• 4年前
位于亚利桑那州的大峡谷国家公园是大峡谷大部分地区的所在地, 其层状红色岩石带揭示了数百万年的地质历史. 观景点包括 "Mather Point", "Yavapai", "Mary Colter", "Lookout Studio" 观测站和沙漠景观瞭望塔, 峡谷和科罗拉多河的广阔景色很受欢迎, 尤其是在日出和日落时分. 大峡谷国家公园被称作是大自然的伤疤, 到那里可以领略自然的美. 每年都有来自全世界各地的人们去那里游玩, 在那里看一下自然的作品, 是很久以前偶然间的地质活动造成的, 也能算是出自大自然的一个杰作, 不得不感慨一下大自然的鬼斧神工. 公园大体上被分为两个部分, 分别是南北园区.....

Scars Of Nature:--
Grand Canyon National Park, in Arizona, is home to much of the immense Grand Canyon, with its layered bands of red rock revealing millions of years of geological history. Viewpoints include Mather Point, Yavapai Observation Station and architect Mary Colter’s Lookout Studio and her Desert View Watch Tower. Lipan Point, with wide views of the canyon and Colorado River, is a popular, especially at sunrise and sunset. The Grand Canyon National Park is called the "scar of nature", where you can appreciate the beauty of nature. Every year, people from all over the world go there and see the works of nature there. It is a geological activity that happened long ago. The feature can also be regarded as a masterpiece from nature with the extraordinary craftsmanship of Earth. The park is roughly divided into two parts, namely the north and south parks...


