03:40Come in.
03:50Well, don't tell me you've been kicked out of the Army, Captain.
03:53Well, not yet, but I may be when I get back.
03:55Well, hi, what's wrong?
03:57I got a wire from Colon of the Border Patrol.
03:59It says there's trouble down there.
04:01What kind of trouble?
04:03Well, it might be anything.
04:05I thought you had your brother running the ranch.
04:07And what's the matter with your foreman?
04:08That's what I'm going to try to find out.
04:11Hey, Snowflake.
04:13Be sure and pack my .45.
04:16Well, where will we eat tonight?
04:18How about Wong Gee's in Chinatown?
04:20Not bad.
04:21Not good.
04:22But it'll do.
04:24All right, Snowflake.
04:26Meet us at Wong Gee's at 8 o'clock with a car.
04:29And be there and be prepared to travel.
04:32Wong Gee's?
04:33Is that that shop store place way down in Chinatown?
04:36Can't you think of some other place to go but there?
04:38I don't like to go there because it's too dark.
04:41You're not going to eat there.
04:43You're going to meet me there in front of the place.
04:47Now, be there.
04:50Yes, sir.
04:52All right, Lieutenant.
04:58It's always a war.
05:00You just get back from one war and start training for the next.
05:05The captain says pack his .45.
05:08That means more war.
05:12Well, let me see if I prepared it.
05:18My best friend.
05:21I guess I'll party in here with the captain's artillery.
05:25Mm, I guess that ain't my shade of powder.
05:28Just a little bit too light.
05:30Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
05:33Now what are you yipping about?
05:35I get my work done.
05:37Gordon, your little hasn't gone yet.
05:39There's still a long way to go.
05:41Hey, I just got my backpack with me.
05:44I'm going to see the captain now.
05:46All right, Sergeant, well, good luck.
05:49Thank you, Captain.
05:50Good luck, Captain, sir.
05:52Well, good luck, Sergeant.
05:54Thank you, Captain.
05:55Good luck, Captain.
05:56Thank you, Captain.
05:57We'll see you around, Captain.
05:58That's a deal.
05:59All right.
06:00Well, good luck to you.
06:01I kept my word with you, didn't I?
06:03Yeah, you keep word.
06:05You also steal money from my countrymen.
06:08You mean to call me a thief?
06:10If truth hurts, then you thief.
06:14Why, you...
06:19You make another crack like that, and I'll wring your neck.
06:32That was a great field, Lieutenant.
06:34I'll say it was, Captain.
06:36Say, it's kind of fogged down on us since we went inside.
06:39I'll say it has.
07:01Why, it looks like we're in time to see a good fight.
07:11Yes, or a murder.
07:13Well, this is a surprise.
07:33Just as much to me as it is to you, Carney.
07:36What are you doing away from my ranch?
07:39I pay you to be my foreman.
07:42Where did you belong there, 200 miles away?
07:45Well, I came up to make my report.
07:47I figured I was too late to see you at the barracks tonight,
07:50so I thought I'd lay over until tomorrow.
07:53Came down to Chinatown to get something to eat.
07:56Why the trouble to the Chinaman?
07:58He searched me, and I was just going along when he grabbed me.
08:02Must have thought I was somebody else.
08:05Well, he kept hanging on, so I poked him once.
08:12Well, from what I saw of it, I'd say he came very near giving it to you
08:17where the turkey got the ax, right in the neck.
08:21You know, that hatchet didn't miss you an inch.
08:24Well, an inch is as good as a mile.
08:27Well, I'm sorry I busted you one, Carney.
08:29That's all right, Captain Casey.
08:31Maybe I had it coming to me.
08:33Well, now that you're here, you can make your report.
08:36How's everything at the ranch?
08:38Well, uh...
08:41Well, how is everything?
08:43Couldn't be better.
08:45Everything's in apple pie order.
08:47Your brother Davis, you're on the job.
08:50Not a darn thing to worry.
08:53That's what I came up to tell you.
08:55Well, if that's the case, consider your report made.
08:58Now get back to the ranch and stay there.
09:12The hatchet of the tongue.
09:15I wonder why it was called Carney.
09:19That's something you'll never know.
09:22You're wrong.
09:24That's something I'm going to find out.
09:33A car.
09:35A car.
09:38A car.
09:43Well, I hope you solved the mystery of the flying hatchet, Captain.
09:46Well, so do I.
09:48Well, so long.
10:27Well, hello.
10:29There's an airplane.
10:31First one I've seen over this compound in many a day.
10:37It looks like it's trying to land.
10:39But there's no landing fields around here.
10:45Well, let's go in and cool off.
10:47Have a drink.
11:07Hello, Carney.
11:24Why were you off of the ranch last night?
11:26Where were you?
11:27I went into town.
11:30Trouble broke loose here last night.
11:32Slim Elkins was shot and killed.
11:34We've been looking everywhere for you.
11:36You better save yourself the trouble, Dave.
11:38I told you I was going into the post to report to your brother.
11:42Sorry about Elkins.
11:44You didn't tell me any such thing, and I don't like it.
11:46I'm going to tell my brother so the next time I see him.
11:50I'm the foreman of the KCY, not you.
11:53I go and come when I please.
11:55I'll get that straight once and for all.
11:59All right.
12:02Come on, Markham.
12:04I'm heading out to the ranch double with you.
12:34How are you?
12:58How are you, Colton?
12:59I see you got my telegram, Casey.
13:01Last night, Colton.
13:02That's why I'm here.
13:03Howdy, boys.
13:04Hello, Captain.
13:05Well, in spite of the fact that you got here and nothing flat,
13:08you're still too late.
13:09What do you mean?
13:12Come inside.
13:34Not my brother Dave.
13:54Who got Elkins?
13:55That's what we'd like to know.
13:57Last night, your brother Dave and Slim were rounding up a small herd of cattle.
14:01They got a little too close to the border.
14:03Without any warning, there was a shot in the dock.
14:06Slim fell from his saddle.
14:08Dave didn't get a look at who did it?
14:11He emptied his gun in the direction of the shot.
14:13And apparently, he hit someone.
14:15Well, this morning, there was a trail of blood.
14:17But the trail ended and left us no clue.
14:19I see.
14:23Does Elkins' sister know about this?
14:25Has anybody told Jane?
14:27Yeah, we sent word over this morning.
14:30Jane, I'm sorry.
14:55Cliff, Jack,
15:10I've got a 10-day leave of absence from the post.
15:13On 10 days, the man or men who shot Slim
15:17is going to get a dose of his own medicine.
15:19Are you with me, boys?
15:21You know we are, Captain.
15:22We're working for you.
15:24We haven't had occasion to wear guns in a long time.
15:27But this is where we start using them.
15:30Now get them out and meet me at the barn.
15:41Now, Cliff, open my bag.
16:11Jane, you'd better go on home.
16:31Take care of Slim.
16:47You staying with us, Colton?
16:48You bet I am.
16:49For a while, anyway.
16:57How are you, Adler?
16:58Howdy, Captain Casey.
17:26What's the matter with you?
17:28Did you see a ghost?
17:30Yeah, sir.
17:32No, sir.
17:33You know, it's getting so a body ain't safe
17:35day or night around here.
17:37You never know when you're going to get it.
17:39Well, I'm prepared.
17:41Well, you may need it.
17:43Keep plenty of coffee boiling.
17:44Yes, sir.
17:46And we'll be in and out of here all day.
18:02Excuse me.
18:03Well, what do you want?
18:06Is they going to keep him in there like that all the time
18:10on that couch?
18:11Well, they're going to take him away any minute.
18:32Looks good, don't he?
18:45Well, I hardly expected to find you here ahead of me, Captain.
18:49Well, I've been ahead of you all along, Carney.
18:52Now get a horse saddle, and I'll give you your orders.
18:54I was just about to do it.
18:57Tough about Slim Elkins, ain't it?
18:59Tough on his sister, Jane.
19:02It's going to be tougher on the fellow who did it.
19:06Yeah, I'll say.
19:08I'll get my horse.
19:18How are you, Dave?
19:19Well, you know, I guess.
19:20We've been having plenty to worry about.
19:22Yeah, I know.
19:25Hold him.
19:42Come on, Dave.
19:43Tell your brother all about it.
19:47Well, Elkins and I had been suspicious of the old road
19:51that crosses the International Line for a long time.
19:54So we used the cattle as an excuse to go down there
19:57and see what was going on.
20:00We waited in the dark for over an hour, I guess.
20:02And boy, was it dark.
20:04It was blacker than the inside of a cow at midnight.
20:07Finally, we saw a couple of headlights coming.
20:10But when they got to the border, they turned them off.
20:13They must have seen us and figured we were some of Colton's men.
20:17About that time, up on the hill behind us,
20:19we heard something like a horseman coming through the brush.
20:24It sounded like he was trying to keep his horse quiet.
20:27We both turned at the same time and saw a streak of fire
20:31and heard a gunshot.
20:33Slim dropped to the ground.
20:35I emptied my six-shooter at where I saw the fire come from.
20:39And while I was reloading, I heard the purr of a motor.
20:43And the car disappeared.
20:46That's a fine how-do-you-do, Colton.
20:48What do you think they were running?
20:50Pretty hard to say.
20:52Well, why'd they shoot without giving warning?
20:54You see, the car was filled with contraband of some kind or another.
20:57To be caught meant a long federal prison term.
21:00Their spies on this side must have recognized Dave and Slim.
21:04As you know, Captain, dead men tell no tales.
21:06Well, I'll be getting back to post.
21:08If you want any help, just yell good and loud.
21:10I won't be doing any yelling.
21:12It'll come from the other side this time.
21:14I'm going to be Hair Trigger Casey again.
21:17Start shooting and asking questions afterwards.
21:30Well, give me the lowdown.
21:33What happened?
21:34You know, we got Slim.
21:36And we got Casey's brother, too.
21:38If he hadn't trained to shoot like he does with that Hair Trigger,
21:42one of his slugs got Tony.
21:44Is he dead?
21:45Yeah, and buried.
21:47But the car got through.
21:49Well, where's the money?
21:50Abner collected that.
21:52To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
21:55And the next time you're riding with Carney,
21:57never take your eyes off him.
21:59Yeah, but what about you?
22:01Same for me.
22:03Well, we'll go back to the corral and get the boys.
22:06We'll start at the border.
22:09We'll work our way back to the ranch house,
22:11see what we can uncover.
22:13They must have left some trace behind.
22:17Let's get back to the others before they start looking for us.
22:42That's all for the time being, boys.
22:45We'll go out again later.
22:53We're going over to the bunkhouse.
22:55You fellas take those two horses and take them over to the barn.
22:58Leave ours here.
23:42Got some hot coffee, Abe?
23:44Yes, sir. Funny.
24:12What are you looking for?
24:14Cam cow.
24:16There's some open.
24:18Oh, fine.
24:36Well, now I'm gonna.
24:38Nearly a whole day is gone.
24:40Nearly a whole day has gone by.
24:42And there's no clue as to who killed Slim or why
24:45nor what they were running across the line.
24:49Well, I wouldn't say the day was wasted.
24:51I got one clue.
24:53I know that a Mexican or several of them are implicated.
24:59This concha proves it.
25:02Well, you did have some luck.
25:04Oh, I think so.
25:06It gives me what I'm looking for.
25:08Something to work on.
25:10Dave, get Colton on the phone.
25:15All right.
25:25Hello. Operator.
25:27You made a board of patrol.
25:29Mexican, all right.
25:31None of your men wear anything like that.
25:34You haven't seen a vaquero around our ranch, have you?
25:37No, no.
25:39Just a few payans that come around
25:41looking for a handout or a job or something.
25:43But they don't linger long.
25:45Connie ain't got no use for them.
25:47That's what he says.
25:48Well, I think he has.
25:52Oh, did they come for Elkin's body?
25:54Yeah, quite a while ago.
25:56Had enough coffee, Captain?
25:58Well, I think I'll take some over to the bunkhouse.
26:00That's a good idea.
26:04They're getting Colton now.
26:06I'll follow the line.
26:07All right.
26:16Where is that boy?
26:33Did you call me, Captain?
26:37What's the idea of hanging around outside?
26:40Every time I come in here, I get the creeps.
26:43There's nothing in here to give you the creeps now.
26:46That's what you think.
26:48But every time I look over there on that couch,
26:51I can see you laying there.
26:53You get over and get that phone.
26:55And when Colton answers, you say something and let me know.
26:59Yes, sir, Mr. Captain.
27:06Say, I got plenty to tell you.
27:09Come on over and sit down.
27:37Well, somebody slipped.
27:42Casey found a silver concho that somebody lost,
27:45and he's got his suspicions right now.
27:48And a lot of good they're going to do him.
27:51What can he prove?
27:53What can't he prove?
27:55Listen, most of this ranch borders on the international line.
28:00Mexican riders cross it every night.
28:03Any one of them might have lost a concho.
28:06Doesn't mean a thing.
28:08My neck means something to me, Connie, if yours don't.
28:11When we went into this deal, you agreed to take orders from me.
28:15Ah, you think that concho doesn't mean a thing.
28:17I'll tell you what it means.
28:19It means that he's picked up a clue,
28:21and that clue will lead to a trail, and that trail will lead to another.
28:24And at the end of one of those trails, they'll find us.
28:27And when it's all over, we'll be stretched by our necks.
28:33Maybe we'd better pull out now.
28:35Oh, no, we don't.
28:36We've been paid for four loads and delivered two.
28:39We'll run the other through tonight.
28:41Right under Casey's nose?
28:43Right under Casey's nose.
28:51We can't run another load through tonight.
28:54What are we going to do with the ones we already have hidden?
28:57The place isn't big enough to hold any more.
28:59That's your end of the deal.
29:01I make the contact, you run them through, and I collect.
29:16This concho has been hit by a bullet.
29:18That's the way it was knocked onto that fellow's jacket.
29:21That must belong to the fellow I hit last night.
29:23Yes, sir.
29:24He's here.
29:25Just a minute.
29:27Here they are, Cameron.
29:39Go ahead.
29:43Colton says he's got a tip.
29:44A hot one.
29:52You better hang around here.
29:54If they get out of my trail, you know where to find me.
29:57I'll get rid of that lookalike.
29:59You better find me.
30:00I'll get rid of that load that came over last night.
30:22Well, thanks.
30:25Colton got a tip from the other side of the border.
30:28That's where the Chinese are going to be run across tonight.
30:32This is where we put a stop to this business once and for all.
30:35You go out and round up all the men that you can trust.
30:38Meet me about a half a mile this side of the crossing line,
30:41a quarter of a mile this side of the old cabin.
30:43I'll be there.
30:46Just where do I fit in with this ass?
30:48Well, just where would you like to fit in?
30:50I'd like to be there on the finish to collect the reward.
30:54Well, the only reward your lab will collect is a slug from a .45.
30:58And if you happen to see a Mexican with a concho missing from his suit,
31:02why, hold on to this.
31:25What do you want?
31:29You ghost, you lie.
31:33You'll be a ghost if you don't stop puttering around my kitchen.
31:37I only wanted a whetstone to sharpen my razor.
31:41Why didn't you say so?
31:42Use my straw.
31:43Yes, sir.
31:50What do you want that whetstone for?
31:53What do you want that razor so sharp for?
31:56Oh, to cut out gizzards.
32:00Whose gizzards are you going to cut out?
32:03Most anybody's gizzards.
32:05Don't make no difference.
32:07Does you cut out gizzards?
32:14I rub them out with this.
32:18Now, you see what you made me do, making me nervous?
32:22Because when I get nervous, I'd rather do anything.
32:26Man, you just threaten with certain death.
32:29Because when I shave,
32:32I shave close.
33:48Come in, amigo.
33:55Oh, you seem surprised to find someone here.
34:00Oh, yeah.
34:01I'll say I am.
34:03I happen to own this cabin.
34:05I didn't know anyone lived here.
34:07Oh, no.
34:09I am not leaving here, senor.
34:11I just changed my mind.
34:14I am not leaving here, senor.
34:16I just chased some steers.
34:18I see them come this way.
34:20I ride and ride.
34:22I get tired.
34:24Then I see this place.
34:26I come inside.
34:28I say, well, Jose,
34:30here's a good place for siesta.
34:33I was just about to sleep when you come.
34:37Well, you can take a siesta here as long as you like,
34:40if that's all you're doing here.
34:43But I've been riding a good bit of the day
34:46all through this section.
34:48And the only steers I've seen
34:50are some that belong to me.
34:52Oh, well, maybe they get hungry
34:55they go home by this time.
34:57I go, too, just so as soon as I have siesta.
35:00With your permission, senor.
35:02Oh, there's no hurry.
35:04Just take your time.
35:08Adios, senor.
35:13Adios, senor.
35:43Adios, senor.
36:13I just ran into a queer-looking Mexican
36:16over at the old cabin.
36:18He doesn't look right to me.
36:21Now that you fellas are here,
36:23we'll go back and look him over
36:26a little closer.
36:30Now take it easy,
36:32and don't make any more noise than we have to.
36:36Now take it easy,
36:38and don't make any more noise than we have to.
37:00There, get over there.
37:02Come on, hurry up.
37:24Climb up those trees,
37:26walk the rest away,
37:28and don't make a sound.
37:32Oh, you think you have come to this country for nothing, eh?
37:38True, I have received $150 for each of you,
37:42but it is not enough.
37:45What did he say?
37:47What did he say?
37:49Don't let him in.
37:51Don't let him in.
38:03What did you say?
38:05What did you do?
38:07I'll kill you.
38:16I'll kill you.
38:21Not so bad for the last night in the war.
38:33Quick, hurry up.
38:37Come here.
38:43What's the idea of firing that shot, Merkel?
38:45Oh, it was an accident.
38:47My gun hadn't even been out of my holster.
38:50Must have gotten hammered, got caught here on my sleeve.
38:52Oh, yeah?
38:54Well, you better go back and stay with the horses.
38:57Maybe you can keep them quiet.
39:06Come on.
39:36Come on.
40:06Come on.
40:36Come on.
41:06Come on.
41:36Don't be frightened, Signorita.
41:38I am in a hurry.
41:40I must go someplace quick.
41:42You will drive me.
41:44If you are stopped
41:46and betray my presence in this car,
41:49I will kill you.
41:51Now, you drive straight down the road.
41:54I will tell you when to turn.
42:06Come on.
42:30Sorry to bother you, Jane.
42:32But you didn't see a rider coming down the road
42:34when I asked him, did you?
42:36You're the first one I've seen on the road, Captain.
42:39Are you sure, Jane?
42:41Quite sure.
42:43Sorry again to have bothered you.
43:05Come on.
43:20Come on.
43:22Come on.
43:34There's his horse.
43:36He must have been in that car we heard.
43:38My brother's after him.
43:40Get the horse. We'll take him along with us.
43:52Come on.
44:22Come on.
44:53Come on.
45:04Give me a chance, Casey.
45:06I've had enough.
45:11Of all men.
47:14I don't know what's going on, but I've got to get out of here.
47:17I've got to get out of here.
47:18I've got to get out of here.
47:19I've got to get out of here.
47:20I've got to get out of here.
47:21I've got to get out of here.
47:22I've got to get out of here.
47:23I've got to get out of here.
47:24I've got to get out of here.
47:25I've got to get out of here.
47:26I've got to get out of here.
47:27I've got to get out of here.
47:28I've got to get out of here.
47:29I've got to get out of here.
47:30I've got to get out of here.
47:31I've got to get out of here.
47:32I've got to get out of here.
47:33I've got to get out of here.
47:34I've got to get out of here.
47:35I've got to get out of here.
47:36I've got to get out of here.
47:37I've got to get out of here.
47:38I've got to get out of here.
47:39I've got to get out of here.
47:40I've got to get out of here.
47:41I've got to get out of here.
47:42I've got to get out of here.
47:43I've got to get out of here.
47:44I've got to get out of here.
47:45I've got to get out of here.
47:46I've got to get out of here.
47:47I've got to get out of here.
47:48I've got to get out of here.
47:49I've got to get out of here.
47:50I've got to get out of here.
47:51I've got to get out of here.
47:52I've got to get out of here.
47:53I've got to get out of here.
47:54I've got to get out of here.
47:56I've got to get out of here.
47:57I've got to get out of here.
47:58I've got to get out of here.
47:59I've got to get out of here.
48:00I've got to get out of here.
48:01I've got to get out of here.
48:02I've got to get out of here.
48:03I've got to get out of here.
48:04I've got to get out of here.
48:05I've got to get out of here.
48:06I've got to get out of here.
48:07I've got to get out of here.
48:08I've got to get out of here.
48:09I've got to get out of here.
48:10I've got to get out of here.
48:11I've got to get out of here.
48:12I've got to get out of here.
48:13I've got to get out of here.
48:14I've got to get out of here.
48:15I've got to get out of here.
48:16I've got to get out of here.
48:17I've got to get out of here.
48:18I've got to get out of here.
48:19I've got to get out of here.
48:20I've got to get out of here.
48:21I've got to get out of here.
48:22I've got to get out of here.
48:23I've got to get out of here.
48:24I've got to get out of here.
48:25I've got to get out of here.
48:26I've got to get out of here.
48:27I've got to get out of here.
48:28I've got to get out of here.
48:29I've got to get out of here.
48:30I've got to get out of here.
48:31I've got to get out of here.
48:32I've got to get out of here.
48:33I've got to get out of here.
48:34I've got to get out of here.
48:35I've got to get out of here.
48:37So this quality is what you call gratitude.
49:00a. Day
49:08that was
49:08a slick piece of work you get me like that whatever suspected Connie was a man we
49:13wanted I wish he hadn't been kind of broken my faith in humanity. To get back to
49:19the ranch. OK on Connie get over there.
49:30I can't tell you how glad I am it turned out the way it did I was
49:37afraid he'd kill you if I told you he was in the car it might have been just as well
49:41if he had you remember my pal I told you about during the war but
49:46a close call we had and how I finally came through with him yes I remember. Connie was
49:52the man. You'd be all right now James and you go along
49:59without any of us following you oh yes I guess I'll be all right thanks I'm going
50:04back to the post. I'd like to see you before I go well I'd like to see you too Jim.
50:30Oh that's just sorry but he's smart racket a Connie you and the others dressing as
50:36Mexicans and throwing a blame on innocent people I don't turn you over the Mexican
50:40ruralities they'd soon handle your case I guess I've got it coming all right but I
50:45need to go they told me it would be easy all I had to do is run a few loads across
50:50collect and forget about it you didn't know I could talk Spanish did you I lived in
50:56Mexico for years how did you learn how to disguise your face like that very same
51:02little trick I learned from an old Indian and with the addition of
51:05a false mustache the rest was easy you fool me Connie more ways than one you've
51:11certainly shaken my faith in my fellow man you should have done as I told you
51:15Casey let me in that show I guess you were right you were down to that old cabin
51:22you'll find three Chinaman in the cellar pretty small so you're going to get him out
51:26of there if you want him alive you hear that we'll take him. Out of that and I'm
51:32like figure out on this deal. It was his idea oh then we'll start by slipping him
51:38on your mistake. Back against that wall.
52:09You won't go far Connie you've double crossed too many of your friends somebody's
52:14bound to get you that's the chance I'm willing to take Casey.
52:21I'm going to you.
52:48Talk English all right Mr Connie we have sure don't know I want money you took
52:55from my countrymen you're talking at the wrong time get out of my way.
53:37And they found out I must have made
53:39a getaway what's that over there.
54:01I was right. I should have left him in that shell hole.
54:21Don't worry about him boys Colton's men will get him at the crossroad.
54:32a count. And there's no more. Show on the wall.
54:39I guess if you could talk you should tell him in
54:42a story you know I'm not never doing that with me you know.
54:52Oh. You're going to be alone more than ever now Jane. And you're going to kind of
55:00need somebody to lean on.
55:18Oh. Now I ain't.
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