• 5 years ago
Rakhi is here! Several Bollywood celebs including Priyanka Chopra, Soha Ali Khan, Kangana Ranaut, Riddhima Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and others shared amazing posts on this special day. Shweta Bachchan wished for brother Abhishek’s speedy recovery. Soha Ali Khan had a double Rakhi celebration as she shared posts wishing her brother Saif Ali Khan and also her daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu's brother Taimur Ali Khan. Akshay Kumar announced a new film titled Raksha Bandhan, which marks the debut of his sister Alka Bhatia as a presenter. Lata Mangeshkar extended a Rakhi wish to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh held a press conference on August 3 where he shared details about their investigation on Sushant Singh Rajput's death. Param Bir Singh said that Sushant Singh Rajput was upset after his name was linked to the death of his ex-manager Disha Salian. Singh informed that Sushant was searching his name for around two hours the night before his death. As per the Mumbai Police Commissioner, Sushant searched for terms like "painless death", "schizophrenia" and "bipolar disorder" on the search engine Google. IPS officer Vinay Tiwari heading a police team from Patna probing the case has been "forcibly quarantined" by the municipal authorities in Mumbai.


