29:21All right.
29:24Tip Magnolia.
29:28That's the way it looks to me.
29:31I'm perfectly convinced that that kid is innocent.
29:33He didn't know anything about his old man being crooked.
29:35Well, you're sold on the fact that Mason and Miller are trying to get their hooks on this valley, huh?
29:40Yes, and they're going to do it unless we can pin something on them.
29:43He's right.
29:46First thing we've got to do is get that kid out of jail.
29:50Tim, it's up to you.
29:52We lose that old guy, you know.
29:54Kid breaks jail, still being accused of cattle rustling while he's out.
29:57I know.
29:58Well, the gang and I hold him prisoner, eh?
30:00That's right.
30:01And that way, they'll have to lead you to the hideout where you locate Mason and Miller.
30:06That's all right, Buck.
30:07But how about me?
30:10Tim will engineer that jail break at sunup, and he'll let you know where he's taking that kid.
30:14That'll give me a chance to check up on that cowhead of Maude Turner.
30:17Hey, by the way, I'm having supper with her tonight.
30:21I'm also going to invite myself for breakfast.
30:24Well, now, ain't that just like it?
30:25To ace himself in on the honey and biscuit.
30:27Sure, you know, the big engine.
30:32Never mind, I'll eat enough for the both of you.
30:34Yeah, and let's know how good it is when you see us later, huh?
30:37That's right.
30:39Hey, listen, if you're smart, you'll check up on that hideout.
30:41Maybe you'll be there in time for breakfast.
30:43That's a good idea.
30:45Tim, you better talk to him.
30:47Well, I don't know.
30:48This looks about as likely a spot as any for a meeting of the gang and the kid.
30:51What say, Sandy?
30:52Well, it's all right for me.
30:54Say, that gives me an idea.
30:57Hey, he's finally getting smart.
30:59Ah, remarkable.
31:02Well, come along, doctor.
31:04All right, sir.
31:06Now, I'll tell you.
31:07I'd like to sell you a bottle of this just to try for the entire family.
31:13What good end are you doing a dumb trick like that?
31:17You getting softened under the brain looking on that ranch of yours?
31:20Say, Ma, supper will be ready in about ten minutes.
31:22All right, Hope.
31:24But I don't fancy feeding badge-toting sapheads like you
31:28believing Steve guilty right off the bat.
31:30Oh, now, Ma, take it easy, will you?
31:32I ain't saying that Steve didn't kill the sheriff.
31:35Maybe he's telling the truth, maybe he ain't.
31:37And I ain't saying that Hope wasn't as crooked as a corkscrew.
31:41But I ain't dumb enough not to see
31:43that there's something powerful big back of all this
31:45and it don't end with the rustling and the killing.
31:48Hey, listen, Ma.
31:49What do you say you and I go out and take a look at the barn?
31:53My barn?
31:54Yeah, we just about got time before supper.
31:57Come on, cool down, will you?
32:00Fuck, Roberts, what's the matter with you?
32:02Cattle being rustled, men being killed,
32:04ranchers losing their homes,
32:06and you want to look at barns.
32:09Now, I know you're crazy.
32:11Give me a match.
32:13All right, Ma, but you got to keep your shirt on.
32:16Here you are.
32:29Come on, Ma.
32:35Now what?
32:38Hey, Dodge.
32:39Dodge, come on out.
32:46Damn sakes.
32:47I don't mind playing along with you.
32:49And I'll be doggone if I care for a hayloft.
32:51Who is this man?
32:52Who is he?
32:53Listen, Ma, quiet.
32:54That's the reason I hid him up here, to keep him out of sight.
32:56He's the indicator for the Cattlemen's Association.
32:59Just keep your hat on, I'll introduce you.
33:01Dodge, this is Ma.
33:05You two seem to like each other.
33:07Just keep your boots on your feet.
33:09I'll explain to him what this is all about.
33:11You know, when Dodge first came into this country on a stagecoach, we framed him.
33:15They had to hide him up here to keep him out of the way.
33:17And remember, don't tell Steele any more than you have to.
33:22He's got us on the spot, and we may have to play ball with him.
33:25And keep your mouth shut about Miller and me, understand?
33:28Steele's coming down the street now, heading for here.
33:30All right, Hogan, you know what to do.
33:47Oh, hello, Steele.
33:49Take a hand?
33:50Yeah, one hand.
33:55Well, I'm listening.
33:58I talked to the boss.
34:00He doesn't mind cutting you in if you can produce some ideas we can use.
34:04You see, we ain't got no special use for an investigator anymore.
34:08That's why you fellas are dumb.
34:10Just like leaving that Holt kid over there in jail.
34:13I don't care.
34:14I don't care.
34:15I don't care.
34:16I don't care.
34:17I don't care.
34:18I don't care.
34:19I don't care.
34:20I don't care.
34:21I don't care.
34:22Just like leaving that Holt kid over there in jail.
34:25What do you mean?
34:27Well, he's got the name, hasn't he?
34:29With him out of there and safely hidden away,
34:32we could carry on a profitable cattle business.
34:34And with the investigator on our side,
34:37we'd have that whole valley in our hands before the ranchers knew what hit them.
34:40Gee, that's right.
34:41We could spring him easy.
34:43The deputies guarding him are on our side.
34:45That's fine.
34:46Then fix it.
34:47But you've got to do it my way.
34:49I'll walk into that jail at sunup.
34:51We'll meet you out there at that live oak at the edge of town.
34:54Have your boss there.
34:56No stalling.
34:57Well, he'll be there.
34:59Slim, you get over to jail and tip off the deputies to expect you at sunup.
35:03We'll meet you at the big oak.
35:21Hey, what's all this?
35:22Who are you?
35:23My name's Dodd.
35:24I'm the special agent your father sent for.
35:26You're worth more to me outside than you are in here.
35:28But I don't think you're guilty.
35:29I'll say I'm not.
35:30This whole thing's a frame-up.
35:31Well, I've got horses right out back.
35:33Come this way.
35:36Well, I'm aboard.
35:42Well, I've got horses right out back.
35:43Come this way.
35:45Well, I'm aboard.
35:51Hey, where are we going?
35:52I'd like to see Ma Turner first.
35:53I want to have a talk with her daughter.
35:55Well, that's just where we're going.
35:56We're going to hide you out for a while.
35:58Come on, this way.
36:04Nice work, Steele.
36:05I couldn't have done better myself.
36:07Say, what is this?
36:08I thought you said your name was Dodd, and we were heading for Ma Turner's.
36:12Well, I have a little habit of saying things now and then I don't mean.
36:16Where's your boss?
36:17We're to meet him later.
36:18Speaking of Ma Turner, we decided to get rid of that marshal friend of hers.
36:22Who, Buck Roberts?
36:24Slim and a couple of the boys are over there now to pick him off.
36:27Well, that's not so smart.
36:29I had other ideas for him.
36:31Well, we think you're a pretty smart umber, Steele,
36:34but not smart enough to deal two hands at once.
36:36Come on, let's get going with the kid.
36:38Wait a minute.
36:39Where are you going to take him?
36:40We have a shack in Box Canyon.
36:42It's on Holt's North Range.
36:44The kid ought to feel quite at home there for a spell.
36:46You're crazy.
36:47There's no shack in those canyons.
36:49That's what you think.
36:50Your old man took care of that, too,
36:52the same as he did a lot of other things.
36:54Come on, we're wasting time.
37:14I just found out they're hiding an investigator up at the house.
37:45You know, I have that fellow Steele as a phony.
37:47He must be working with Ma and that Marshal,
37:49who's inside now having breakfast.
37:52Ma sent all the cowhands over to Holt Range
37:54to pick up her cattle.
37:56So you fellas go ahead.
37:57Blast them right at breakfast if you want to.
37:59Better get back.
38:00They're coming out of the house now.
38:14Now's your chance.
38:15No, not yet.
38:17You get back at the house and see what you can find out.
38:19We got to make sure of everything that Ma Turner knows.
38:22We might have to get her, too.
38:24I'll go around the back.
38:39One thing more that's worrying me, Buck.
38:41If we do catch Miller and Mason, especially Miller,
38:45what's going to happen to the rancher's loans?
38:49Oh, we'll worry about that, Ma, when we get to it.
38:56Maybe so.
39:08He's been listening to everything we said, Ma.
39:10Hey, Red's in a jam.
39:12Here's one of your rustlers, Ma.
39:14I've been watching him ever since I came to town.
39:16He's sneaking low down Polka.
39:19Come on.
39:23Ma, what's wrong?
39:28Oh, Ma!
39:29Ma, are you all right?
39:32I'm all right.
39:33Watch him, Ma.
39:36Get on your feet.
39:38If you start anything, I'll let you have it.
40:08How you setting, Buck?
40:31I tried to get here in time to warn you.
40:33I'm setting all right, Sandy.
40:34Only the fellow was following and got away.
40:36Well, maybe he's heading for their hideout,
40:38up in that box canyon on Holt's North Range.
40:40If we don't find it in time, Tim's liable to get in a jam.
40:43Well, let's hold him.
40:44Come on, let's go.
41:07I told you I wasn't wasting any time.
41:09Are you sure your bosses are here?
41:11We're sure.
41:12But I don't remember mentioning more than one.
41:14Tie him up and keep him outside.
41:16Get up there.
41:18But remember, no rough stuff with that kid.
41:21He's more important to us alive.
41:23Come on, Steele.
41:26This is Tom Steele, Chief.
41:28We've got Steve Holt outside.
41:30Howdy, Steele.
41:31How are you?
41:34Well, you can take the disguise off now, Mason.
41:37Where's your partner?
41:40How do you know who I am?
41:42Oh, I don't know.
41:43I didn't tell him.
41:44You told me yourself, Mason.
41:46You forgot to take off that dog chain.
41:51Kind of fast at seeing things, ain't you, Steele?
41:54Yeah, like the two horses outside.
41:56Where's your partner?
41:58That's one time you missed, Steele.
42:00I'm alone in this deal.
42:02I got a little horse bonus to one of the boys out back.
42:04Is that so?
42:12All right, Miller.
42:13You can come out of there now.
42:19What is it?
42:22Duke, what is this all about?
42:23Quit stalling, Miller.
42:25I told Hogan here that when I sit in the game,
42:27I want all the cards on the table.
42:29Can't expect me to swallow a lot of stuff like that Marshall did
42:31yesterday at the bank after Holt was shot.
42:34What do you mean?
42:35You wasn't even in time.
42:36I was at the back door.
42:38I let you go over to the saloon to wait for me like Miller
42:40ordered you to.
42:41All right, Steele.
42:42You win.
42:43I'll cut you in like Hogan and all the rest.
42:44No, you won't.
42:46I'm not interested in chicken feed.
42:48I want Holt's share of this valley when you fellas foreclose on
42:51these ranchers.
42:53Well, that's the deal he made for stalling the ranchers and
42:55hiding the Russell cattle so he could run them across the line.
42:58And that's my deal.
43:00Only I'm stalling him with a pocket full of credentials.
43:04Bring that Holt kid in here.
43:06I want him to know how he's going to be a goat for my plan of
43:08cleaning this deal up in a hurry.
43:10All right.
43:11Tell Roy to bring him in.
43:31I heard what you said when you made your deal.
43:34All right, if my father was guilty, he got just what was
43:37coming to him.
43:38But I think you double-crossed him because when you killed him,
43:40you didn't give him a chance.
43:41That just about sums it up, kid.
43:43Get your hands in the air.
43:45All of you.
43:52Now untie the kid.
43:54What is it, Steele?
43:55The name isn't Steele.
43:57It's United States Marshal McCall.
43:59Yeah, that's what we discovered over at Ma Turner's.
44:02All right, get him up.
44:06What happened?
44:08He's working with that Marshal.
44:10They got the investigator in hiding over at Ma Turner's.
44:13I tried to get the Marshal, but he was too fast for me.
44:16He shot him and Sam, but I gave him the slip.
44:19That means our deal's off.
44:20We'd better make a break for it.
44:21Just a minute.
44:22You and I have business in town first.
44:24Come on.
44:26Get that rope.
44:27We'll tie him up, too.
44:30Put a torch to this place.
44:31A little hot fire ought to finish him.
44:40We'll pitch this torch in from the outside.
44:42I hope you'll like the heat, Marshal.
44:48Wait a minute, Sandy.
44:50We're getting lucky.
44:51This is it.
44:52Sure boxed all right.
44:54Let's get after him.
45:17We had a hard time locating this shack.
45:19Look what you finally got here.
45:20You all right?
45:21Yeah, I'm all right.
45:22What is Buck?
45:23He's outside having the time of his life.
45:45Now you move away from here, and I'll kick your teeth right down your throat.
45:48I'm going to get my horse.
45:53Buck's still working on him.
45:58All right, you can get up off of there now.
46:00Get your hat.
46:05Wait a minute.
46:11How are you coming, Buck?
46:12Oh, pretty good.
46:13Where's Miller and Mason?
46:14They're headed for town.
46:15My guess, they're after the cash in Willard's box.
46:17I don't know what they're after.
46:19They're headed for town.
46:20My guess, they're after the cash in Miller's bank.
46:22Cash in Miller's bank, huh?
46:24Take over here, will you, Sandy, and bring them on in.
46:26Let's go.
46:30Well, I ain't going to stand watch on no dead bird while them two get in on the big killing.
46:35You bring them in, Steve.
46:37Steve, here's where the rough riders ride again.
46:50Let's go.
47:14I got $5,000 in that safe of mine, and I'm not going to leave it.
47:17I want to get those mortgages in the bank.
47:18I might be coming back here sometime.
47:19I'll see you out in back.
47:20All right.
47:45Hold it, Mason.
47:48You're not going anywhere.
47:51I'll take charge of this box.
48:00Nice collection you got, Miller.
48:03Wait a minute.
48:04I want to see those.
48:05Bring them out here.
48:19You know, just between you and you, I got a notion that's going to make you very happy.
48:26Start a fire.
48:29With these?
48:30You got the idea.
48:32My dear sirs, my mortgages are very valuable.
48:35That'll make them burn better.
48:37They're hot anyway.
48:39Put them in a stove.
48:40Why didn't you wait for me?
48:41Couldn't wait that long.
48:43I'm going down to the bank.
48:44Maybe you're not too late to give Buck a hand.
48:46Aw, excuse you.
48:47Why didn't you wait for me?
49:02Couldn't wait that long.
49:03Go on down to the bank.
49:05Maybe you're not too late to give Buck a hand.
49:07Oh, I'll give you.
49:09That's one of the best law men in the country.
49:12I can't help ribbing him now and then.
49:15Come on.
49:16I asked them we're customers, Maul.
49:20Here you are, sweetheart.
49:23They're all yours now.
49:25I don't know of a better sheriff to take charge until the town has a chance to elect a new
49:36If I don't think I'm going to run for it myself.
49:37That's not a bad idea.
49:38I'll bet you'd be elected, too.
49:39I know she would.
49:40I wish I could stay here and campaign for you, Maul.
49:41Get out of here.
49:43Say, Buck, me and them ranchers wanted to know something important.
49:49What happened to them mortgages Miller's got?
49:59What mortgages?
50:00Oh, let me see.
50:01I'll bet those are the papers that Miller was burning in that bank's stove when I nabbed
50:06Yes, sir.
50:07I'll bet that was them.
50:09So long, Maul.
50:11Oh, gee, Maul.
50:13Aren't they swell?
50:15They don't come any better.
50:17Not anywheres in the land.
50:21Good luck, Buck.
50:22Good luck.
50:23Good luck.
50:24Good luck.
50:29Well, I guess that wind's out of my favor.
50:33Well, I guess that winds up another mess of trouble.
50:39You know, Arizona's going to look mighty good to me.
50:41Yeah, but not half as good as Wyoming looks to me.
50:44Well, you can have the both of them.
50:47Texas is my hitch and boat.
50:49Well, so long, Rough Riders.
50:51So long, Rough Riders.
50:52So long, Rough Riders.
50:53The Rough Riders ride.
50:55The Rough Riders ride.
50:56Take care.
50:57There's a fine bunch of fighters in the land, chasing every rustler and guerrilla band.
51:08The Rough Riders watch the trail.
51:11The Rough Riders never fail.