00:01:02Spotlight, quick!
00:01:05There he is!
00:01:06Oh, hell!
00:01:14Brothers of London, eh?
00:01:16Ha, ha!
00:01:23You've done it!
00:01:24Here, now listen.
00:01:25You go that way, I go this way.
00:01:26Follow me, quick!
00:01:36Come on!
00:01:54Won't you ask your friends to practice somewhere else?
00:02:04What did you say?
00:02:05Well, well, well, they shouldn't race their cars here.
00:02:08This is a built-up area.
00:02:12Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
00:02:15If you happen to ask me, I think it's a shut-up area.
00:02:18You know, we'd have to go somewhere to beat this in Chicago.
00:02:24Oh, you see, Chicago, that's my hometown, where I come from.
00:02:29Gee, Christmases.
00:02:36And I came over here for a rest.
00:02:39Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
00:02:42Well, go over and let me get mine.
00:02:45Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
00:02:47You've dropped your letter.
00:02:53Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:03:06Good evening, Mr. Mason.
00:03:08Hello, Sam.
00:03:35Sam, how would you like to earn a hundred pounds?
00:03:46Steady, Sid.
00:03:47I've got a weak heart.
00:03:49How about a match?
00:03:56Listen, Sam.
00:03:59Big city sensation!
00:04:02Steady, Sid!
00:04:05Big city for Piper!
00:04:08Special Piper!
00:04:10Piper, Sid!
00:04:14Piper, Sid!
00:04:17Special Piper!
00:04:18Tell me, old sir, how much is 275,000 pounds, you know, in real money?
00:04:24275,000 pounds?
00:04:25Yes, yes, I know, but you don't understand.
00:04:28I mean real money, you know, dollars.
00:04:30About how many dollars would it make?
00:04:33A million.
00:04:34Oh, a million.
00:04:36Yes, sir.
00:04:37Thank you very much.
00:04:39Good day.
00:04:40I'll tell you, boys, you really don't realize just how much 275,000 pounds is.
00:04:46That means one million dollars.
00:04:49Yes, sir.
00:04:50I ask a policeman.
00:04:51And policemen over here are not allowed to lie.
00:04:54Well, can you beat that?
00:04:56Lee Barwell talking to a cop about dough.
00:05:00What's funny about that?
00:05:02I'm over here on holiday, aren't I?
00:05:04Oh, sure.
00:05:05Then why are you so interested in this million spondylics?
00:05:08Well, busmen have busman's holidays, don't they?
00:05:11Why shouldn't a gangster have his?
00:05:13Well, you didn't go near the paradise, sir?
00:05:15No, I spent the night at the club and came straight here.
00:05:19Where's the parcel?
00:05:21I gave it to a friend of mine.
00:05:24Are you crazy?
00:05:27You know that parcel contains the key to a fortune, and you give it to a friend.
00:05:32I did, because we can't use that key until the coast is clear.
00:05:37And while we are waiting, what's to prevent Mayor Valen-Gilling from taking the money and leaving the country?
00:05:42The fact that they themselves had a safe constructed that nothing in the world could open but one key.
00:05:47I checked that with the lockmaker.
00:05:49The patents were destroyed the day they deposited the key with us.
00:05:54You know, I don't think those two crooks trusted each other.
00:05:58There's a couple of dirty crooks over here.
00:06:01By the name of, uh, Gilling and Merveil, who've gotten away with a million dollars.
00:06:07And the guy who was being chased last night dropped this letter.
00:06:12Oh, excuse me, I forgot.
00:06:14Here you are, Slug.
00:06:16Dear Coler, Gilling and Merveil know.
00:06:21Mason and Self not returning paradise.
00:06:26See? Educated.
00:06:27Oh, sure.
00:06:29Ring, uh, E-I-M-L...
00:06:37Oh, Pimlico, yeah.
00:06:40Stay house this city.
00:06:42No, I don't get that.
00:06:43Neither do I, but I'm going to.
00:06:46Yeah, now take it easy.
00:06:48If we gotta beat it out of this country, there ain't another one that talks our language.
00:06:51No, I wouldn't touch it.
00:06:52The cops will be after them two crooks.
00:06:54Gilling and Merveil deposited 275,000 pounds in Coler's safe.
00:07:00But they can't open that safe because we hold the key.
00:07:05I wish you wouldn't do that.
00:07:09They can't tell anyone about us without incriminating themselves.
00:07:14No one knows that but we do.
00:07:18Coler knows?
00:07:19Yes, but he's too afraid to do anything but what we tell him.
00:07:31Are you quite sure that the key is safe with your friend?
00:07:35Oh, quite.
00:07:37No one can get that key until I ask for it.
00:07:42Who is your friend?
00:07:46I said, until I ask for it.
00:07:52Well, I'll be with you when you do.
00:07:56I'm telling you, there's a couple of dirty crooks here hiding out somewhere with a million bucks.
00:08:02See, what ain't theirs, mind you.
00:08:04And there's a guy named Coler stopping in the Paradise Hotel who knows something about it.
00:08:08Well, England brought it on herself, didn't she?
00:08:15Send my mail to the Paradise Hotel.
00:08:23Good morning, sir.
00:08:25Well, hello, son.
00:08:26This the Paradise Hotel?
00:08:28Yes, sir. Paradise, sir.
00:08:30Well, probably as close as I'll ever get to Paradise, so I think I'll camp here for a while.
00:08:35Are you the manager?
00:08:36Not yet, sir.
00:08:37Ah, well, you'll grow up and before long you probably will be the manager.
00:08:42Which way is the reception?
00:08:43This way, sir.
00:08:44Oh, thank you.
00:08:54Well, thank you for your company, son.
00:08:55Oh, uh, just check that bag of mine, will you please?
00:08:59How do you do, sir?
00:09:00I think I'll have a sweet.
00:09:01I'm sorry, sir, we haven't one vacant.
00:09:03Oh, well, a room with bathrooms.
00:09:05I'm afraid we haven't any rooms vacant just now, sir.
00:09:08Oh, I bet you tell that to everybody.
00:09:11I'll tell you what I really prefer.
00:09:12A nice room with a south exposure overlooking the river where I...
00:09:15Excuse me, sir.
00:09:16How do you do, sir?
00:09:17We are booked up until after the new year.
00:09:20Oh, that is too bad.
00:09:22Well, nothing better to do.
00:09:24I'll just hang around here and wait.
00:09:26Let me know when you have a vacancy, won't you?
00:09:35You think he's going to sit there until next year?
00:09:44He kept a morning test for his post.
00:09:48No mail.
00:09:49Good morning, Mr. Calder.
00:09:50Good morning.
00:09:51Any letters for me?
00:09:52No, sir.
00:09:53You sure?
00:09:54Yes, sir.
00:09:55No message?
00:09:56No, sir.
00:09:58Can I book a table for dinner on top of dinner?
00:10:01Will you ask for the information list, please?
00:10:03All right.
00:10:04Let me know the moment any letter or message arrives.
00:10:06Certainly, sir.
00:10:08Charming fellow.
00:10:10Act as if he owns the hotel.
00:10:12Why doesn't he live here?
00:10:13He practically does at the bar.
00:10:16Good morning, Elizabeth.
00:10:17Good morning, Mr. Calder.
00:10:18Am I too late to book a table for tonight?
00:10:21I'm afraid so, Mr. Calder.
00:10:23Unless someone should return their present bookings.
00:10:25Well, do the best you can for me, will you?
00:10:27Certainly, Mr. Calder.
00:10:28I'm expecting an important message.
00:10:29I don't want to have to leave the hotel.
00:10:32I said 11, and it's 11 now.
00:10:34Oh, may we, madame?
00:10:35It is 11.
00:10:36And where is Miss Taylor?
00:10:37Is she here?
00:10:38No, madame.
00:10:40No, madame.
00:10:41But I'm trying everywhere to find her.
00:10:42Is this what you call service?
00:10:44Oh, madame, you must please try to be lenient.
00:10:46I said 11, and it's 11 now.
00:10:50Good morning, Mrs. Penworthy.
00:10:52Good morning.
00:10:53Miss Sally, will you take madame to number three, please?
00:10:56S'il vous plait, madame.
00:10:59Un moment, mademoiselle.
00:11:02Don't you think you are coming in late,
00:11:04insulting one of my best customers, keeping her waiting?
00:11:07The appointment was for 11.
00:11:08It's past 11.
00:11:09One minute.
00:11:10Don't argue with me, you little...
00:11:12Perhaps when you have quite finished,
00:11:14I can be manicured.
00:11:16Oh, mais oui, madame.
00:11:20You heard.
00:11:24I'm sorry, but really, I can't.
00:11:26Oh, wait a minute.
00:11:27Maybe I can help you a little bit.
00:11:28How about one of your staff rooms?
00:11:30We keep those for the staff.
00:11:31All right, then I'll join the staff.
00:11:33Come over here, and I'll tell you how we can do that.
00:11:36Yes, sir.
00:11:40Now, what would you like me to do?
00:11:42Yes, sir.
00:11:43Now, what would you like for me to be?
00:11:45Commissioner, head waiter, house detective?
00:11:47Oh, boy, I'd make a honey of a house detective.
00:11:49Back in Chicago, when I was a little...
00:11:51Well, we already have a detective.
00:11:54All right.
00:11:55Then I'll share a room with one of them.
00:11:57I'm afraid I can't manage that either.
00:11:58Oh, you're obstinate today.
00:12:00Now, listen.
00:12:01There won't be a room vacant until after the new year.
00:12:05It's final.
00:12:06All right.
00:12:07Then I'll have to park myself here and wait.
00:12:14But you can't sleep in the lounge.
00:12:16Oh, I can sleep anywhere.
00:12:38And the same to you.
00:12:40Thank you, sir.
00:12:42I'll have them.
00:12:45Honey me by, Mitchie.
00:12:47Thank you, sir.
00:12:48What do you call me?
00:12:52Careful what you say, Roy.
00:12:54I've got a week off.
00:12:55Yes, sir.
00:12:57Morning, sir.
00:12:58What's here?
00:12:59Now, how about a nice balcony room for me, eh?
00:13:02I'm afraid we have one vacant, sir.
00:13:04Oh, yes you have, me young Cox-Beret.
00:13:06I beg your pardon, sir.
00:13:20What's here, Roy?
00:13:22It's the room for the detectives.
00:13:25I beg your pardon, sir. You are completely full at the moment.
00:13:28Yes, so will I be if I don't get a balcony room.
00:13:31You haven't a chance, partner. I tried and couldn't get one.
00:13:34Yes, but I've got influence.
00:13:36You see, my friend Mr. Charles Mason, what's staying here,
00:13:39said that I could have room 374 if I asked for it. Now, what about it?
00:13:44I beg your pardon, sir. 374 is occupied.
00:13:47Yes, I know. By a lady, so Mr. Mason's.
00:13:50Well, how long will you be staying?
00:13:53Only for the night.
00:13:54Oh, then perhaps if I explain things, the lady might be willing to move.
00:14:00Where to?
00:14:01Well, you told me the hotel was full.
00:14:03It is.
00:14:04Don't start that again.
00:14:05If you insist, I'll ask the lady to move.
00:14:07Offer now.
00:14:08Has he got a balcony?
00:14:11Well then, ask her to shift.
00:14:13Will you register, please?
00:14:16Charlemagne, you mean?
00:14:19Here, please.
00:14:20Of course, sir.
00:14:25You see, I never had a room with a balcony.
00:14:29I wonder if you mind Miss Taylor leaving her things in your room for a little while.
00:14:33She's a manicurist in the hotel, you see, and she's on duty now.
00:14:36Yes, you can let her stay there as long as you like.
00:14:39What did you say she was?
00:14:41A manicurist.
00:14:43What does she do for a living?
00:14:45She attends to your nails.
00:14:48Is he kidding me?
00:14:49He's not joking. You're all right, Sam.
00:14:52Hey, how about you and me having a little cocktail before I...
00:14:55Oh, wouldn't mind off a pint, sir.
00:14:57Meet you right over there at the bar at 12.30.
00:15:00All right.
00:15:03This way, sir.
00:15:04None of that.
00:15:06Cost me a couple of quid, that did.
00:15:11Thank you, sir.
00:15:17So, uh, going to let him have a room without first seeing the color of his money?
00:15:21Of course. He must know, Mr. Mason.
00:15:23He stayed here for some time.
00:15:26Hey, that reminds me.
00:15:32Now, how about my room?
00:15:35Oh, now, don't say it.
00:15:37You know, you just gave Mr. Sam up one.
00:15:39Well, I couldn't very well help myself.
00:15:41No, and you can't now.
00:15:42You see, I know about the little girlfriend that, uh, has a choice doc in the room also.
00:15:47All right, all right.
00:15:49I'll give you my room.
00:15:51If that'll satisfy you.
00:15:52Oh, that's fine, uh...
00:15:56How's it about here?
00:15:58Ha, ha. Beach.
00:16:00Never mind. I can find my own way.
00:16:07Your floor, sir.
00:16:08You mind taking me down again?
00:16:10Certainly, sir.
00:16:14Well, if either Mr. Vistetti or Mr. Mason call at the office,
00:16:17tell them I'm waiting at the, at the Paradise.
00:16:21And tell me, can one who isn't stopping here have their mail addressed to this hotel?
00:16:26It could be arranged, sir.
00:16:28You see, someone gave me this address.
00:16:29I have searched through the register, but he's not stopping here.
00:16:32Oh, excuse me.
00:16:34That's all right.
00:16:35Mr. Colter?
00:16:37Mr. Colter?
00:16:40I managed to get you a table for tonight.
00:16:42Ah, good, good.
00:16:45Well, tell me, is that Mr., uh...
00:16:47Oh, Mr. Herbert Colter?
00:16:49No, sir. Comrade.
00:16:51Oh, some other fellow, I guess.
00:16:59Up again.
00:17:05I'm sorry, I've had no word from Mr. Vistetti or Mr. Mason
00:17:09since they left the hotel two days ago.
00:17:11Oh, it's all right. It's nothing.
00:17:13A friend of mine asked me to look them up, that's all.
00:17:25Oh, Colter, eh?
00:17:30And Vistetti and Mason.
00:17:38Now take me up again.
00:17:40Now look here, sir, where do you want to go to?
00:17:43But I've already taken you up three times,
00:17:45and when you get to the top, you just come down again.
00:17:47That's right.
00:17:48Now look here, sir.
00:17:49Yes, I'm paying for the use of the lift, ain't I?
00:17:51Yes, but...
00:17:52Go on, up, son.
00:17:59You see, the only lift I've been in is the underground.
00:18:02And there ain't much excitement in that, if you know what I mean.
00:18:05Ah, sure.
00:18:06But we'll have a lot of rides together.
00:18:08But don't you want to see your balcony room?
00:18:10Oh, ah.
00:18:26Just had to give him your room.
00:18:28It'll only be for one night.
00:18:30Oh, I don't mind that. I really know right to the room, but...
00:18:33But what? What? What's the matter?
00:18:35Mr. Mason, that worries me.
00:18:37Oh, I expect he's seen you going in and out of your room, that's all.
00:18:40Well, his is next door, you see.
00:18:42Number 372.
00:18:44It isn't that.
00:18:45From your description of Mr. Hupp,
00:18:47he doesn't sound like it is Mr. Mason.
00:18:49Oh, I don't know.
00:18:51Solicitors meet queer people at times.
00:18:54Eh, it looks all right. Just put him down right there.
00:18:58That's it.
00:19:00Good, sir.
00:19:02Now you've made me loose count.
00:19:05Well, that's a lucky break to you.
00:19:07Now, how about a little lunch?
00:19:09No, can't afford the time.
00:19:11All right.
00:19:12Too much to do.
00:19:13Everything is proper pricey.
00:19:16I made up my mind
00:19:18I'd have everything money could buy in this hotel.
00:19:22Now, I've only been through two pages.
00:19:25Might I suggest some black coffee, sir?
00:19:28Look out there, buddy.
00:19:29My old partner will just pop you one in the nose.
00:19:32Tell you what I think you need.
00:19:34How about a nice cocktail?
00:19:36You know, one that will either pick you up
00:19:38or lay you down cold.
00:19:40That's right. I'll have a cocktail.
00:19:42But I don't want to pickle him up.
00:19:45What else you got?
00:19:46Martini, Bronx, Sidecar, Manhattan,
00:19:48White Lady, Maidens Prayer.
00:19:50I'll tell you what you do, waiter.
00:19:51Just bring all the cocktails in the house
00:19:53in alphabetical order.
00:19:54Yes, sir.
00:19:55Better start in with an accident policy.
00:19:58Pick me up.
00:19:59Yes, sir.
00:20:01Yes, sir.
00:20:07What did that bloke call my room scare?
00:20:12That's it.
00:20:13Bring me one of those.
00:20:19Look at them shirts.
00:20:21Twenty-one bob.
00:20:22Twenty-one bob?
00:20:23Each, mind you.
00:20:25And I got two.
00:20:28Paid seven and a tenner for me garters.
00:20:32If you'll excuse me mentioning it.
00:20:34You're very extravagant, aren't you?
00:20:36Yes, I know.
00:20:38Everything of the best for summer passes.
00:20:40Everything of the best.
00:20:42No expense spared because...
00:20:45because it can't last.
00:20:47It can't last.
00:20:49I'll tell you a secret.
00:20:51I had a hundred pounds two days ago.
00:20:55A hundred pounds all in pound notes.
00:21:00More genuine.
00:21:01You'll spend a lot in two days.
00:21:03Yes, why not?
00:21:05Can't last.
00:21:07Nice things never do.
00:21:09And they'll come for it soon.
00:21:12You stole it?
00:21:14Do I look that sort of cold?
00:21:16No, you don't.
00:21:17I'm sorry.
00:21:18It was a gentleman what gave me the money.
00:21:21One of them eccentrics.
00:21:23I sells matches outside his club.
00:21:26And day before last he comes up to me...
00:21:29and says he's had a big win at the races.
00:21:32Gives me the jimmy and tells me to go and enjoy my miserable self.
00:21:36Just to keep it.
00:21:38Till he calls for it here.
00:21:40Keep what?
00:21:41I mustn't tell you that.
00:21:43He told me not to joke about it.
00:21:47Well, well.
00:21:49How goes it, pal, eh?
00:21:51Oh, I'm sorry, miss.
00:21:52I didn't mean to...
00:21:54Fair treat, ain't they?
00:21:57Come on now, Sam.
00:21:58How about a little shut-eye?
00:22:00Can't afford the time.
00:22:01Too much to do.
00:22:02Well, you don't want to tie yourself up before the party, do you?
00:22:05No, you've got to be on the spot at midnight.
00:22:07Don't worry.
00:22:08I'll be awake to see the new year in.
00:22:10No, no.
00:22:11What now?
00:22:12Oh, no.
00:22:13Oh, dear.
00:22:14Oh, dear.
00:22:15Oh, dear.
00:22:16Oh, dear.
00:22:17Oh, dear.
00:22:48What's the matter?
00:22:53Isn't he sweet?
00:22:58Poor little man.
00:23:04Oh, dear.
00:23:07He's coming straight for us.
00:23:13You call that straight, do you?
00:23:26Merry Christmas!
00:23:27Thank you, but it's New Year's Eve, you know.
00:23:30That's right.
00:23:31You said I shouldn't be awake since New Year's.
00:23:34It's not yet midnight, old man.
00:23:36Don't you think you ought to take a little rest?
00:23:44Please, my friend.
00:23:48Promise to take me in the lift.
00:23:53It's what you want.
00:23:56I'm sorry, lady.
00:23:57I didn't mean to do it.
00:23:59Oh, you stupid old man.
00:24:00I'm sorry, I apologize.
00:24:01The floor is very slippery.
00:24:05I'm sorry.
00:24:06I didn't mean to do it.
00:24:07Oh, you stupid old man.
00:24:09I'm sorry, I apologize.
00:24:10The floor is very slippery.
00:24:22Do something, please!
00:24:23I can't bear to see him making a fool of himself.
00:24:25All right here, I'll get him.
00:24:28Where is Mr. Mason?
00:24:30Oh, Mr. Mason said he'd wait for you
00:24:31in the bar Mr. Rossetti.
00:24:32Thank you Elizabeth.
00:24:37Hello Elizabeth.
00:24:38Was that the Mr. Rossetti that Mr. Colter was asking for?
00:24:42for I really couldn't say that you give information here don't you guess that I
00:24:48would advise that you give that information to Mr Coulter or he'll be raising
00:24:52a chain around here but it's not my business Oh didn't mind but I am being nice
00:24:57about it.
00:25:05Well. It's all over now that I'm getting have left the country but the but to
00:25:11your shot of that yes I saw them go myself we've got to work for the one that for
00:25:16that. Tell me.
00:25:23It's no use you're trying to see him he doesn't even know you what do you mean I
00:25:28told him only to give that parcel to me personally. It seems safer.
00:25:40But you're sure that he's here well I've not seen him but I saw his name in the
00:25:45hotel register this morning.
00:25:54Get the key. And don't leave here until you get it.
00:26:05The next one out. Not to get past.
00:26:12The stone they give it to me. Yes it's all right.
00:26:17Get on with.
00:26:23Good money. Can I help no thanks I'll get into it but if we're going to bed and
00:26:29lock him in yes.
00:26:39I'll take my letters.
00:26:46To. Get
00:26:53the car running I'm going to get the key from a friend of mine Tony's gone to the
00:26:58house. I don't like it.
00:27:06Do as you're told. And remember the safe with the stolen money is in the basement
00:27:12of your house. You'd find that hard to explain to me please.
00:27:23If you're right you've been in the bed I've got him on the bed not in it. And he
00:27:28didn't want to take his coat off.
00:27:33And it's a chance I think I'll pop out and see if there's anything I can do to
00:27:37stop men can't do anything sometimes a woman stronger anyway I want to get my
00:27:42dressing to be back before midnight.
00:27:51The list of the set to go up to his room no sir he left the hotel five minutes ago.
00:27:59If anyone asked me to say I've been called.
00:28:07To. Sorry.
00:28:37I. Was that.
00:28:49Not enough.
00:28:59My little man who Chris. You mind if I come in and get some of my things for the
00:29:05night you know I mean you know. Time you were in bed
00:29:12been busy important business or nonsense you're going to bed but not in that tail
00:29:17coat that's what's been worrying me so I'm feeling very cold.
00:29:24Close the curtains.
00:29:25You. Must know.
00:29:35All right.
00:29:55All. Right.
00:30:25Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
00:30:30You know. Do me
00:30:32a favor bring up three seven four and I think the house. Right away.
00:30:56There's no reply from three seven four I expect the old boys in the garage is going
00:30:59to sleep I don't think so because the indicator went down just as she was going to
00:31:03ring probably knock it off with his arm Yeah I know I'm being silly but run up and
00:31:07see if he's all right. Of course.
00:31:45Well no I couldn't find it but I don't I search every inch of that room there's
00:31:50no sign of the parcel if you search your own room as well what do you mean.
00:31:57Never mind.
00:32:34Oh I'm sorry I've forgotten I give you my. Mind if I use the phone.
00:32:44Information. No. Yes you might tell me why you started Mr have drinking this
00:32:50afternoon mean. He's
00:32:53a perfect self starter. And bolted his door and I can't get any
00:32:57apply and I know my mother said to me that he treats you like
00:33:01a gentleman should and I said yes but I think I can break in with that. You know
00:33:08somebody else passed out so I am going to. That's
00:33:14not an alarm clock but don't you think you better wake up.
00:33:17Oh. Well. What's
00:33:24the matter Mr Cheryl wants
00:33:26a hotel to take him give me that. Hello. Hello from.
00:33:46So you're such.
00:33:55Get it.
00:34:24Somebody might take that evidence. Against you.
00:34:39Open the door or I say to put your shoulder to it.
00:34:48Keep your eye on that kind of dog.
00:34:53Just to help us to have
00:34:54a dog.
00:35:02Please don't look.
00:35:14Give it to me you what are you talking about he's gone give it to me. You're the
00:35:20only one that's touched that box the box is empty and you had it for two days.
00:35:29Now listen you fool they've just broken
00:35:31a door down out there and everyone heard the noise you want to draw attention to
00:35:34us. We are going to join the others.
00:35:44You say you're right.
00:35:51I don't know.
00:36:04I don't know I've been to you and everybody having
00:36:07a good time.
00:36:19Who killed him he killed himself. How do you know that. Can't you see the gun in
00:36:25his hand yes I've got
00:36:27a couple of false teeth in my head but that doesn't mean that I'm
00:36:30a dentist who you are you want to tell you who are you I'm the manager of this
00:36:35hotel and I must ask you to owe anything that you need I'm just
00:36:37a man that you want now if there's anything about crime that's ever been done
00:36:40that I don't know about then nobody knows.
00:36:48Don't you touch anything.
00:36:54Who is this hotel detective and I must ask you to.
00:37:01But. And he claims that this fellow shot himself you don't get out of this room I
00:37:09suppose OK OK if you don't want to murder mystery solved why.
00:37:18Don't let him walk all over the clues.
00:37:21I'm surprised that you Street you are detective.
00:37:26Oh I oh I beg your pardon. I didn't know anyone here.
00:37:31It's in there come on.
00:37:38Get out of here. What are you doing in the room get out.
00:37:43I'm going to get out of here I'm going to get out of here I'm going to get out of
00:37:46here I'm going to get out of here I'm going to get out of here I'm going to get
00:37:49out. Of that.
00:38:03I don't know where the man has just left me from the balcony but I had nothing on
00:38:08and then I'd never even met. And I'm paying you for the room but I have
00:38:12a look at the. You carry on.
00:38:29Will you stop pushing that fish about. How can you sit there calmly when when
00:38:35what. What do you suppose is happening at that in question when it isn't yours so
00:38:40why worry but it makes me lose it is not. Mason has only to tell the truth. But he
00:38:47had a good day at the races and he decided to give his match selling friend
00:38:51a good time why do you have to get the parcel to happen. It wasn't a bad plan.
00:38:57Kept it safe for Mason to collect when the others had left the country. He
00:39:02collected an empty parcel.
00:39:08Good morning. I wish you hadn't done that I beg your pardon.
00:39:14To. Go and see if Mason is back.
00:39:27Oh I'm sorry I've got
00:39:29a terrible head. To make this yes. From. An
00:39:36arm and an arm and to follow so we'll tell you what we want something else.
00:39:44That guy had to put in just when this conversation was getting interesting. Gone.
00:39:56Well you know I'd want to run from mine. Mikey please let's have some lunch no I
00:40:03couldn't eat any but you must eat besides I want to hear what happened all right I
00:40:08go out to you well suicide don't tell me I've gone to my room.
00:40:16Can you remember a couple of days ago if you want any information go and talk to
00:40:21Muriel. She wouldn't remember two minutes ago besides this is important now tell
00:40:26me did anyone ask for Sam up between eleven thirty and midnight New Year's Eve
00:40:32after a section George was on duty that's the first sensible thing that you've
00:40:36said say do something for me when you ask George for me I'll kill yourself.
00:40:44I went second question if you found the key and you wanted to know what it
00:40:48unlocked what would you do bring up the makeup of course and send him
00:40:53a number of the key. You suppose that that he'd give me
00:41:00the name of the one who owned the lot no no.
00:41:05Not one more thing if you wanted to find the name of someone who used a certain
00:41:09perfume which you would never smelt before and couldn't describe what would you do
00:41:13consult a brain specialist. Just for that I will take you to show me what show the
00:41:20show I wasn't going to take you to well anyway can you describe the smell.
00:41:25Darling you must remember you never spoke to send when he was so good though it
00:41:29will you know everybody will really murder I suppose you know it's not one of
00:41:35unsound mind suicide.
00:41:39Who's of unsound mind the police the coroner or your funny detective.
00:41:46That's funny.
00:41:52I like the.
00:41:56You know the city so you're going to be sitting together.
00:42:04I beg your pardon sir you want to get the best. Now what is that American men is
00:42:09doing again it's the Manchester one so this is 10 where it's been robbed. Say I'm
00:42:14on my way and sent for Mr Streeter and some smelling salts. That I'm
00:42:19going to be given to me by my late husband real diamonds of course they were real
00:42:24diamonds because five hundred pounds and they were given to you by your husband
00:42:29because they were given to me but what is your room number how dare you.
00:42:34Excuse me.
00:42:39Say listen if you wanted to find out who used a certain perfume that you would
00:42:43never smell before and couldn't describe what would you do.
00:42:49It would be wise to deposit your valuables in the safe and young man everything I
00:42:54possess is valuable do you think I want to live in a safe we'll make the fullest
00:42:58inquiries Mr Spenworthy don't worry madam I'll look into the matter immediately
00:43:02there you are you'll see to it at once will that bring my bracelet back Oh not at
00:43:07all yes no. Now listen just once more please now if you
00:43:14wanted to find out who used a certain perfume that you would never smell before
00:43:19and you didn't know what it smelled like what would you do I wouldn't buy any more.
00:43:29I'm going to lie down.
00:43:33The answer to what. You asked me about the perfume you couldn't smell and couldn't
00:43:40find it and. I wish I'd never gone into this with you yes I suppose you wish you
00:43:46didn't have to share the two hundred and seventy five thousand pounds when we get
00:43:49it. If we get it. Three diamonds.
00:43:58Oh we can start looking for the key. No I'm not going to have any more of that so
00:44:02you are in about. The verdict was suicide wasn't it suppose they find out that.
00:44:10It wasn't suicide but it was remember that. And by the way you know I have already
00:44:19started to search the hotel what. Why didn't you tell me that because I wanted to
00:44:26start with your own. What are you calling.
00:44:31Me. For her.
00:44:38I called. Come here. Come here.
00:44:46I want you to have your name manicured this afternoon. By Miss Quinn you know her
00:44:53don't you. Yes why she was talking to Sam up to the day he arrived.
00:44:59How did you know that if you didn't arrive yourself until after eleven that night
00:45:05because I noticed that your deceased friend's hands were manicured. When did you
00:45:11see Sam.
00:45:17When I was getting the parcel from the room while you were shivering with fright on
00:45:22the back of. What's it like to be healthy thank you.
00:45:32Service with a smile. But you're going back to your room yes I'm afraid no of course
00:45:39not that girl.
00:45:47I just put these over there for you.
00:45:51Oh I've left my keys behind. You will need them for the they're already
00:46:00a lot of them but I love them. Take a look and see that everything's all right.
00:46:08Well everything seems all right. Slip and stuck down again you better take a look
00:46:14at the other one make sure that everything's all right.
00:46:16It's. Who's going to be through this.
00:46:25That this one too I'm going to report this to P.R.
00:46:28A nice smell you've got in that bag isn't it. Oh what is it I declare and I never
00:46:34use anything else.
00:46:39Oh the crew yes I found it in a nightdress in the dirty clothes basket then she had
00:46:45the last word said she'd never put
00:46:46a nightdress there anyway how clever of Mr Benworthy to leave her a widow. I say
00:46:53do you think that American could have been rummaging about in the rooms anything
00:46:57is possible with him.
00:46:58I. Say
00:47:11it is you remember that perfume I was asking you about I've thought of nothing
00:47:16else well there's one thing that it ain't it ain't all the cologne.
00:47:21And. I'm
00:47:29sorry to have to make you work on
00:47:30a day like this it must have been very trying for you this morning not the experience
00:47:35a witness of an inquest I wasn't a witness oh I I thought you went to the I did
00:47:42the old boy was
00:47:42a friend of yours he was staying at the hotel and I liked him something so sweetly
00:47:47pathetic about it you must have got to know him very well what do you mean. When
00:47:53you're manicured and you've got to talk about something. Intelligent girl like you
00:47:58must have
00:47:59a lot. Secrets are sometimes
00:48:05worth money but you're getting out tell me what you mean you've seen a lot of him
00:48:11he stepped in your room he was very drunk he'd a lot of money I hear.
00:48:18I get one of the other girls to finish on nails for him to come if I report you for
00:48:22impertinence you lose your job and I might make it awkward for your boyfriend.
00:48:28The manager would be interested to learn the guests are turned away while you
00:48:31occupy one of the best rooms in the hotel that's not true nobody's been turned away
00:48:34very convenient arrangement that room. And if you want to the simple little question
00:48:40How can you stay here in your love nest.
00:48:46No and I'm not going to. I'm leaving yes leaving I hate this place there's something
00:48:51dreadful still about the hotel I can feel it just like I could in his room that night
00:48:54he died but when I'm going. To know the matter with her what did she mean so she was
00:49:01in his room the night he died. The bar well I won't have my hotel upset by your
00:49:07ridiculous insinuations are they you stop them or get out at once is that clear.
00:49:14Told you I can't leave your hotel there's
00:49:17a murder running around loose here I'm telling you somewhere I'm the only one who
00:49:21believes in him and he's going to keep on running around here because I am the one
00:49:27who's got what he's looking for. See him out at one street.
00:49:30Up. OK by me.
00:49:38But just to show you that I'm not sure I'm going to give you
00:49:41a tip. Find out the name of that perfume that I smelt in the room just a couple of
00:49:46minutes after he was murdered. You find that out and you found your murder.
00:49:52But that hair oil can't mean why. You didn't tell him. Just a minute.
00:49:59I'm here Mr Bauer boy I knew that you'd be wanting me back you drunk or do you know
00:50:04what you've just been saying well I'm most certainly I'm not drunk you just admitted
00:50:07being in Hops room just a couple of minutes after he was murdered the barrel of the gun
00:50:11was still warm I don't lie down couldn't even open the door say listen don't go try
00:50:18and insult me why I've got keys you're opening the door any luck you got in your
00:50:22whole hotel oh you don't believe me I watch this.
00:50:34Oh I'm I doing well and holding what I said it's on the back of the whole thing I
00:50:39was not I tell you not don't fall don't be silly if you do that I'll give the police
00:50:46a chance to find out who you are and I'll give you a chance to find out who you are
00:50:50and I'll give you a chance to find out who you are and I'll give you a chance to find
00:50:56Don't be silly if you do that I'll give the police a bib full little busters hotel
00:51:01wide open I'm telling you and believe me boy I've got some evidence if you're so
00:51:06sure at least I'm whatever you tell me about walk and let the police come in here
00:51:09and the murder walkout they wouldn't know him but believe me he'd know them put out
00:51:15there but don't be Now listen fellas come on let's get together I only knew Sam of
00:51:20I admit that but the same time I love you and when he was killed I well I just
00:51:27made up my mind I'm going to kick the pants off that murder oh there's no need
00:51:32worrying I'm not going to inconvenience to guests stop.
00:51:39He was a gentleman to.
00:51:47When he kind of made it all up so much of the city is
00:51:49a lawyer and what Mr Mason do for us he's Mr that is part of all where's your
00:51:56office I'm not allowed to give information about the game when you say.
00:52:02Chance relaying.
00:52:57Shirell you must be crazy you give your room to this bar where I know an absolute
00:53:02stranger with no credentials you don't make him sign the register I was in
00:53:06a very difficult position so because because he discovered you only regularities
00:53:11with regard to Mr Taylor's room your services will not be required after this
00:53:14month yes yes thank you well let me know the worst leave all of it is
00:53:19a gangster wanted by the police in every state in America see I know I know my
00:53:24services will not be required after the end of this month any good.
00:53:29Is. Well.
00:53:37No other sign of it I show up there I think. I know who's got it.
00:53:47A manicure girl. I've known it all the time. How do you mean.
00:53:54How could you know. Excuse me that is not your poison unfortunately.
00:54:08Because I put funny paper away keep in mind.
00:54:13Go to I want you to write a letter from your address to me when Taylor.
00:54:18When Taylor. Send it by express.
00:54:24That goes going to give me that. I've come to my case will fetch it then.
00:54:36Oh. Well I don't suppose I know anything about this do you well I think that it
00:54:42was all right when she left here last night so it must have been done early this
00:54:45morning it's your cubicle you have
00:54:48a key to the cellar and you live in the hotel why should I just said I'd want
00:54:52something to say to the manager he's waiting to see you.
00:54:59Are you sure that no one asked for the number of Mr I'm perfectly certain what
00:55:03makes you so certain I don't know it's stuck in my mind possibly because he was
00:55:08the only one who registered that day. George you're the world's greatest I've got
00:55:14it now. No not yet but the answer to
00:55:19a very difficult question.
00:55:28You giving him any information yes what a tip for the three thirty Oh well in
00:55:34future don't tell him anything about anything.
00:55:52Some letters for me please. Thank you.
00:56:01Morning Mr I've got a cigarette for you all thank you one of you could
00:56:06accommodate me if I like. Thank you.
00:56:14And. No thank you I always smoke my own of course.
00:56:28So it would be
00:56:28a terrible thing if I were to lose my sense of smell well you might as well lose
00:56:32that sense to listen are you with me or against me what you want to know now I
00:56:38will tell you. Now here's
00:56:41a list of perfumes what my smell is see if you know any more with you that's just
00:56:46what I need for evidence you are the man who's been breaking into other people's
00:56:50rooms but I'll come along with me to the office come on I'm sorry Mr Cheryl but
00:56:55Miss Taylor must go and I suggest that she leaves immediately but I'm sure she
00:56:59had nothing to do with the damage in
00:57:01a beauty parlor I don't wish to discuss the point any further don't hear I think
00:57:05it's best that I should leave at once I'll go and pack my thing. Sure that's
00:57:11a funny point about it I smell the same smell since right here in this hotel I'm
00:57:15telling you this is the one missing me. It was amazing not another job before I
00:57:21get this one yes but do you know the fellow if I think he talked to me about it
00:57:26before Christmas I'm sure it's the same man he said he was opening his salon in
00:57:30the new year.
00:57:35I don't know. Anybody else in that hotel.
00:57:41But. I've got the evidence. Is this what you're looking for.
00:57:50I picked your pocket on the way in. I haven't said shut that door straight out
00:57:54well you needn't bother. I don't worry I'm not leaving your hotel.
00:58:05And you are the hotel detective. Where's your girlfriend. I told you not to let
00:58:12her take that job why can't you fellas listen. Wait a minute. Step on it.
00:58:20All right. But. They'll know the call came from this room by the time they do it
00:58:29won't matter. All right. Now this is the plan.
00:58:42Hello what have you done. What.
00:58:52He gave you
00:58:53a possible there was
00:58:54a key in. That. What did you do with the key where it is.
00:59:15I think she'd be ready to talk soon. Was a good idea of yours Mason. I heard
00:59:22every word you said on the telephone. How did you know the girl was in Sam Hops
00:59:28room just before he was killed. Mr Shirell.
00:59:34With the bar where I was asking for you said it was important to tell him I'm on
00:59:37my way to China. You're on your way up to three sixty one you'll find out why when
00:59:42you get up there step on the girlfriend's waiting for you.
00:59:46To. It is start running Mason don't stop to do any knitting that's
00:59:53a perfume or. I was in the city or a little chat with you about what happened in
01:00:01room three seven four keep your mouth shut. Keep those hands in tight.
01:00:09There'll be another suicide.
01:00:15Get in there.
01:00:23Mr Mason. Mr Colt has just left where that is to be that he has the key he will be
01:00:29in room three six one in five minutes we will all know about it.
01:00:41Why get in that room.
01:00:46Get in there I said.
01:00:51Sit down before you fall down what do you mean you can't save your breath. So need
01:00:57all you got now there is your boyfriend keep your trap shut or I'll let you have
01:01:08And if you've got it.
01:01:15No I've got it. But what you're looking for. You can have it on one condition
01:01:22that you cut me in for one third of that million dollars I don't know what you're
01:01:26talking about that's the key of my personal safe deposit.
01:01:32And I'm the queen of Cuba. One of the way we all talk the same language let's get
01:01:36together. I have got the key but I don't know where the safe is you've got to say
01:01:40but you can't open it now do we split. No.
01:01:52They get over.
01:01:59Why not let him come in after all he has got the key.
01:02:03Yes. You know something about what happened that night maybe then you know well
01:02:08boys what's the answer. No.
01:02:15I don't have to persuade you that's all and I've got enough evidence to give
01:02:20somebody on nights murder trial. Mason you gave that to you Sam up
01:02:27an honest man that he was he followed your instructions.
01:02:30And refused to turn it over when your pal you're trying to double cross you so you
01:02:34kill him but said he. I never even heard of Sam up until he committed suicide I
01:02:42didn't even know the number of his. Yes you did you were the only one clever
01:02:48enough to realize that he was the only man who registered here at this hotel on
01:02:51New Year's Eve. You made one mistake that's all when you went to Sam up through
01:02:56one of your cigarettes a perfumed cigarette.
01:03:01Yes. But you failed to notice that Mr Mason sometimes folks the same brand.
01:03:09I just took this one from his case you have a whole packet of them in your pocket.
01:03:14I stare by the city. Where you suppose I found this key in your pal's room.
01:03:22I tell you he'd double cross his own shadow. The city in case you decide to try
01:03:27any more tricks you might remember the coat I saw you shoot Sam up and I have
01:03:33his signed statement and called his life I was no one on the balcony when I came
01:03:37out from that room. Coltrane I was there. All right yes I shot him but what of it
01:03:46you're not so crazy you've got the police. That's all I wanted to know thank you
01:03:57For witnesses to that statement. I thought of I let you two boys get together that
01:04:01you'd spill.
01:04:17Oh gee that's just my luck I should have shot him he's only got a broken leg.
01:04:25A kid but I turn that key over to the police you'll find the safe in the basement
01:04:30of Kohler's house and the two hundred and seventy five thousand pounds is in it I
01:04:34know because I saw. I know what you're thinking but not me I'm not getting mixed
01:04:40up with the British law you know I'm just over here on a holiday. Say why don't
01:04:47you two get married. You think he wants to marry me.
01:04:54Listen let that be my wedding present no it should bring a handsome reward. Go on
01:05:00get together.