• 4 years ago


01:20There you are, boys. Thanks.
01:23Thank you, Mr. Brandt.
01:25Not bad for a season's work.
01:30We'll be seeing you again next spring with another herd.
01:33That's the idea. I'm always glad to do business with three musketeers.
01:36So long, Mr. Brandt.
01:38Bye. See you.
01:49You know, it's too bad there isn't a bank in Nemesis.
01:52It'd save us making that long trip to Prospect.
01:54Shucks, Tony. It ain't no use all of us going in to Prospect.
01:58You and Tucson here head back to the ranch.
02:00I'll take the check and deposit foreclosing time today.
02:03I don't know, Lullaby.
02:05$4,300 is a lot of dinero for one guy to be packing around.
02:09Yeah, especially him.
02:11The last time he went to Prospect, he fell in with evil companions.
02:14I'm cured. So help me.
02:17I'll deposit that check and be back at the ranch before nightfall.
02:20We'll take one more chance on you, Lullaby.
02:22But if you're not back by evening, we're coming after you.
02:25And you know what that means.
02:31Not looking for this, are you?
02:33I don't know why we let you live so long.
02:36Look, Lullaby, when you get to Prospect, try and stay out of trouble.
02:39No sleight of hand and no card tricks, savvy.
02:42You fellas got me all wrong. This trip is for business.
02:45Oh, yeah?
02:52I'll keep these so you won't be tempted.
02:56Sure. Get up.
02:59You know, from the speed he's making,
03:01I'd say the town of Prospect's sort of interested in him.
03:04You and me both, Stoney.
03:38Well, this is a fine, thriving community.
03:43Oh, the Tucson.
03:45Looks like something's doing over in Prospect.
04:08You suppose Lullaby knew about this?
04:10No wonder he wanted to go to Prospect.
04:12Hey, Tucson, we'll have to ride fast.
04:14Maybe we can save part of that 4,300.
04:16Hey, there!
04:21Howdy, strangers.
04:23Anything special I can do for you?
04:25No, I guess not, old-timer, but, uh...
04:27What are you doing in this ghost town?
04:29Oh, I'm Jake Rawlins, and I own it.
04:33Much more, I ain't selling a bit of it.
04:37All right, Pop.
04:39Oh, I've seen your kind before,
04:41snooping around kind of innocent-like.
04:43Oh, now, Pop, you've got us all wrong.
04:46Well, I ain't selling, I tell you.
04:48Let's get going, Tucson.
04:50Which way are you heading?
04:51Back that way.
04:53Hey, when you pass that building over there,
04:55don't make any noise.
04:57The town council's having a meeting,
04:59and you might disturb them.
05:06Thanks for telling us, Jake.
05:08You're welcome.
05:26Hey, what do you think of that?
05:28There ain't no picture of me on there.
05:30That's all right, Comansky.
05:32There'll be plenty of pictures when you knock the champ kickin'.
05:37Here comes the champ now, with Barrington.
05:43What round you gonna knock him out of?
05:45I don't know.
05:47I'm gonna knock him out.
05:49I'm gonna knock him out.
05:51I'm gonna knock him out.
05:53What round you gonna knock him out in, champ?
05:56The boys.
06:00Well, this is my place, O'Brien,
06:02the official headquarters for the battle of the century.
06:04Oh, the doors swing in,
06:09the doors swing out.
06:11Gee, this is smaller than Madison Square Garden.
06:17Is that really the champ?
06:19It sure was. I spoke to him personally.
06:35She'll make you quiver, she'll make you shiver,
06:37she'll make the chills run down your spine.
06:39Ah, look at that little lady do the hula, hula, hula, hula.
06:41Right this way, ladies and gentlemen,
06:43it's the little lady Belle Fatima.
06:45The little lady shake it up, move it up,
06:47mother shake jelly, sweet and peppermorn.
06:49That's the little lady Belle Fatima.
06:52Right this way, gentlemen.
06:54That's the idea.
06:56Ready for the big show, just in time, folks.
06:58Right here, there you are, sir.
07:00Don't crowd everybody and get a chance.
07:02All right, my friends, you're just in time.
07:04Step right up. I'm here to bet two to one
07:06that your hand is bigger than the eye.
07:08Now then, there you are. Look at them, look at them.
07:10Three little cards, two queens and an ace.
07:12Now, my friends, all you have to do is pick out the ace
07:14and take home an animated doll.
07:16How about you, stranger, you want to take a chance?
07:18All right, all you have to do is keep your eye on the ace.
07:20Now, there you are. Now, watch it.
07:23This one, huh?
07:26You win.
07:28This one right here? All right.
07:30There you are.
07:32You want to try it again?
07:34Here we go again.
07:36Keep your eye on the ace.
07:40That one, huh?
07:42I'll take that doll way back up yonder.
07:44This one over here?
07:46That's right.
07:48There you are.
07:50Oh, uh, just a minute.
07:52If you win three times in a row,
07:54I'll give you that big doll there
07:56in exchange for the two small ones.
08:00All right.
08:02There you go. Ready?
08:04All right.
08:06Oh, this one.
08:10You win.
08:12There you are.
08:14Thanks. Sure a good game.
08:16Always did like three-card money.
08:18Just a minute.
08:20You want to try this just once more?
08:22Try it again?
08:24No, this game's not on the square.
08:26Peter, you're right.
08:30Hey, take a look at your other two cards.
08:32Hey, take a look at your other two cards.
08:52Hey, let me in.
08:54Got some money for you.
09:02The council meeting has started, Daddy.
09:04They're waiting for you.
09:06I know, Sabina.
09:08As soon as you get your accounts straight,
09:10you can go on home.
09:14We were discussing the situation here
09:16in our town, Mayor Thornton,
09:18and Jack here was saying that I...
09:20Don't keep on saying it.
09:22This fight has put prospect on the map.
09:24It's bringing in thousands of dollars.
09:26Our town was supposed to be a place
09:30Our town was built slow, but solid.
09:34We old-timers pioneered it,
09:36and we're proud of the job.
09:38Accepting the element that has come in
09:40with Barrington and his crowd.
09:42Now, Barrington has promoted this fight,
09:44and an even worse class of people
09:46are flocking here.
09:48But, Ben, they're bringing a lot of money into town.
09:50We don't want that kind of money, Carter.
09:52Vice money never helped any town.
09:54I'm against Barrington
09:56and his whole rotten crowd of thugs
09:58and tin-horned gamblers.
10:00I'm against allowing this fight to go on.
10:02I don't agree with you.
10:04As one of the businessmen in prospect,
10:06I'm not in favor of killing the goose
10:08that lays the golden eggs.
10:10Hey, you get the kid.
10:26I'll take care of the fighters.
10:40Now, get out of town and don't come back.
10:42That means you, too.
10:50All right, Tommy.
10:52You'll be all right.
10:54Relax, buddy.
11:00It's only a flesh wound,
11:02but we've got to get him to a doctor.
11:10I'm with you, Thornton.
11:12You'll be all right.
11:14Barrington, the council met this morning
11:16and executed this order.
11:26I'm sorry, sir.
11:28I don't know what to say.
11:30I'm sorry, sir.
11:32I don't know what to say.
11:34I'm sorry, sir.
11:36I don't know what to say.
11:38I'm sorry, sir.
11:40You can't stop this fight.
11:44The fight is stopped, Barrington.
11:46If you read further,
11:48you'll find that they've abated your establishment.
11:50You've got 48 hours to close up and get out.
11:52This is some of Thornton's work.
11:54And if he thinks I'm going to take it laying down,
11:56he's crazy.
11:58I've built up a business here,
12:00and I'm going to keep it open.
12:02Responsible citizens of the town are behind that order,
12:04and I advise you not to ignore it.
12:06Responsible citizens.
12:08I'm building this town up with my fights,
12:10putting it on the map.
12:12They're too dumb to realize that.
12:14Well, I guess the town will manage to struggle along,
12:16Barrington, without your help.
12:26That's that.
12:28I've seen it happen before.
12:30Now, wait a few days.
12:32I'll put this fight on.
12:34Nothing doing.
12:36No, Chuck.
12:38Come on, champ.
12:40We've got our guarantee money.
12:42This ain't no Madison Square Garden anyway.
12:48Let's go, Comansky.
12:50Say, what's this all about?
12:52Ain't there going to be no fight?
12:54Come on.
13:00Listen, Stubby,
13:02you're supposed to be pretty good at opening safes, aren't you?
13:04I reckon so, Governor.
13:06I does it with me sensitive fingers.
13:08I does.
13:10Well, that's swell.
13:12I'm going to get even with Thornton if it's the last thing I do.
13:14Buck, you take a couple of boys tonight
13:16and help Stubby crack the bank safe.
13:18Then hide the money someplace out of town.
13:20I can't take a chance. I'm keeping it here in prospect.
13:22Now you're talking.
13:24That bank's just as good as closed right now.
13:26And when it fails...
13:28Thornton's respectable friends won't help him much
13:30when the miners find their savings gone.
13:32Don't you boys tire of coming to the rescue
13:34in the nick of time?
13:36Oh, now, Savina, that's no way to talk to a couple of heroes.
13:38What time did Lullaby deposit our check this morning?
13:40I didn't see him.
13:42I know he didn't deposit any money.
13:46What, a couple of dumbbells we were
13:48to trust that bird with our money?
13:50Listen, Stoney, you cover the south side of the street
13:52and I'll cover the north side
13:54and we'll search every saloon in town.
13:58Lay him down, you mug.
14:00Lullaby's got your beat.
14:02Oh, Elmer, you're only kidding.
14:04I'll call.
14:06I'll stay.
14:08I'll stay.
14:10I'll stay.
14:12I'll stay.
14:14I'll stay.
14:16I'll stay.
14:18I'll stay.
14:20I'll stay.
14:22I'll stay.
14:24I'll stay.
14:26I'll stay.
14:28All right, boys, lay him down.
14:32Four tens.
14:34Four queens.
14:36Four kings.
14:38Four aces.
14:42Well, I reckon that gives him a check back
14:44and a few hundred over.
14:46Eh, Elmer?
14:48You said her, kid, and you did her quick.
14:50You're out to train me.
14:56I don't want to go. I'm in a good game.
14:58Come on.
15:00Just a minute, you two.
15:02If this Emory wants to play cards,
15:04he's gonna play cards, savvy?
15:06Oh, beat it, mister. You might get hurt.
15:08Yeah? Well, Lullaby ain't going.
15:10He's winning and he's gonna stay in the game.
15:26Oh, come on, Toussaint.
15:28What are you waiting for?
15:30Toussaint mad at it?
15:42Well, it sure took you long enough.
15:46What a wallop.
15:48I'll bet you he could whip the champ.
15:50Who is he?
15:52I don't know, but the names on the check
15:54he's playing for was Toussaint Smith,
15:56Stoneybrook, and Lullaby Johnson.
15:58Oh, the three musketeers.
16:00We're taking you to the hotel
16:02and that's where you're gonna stay.
16:04Then in the morning, we're depositing that check
16:06and leaving for the ranch, pronto.
16:08When do we eat?
16:46I was just thinking about Mrs. Harris's overdraft.
16:48After all, it's only $51.
16:50I think we can carry her for a while.
17:06You're ruined, Sabina.
17:08You couldn't help it, Dad.
17:10Oh, please, Dad, you've got to buck up.
17:12We can call the sheriff.
17:14Perhaps he might be able to help us.
17:16Maybe, but meanwhile, we've got to close our doors.
17:18We've got to close our doors.
17:20Do we even go back to the ranch
17:22without staying to see the fight?
17:24We do!
17:26Ah, good morning, Mr. Thornton.
17:28Good morning, Sabina.
17:30Good morning, Stoney.
17:32Well, I haven't seen you since.
17:34Oh, yes, yes.
17:36Mr. Thornton, we'd like to deposit this check to our account
17:38and withdraw a little cash.
17:40I'm sorry, Stoney, but it can't be done.
17:42Why not?
17:44It's a certified check and plenty good.
17:46Well, the bank isn't open for business yet.
17:48I mean...
17:50We can't accept your check.
17:52We haven't any money.
17:54The bank has been robbed.
18:02Well, they sure cleaned you out, Mr. Thornton.
18:04Sure used my head yesterday
18:06for not getting the bank on time.
18:08You always say the right thing
18:10at the wrong time.
18:12There's nothing much can be done, Tucson.
18:14I don't care about myself,
18:16but nearly every reputable person in prospect
18:18has money in my bank.
18:20It means ruin for them all.
18:28I'll take care of it.
18:30Well, how do you do?
18:32I'm the new teller.
18:34Oh, can you cash this?
18:36The missus says I gotta buy a new suit of clothes.
18:40Well, that's a lot of money to be spending, Mr., uh,
18:42uh, Crabtree.
18:44You know, save and conserve.
18:46That's the best motto.
18:48Say, uh, Mr. Crabtree,
18:50would you mind selling me that suit?
18:52You know, I've been looking for one like that
18:54for an awful long time.
18:56Gosh, you really think it looks that good?
18:58I certainly do.
19:00That's why I want to buy it.
19:02Uh, pardon me, stranger.
19:04Uh, can you tell me where you got that suit?
19:06I'd like to have one of that same material.
19:08Guess I won't buy a new suit of that.
19:10Uh, Mr. Crabtree.
19:12Thanks, mister. Quite all right.
19:14Does anyone else know about this robbery?
19:16No. You three are the only ones.
19:18Mr. Thornton, you've got to keep this bank open
19:20and run it until we can figure out some way
19:22to straighten things out.
19:24Say, I've got an idea. Give me that check.
19:26I'll be right back.
19:32Say, that bank's open and doing business.
19:34You sure you got all the money on the safe?
19:36Yeah, we got every dollar.
19:38Well, since you can't stay open long.
19:42Howdy, Mr. Brangton.
19:44Howdy, Buck.
19:46Oh, lullaby, you still got that big check?
19:48Sure have.
19:50I'd like to get you to cash it for me
19:52because I want to get back in that poker game.
19:54Well, I haven't got that much money on hand right now,
19:56but, uh, come on, we'll get a cash, though.
20:04Say, you ain't going to the bank, are you?
20:06You want to get that check cashed, don't you?
20:08Yeah, but, uh...
20:10Well, I really think
20:12you're going to a lot of trouble, Mr. Brangton.
20:14Forget it, lullaby.
20:16Glad to introduce you so you can get your check cashed.
20:18But I ain't used to imposing on people like this.
20:20Lullaby here would like to cash this check.
20:22Now, I'd be glad to endorse it.
20:24Thanks, Mr. Brangton.
20:26I'm sure grateful to you.
20:28I just won't need you anymore now.
20:30Well, I'm in no hurry. I'll wait for you.
20:32Maybe I ought to just deposit this to my account.
20:34Well, that's a good idea, Mr. Brangton.
20:36I'm sure you'll be happy to do it.
20:38I'll just deposit this to my account.
20:40Oh, that's a good idea, lullaby.
20:42You should have thought of it sooner.
20:44You'll just make out this deposit slip, Mr. Joslin.
20:46We'll be glad to take care of you.
20:50Say, Brangton.
21:01It's Mr. Withers.
21:03Of all people to show up now.
21:05What's the matter with him? Smallpox?
21:07What's worse, he never cashes a check for less than $500.
21:12Don't worry. I'll stop him.
21:22Abominable pins you serve your customers for them.
21:28Please, let me make it out for you, Mr. Withers.
21:31You can sign.
21:33As you wish. $1,000.
21:37That's a lot of money, Mr. Withers.
21:39I'm well aware of it, sir.
21:41But Mr. Thornton here will confirm
21:43when I say that I have for many, many years
21:45accumulated similar and even larger sums of money.
21:49I am now convinced
21:51that I owe my success
21:53to industry, energy,
21:55and the ability
21:57to mind my own business.
21:59Mr. Withers, I'm very sorry,
22:01but I'm obliged to tell you that...
22:03Not a check, young lady. Not a check.
22:05A departative slip.
22:07I have here $1,000 in cash
22:10which I won't place to my account.
22:12And I insist on having it...
22:15And I insist on having it placed there
22:18in spite of bad pens,
22:21insulting questions,
22:23and clerical incompetency.
22:25Of course. Certainly, Mr. Withers.
22:31Now we ought to be able to keep open till closing time.
22:38Hey, Toussaint!
22:46Sign that for me, will you?
22:48It's just a little legal matter.
22:50What'll I sign it with?
22:55Here you are, Stoney.
22:57I bet now you knock out Komatsuki in the first round, Toussaint.
22:59The odds is all in your favor.
23:02Hey, let me see that paper.
23:05Don't you trust me, Toussaint?
23:07Let me see that paper.
23:09Now look, Toussaint, the champ just walked out on Barrington.
23:12I signed you to fight Komatsuki.
23:14Now look, it's a cinch fight
23:16because Komatsuki's a sucker for a left.
23:18All you have to do is stand in there
23:20and keep pushing that left hand in his face.
23:22Just push it in there, you know what I mean?
23:24Jab him. That's the stuff. You know, just let him...
23:26I'll push something in your face if you don't give me that paper.
23:29Oh, so you won't fight, huh? That's final?
23:31You bet your life that's final.
23:33All right, you win.
23:35Guess we might as well get our horses and head back for the ranch.
23:38Of course, it's gonna be tough on Thornton, but then that doesn't...
23:40Hey, what's a fight got to do with Thornton?
23:43Well, I'll tell you.
23:44I figure that if you beat Komatsuki tonight,
23:46you can save Thornton's neck by winning enough money
23:48to take care of his payroll.
23:49Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?
23:52The fight's on.
23:53That's the stuff, Toussaint.
23:54Look, I've got a blank contract right here.
23:56We'll make out a new one.
23:57Will Thornton permit the fight?
23:58Well, he'll have to.
24:00Well, now, what do you know about that?
24:02I must have torn up the blank contract
24:03instead of the one you signed.
24:19What do you like, Jack?
24:20Three dollars on Smith.
24:21Here's your money, here's mine.
24:23Grants and all, it pays off.
24:24What do you like, Jack? What do you like?
24:26Bettin' heavy tonight, Jack?
24:28You bet I am.
24:29What do you like, gents?
24:30What do you like?
24:31All right, place your bets.
24:32Ladies and gentlemen,
24:34now the main event of the evening.
24:37Introducing, in this corner,
24:41the flying and mystery man of the West,
24:46weight 198 pounds,
24:50Toussaint Smith!
24:57And in this corner,
24:59the canopy of all of Europe,
25:02weight 205 pounds,
25:06wild man Komatschi!
25:13Now listen,
25:15we aim to make this
25:18a sportin' exhibition
25:20of the manly art of self-defense.
25:23Now this here is a gentleman's club.
25:26Anybody caught throwin' a bottle
25:29will be took out and planted
25:32by the rules committee.
25:34Not even five bottles?
25:40I want you boys to understand.
25:42You're gonna come out fightin'.
25:44No hittin' below the belt.
25:46Break when I tell you to.
25:48Everything else goes.
25:50That's right.
25:53That's right.
26:23Come on!
26:43Come on!
26:44Come on!
26:53Come on!
27:24Go away, Jake, and don't bother me.
27:26I'm on a bet.
27:27I got lots of money.
27:28Beat it!
27:29You've never had a dollar in your life.
27:31Go out and get it!
27:43Come on!
27:44Come on!
27:45Come on!
27:46Come on!
27:47Come on!
27:48Come on!
27:49Come on!
27:50Come on!
27:51Come on!
27:52Come on!
27:53Come on!
27:54Come on!
27:55Come on!
27:56Come on!
27:57Come on!
27:58Come on!
27:59Come on!
28:00Come on!
28:01Come on!
28:02Come on!
28:03Come on!
28:04Come on!
28:05Come on!
28:06Come on!
28:07Come on!
28:08Come on!
28:09Come on!
28:10Come on!
28:11Come on!
28:12Come on!
28:13Come on!
28:14Come on!
28:15Come on!
28:16Come on!
28:17Come on!
28:18Come on!
28:19Come on!
28:20Come on!
28:21Come on!
28:22Come on!
28:23Come on!
28:24Come on!
28:25Come on!
28:26Come on!
28:27Come on!
28:28Come on!
28:29Come on!
28:30Come on!
28:31Come on!
28:32Come on!
28:33Come on!
28:34Come on!
28:35Come on!
28:36Come on!
28:37Come on!
28:38Come on!
28:39Come on!
28:40Come on!
28:41Come on!
28:42Come on!
28:43Come on!
28:44Come on!
28:45Come on!
28:46Come on!
28:47Come on!
28:48Come on!
28:49Come on!
28:50Come on!
28:52Come on!
28:53What did I say?
29:07See that one I give it, huh?
29:08He can't take it.
29:17Hey Lollipop.
29:18Do you stop playing and give him two bruisers?
29:19Listen, Tucson, stick your left in his face and cross from your right.
29:26It's a set-up.
29:27I'll get it just fine.
29:29Keep moving around.
29:50Out of the way!
30:20Hey, I tell you, I've got money.
30:22I'm rich.
30:29Hey, Lullaby.
30:31He's going good now.
30:32Go over and bet some more.
30:33Your odds are good.
31:11I've heard more than I owe you.
31:13Hey, I want to bet on Tucson.
31:15I've got money.
31:16Look, a hundred dollars.
31:18Why didn't you tell me you had money?
31:20I've been trying to.
31:22I've got plenty.
31:24Look at me.
31:28Where'd you get all that money, uncle?
31:30Don't tell anybody.
31:32I made it myself.
31:33That's great, Jake.
31:34You wait here.
31:41Hey, Jake, what about the bet?
31:49Hey, this little old Jake over at the bookie's table.
31:52And he's got a sack of the bank money.
31:54Bank money?
31:55Yeah, I wonder how he got a hold of that.
31:57Well, knock him out.
31:58Knock him out.
31:59Knock him out.
32:00Come on.
32:19Where's Jake?
32:20He got out for the tall timber.
32:21Just left here in a hurry.
32:23All right, let's get him down, boys.
32:25Did you hide that money in Nemesis?
32:27Yeah, but that old coot couldn't have found it while we hid it.
32:29Well, he did.
32:30Trail him and get that money back, whatever you do.
32:48Come on.
33:02Now listen.
33:03You hear me fire a shot, you turn off that gas and drop that center light.
33:30Hey, Tucson.
33:31That bank money's in Nemesis.
33:33Old Jake's got it.
33:34We've got to get there pronto.
33:35I got your clothes.
33:36Come on.
33:38We'll cut through the river below the bridge and try and head Jake off
33:41before Buck and his men can overtake him.
33:43If we don't, he'll hide in Nemesis and we'll never find him.
33:45Lullaby, you stick with the Thorntons.
34:07Where's your dad?
34:30I don't know.
34:31He left the bank as soon as the trouble started over the fight being stopped.
34:34Old Jake's got the stolen bank money, Sabina.
34:36Tucson and Stoney are trailing for Nemesis.
34:38We've got to hurry and get that money back before the bank opens tomorrow.
34:41The miners will go wild if they find the bank is closed.
34:44That's right.
34:45Come on.
34:46I know an old mine tunnel that leads into Nemesis.
34:48And I can handle Jake.
34:59Go on home.
35:07He must be here.
35:29There's his horse.
35:30Well, let's start with the hotel.
35:31We've got to search the town.
35:36Let's go.
36:00Somebody else must be tangling with Jake.
36:03You men find out what's up.
36:04Monk and me will take a look where we hid that bank money and see if it's still there.
36:34Looks like a welcoming committee.
36:35Who do you suppose it is?
36:36Probably a few ghosts.
36:47Looks like Barrington's boys are trying to get that money too.
36:50I wonder how Jake got his hands on it.
36:53I don't know.
37:05I don't know.
37:34Here's where we put the money.
37:35Is that a mansion?
37:48Yeah, it's going all right.
37:49Jake must have found it, sure enough.
37:58Hey, let's get out of here.
38:17The boys must have found Jake.
38:19Come on, we'll circle in from the back alley.
38:42Out the back windows are best.
38:43Better into the alley.
39:06Boy, what a town.
39:18It's no wonder Jake's a little bit goofy.
39:20Yeah, that's you right.
39:22I'm telling you one thing.
39:26I'm in favor of waiting till daylight before closing in on them blokes.
39:31Me too.
39:32This town's given me the willies.
39:39I'm sure this is the right tunnel, Lullaby.
39:44The town seems to be quiet.
40:03We can't stay here much longer.
40:05Unless we can locate Jake and get that money in the bank before it opens this morning,
40:07I'm afraid Thornton's a dead Harry.
40:18Wait a minute, boys.
40:19Wait a minute.
40:21Come here.
40:28I wouldn't be too hasty, man.
40:31Thornton may be on the up and up, you know.
40:33I've got to tell you something, Barrington.
40:35If I lose the money I've got in the bank, somebody's going to pay.
40:39Some things are hard to swallow.
40:41But I don't believe Thornton's a crook.
40:43Then why didn't you keep your money in his bank?
40:46Yeah, and we got it pretty straight that two sons Smith and his two pals robbed the bank last night.
40:50And Thornton let them in.
40:53Well, what you do is your own business.
40:55But remember what I said about acting hasty.
40:58Come on, men, let's get them.
41:31Oh, Uncle Jake.
41:33Morning, Sabina.
41:36Do you know where Stoney and Tucson are?
41:39I reckon I know where everybody is and ain't in my town.
41:42Then take us to them at once.
42:08Quick, Jake, where's that bank money?
42:10I ain't interested.
42:11Come on, you old buzzard, give me that bank money or I'll...
42:13Jake won't give you anything unless I tell him to.
42:15That's right, Sabina.
42:19You'd give me the money, wouldn't you, Uncle Jake, if I asked you to?
42:22Sure would, Sabina.
42:23Where is it, then?
42:27Those darn fools are sitting on it right now.
42:32Well, what do you know about that?
42:37Lullaby, you and Jake take Sabina and head back through the tunnel.
42:40Stoney and I will go through the back door and try to make our horses.
42:42Now, wait.
42:43You fellas do as I tell you and you'll be all right.
42:46Now, listen.
42:47When you hear the church bells ring, count five.
42:50Then head out the front door to your horses...
42:52and we'll meet you at the old mining shack just out of town.
42:55What are you going to do?
42:56Listen, if I told you, I'd spoil all the fun.
42:58Hey, I got everything fixed.
43:01You and Funny Face follow me.
43:18This is my operating machine, Ray.
43:20I'll kill you.
43:30That's it.
43:39Let's go.
43:49Wait a minute.
43:58Look out!
44:13Come on!
44:17They've got the money sacks!
44:30We've got the money.
44:31Let's get going.
44:44I'm going to open the door, Carter...
44:48and go out there to meet them.
44:49Perhaps I can explain.
44:51Not to that bunch of hyenas?
44:53They'd string you up before you said two words.
44:55It's the only thing I can do.
44:57There's no use for all of you risking your lives...
44:59when I'm the only one they want.
45:01I'm going to drop off and try and hold them back.
45:04Keep on with the money.
45:56Get out of there!
46:03Shoot over their heads!
46:21You and Lullaby keep on, Serena.
46:23I'm going to help Tucson.
46:52Come on!
46:53We've got to get them off of that gold!
47:07Get that money to the bank and don't stop for nothing!
47:37Put me down!
47:38Come on!
47:39Cut me loose here!
47:40Where's this rope?
47:41Come on!
47:42Hey, come on, you!
47:44Put me down!
47:45Come on!
47:46Cut me loose!
47:47Come on!
47:48Come on!
47:49Come on!
47:50Come on!
47:51Come on!
47:52Come on!
47:53Come on!
47:54Come on!
47:55Come on!
47:56Come on!
47:57Come on!
47:58Come on!
47:59Come on!
48:00Come on!
48:01Come on!
48:02Come on!
48:03Come on!
48:04Come on!
48:05Come on!
48:06Come on!
48:07Come on!
48:08Come on!
48:09Come on!
48:10Come on!
48:11Come on!
48:12Come on!
48:13Come on!
48:14Come on!
48:15Come on!
48:16Come on!
48:17Come on!
48:18Come on!
48:19Come on!
48:20Come on!
48:21Come on!
48:22Come on!
48:23Come on!
48:24Come on!
48:25Come on!
48:26Come on!
48:27Come on!
48:28Come on!
48:29Come on!
48:30Come on!
48:31Come on!
48:32Come on!
48:33Come on!
48:34Come on!
48:35Come on!
48:36Come on!
48:37Come on!
48:38Come on!
48:39Come on!
48:40Come on!
48:41Come on!
48:42Come on!
48:43Come on!
48:44Come on!
48:45Come on!
48:46Come on!
48:47Come on!
48:48Come on!
48:49Come on!
48:50Come on!
48:51Come on!
48:52Come on!
48:53Come on!
48:54Come on!
48:55Come on!
48:56Come on!
48:57Come on!
48:58Come on!
48:59Come on!
49:00Come on!
49:01Come on!
49:02Come on!
49:03It's only a matter of time until the mob wipes us all out.
49:05I'm going out there and surrender to them.
49:12It's suicide to try and reach the bank with that battle going on.
49:15You stay here, Sabine, and we'll try to slip into town the back way.
49:33Hold it, Barrington!
49:35Hold it!
49:37Don't fire.
49:40Pull it over, Sarge!
49:41Catch him!
49:43Catch him!
49:45Catch him!
49:46Catch him!
49:48Pull it over now, Sarge.
50:02Pull it over now!
50:03Oh, behave yourself, Mr. Barrington.
50:11We don't want to mush you up.
50:13What's all this about?
50:14Barrington, you started this battle.
50:15We're going to let you finish it.
50:16We're going to let you call off that mob by walking out with us to the bank.
50:20We'll never get through there.
50:23What could I say to stop them?
50:25Just tell them we've got their money.
50:27Through the door.
50:34Stop talking loud and fast, Mr. Barrington.
50:37Stop shooting, man.
50:39Stop shooting.
50:40We've got the stolen bank money.
50:42It's the three mosquitoes, and they're coming down the street with Barrington.
50:47Shall we let them have it?
50:49Call off the fight, fellas.
50:50Stoney's got the bank money.
50:53Wait a minute.
50:54Maybe it ain't a trick.
50:56The money's right here, fellas.
50:57Stop shooting.
51:06Boys, this money was stolen by Barrington's men and hidden in Nemesis.
51:14Is that right, Barrington?
51:26The bank is now open for business.
51:28Anyone wishing to withdraw accounts may do so.
52:16Hey, Tucson.
52:17I have a contract here with Komatski for a rematch fight.
52:21Will you sign it?
52:22Why, sure.
52:23What are you laughing at?
52:25What I'm laughing at was laughing at that.
52:27I don't feel so good myself.
52:29You don't feel good?
52:30What's the matter?
52:31Some darn fool said I look like you.