• 4 years ago


04:08May I be the first to congratulate you, Dr. Stone?
04:11My compliments, Dr. Cornish.
04:14Goodbye, Louise.
04:16I got a grand surprise.
04:18What is it?
04:20John Kendi, Curie Dormitory, Hoskins University.
04:23Your letter received.
04:25Have conferred with Dean on work you, Stone, and Cornish have been doing.
04:28We'll be pleased to have all three associated with us.
04:32Arnold Research Laboratories.
04:35Well, well, where are your cheers?
04:37Well, it's a fine, fine offer, John, but I...
04:39When did you write them?
04:40Last month, when we decided to work together after graduation.
04:43But we have nothing to gain by joining Arnold Research.
04:46Nothing to gain?
04:47You mean you'd refuse the support and facilities of Arnold Research?
04:51I think Bob is right.
04:52It's our dream, our brainchild, and we three should work it out together.
04:56We went through the preliminary stages.
04:57Why let anyone else tamper with it?
04:59But they're equipped to...
05:00Well, their advantage is to be our disadvantage.
05:02Our work is purely scientific.
05:04Arnold Research is a commercial organization.
05:07They would never be in sympathy with the thing that we want to accomplish.
05:09We could do in one year what would take us five with our limited means.
05:13They'll get the credit.
05:15I'm not interested in credit.
05:16I'm concerned only with the accomplishment.
05:20I'm sorry, but you don't understand me.
05:24I'll go on alone.
05:54I'll go on alone.
05:55I'll go on alone.
05:56I'll go on alone.
05:57I'll go on alone.
05:58I'll go on alone.
05:59I'll go on alone.
06:00I'll go on alone.
06:01I'll go on alone.
06:02I'll go on alone.
06:03I'll go on alone.
06:04I'll go on alone.
06:05I'll go on alone.
06:06I'll go on alone.
06:07I'll go on alone.
06:08I'll go on alone.
06:09I'll go on alone.
06:10I'll go on alone.
06:11I'll go on alone.
06:12I'll go on alone.
06:13I'll go on alone.
06:14I'll go on alone.
06:15I'll go on alone.
06:16I'll go on alone.
06:17I'll go on alone.
06:18I'll go on alone.
06:19I'll go on alone.
06:20I'll go on alone.
06:21I'll go on alone.
06:22I'll go on alone.
06:23I'll go on alone.
06:24I'll go on alone.
06:25I'll go on alone.
06:26I'll go on alone.
06:27I'll go on alone.
06:28I'll go on alone.
06:29I'll go on alone.
06:30I'll go on alone.
06:31I'll go on alone.
06:32I'll go on alone.
06:33I'll go on alone.
06:34I'll go on alone.
06:35I'll go on alone.
06:36I'll go on alone.
06:37I'll go on alone.
06:38I'll go on alone.
06:39I'll go on alone.
06:40I'll go on alone.
06:41I'll go on alone.
06:42I'll go on alone.
06:43I'll go on alone.
06:44I'll go on alone.
06:45I'll go on alone.
06:46I'll go on alone.
06:47I'll go on alone.
06:48I'll go on alone.
06:49I'll go on alone.
06:51I'll go on alone.
07:00Dr. Kendrick had been delayed at the laboratory.
07:03He'll be here any minute now.
07:13Come in.
07:18Have you been able to locate my husband?
07:20No, Mrs. Kendrick.
07:21He's at the lab.
07:22But his orders are not to disturb him.
07:24Do you suppose they're waiting?
07:26Oh, yes.
07:27They always have.
07:30One of these days, they won't.
07:32Dr. Kendrick.
07:52Ask not to be disturbed, Dr. James.
07:55Tell him to come into my office when he is clear.
07:58Mr. Arnold is here.
08:00Not a bad report at all, Dr. James.
08:03The new gelatin worked out nicely,
08:05and I trust profitably.
08:08Oh, it'll show a healthy profit for us, yes.
08:11Dr. Wheeler's non-fattening salad dressing
08:14seems to have caught on with the public.
08:16Yes, that'll put us in the black, too.
08:19What did Kendrick want to see me about?
08:21Well, Mr. Arnold, he needs a new piece of equipment,
08:27which he claims is most vital for his work.
08:31Look here.
08:32His full experiment has cost us plenty.
08:34And even if his theory works,
08:36I don't see how we can capitalize on it.
08:38Well, wasn't it your idea to keep his work before the public?
08:44Aren't we a philanthropic institution?
08:46But I am beginning to think he's entirely hopeless.
08:49And it's only a waste of money.
08:53Get him in here.
08:56Just a minute, please.
09:00Yes, Dr. James.
09:01He'll be through any minute now.
09:06Better luck next time, doctor.
09:10If it had the osteothermopath,
09:11the results might have been different.
09:14Mr. Arnold and Dr. James are waiting to see you.
09:16Oh, that's splendid.
09:17It's about the new apparatus.
09:19Get me that order, will you?
09:21Yes, sir.
09:34I've waited nearly a week for the osteothermopath.
09:36Will you kindly sign the order?
09:38Well, it's a very expensive apparatus,
09:42and useful only in your particular experiment.
09:46But I absolutely must have it.
09:47As a matter of fact, Kendrick,
09:49Dr. James and I have just been discussing your pet theory.
09:53Well, gentlemen, please don't take up my time, will you?
09:55Why, we appreciate all the time and energy
09:59that you have devoted to this.
10:00We feel it's time to become practical.
10:05Well, nothing more practical has been thought of
10:07since the beginning of time.
10:10To bring the dead back to life.
10:16And you tell me I'm not practical.
10:19Oh, maybe so.
10:20Maybe so.
10:21But we want this foundation to help the living to live better.
10:24To give them better facial creams,
10:27better nail polish, better dandruff cure.
10:30All for a nominal sum.
10:33But, gentlemen, all I want is this apparatus.
10:37Yes, but, doctor, we feel that your experiment
10:40is a dubious one and not...
10:43Not a commercial possibility at all.
10:45Well, no.
10:46No, no, we shouldn't think of the reward.
10:48We, we...
10:49But, doctor, please, please.
10:51Don't, don't think that we fail to appreciate your talents.
10:55In fact, I, I have persuaded Mr. Arnold
10:58that you are just the man for a research project
11:02that he is very anxious to subsidize.
11:05And one of real importance.
11:07Mr. Arnold has a financial interest
11:10in a Midwest packing plant.
11:12He needs you to help him create
11:14the finest hair restoring brushes in the market.
11:21A very important by-product of pigs.
11:27Bristles come from pigs and bristles make brushes.
11:30And after the bristles have been treated medicinally by you,
11:33we have the best hair growing brushes on the market
11:36and bound to be a big seller.
11:42But I...
11:45You'll have to excuse me, gentlemen.
11:47I, I couldn't, you see.
11:49I wouldn't know how.
11:51It's not my...
12:13The finest brushes in the world.
12:19What a gift to humanity.
13:06Missus Vandergrip, Missus Sattelwaite, Missus...
13:09I'm afraid I can't see them.
13:11Please send them away.
13:17If you send them away, you're sending our livelihood away.
13:20If you're willing to risk everything for your great experiment, I'm not.
13:24We have Danny to think of. He needs us. That's my great experiment.
13:30Oh, John. I understand you.
13:33But why can't you be a little more practical?
13:43Down to earth.
13:45The best brushes on the market.
13:47Is that what you want? Is that what you want?
13:49John, what's wrong?
13:53Oh, I'm sorry.
13:57Forgive me.
13:59You see, I had a...
14:01I had a little disappointment today.
14:05Oh, yes. The patients are waiting.
14:08All right, dear. I'll see them.
14:21The doctor will see you now, Miss Raymond.
14:23Oh, thank you.
14:25I'm sorry.
14:27The doctor will see you now, Miss Raymond.
14:29Oh, thank you.
14:37How do you do, doctor?
14:38How do you do?
14:39I took that medicine you gave me and I feel a lot better.
14:42What do you want me to do now?
14:46Is there any medicine for it?
14:50Oh, excuse me.
14:52What was that again, please?
14:54Well, I was just saying that I've been taking the medicine and was feeling better.
14:58Oh, yes. Yes.
15:00Well, I...
15:02I'm his boy, aren't you, Danny?
15:04I'm his boy.
15:06Is everything all right?
15:08Fine. He's already seen six patients.
15:10He'll be all right.
15:12I hope so.
15:14He agreed to see them.
15:18But I'm a little frightened, Margaret.
15:20Something's happened to him.
15:24Oh, I'm so worried.
15:26I'd better get back, Mrs. Kendrick.
15:32Hello, doctor!
15:34How are you today?
15:36Well, there's nothing wrong with me.
15:38But supposing a person had nothing to matter with and dies of it.
15:40What didn't you have to matter with them?
15:42Now, doctor, I'm sure, I'm absolutely sure that the dream I had last night has a very, very vital importance.
15:48You see, I dreamt I was in a huge palace, perfectly huge, and there was a man.
15:52He was dressed in a blue uniform.
15:54No, it was red. I remember now distinctly.
15:56It was red with gold epaulets.
15:58And he came up to me and what he said...
16:00Well, of course.
16:02If you were the doctor, I couldn't tell you this.
16:04Now, the point I want to stress, doctor, is that this man had black hair and blue eyes.
16:10And my husband, Theodore, is a distinctly blonde type with blue eyes.
16:12You simply must explain this dream to me, doctor, because I've been terribly suffering.
16:16I've been terribly suffering from these dreams every single night.
16:20Get out of here.
16:22You can't talk like that to me.
16:24I'll... I'll tell my husband.
16:26Get out!
16:28You were skeptical and hostile before I began to speak.
16:46But I say to you, I'm not attempting the impossible.
16:48This is a purely scientific problem, and its scientific solution is at hand.
16:54I don't claim to be able to perform any miracles.
16:58Nor do I promise, like Simon the sorcerer, to be able to raise the dead from the graves.
17:02But do you realize that 50,000 human lives are lost each year in this country from violent shocks, drowning, asphyxiation, and similar causes?
17:12Thousands and thousands were gassed in the trenches.
17:16Now, in most of these cases, the tissue structure of the body is not destroyed.
17:23The heart merely ceases to be.
17:26And I will have the formula that will start the blood circulating again, and with it, breath, and with it, life.
17:40Laugh, if you must.
17:41Columbus, Galileo, and the wonderful Madame Curie, whose radium discovery made that so-called incurable disease a lesser evil, were all laughter.
17:53I say to you here and now, when I complete my experiments, I shall be able to bring the dead back to life.
18:24John, it's good to see you again.
18:27Did you hear my paper?
18:30No, I just arrived.
18:33Soon enough to hear the fools ridicule me.
18:36Don't let it hurt you, John.
18:38No, I'm beyond their ridicule.
18:41I have faith in my theory, and faith survives.
18:44So have Cornish and I. We believe in you.
18:49But let's be honest with each other, John.
18:51You can hide what's in your heart from the others, but not from us.
18:54We're your friends.
18:56We can help you.
18:59Thank you both.
19:01I don't need any help.
19:03I'm a solid alone.
19:19Danny, stay out of my way, will you please?
19:48Go on.
19:50Come on, the plane's taking off!
19:59Alexstra, read all about it, 50 people killed, this plane turns over! Alexstra!
20:06Read all about it, 50 people killed, this plane overturns! Alexstra!
20:1550 people killed, this plane overturns! Alexstra!
20:29This plane overturns! Alexstra! Alexstra! Read all about it, Alexstra!
20:36Extra paper, extra paper, extra paper.
20:42Jenny, I couldn't sell any.
20:45Oh, you've got to know how. Come on, let's hear you yell.
20:49Extra paper, extra paper.
20:52Oh, come on, put some pep into it. Don't you know how to yell?
20:57Oh, you'll never sell a paper.
21:01Extra paper.
21:06Yes, but you still need practice. Go on.
21:12Extra paper.
21:14Hurry, old boy!
21:22Gee, Scooter, you did better than me!
21:28Come on.
21:34Here's your paper.
21:36Oh, thank you.
21:39Keep it, though, small knife.
21:43Here, take one.
21:45Thanks, but I want to buy some of those for my mother.
21:50It's her birthday today.
21:52Oh, that's different.
21:54Here, take this bunch of violets.
21:58Never mind, I can't sell them and they'll die overnight anyway.
22:04Oh, gee, thanks.
22:09Come on, Scooter.
22:25You can't come in here, son.
22:27But I live here.
22:29Yes, I know, I know.
22:31Sit down.
22:33I want my mother.
22:35I want my mother!
22:37Sit down there. Everything's going to be all right.
22:54What is it?
22:56What's happened? Mary?
22:58Mr. Hendrick, I didn't have time to make a thorough examination,
23:02but I think it was a case of...
23:06There wasn't a thing we could do.
23:11Oh, Mom!
23:13Oh, Mom!
23:15Oh, Mom!
23:17Oh, Mom!
23:19Oh, Mom!
23:21Oh, Mom!
23:22Oh, Mom!
23:24Oh, Mom, speak to me, Mom!
23:38And because the testimony of the witnesses and the investigator
23:42proves beyond contention or doubt
23:44the irresponsible and dissolute character of the parent,
23:47we respectfully request,
23:49in compliance with Article 1367, Section 7 of the State Code,
23:53Daniel Hendrick be placed in the charge of the County Juvenile Hall.
23:59Dr. Hendrick, have you anything to say?
24:04Dr. Hendrick.
24:10Do you realize that this hearing is to determine
24:13whether or not you are the proper guardian for your son?
24:16You're going to determine
24:18whether I'm the proper guardian for my own son?
24:21It has been shown that you haven't the means to take care of him.
24:24You haven't practiced for five years.
24:27And why?
24:29Because I lost a successful practice
24:31attempting to work out an experiment,
24:33and I was succeeding.
24:35I tell you, I was succeeding!
24:39They wouldn't let me go on.
24:41They stopped me.
24:42They stopped me.
24:44Really, Dr. Hendrick, this has no bearing on the case.
24:47But I'll do it someday.
24:49I'll bring men back to life!
24:53He's cracked.
25:00Order in the court.
25:03This court is not interested in what you will do someday,
25:06but what you are doing today.
25:09And it is the decision of this court
25:10that until you have obtained some visible means of support,
25:13your boy shall be placed in juvenile hall.
25:19You can't take my boy away from me.
25:22You can't do this to me.
25:24No, I tell you, you can't.
25:26Let me go.
25:28Why are you doing this?
25:30It's like a jail.
25:32Why are you doing this to me?
25:34Why are you doing this to me?
25:37Order in the court.
25:40Order in the court.
26:10I think I'd better go back.
26:12Oh, that kid wouldn't come within a mile of this joint.
26:17Well, what's this dog doing here?
26:59Attaboy, Scooter!
27:11Where do you think you're going?
27:13No place.
27:15Where are you from?
27:17The West Side.
27:19Who said you could come here?
27:21Don't you West Side mugs know you can't come past
27:23the letter box on the corner?
27:25That's the deadline.
27:27What's this?
27:29Give me that.
27:32Give me that.
27:34Give me that.
27:36Give me that.
27:38Give me that.
27:40Give me that.
27:47You swiped it, didn't you?
27:51It was my mother's.
27:53Does she know you took it?
27:57She's dead.
28:03I ran away from the cops.
28:05They were going to put me in the home.
28:06Here, take the thing.
28:08I don't want it.
28:10But don't think that money of yours scares me.
28:12Well, I just...
28:22we make a swell watchdog for the clubhouse.
28:25Come on, if the gang likes you,
28:27you can hide out over there.
28:37I came in in the rain,
28:39and I'm going out in the rain, he said cheerily.
28:41I reckon that means luck.
28:43I don't know what that means, grinned another,
28:45but I know what this means.
28:47The tossed up will go...
28:49Back away.
28:51I caught a quarter,
28:53and an hour later,
28:55the condo rolled away.
29:01Tell the guys you're going out in the rain,
29:03and I'm going out in the rain.
29:05Tell the guys your name.
29:07Danny Kendrick.
29:09Sit down.
29:13What's the mutt's name?
29:15Scooter, that's my dog.
29:17Where do you live?
29:20No place now.
29:22He ran away from the cops.
29:24They were going to put him in the home.
29:26Because my dad's out of work.
29:28He's a doctor.
29:30Oh, don't give me that.
29:32Doctors don't work.
29:34My dad's different.
29:36He's so good, nobody understands him.
29:39He must be nuts.
29:41Okay, save your wind.
29:43I'm chief here, so you can stay.
29:46Gee, thanks.
29:59Dr. Louise Stone?
30:02Let her come in.
30:05Dr. Stone?
30:07I'm delighted to see you.
30:09And I'm delighted to see you, Doctor.
30:11How's Dr. Cornish?
30:13I've been following with great interest
30:15his many developments
30:17in the uses of liver in anemia.
30:19It's been a most fascinating
30:21and satisfactory work, Doctor.
30:23Are you and Dr. Cornish still
30:25pottering about on that
30:27life after death rainbow?
30:29With all the work we've done,
30:31we've never ceased our study on that theory.
30:32It's a very high goal,
30:34but I'm afraid it's impossible.
30:36We did some work along those lines,
30:38but we gave it up.
30:40Oh, of course.
30:42You were associated with Kendrick,
30:44weren't you?
30:46Yes, we were.
30:48What's become of him?
30:50Oh, I don't know.
30:52We lost track of him completely
30:54after he left us,
30:56but I hear he's having
30:58a pretty bad time of it.
31:03Mrs. McGillicuddy,
31:05I'm very much surprised at your complaint.
31:07I've been running this store...
31:09But, my dear man, I'm telling you,
31:11I opened your delivery basket
31:13with me own two hands,
31:15and there was no pine
31:17and devil a bit of baloney.
31:19And here you've got me charged
31:21with two herrings and I only got one.
31:23I checked everything myself.
31:25My scales sometimes go wrong,
31:27but not me.
31:32It's my bees.
31:34I saw it first.
31:38You know, my old man's a big businessman.
31:40Oh, my dad's as good as yours.
31:43He just can't get a job.
31:45Don't tell me.
31:47Doctors cure people,
31:49and that ain't a job.
31:51He's a great doctor.
31:53He was so busy with dead rabbits and mice
31:55that he lost all his customers.
31:59He must be a rat catcher.
32:01Hey, hey, don't eat yet.
32:03Look, I brought you an appetizer.
32:05A schmaltz herring.
32:07Sit down.
32:09We're trying to find a job
32:11for Danny's old man.
32:13I picked that big piece out
32:15a long time ago.
32:17You would.
32:19Say, my dad's permanent
32:21at the Duffy Brickyard.
32:23Maybe he can get your old man a job.
32:25I'll ask my dad, too.
32:27He's a butcher.
32:28He's outside today,
32:30outside of Schwartz's laboratory.
32:32They want an elevator man.
32:34That's more like it.
32:36In a laboratory.
32:38There's where my dad would like to work.
32:40I'll go tell him.
32:42I'll see you later, boys.
32:44Come on, Scooter, let's go.
32:49Hey, Dad.
32:54I got a job for you.
32:56Of course, it's only running an elevator.
32:58But I don't know how to run an elevator.
33:00But this is a laboratory elevator.
33:03Oh, Danny.
33:05You don't understand.
33:07Oh, gee, Dad.
33:11You ain't gonna turn me down, are you?
33:15Oh, I'm afraid it wouldn't work out.
33:18But you don't get the idea.
33:20I want a father.
33:22Why, everybody's got a father.
33:24Every kid I know has got one.
33:25Besides, you don't want me to...
33:27I mean, wouldn't you sort of like to have me around?
33:43Danny, there's the police.
33:45Get out the back way.
33:56Thank you, officer.
34:22Why, hello, Louise.
34:23Hello, John.
34:26Well, aren't you going to ask me to sit down?
34:30Oh, forgive me.
34:32See, I'm a little careless.
34:35I don't have much company, and...
34:40You must excuse things.
34:42See, I'm very busy working on my fluid now.
34:47The formula's practically finished.
34:50That's fine.
34:51Which reminds me, Bob Cornish is putting the finishing touches to his experiment.
34:56Cornish will revolutionize the world.
34:59Oh, John, why did you ever leave us?
35:04So, you came to humiliate me with the success of Cornish, huh?
35:09To remind me that I'm a failure.
35:11John, don't let your false pride make you unreasonable.
35:14We're your friends.
35:16We want to help you.
35:18Don't you care what becomes of your son?
35:19Don't worry about Danny. He's all right.
35:21Yes, I know about Danny.
35:23I read the papers.
35:25How can you be so selfish?
35:31Is it selfish to try and achieve for humanity?
35:34Humanity begins at home.
35:36Your theories about renewing life should begin with yourself.
35:38Your heart has stopped beating for your own son.
35:40Louise, stop!
35:42I'm going to tell you the truth. You're hopeless.
35:44You're nothing but a walking dream, and you can't wake up long enough
35:46to realize that your own flesh and blood needs you.
35:47I'm not a dreamer.
35:49I'm a living dream.
35:51I was born in the flesh.
35:53I'm a living dream.
35:55I'm a living dream.
35:57I'm a living dream.
35:59I'm a living dream.
36:13It's no use. I tried my best.
36:15He's hopeless.
36:17Is he still working on the formula?
36:19He said he was practically finished, but I'm sure he was evading me.
36:22He's been hurt terribly.
36:24It was just like talking to someone in another world.
36:26I couldn't get through to him.
36:28Oh, Bob, get me the alcohol, will you?
36:37Have you enough water in there?
36:39Just a little more.
36:41That's enough.
36:43I don't know what else we can do.
36:45His pride will block every opportunity offered him.
36:47He went about everything in the wrong way.
36:49I know.
36:50But if we could only think of something,
36:52something that would make him come to you
36:54before he's hopelessly lost.
37:09Beat it, Scooter!
37:16Hey, mister!
37:18Wait a minute!
37:19That's my dog!
37:20Your dog, huh?
37:21Well, where's his license?
37:22Give him to me, will you, please!
37:25Go get a hold of three bucks and bring it down to the pound,
37:27and you can have it.
37:30Give him to me!
37:31Give him to me!
37:32Give him to me, will you?
37:35Please, give him to me!
38:06Here he comes!
38:15Look at all the bones we got for Scooter.
38:19Thanks, Mick.
38:22But I can't use them now.
38:24Why not?
38:27What's the matter, Danny?
38:29They're swell bones.
38:34They got Scooter.
38:37The dog catcher did.
38:40Oh, my!
38:43Poor guy.
38:44That dirty old dog snatcher.
38:46He'd steal a baby's bottle of rat.
38:49I hope he gets the most.
38:51Pipe down, fellas.
38:52We got to do something about this.
39:00Come on, let's go.
39:02Come on, let's go.
39:32What's all the barking about?
39:53Oh, the dogs are nervous tonight.
39:55They always get that way if we're going to have a storm.
40:00Looks like rain tonight.
40:20Here's Scooter.
40:22Don't you look sad, you poor mutt, they're like boys in a cage.
40:45They're prisoners.
41:04You're the kind of kids they fill the juvenile hall with, and I'm gonna see that you get
41:32there too.
41:33I'll tell you that.
41:34You run or not, you skip.
41:35Don't let him get away.
41:38What's wrong?
41:39What happened?
41:40He fell off the fence and hurt his leg.
41:48We better take him home.
41:50Don't take him home.
41:51Boys don't even know where he's at.
41:53Come on, fellas, take him to the clubhouse.
41:55I'll get my father.
41:56He's a swell doctor, the best doctor in the world.
41:57That's a peach of an idea, Danny.
41:59You go to my house.
42:00You know where I live.
42:01I can't go there.
42:02Tell my father I want him in a hurry.
42:03Go on, beat it.
42:04We'll take him.
42:05I want Stingy on his legs.
42:06My legs.
42:21I want Stingy on his legs.
42:22My legs.
42:39I'm sorry, boys.
42:42This is a compound fracture.
42:46You see, you have to set the bones.
42:51It's been such a long time.
42:58I better call another doctor.
43:02I'll get Dr. Henderson.
43:04But we'd rather have you.
43:06Was all that stuff you told us about your father a lot of bunk?
43:11You told us he is a knockout.
43:14The best doctor in the world.
43:25Oh, my leg.
43:28Oh, my leg.
43:32Oh, my leg.
44:02Dad, aren't you really a doctor?
44:13They're killing Scooter!
44:15I heard him.
44:16The dog catcher.
44:17He said that's one dog won't make no more trouble.
44:21He told the other man to put Scooter in the gas box.
44:31Dad, it's Scooter.
44:33The dog catcher got him.
44:34He's killing him.
44:36You've got to do something.
44:38What is it?
44:39Didn't you hear me, Dad?
44:41Scooter is dead.
44:43The dog catcher got him.
44:44You've got to do something.
44:46What can I do?
44:47Your experiment.
44:49The one you're always talking about.
44:51I'm afraid that's impossible.
44:53But you could try, Dad.
44:55At least you could try.
44:57Isn't Scooter as good as a guinea pig or a rabbit?
45:00You used to try with them.
45:03But, Danny, I need help.
45:07I can't do it.
45:10You mean you won't.
45:12It's just like everything else.
45:15You told me you were a big doctor.
45:17I've been bragging about you to Mickey and Petey and all of them.
45:21Danny, you don't understand.
45:22A swell father you are.
45:24I asked you to take a job so I wouldn't have to go to the home and you wouldn't.
45:27I asked you to fix Petey's leg and you couldn't.
45:29And I asked you to save Scooter and you won't.
45:32Please don't.
45:33Leave me alone.
45:34I ran away from the cops so I could be with you.
45:37Well, now I don't want to be with you.
45:39And I'm going to the home.
45:40And I'm going there for good and for Keith.
45:48You see, it's time to become practical.
45:50We have Danny to think of.
45:51He needs us.
45:52That's my great expense.
45:53You can't wake up long enough to realize that your own flesh and blood needs you.
45:56Isn't Scooter as good as a guinea pig or a rabbit?
45:59You used to try with that.
46:01We're your friends.
46:02We want to help you.
46:23Where's Danny?
46:24Why, he went out after you and he didn't come back.
46:27Will you come outside with me a minute?
46:33Are you all right, Sonny?
46:35Sure, I am.
46:36Bless you.
46:40Would you pass me the absorbent cotton, please?
46:43Come on out, fellas.
46:44Come on.
46:51Come on, fellas.
46:55Now, listen.
46:56You two beat it down to Jubilo Hall as fast as you can and head off to school.
46:59All right.
47:00Now, listen.
47:01I'll be in the car.
47:02And you two go to the house.
47:03I'll be in the back.
47:04I'll be the front.
47:05I'll be the back.
47:06I'll be the front.
47:07I'll be the front.
47:08I'll be the back.
47:10I'll be the front.
47:11Tell the rest of the gang to get their dogs and bring them down to the university laboratory.
47:15It's the white building on the corner of 8th and Main.
47:17Right, go on now, get going.
47:19But he's as dead as a doornail, I tell you.
47:22Would you please give me the body?
47:24Sure. What are you going to do with it?
47:27We're going to try and bring him back to life.
47:31That's great.
47:33I'm teaching these dogs to talk Spanish.
47:36Come on, you can have him.
47:39You can have him.
48:09Take my dog!
48:39Gentlemen, instead of the experiments slated for today,
48:54it may be our good fortune to witness one that will make history.
48:57Dr. Cornish will endeavor to resuscitate a dog that has been killed by gas.
49:01Shall we start?
49:08While Dr. Cornish and his aides are preparing, Dr. Kendrick is mixing the revitalizing fluid.
49:13Excuse me, gentlemen.
49:22The blood should be heated to body temperature.
49:24All right.
49:33There's a screw clamp on the window sill.
49:35Gentlemen, I took this dog from the pond myself. Gassed.
49:41He's lifeless.
49:43Dr. Cornish and his aides will not begin until the stethoscope and watch ticks verify this.
49:51Did you do that?
49:55Look at this.
50:23Dr. Cornish transfers the oxygen to the dog through the medium of his own mouth.
50:39The resuscitation fluid is injected into the bloodstream.
51:52Don't do it, Eddie!
52:10And I will have the formula that will start the blood circulating again.
52:15And with its breath and with its life.
52:26The heart is now beating.
52:28Cut the flow.
52:30Cut it off. Cut the flow off.
52:32Good dog.
52:35Watch out for that cannula. Don't lose it.
52:37Get some gauzes now over there.
52:41Keep listening to the heart.
52:44Hold it in. Don't pull the cannula out.
52:51You can see the heart here.
52:54You can see it beating.
52:55One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
52:58Go into the range.
53:01When do you pull the cannula out?
53:03Take this off?
53:04Leave it in.
53:05Leave it in.
53:06Now this heparin keeps the blood declining for a long time.
53:10Please be quiet.
53:22Carefully wrap it.
53:32They're just as good as ever, boys.
53:34Their blood was just what we needed for the transfusion.
53:43I'm glad you're here, Danny.
53:44Your dad brought Scooter here and all the doctors are doing their stuff.
53:48And my dad?
53:50Wish you luck.
53:53The heart is beating faster.
54:03The heartbeats are far too rapid.
54:33The breathing's almost normal.
54:41The first gas.
54:49Leave it in.
54:50He shouldn't be on his own.
54:58It's moving.
54:59What is this?
55:00Here, dog.
55:02Breathing's far stronger.
55:05The heartbeats are about 300 a minute.
55:08Dog, now lift his head and eat bread.
55:10Now watch.
55:11See that?
55:15Can you do this?
55:16Yes, I can do this.
55:21Why not put the tube down that other tube?
55:23No, don't do that.
55:28Everyone, very nicely.
55:33Small scissors.
55:40By the way, the dog breathed pure oxygen.
55:44He has to revive quicker.
55:46Did the heart slow down yet?
56:00The heart rate has slowed down to about 200.
56:06The dog's eyes will now wink when they're touched.
56:09This is a further sign of returning life.
56:13After the heart started, the breathing began.
56:16Some minutes later, the eye reflex returns by which the eye will wink when it's touched.
56:29We're given an injection of six grains of Nembutal to quiet the nervous system.
56:36The nervous system is very much disturbed by having the heart stop.
56:43See, the animal now is breathing quite regularly.
56:58The animal is entirely unconscious.
57:00He feels no pain.
57:03The doctor has assured you, and rightly, the dog feels no pain.
57:11Don't you stop what's going on?
57:14In order to help the animal, put him in an oxygen tent so he can breathe an atmosphere with a high oxygen concentration.
57:23He's alive!
57:24Scooter's alive!
57:27Didn't I tell you he was the greatest doctor in the world?
57:34The atmosphere is probably about 50% oxygen, about 50%.
57:44Oh, he feels good and strong.
57:48About 140 times a minute?
57:54And so, this is the culmination of a dream.
58:01Dr. Cornish is the man of the hour.
58:06Dr. Stone and I are merely contributors to his fulfillment.
58:15You're the smallest dad in the world.
58:29Give me the dog.
58:30I'll let the dog breathe oxygen now by himself.
58:37I mean it.
58:42Gentlemen, what you've seen demonstrated is only a forerunner in the march of science.
58:50Its promise to humanity has been answered today.
58:55The next step is in the hands of tomorrow.