In 1979 the BBC released an edited down LP soundtrack of the 1975 Doctor Who story Genesis of the Daleks. The original TV version ran for over 2 hours, the LP with linking narration by Tom Baker runs for just over an hour, so a lot was cut.
For fun I have taken the 1979 LP and edited the soundtrack to the visuals so you can see exactly what was cut. Does it work as a visual experience, not really, but for meany the LP was the only way to re-live the story for years, so I put this together to hopefully trigger the nostalgic child still inside us.
Now I’ve cheated a little bit to fit a few things together but I’d say it’s about 97% true to the LP. I hope you enjoy it.
For fun I have taken the 1979 LP and edited the soundtrack to the visuals so you can see exactly what was cut. Does it work as a visual experience, not really, but for meany the LP was the only way to re-live the story for years, so I put this together to hopefully trigger the nostalgic child still inside us.
Now I’ve cheated a little bit to fit a few things together but I’d say it’s about 97% true to the LP. I hope you enjoy it.