04:40I'm glad to see you fit for duty again, Mason.
04:44I've, uh, granted your request.
04:47Thank you, sir.
04:49The man who murdered old LeGrew, the trapper,
04:53is the same one who shot you.
04:57This is all we have to work on.
05:05Uh, you won't find him on this side of the line.
05:08Somewhere in the States is the place to look.
05:12And once there, you will be on your own.
05:17I'll leave now, sir.
05:19That is, as soon as I change my uniform.
05:23Good luck, Mason.
05:26You will get your man.
05:29I won't come back till I do, sir.
05:31That's the spirit. Good luck.
05:35Thank you, sir.
06:16Long years, huh?
06:23When I ain't long years, you ain't.
06:27Come on.
06:28Too bad you can't talk back to me.
06:31All you do is just wiggle your ears.
06:34Maybe you're as lonesome as me, if you could only talk.
07:22Smells like food.
07:24Let's see how welcome we are.
08:25You stay where you are.
08:27I don't know you, mister.
08:32Well, that's no way to welcome a stranger.
08:56Oh, gee.
09:11Now look what you went and done.
09:13And that was the last of my bacon.
09:16Cheer up, partner.
09:17That might be the last of yours.
09:19But I've got plenty in my saddlebag.
09:21And being that you've got the fire made and the coffee boiling,
09:24I'll supply the rest of the dinner.
09:28Come on.
09:30Come on.
09:31Come on.
09:32Come on.
09:50Did you find Andy?
09:52Not a sign of him.
09:54You know, that young scamp has disappeared as completely as some of our horses.
09:57But when I get a hold of him, I'll, uh...
10:00You won't do anything of the kind, Dad.
10:02You can't blame him for running away.
10:04And besides, when he's hungry, he'll come home.
10:07Yes, in the meantime, cause me to lose a lot of sleep wondering where he is.
10:14I don't suppose you ever ran away when you were a boy, did you, Dad?
10:18Well, now, that was different.
10:21But when I get a hold of Andy...
10:23Andy, hitch up the buckboard.
10:25I'm going into town.
10:26All right.
10:28You can come along with me if you want to, Marion.
10:30All right, Dad.
10:35Go ahead now.
10:36Finish your yarn.
10:38Why did you run away from your folks?
10:40Well, they ain't my folks.
10:42I've been living with my Uncle Luke Kirby and my cousin Marion.
10:46I ain't got no folks other than them.
10:50All they do is raise horses.
10:52And all I see is horses.
10:54And I get sick of looking at horses.
11:01That's why you like mules.
11:03You just trail on back with me.
11:05I'm heading for town.
11:07And as soon as I get located, we'll go out to your uncle's ranch.
11:10And you better stay there if you know what's good for you.
11:13Let's break camp.
11:14Come on.
11:23We'll make good business.
11:24We're going to see the boys.
11:25We'll take care of it.
11:28¿Qué tal, amigo?
11:29¿Qué tal?
11:30¿Cómo te va?
11:31¿Qué tal, hombre?
11:32¿Cómo están los business?
11:33Business very good.
11:35Marcha bien temporada.
11:37¿Qué tal, amigo?
11:39¿Qué tal, amigo?
11:40¿Qué tal, amigo?
11:41¿Qué tal, amigo?
11:43Ah, good evening.
11:45What luck.
11:46Ah, we have much luck.
11:48On the east side of the ranch, we find 200 heads of the good horses.
11:53Good work.
11:54Where are they now?
11:55Oh, my friend, you should ask me such a question.
11:58The horses now are across the line.
12:00And by this time tomorrow, they'll be so far away, nobody will ever find them no more.
12:08Come on, let's go out and the treats are on me.
12:11All right.
12:12We maybe get drunk if I do.
12:17It's empty, Frank.
12:18Let's have a new deal.
12:21Private stuff.
12:24Let's have a bottle of wine.
12:26There you are.
12:29Well, Marsh, you've certainly earned this.
12:32We ought to take a drink.
12:42Let's go.
12:56They raided east end of your range again.
12:59They cornered and drove off about 200 heads.
13:02I was alone, so I couldn't do anything to stop it.
13:05You get back to the ranch and tell the boys to keep their eyes on the rest of the stock.
13:08We'll head for town and get the marshal on this.
13:11Yes, sir.
13:24Going out to the ranch this afternoon, Tom?
13:26Well, I think so.
13:42Back up.
13:54I don't like this idea, Bill.
13:56Because I know when my uncle gets a hold of me, he's going to wham me.
14:02Well, maybe you got it coming to you, Andy.
14:06But I'll talk to him.
14:13I'll hold your team, Mr. Kirby.
14:15Oh, I thank you.
14:21There's the young scamp.
14:22You go get him, Marion.
14:24I've got to see the marshal.
14:27Now you have done it.
14:38Wait a minute.
14:39Wait a minute.
14:46You good-for-nothing little tramp.
14:49I ain't no tramp, am I?
14:52No, sir.
14:53I mean, no, ma'am.
14:55He's no tramp.
14:56At least he didn't strike me that way.
15:00This is the third time you've ran away from home, Andy Talbot.
15:04And you're sure going to catch it.
15:06All right.
15:07All right.
15:08All right.
15:18Marion, this is my friend Bill Mason.
15:26Marion Kirby.
15:28How do you do?
15:31How do you do, Miss Marion?
15:34He's forever running away, and Dad has enough worries.
15:37You know, they've just driven off another band of our horses.
15:45Well, we're not sure, but we think it's Calhoun's men.
15:58I see.
16:00Marshal, this thing has got to stop.
16:02I've lost close to 500 head of horses the last year,
16:06and I'm not the only rancher who's lost stock.
16:08Something's got to be done about it.
16:10We got two of them six months ago.
16:12Yes, you hung them, but that didn't stop the horse stealing any.
16:17Now, there's only one way you'll stop this, Marshal,
16:19and that's to get the ringleader and give him the short end of a rope.
16:23And if you don't take action, I'll organize a vigilante committee.
16:27We're not raising horses in this country for thieves to make away with.
16:37Well, I will say one thing.
16:39This fella, he raises mighty good horses.
16:43Como que son los mejores que he viste desde que vine de México.
16:51Hello, Dad.
16:52This is Mr. Mason.
16:54He brought Andy home.
16:55Glad to know you. I'm a desert, sir.
16:57How do you do?
16:58And when I get you home, you'll be a desert.
17:00I'll be a desert.
17:01I'll be a desert.
17:02I'll be a desert.
17:03I'll be a desert.
17:04How do you do?
17:05And when I get you home, you're going to get it.
17:09Well, if you'll excuse me, I kind of promised him if he'd come home with me
17:13that you wouldn't give it to him.
17:16Of course, I realized that he has it coming to him.
17:20Well, no harm done.
17:22We'll pass it this time.
17:24But glad to know you, and thanks again.
17:26And if you ever get lonesome, why, drop off the ranch and see us.
17:29We live close to town.
17:41Kirby is right.
17:43This horse stealing has got to stop.
17:46It's either a case of the horsemen and cattlemen owning this country
17:49or the horse thieves.
17:51It can't be both.
17:53We'll form a vigilantes committee, and we'll do it now.
17:57Maybe you could direct me where I could find quarters for myself and horses.
18:00I have two of them.
18:01Well, I say, young fellow, you can keep your horses in my stable
18:04back of my office across the street.
18:08And prior to here, I'll put you up in the cantina.
18:11We got a room right at the head of the stairs.
18:15I'll move in now if you don't mind.
18:17Go ahead.
18:18The door is open.
18:19You stay right here with Marion.
18:20I have some shopping to do.
18:24And when we get ready to go home, you'd better follow us
18:26and not try to run away again.
18:31Say, did you tell Bill where we lived and how to get there?
18:35No, I didn't.
18:36Did you?
18:38You're just like all girls.
18:42By Andy Talbot.
18:50Oh, I'm awful sorry, sir.
18:53One of your clues here.
19:07Are you hurt, Andy?
19:09I don't think so.
19:18You'll apologize to the boys.
19:21Oh, yeah?
19:27All right.
19:31Take this.
19:32Get him!
19:33Get him.
19:34Get him.
19:35Go on.
19:36Get him!
19:37Get him.
19:48Get him.
19:49Get him.
19:50Get him now.
19:51I have to call him up.
19:55We're going to put him in Mass.
19:56I. Will
20:08settle this later when we're alone. So it's me
20:15It is.
20:25The I'm sorry Bill I came to tell you how to get to our ranch in case you didn't
20:30know we live two miles out in the border right thanks Andy I'll be seeing you
20:45I wonder. Why are you
20:51saying. I just wonder.
21:08We don't aim to take the law out of your hand Marshall but something has to be
21:13done no on the other hand by forming this committee we aim to cooperate with you
21:19we intend to clean up this territory and make it possible for
21:23a man's horses and cattle to range and safety. Who do you figure is putting in
21:27charge of this committee well we don't know we want to get
21:31a man who's not afraid of Calhoun in this crowd. There's only one man in this
21:37town that I've seen during the last six months that wasn't afraid of Calhoun and
21:41his crowd. Who do you mean. I mean the young stranger
21:48a little Mason. I call me we were just speaking about you
21:54yeah. You know what you hit the other day
22:01I have no idea that was Calhoun the noted bad man around here we
22:07suspected him and his gang of horse stealing but we haven't been able to pin
22:11anything on them well what's that got to do with me we're forming
22:16a vigilante committee Mr Mason and you're the only man that's had the nerve to
22:20stand up against Calhoun now we'd like to know if you would have this committee
22:25before you say yes let me warn you it's going to be
22:29a hard job I'll accept under one condition gentlemen
22:37that I have my own way to accept
22:47the job and you're not afraid of Calhoun I accept and I don't
22:53think I'm afraid of.
23:08You stand you stand here and you're Calhoun. I'm I'm here I'm myself
23:16but now I'm going to make me and I'm still back then and Bill goes like it. And that's
23:21me and then he goes. And you should have seen Calhoun right down in that
23:26way and you should have seen Calhoun right down in that corner.
23:49Then then what happened well then Bill stands back and Calhoun got up then he
23:54slammed him again and.
24:09And then Bill got going like this. And boy did Calhoun take it.
24:19I was looking for your father. But I guess you didn't hear me.
24:25Father's in the grand. Oh I must have missed it I want to see if he'd tell me some
24:30horses but I really couldn't tell you about that you have to see him yourself. I take
24:36it these horses out here on the ranch years.
24:43Yes those are our horses they've got our brand on them too.
24:47I suppose you don't mind if I wait for your father do you know not at all come
24:52right in.
25:16Sorry about that incident the other day young fellow I didn't mean to hurt you.
25:24You didn't hurt me half as much as Bill Mason did you.
25:32Oh I was just a misunderstanding I'll explain that to Mason sometime I would if I
25:37was you. But you need is a darn good like.
26:01Come quick.
26:22One you don't want to my man.
26:28I didn't know we belong to but we certainly found him in bad company you'll turn him
26:33loose. At the end of a rope Mr No other way.
26:54We'd like to have your father come out and identify some horses that this fellow is
26:57driving off. My father's in the grand day.
27:04Oh well just tell him that we'll take the prisoner back to town if he has time we'd
27:09like to have him come down and take a look at him all right I'll do that.
27:37If you've got the defense to offer for this fellow you better make it quick because
27:41it won't keep much longer than overnight.
28:16Will take
28:39no chances. Our first move will be to tell the vigilantes and Bill Mason are looking
28:44for him we'll make
28:45a clean up of the rain corner every horse in the area of twenty miles swing them
28:50a band head them across the border. When do we start tonight. We go to
28:57a night out yes we don't have string him up daybreak tomorrow sees us round up
29:02every horse brand or no brand this will be our last call here come on let's get
29:15I'm going off.
29:31All right.
29:37You want to make it make sense but here's
29:39a person. That's
29:46fun five others running off a string of horses and we challenge them they open fire
29:50and took it on the run but this fellow wasn't quick enough. You got to prove we
29:56are still in the Mr I'm
29:58a cow and we was rounding up them horses and separating them from our own when you
30:02come along. I never knew that you or any of the gang that you travel with ever
30:08owned any or.
30:18I'll bring him up why waste any more time I'll get
30:20a rope that be no rope needed I was handed the job of cleaning up this town I'm
30:24going to do it my way and the first one to pass the rope here will be met by
30:28a but step up yes. I'm not.
30:46We want to use that spare room we are right you see we never had no jail here
30:51course you can use it Marshall ain't been used for anything much except cardroom
30:56storeroom or anything the boys want to make of it.
31:15I guess this will hold them.
31:37I've got them.
31:38Up. And you know I don't have
31:43a very good start.
31:53Here's the key Marshall. You take care of it.
32:00OK. Well that's a good start Bill thank you Marshall
32:06what's your pleasure gentlemen.
32:08I'm not really good.
32:34I'm just here to warn you to give Dwyer
32:36a fair trial you get the same trial any other man would get charged with the same
32:41offense. Stealing is
32:43a capital crime in this territory I wasn't talking to you. You don't seem to be
32:49running this game now he's not I am let me tell you that if another horse leaves
32:56this grazing ground we're going to have
32:58a roundup that will be talked from here to the Canadian border.
33:06Did you ever hear of Canada.
33:16I feel like the charm of your watch chain. I never owned a watch John.
33:24And Canada is a long ways off.
33:30Canada is a lot closer than you think. Mr Calhoun.
33:36I. Have
33:43a drink boys.
33:51If that door closed and don't let anyone in or out I guess I'll see that he gets
33:57something to eat.
34:37That's what we've been waiting for our time you have
34:48a lot of range and tell the boys how to start their drive get every horse you can
34:52say Sam Jake you stay with me. I'm counting on you to see that the curbies don't get
34:58out of that house of theirs and give the alarm you understand where the answer not
35:02that you boys better stay with me to my grand wakes up in the morning they'll find
35:07we own the town. Yeah but go home you seem to be forgetting that fellow Mason and
35:13the vigilante. I'm not forgetting Mason or the vigilante.
35:19Mason. You leave him to me. Come on let's get going.
35:31I don't want to get started and get every horse I can say OK.
38:15Greetings, amigo!
38:16Good morning, senor.
38:18I have business with you this morning, senor.
38:21Well, after breakfast, a better time. Not now.
38:25Ah, I'm very sorry.
38:28But my business, he will not wait.
38:31So, maybe it's best you come in the house now, huh?
39:01Very sorry, senor.
39:03But we don't wish to hurt you.
39:06And our business, he will not take long.
39:09So, let's go.
39:11Let's go.
39:13Let's go.
39:15Let's go.
39:17Let's go.
39:19Let's go.
39:21Let's go.
39:23Let's go.
39:25Let's go.
39:27Let's go.
39:29Let's go.
39:31No, he will not take long.
39:34Oh, you don't believe, huh?
39:37Ah, give a look.
39:54You'll swing for this.
39:58Maybe so.
39:59Well, who can tell?
40:29Let's go.
41:41I'm sorry to keep you here, senor.
41:45Maybe you get tired.
41:47No, I'm not tired.
41:49Well, we stand up.
41:52It's all the same to me.
41:54Maybe you like to smoke.
41:55I don't smoke.
41:56Oh, well, I take one smoke, huh?
41:59Go ahead and smoke.
42:58Coming, coming.
42:59Watch your parade.
43:05All right, reach for the ceiling.
43:06Keep him there.
43:13All right, put him up.
43:15Stay where you are and don't make a sound.
43:27We have a hanging schedule for this morning, gentlemen.
43:33And it's going to take place...
44:29Come on, Hank, get me out of these.
44:30Don't worry, Dwayne.
44:31We'll get you out of this.
44:37Oh, boy.
44:40Well, what's the matter?
44:42One of Calhoun's men is holding Dad and Andy at the ranch.
44:46Well, we'll go over and get Mason now.
44:47Don't you worry.
44:48We'll be all right.
44:58Don't make a move, Marshal.
44:59Here we are, Marshal.
45:00Come along, you.
45:01They'll make no chances on you.
45:03Go ahead, Marshal.
45:06Get in there.
45:07Come on, Marshal.
45:08Get over here.
45:12And you know what's good for you?
45:13You won't reach for that gun.
45:16That's what's going to turn on the tables, eh?
45:19String me up, will you?
45:24There you are, Mr. Remeris.
45:26I hope you enjoy your wait.
45:28Our business, he will not take long.
45:31Come on, Andy.
45:32We've got work to do.
46:23I'm going out of here, but you're going out ahead of me, and if they get me, they'll
46:33get you first.
46:34Come on.
46:35You're hanging me over the edge of a tree, and I'm hanging you over the edge of a tree.
47:05Your hanging may have been delayed, but from the looks of things, you're going to have
47:10Come on.
47:11Get out.
47:12Where's Calhoun?
47:13Gone, I guess.
47:14Take care of Mary, and don't let him get away from you again.
47:25All right, Calhoun, just roll out of town that way.
47:45Come on, boys, we've got to get him.
47:54Come on, boys, we've got to get him.
48:18Come on, boys, we've got to get him.
48:42Come on, boys, we've got to get him.
49:06Come on, boys, we've got to get him.
49:33Come on, boys, we've got to get him.
50:01Come on, boys, we've got to get him.
50:24You all right?
50:26It's too bad, though.
50:27He just saved us a lot of trouble.
50:44What does this mean?
50:47It means that Calhoun's heading north with me.
50:49He's come to the end of his trail.
50:51All right, Mason.
50:53I knew you were on my trail.
50:55I knew that the Northwest Monarch police never let up.
50:58But I didn't think you'd ever catch me.
51:02We wanted him for horse stealing.
51:06That's a question, Marshal.
51:07You've got him, and I've got him.
51:09Now, who takes him?
51:10I think it would be a shame to waste a good rope on him.
51:14And being as my horses he's been stealing,
51:16I think I've got some voice in this matter.
51:18I say give him to Mason.
51:22You win.
51:25Thank you, Marshal.
51:37So long, Mason.
51:38We owe you a vote of thanks.
51:40Yes, and more than that.
51:42After you've taken your prisoner up north,
51:44if you feel like coming back, I'd be mighty glad to see you.
51:49We sure will.
51:51And there's someone else here I think has the same thoughts.
52:08Excuse me, gentlemen.
52:14Running away again, eh?
52:18I'll teach you, young fellow.
52:21Believe me, this is going to hurt me more than it does you.
52:24Oh, oh, don't you believe it!