• 4 years ago


00:29Get going, get going, quick!
00:58quick this ranch belongs and father you're not going to take it away from him.
01:03That's what we're going to do. I haven't got we've got all day.
01:13I have just.
02:24Well that's I mean Gary. Who's chasing her.
02:29I don't know. We're going to find out.
02:59A lot.
03:17You want to take care of my lady.
03:21Well your horse stepped in a gober hole Miss Eileen.
04:19OK and there's a lot of bullies back at the house trying to run grandfather off
04:23the ranch come on trail long boys.
04:29I'm going as fast as I can.
04:59You're going to have to stop now.
05:14You're going to have to stop now.
05:29You're going to have to stop now.
05:59Come on.
06:29Come on.
07:00Is everything all right, Grandpa?
07:02Yes, darling. Now...
07:06What are these hombres after?
07:07They said there was something wrong with my filing claim and that I had to get out.
07:11Oh, that's it, huh?
07:13Trying to bluff him out so he can take possession and file on the place.
07:16Well, maybe we mistook the location.
07:19Yeah, maybe.
07:21But there's been a lot of mistaken locations around here in the last year.
07:24Are you sure?
07:26There's been a lot of mistaken locations around here in the last year.
07:29Now, you birds get going and forget the way back.
07:39Ken, I want to thank you for all that you've done.
07:43Gee, that's all right, Eileen.
07:46I don't think they'll be bothering you anymore.
07:48I hope not.
07:53Gee, Eileen, I gotta be getting along.
07:55Why, what's the hurry, Ken?
07:57Well, you see, my brother's bringing his troop of Boy Scouts in for their summer vacation.
08:01Can I come over and see them?
08:03Sure you can. Anytime.
08:05Well, I'll be there.
08:06Be expecting you.
08:09Goodbye, Ken.
08:17Oh, boy. Oh.
09:13Troop, halt.
09:16Left face.
09:18Prepare to make camp. Fall out.
09:26Gee, fellas, there's Ken Cartwright.
09:31Uncle Ken.
09:32Uncle Ken.
09:34Hello, Eric.
09:35Gee, I'm glad to see you.
09:37My, my, you've sprouted up in the last year, young fella, haven't you, huh?
09:40Well, a little.
09:42Hello, Earl. Mighty glad to see you again.
09:44You're looking fine yourself, Ken.
09:47You run along and finish your work now, Eric.
09:49Okay, I'll see you later.
09:56How's your uncle?
09:57Ah, he's swell.
09:58Everything going all right?
10:02No, it ain't.
10:04Some smart individual has organized a bunch of land grabbers.
10:08They're trying to run every settler out of this whole valley.
10:11That's too bad.
10:12You have any idea who it is?
10:17But I think the Skinner Land and Cattle Company's behind all the trouble.
10:21Now that we've got a hold of Carey's place, we're all set in the valley.
10:27All set if Pete and the boys don't fall down.
10:31There's not a chance of that.
10:34You'd better come now, boss.
10:42Well, I'll see you later.
10:55I told you to stay on the ranch after you ran Carey off.
10:58We didn't run him off.
11:01You didn't run him off?
11:04Ken Cartwright run us off instead.
11:07Say, just what did happen?
11:10Well, Carey's girl got away and went for help.
11:14Just as we had persuaded old man Carey to give,
11:17why, Cartwright horned to play away from us.
11:21So Carey is still on the ranch, eh?
11:25You see that you don't muff it this time.
11:56Cartwright is getting in our way.
12:02He's a tough hombre to buff.
12:06I've got a way to handle him.
12:17Your brand is an open S, isn't it, Lariat?
12:21And, uh, Cartwright uses a box eight, right?
12:26Well, it wouldn't be hard to change an open S
12:30to a box eight,
12:32like this.
12:37Now, would it?
12:39Why, it'd be a cinch.
12:43There's a lot of my cattle in the south pasture.
12:47You got the idea, Pete?
12:49We gotcha.
12:51Get over to Indian Joe's hangout.
12:53Ride through Rocky Pass.
13:22Who is it, Harry?
13:23Pete with Hank and Tom.
13:30All clear, Harry?
13:31Yeah, all right, Pete, go ahead.
13:42Signal Indian Joe that they're on their way.
13:51All right.
14:07Oh, Joe.
14:11Pete's coming through the pass with Hank and Tom.
14:15All right.
14:22All right.
14:47Hello, Hank.
14:48Hello, Ben.
14:51What's the news?
14:52Boss wants you to round up some of Lariat Smith's cattle
14:55and run them in the corral.
14:59All right.
15:00We get them tomorrow, huh?
15:04Stubby, where is him?
15:09He's got important business tonight
15:11over at old man Carey's place.
15:16Skinner, he's a pretty shrewd man, eh?
15:30Right face.
15:34Stand off.
15:49Stand off.
15:50Stand off.
15:51Stand off.
15:52Stand off.
15:53Stand off.
15:54Stand off.
15:55Stand off.
15:56Stand off.
15:57Stand off.
15:58Stand off.
15:59Stand off.
16:00Stand off.
16:01Stand off.
16:02Stand off.
16:03Stand off.
16:04Stand off.
16:05Stand off.
16:06Stand off.
16:07Stand off.
16:08Stand off.
16:09Stand off.
16:10Stand off.
16:11Stand off.
16:12Stand off.
16:13Stand off.
16:14Stand off.
16:15Stand off.
16:16Stand off.
16:17Stand off.
16:19Well, we may say you are leaving
16:24We will miss your bright eyes and we smile
16:29For to take with you all of the sunshine
16:35Satisfies just our lives for a while
16:40Come sit by my side if you love me
16:46Do not hasten to bid me adieu
16:51But remember the Red River Valley
16:58Sure sounds pretty.
17:04Now look here, honey.
17:06Don't worry.
17:08I don't think you'll have any trouble holding on to poverty till November.
17:12And your grandfather can prove up on it and get a clear D.
17:14I hope so.
17:18What's the matter?
17:21But I can't help feeling that I'm selfish, leaving him all alone.
17:26I don't know.
17:27I feel something terrible is going to happen.
17:31If you feel that way about it, maybe you'd better go back.
17:34Always follow your heart, you know.
17:36I believe you're right.
17:44Well, fellas, I can hardly get through to this boy.
18:21Oh, Carrie!
18:36Hey, Carrie!
18:45Sounded like a shot.
19:04That stubby Lane.
19:06I'd know him anywhere.
19:08Oh, Ken, let's hurry.
19:09I feel something dreadful's happened.
19:14Let's go.
19:51He can hardly move.
19:53I'm not going to hurt him.
20:00I think that's all I need now, Lane.
20:02Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:08I'm going to get some water.
20:09I'm going to get some water.
20:11I'm going to get some water.
20:12I'm going to get some water.
20:13I'm going to get some water.
20:19I think he's going to be all right, Adeline.
20:20You get some water.
20:21I'm going for help.
20:36That's an alarm, Dad.
20:37I bet it's Uncle Ken.
20:44Saddle some horses.
20:45I'll get the first aid kit.
20:46All right.
21:04Bill Carriero is badly wounded.
21:06You stay here and take care of him.
21:08I'm going after stubby Lane.
21:10I'll take care of him.
21:13All right.
21:24That gun was set so when Carriero opened that door,
21:27he'd get the full charge.
21:41We're too late, Adeline.
21:43Let's go.
21:59Tom, you go and clean out the cattle out of the brush.
22:01Come on.
22:11Boys, we'll go down here and round up 20 steers
22:13and take them back to the corral.
22:15Come on.
22:32Come on.
22:53Hey, Tom.
22:54Get him up here.
22:55There's no stock in here, Joe.
23:01Come on.
23:02Come on.
23:03Come on.
23:04Come on.
23:05Come on.
23:06Come on.
23:07Come on.
23:08Come on.
23:09Come on.
23:10Come on.
23:11Come on.
23:12Come on.
23:13Come on.
23:14Come on.
23:15Come on.
23:16Come on.
23:17Come on.
23:18Come on.
23:19Come on.
23:20Come on.
23:21Come on.
23:22Come on.
23:23Come on.
23:24Come on.
23:25Come on.
23:26Come on.
23:27Come on.
23:28Come on.
23:29Come on.
23:30Come on.
23:46Park right.
23:49No, you don't.
23:50Now take it easy.
23:51You hear?
23:53Take it easy.
23:57Where's Stubby?
23:58Where is he?
24:02I don't know.
24:09You know all right.
24:12I'll gamble if he's not out there rustling cattle he's hiding out at Indian Joe's.
24:17I'd drag him out of there too if I could find some way to get through that pass.
24:28I got it.
24:29I know.
25:01Take it on home boy.
25:09Go ahead.
25:10Come on.
25:11Come on.
25:12Go ahead.
25:14All right.
25:15Let's go.
25:16Get your gun.
25:18Take my gun.
25:19All right.
25:20All right.
25:21Let's go.
25:22Let's go.
25:23Get to it.
25:24Let's go.
25:25Take my gun.
25:26Come on.
25:27All right.
25:28Come on.
25:29That was the pass.
25:32I'm going to get him for the pad.
25:39I'll get him for the pad.
25:42I'll get him for the pad.
26:12I'm going to get him for the pad.
26:42I'm going to get him for the pad.
27:12I'm going to get him for the pad.
27:42I'm going to get him for the pad.
27:47I'm going to get him for the pad.
27:54I'm going to get him for the pad.
28:05Here's your drinks, Tubby.
28:35All right, Jeff, you got your group ready for nature hike?
28:47Yes, sir.
28:49Don't stay away too long.
28:50Oh, we won't.
28:51Come on, gang.
28:52Let's go.
28:53Have dinner ready for us.
28:54We will.
28:56Yes, sir.
28:57You got your group ready for signalling?
28:58Yes, we have.
28:59All ready, fellas?
29:00Yes, sir.
29:01Give us a good chance to brush up on our signalling.
29:02You need it.
29:03You need it.
29:04We sure brush up on it.
29:05All of you.
29:06Cartwright's taking stubby away.
29:36be away tied to a saddle. Don't let him get to the past
30:07Something must have happened to Uncle Ken.
30:12We'll follow Tarzan and see where he leads us.
30:36That guard stops us.
30:43Just say hello.
30:46Don't say anything else.
31:05It's Tom and Stubby.
31:07Hello, Harry.
31:16All clear, Stubby.
31:17Go ahead.
31:32It's a double cross.
32:06Must be the sheriff
32:31and his deputies.
33:01Good boy.
33:06His own men shot him.
33:27How was Stubby killed?
33:29He got plugged by the lookout when him and Cartwright beat
33:32it out of the pass, but I can't understand how Cartwright
33:36got through to Indian Joe's.
33:39He must have slipped in when we run the stock through.
33:45Are you all set to have Cartwright arrested for cattle
33:47stealing? Sure.
33:51The sheriff's got the warrant now.
33:53Have him thrown in jail.
33:54He's going to mess up our whole deal if we don't get him
33:56out of the way.
34:04I'll meet you at Indian Joe's.
34:06Hello, Ken.
34:17Hello, boys.
34:19Where are the boys?
34:21They went over to Global Flat for a workout.
34:23Oh, I see.
34:32Where's the sheriff?
34:33Well, we search the place, Sheriff.
34:40Oh, have a look around.
34:47Hello, Ken.
34:48Hello, Sheriff.
34:52Looks like you're a busy day.
34:54Sure is, Ken, and I hate it.
34:58Didn't know you ever hated anything.
35:01Yep, I hate dirty devil-crossing coyotes.
35:07Ken, you're under arrest for rustling cattle.
35:13Lariat Smith's sworn to the warrant.
35:16Claims he lost a bunch of steers out of the South
35:25Oh, Ben.
35:31Oh, Buffalo.
35:39Looks too good to be true.
35:45These hides come off my steers.
35:47You see, my brand, The Open S, has been changed to a box
35:51A Cartwright's brand.
35:54Well, that's a lie, Sheriff.
35:56Lariat's cattle was driven through Rocky Pass by Indian
35:58Jody's gang.
35:58All right, let's get going.
36:02I'll be in town anytime you want me, Sheriff.
36:05You'll take him in town right now.
36:07He's got a warrant for your arrest.
36:14Round the barn.
36:15Head him off.
36:28Back here, back here.
36:58Get after him.
37:29Ah, he's given us a slip.
37:32Ride to the ranch and pick him up if he comes back.
37:35All right.
37:55How do you feel, Sheriff?
37:57I never felt better in my life.
38:00You going after him?
38:02No, sir.
38:03I'll wait right here till he gets back.
38:27What are you doing here?
38:31You'll soon find out.
38:44Open up!
38:47Open that door!
38:50Open that door!
39:57Earl, Larry, boys, Eileen Cary's a prisoner at Indian Jody's
40:01and Rocky Pass.
40:03I want you to rouse all the ranchers in this neighborhood.
40:05Tell them to meet me at my ranch, understand?
40:07Yes, sir, we understand.
40:09I'm going to slip in and try to catch the lookouts
40:10that are guarding the pass.
40:12When I do, I'll send you a heliograph signal.
40:14That signal will mean that the pass is open,
40:16that the Sheriff and the ranchers can come on through
40:18and take Indian Jody by surprise.
40:19You get it?
40:20You're taking a desperate chance, kid.
40:21I'm going to get you out of here.
40:23I'm going to get you out of here.
40:24I'm going to get you out of here.
40:25You're taking a desperate chance, Kim.
40:27Packing those men alone?
40:28Can't help it, Earl.
40:29There's no telling what will happen
40:30if Eileen Cary's not rescued right now.
40:33All right, which way do we go?
40:34Now listen, boys.
40:35Jimmy, you and Sam take the north road.
40:38Johnny, you and Bill,
40:40over by Walker's.
40:41And Eric, you take the wagon road.
40:44All right, boys, get him out.
40:56Well, is everything all right?
41:00Parkwright got away from the Sheriff.
41:03He got away?
41:05Well, maybe he'll try to come back through the pass again.
41:07He can't come through the pass.
41:09I've got it well protected.
41:11But the Sheriff threatened to bring the federal soldiers here
41:14to clean us out.
41:15But he can't do that.
41:16The pass belongs to me.
41:18I'm the sheriff.
41:19I've got to protect it.
41:20I've got to protect it.
41:21I've got to protect it.
41:23I've got to protect it.
41:24I've got to protect it.
41:25It's to me.
41:31Does Parkwright know we've got the girl here?
41:34I don't think so.
41:44What's the trouble, Tom?
41:45Ken Cartwright wants you at his ranch right away.
41:53Well, what are you waiting on?
41:55I'm waiting on the sheriff.
41:56He's got to come back.
41:57He's got to come back.
41:58He's got to come back.
41:59He's got to come back.
42:00He's got to come back.
42:01He's got to come back.
42:02He's got to come back.
42:03He's got to come back.
42:04He's got to come back.
42:05He's got to come back.
42:06He's got to come back.
42:07He's got to come back.
42:08He's got to come back.
42:09He's got to come back.
42:10He's got to come back.
42:11He's got to come back.
42:12He's got to come back.
42:13He's got to come back.
42:14He's got to come back.
42:15He's got to come back.
42:16He's got to come back.
42:17He's got to come back.
42:18He's got to come back.
42:20He's got to come back.
42:21He's got to come back.
42:22He's got to come back.
42:23He's got to come back.
42:24He's got to come back.
42:25He's got to come back.
42:26He's got to come back.
42:27He's got to come back.
42:28He's got to come back.
42:29He's got to come back.
42:30He's got to come back.
42:31He's got to come back.
42:32He's got to come back.
42:33He's got to come back.
42:34He's got to come back.
42:35He's got to come back.
42:36He's got to come back.
42:37He's got to come back.
42:38He's got to come back.
42:39He's got to come back.
42:40He's got to come back.
42:41He's got to come back.
42:42He's got to come back.
42:43He's got to come back.
42:45Anybody go through?
42:46Yeah, Luria Smith and Skinner wrote in.
43:14Well, what's going to be now, Harry?
43:16Oh, I don't know.
43:17A little shoving up, I guess.
43:19You know what happened last time.
43:21Well, you can't always have bad luck.
43:24There you go.
43:25We'll have this.
43:47And reach high.
44:15Hold it.
44:17Now, turn around back to back.
44:19That's it.
44:20Take it easy.
44:21Put your hands down.
44:25Take it easy, boys.
44:36Howdy, Sheriff.
44:38Glad to see you, Sheriff.
44:39Any others get here yet?
44:40What others?
44:41What are you doing?
44:42What are you doing?
44:43What others?
44:44What are you driving at?
44:45Well, Eileen Carey's a prisoner at Indian Joe's.
44:47Ken's going to see them when the pass is clear.
44:49He wants to surprise Joe's gang and rescue her.
44:51Eileen Carey.
44:55My boys are out rounding up Ken's friends.
44:57I'm a friend of his.
44:59This is the last job Indian Joe is going to do in this valley.
45:13Well, that's a dirty trick to do with an old boy, isn't it?
45:29How are you, Sheriff?
45:30Hello, boys.
45:31There's Ken Sigel from the pass, Sheriff.
45:47Answer it.
45:49If any more of the ranchers get here, tell them to come on through the pass.
45:54Wait a minute.
45:55You'll be pushing me off of here.
46:00You get the heliograph, Eric.
46:30Out to the cave entrance, hurry, and stop them.
48:00Sheriff and his posse.
48:14Oh, Ken!
48:18He's going on in.
48:20We've got to overhaul him.
48:30Signal Indians show that they're coming through.
48:38You've heard a little too much.
48:40I've heard enough to know that it was you who sent Stubby Lane to murder my grandfather.
48:43Oh, you have, eh?
48:45Yes, and I know that you and Lariat Smith framed Ken Cartwright.
48:50The Sheriff and his posse are coming through the pass.
48:56Put her back.
49:00Get everybody and stop them from coming through.
49:15The Sheriff's posse is coming through the pass.
49:18When I fire a shot, that'll be your signal.
49:21All right, get ready.
49:48It's too quiet to be safe.
50:01Let's search the place.
50:21Sheriff, get the cover.
50:36We're outnumbered.
50:37Find Ken and get the rest of the boys from the ranch.
50:39All right, Sheriff.
51:08Let's go.
51:29He's shot.
51:58Yeah, I got plugged leaving Indian Joe's.
52:02Where's Ken Cartwright?
52:03Well, he went to the pass.
52:05He's one with all the men he can get.
52:07The Sheriff's trapped at Joe's.
52:09We'll find Ken and tell him.
52:11After him, boys.
52:41Ken, the Sheriff is trapped at Indian Joe's.
52:47He wants you and all the help he can get.
52:49No more boys at the ranch?
52:50Not a man.
52:52All right, then.
52:54We'll get him an army.
53:06Soldiers, they're coming through the pass.
53:09They're coming through the pass.
53:21All right, boys, come on.
53:22Let's get going.
53:29The soldiers are coming.
53:31But we can get the Sheriff before they get here.
53:33Then we'll make our getaway.
53:34All right, come on.
53:37They're going to rush us.
53:51We got them.
53:55What happened?
54:01Round up that gang, boys.
54:03I'm going after Eileen.
54:05Go ahead.
54:13You're the only one that can pin anything on me.
54:18But I don't think you'll talk.
54:48How do you feel?
54:54I'd like to have a drink.
55:16Come on, stand back there.
55:18Come on, hurry up.
55:19Get back there.
55:31Hold him here, boys.
55:35I heard the men talking.
55:37Skinner is the head of Indian Joe's gang.
55:45Hello, Eileen.
55:46Hello, Sheriff.
55:48Well, you found her all right.
55:53Sheriff, there's a man killed, Bill Carey.
55:55And frame me on that cattle rustling charge.
56:08Bye, Uncle Ken.
56:09Bye, Eric.
56:15Give me plenty of time to get back for the wedding.
56:19I will, all right, Earl.
56:24Right face.
56:27Forward march.
56:29Forward march.
56:30Forward march.
56:31Forward march.
56:32Forward march.
56:33Forward march.
56:34Forward march.
56:35Forward march.
56:36Forward march.
56:37Forward march.
56:38Forward march.
56:39Forward march.
56:40Forward march.
56:41Forward march.
56:42Forward march.
56:43Forward march.
56:44Forward march.
56:45Forward march.
56:46Forward march.
56:47Forward march.
56:48Forward march.
56:49Forward march.
56:50Forward march.
56:51Forward march.
56:52Forward march.
56:53Forward march.
56:54Forward march.
56:55Forward march.
56:56Forward march.
56:57Forward march.