• 5 years ago
1h 27min | Drama | Video 2006

The grandchildren of Hubert Selby Jr.'s ''Last Exit to Brookling'' are not well. Director John Knapich and Co-writer Tom Kelley introduces us to an urban world of hope and heartbreak in this story of two bargain basement dreamers. Set in a working-class Brooklin and featuring a colorful array of intriguing misfits, this compassionately told comic-drama, about the interviewed fates of a troubled young man and a dim-witted janitor, observes an urban America both fortified and betrayed by two-bit fantasies.

Director: John Knapich
Writers: Thomas Kelly, John Knapich
Stars: Christopher Kadish, Morgan Sabia, Michael Basile
00:00:30Powerless to write in, holding on to the cliché.
00:00:36So I cannot hide it.
00:00:40Leave me mindlessly.
00:00:47Shall I demonstrate?
00:00:50Don't waste my time.
00:01:00I am delicate.
00:01:09Hiding inside of boring.
00:01:12Shaking charcoal, smashing plates.
00:01:15It all ends in crying.
00:01:18Just for fools and for everyday.
00:01:22Leave me with the liars.
00:01:24I'd love to take everybody from the bottom of my heart.
00:01:28For all the love and attention.
00:01:32Leave me mindlessly.
00:01:38Shall I demonstrate?
00:01:44So many times before.
00:01:59Why can't you do this at home?
00:02:14Toilet's fucked.
00:02:15I haven't been able to flush it in days.
00:02:28I hear we're looking at some Major Rummy Lee shit from Bliss.
00:02:31Too soon?
00:02:33Ask Mr. Bliss.
00:02:35Electra is still very, very depressed.
00:02:38When she's feeling up to it, when she's feeling better,
00:02:42she will review the material and then make a judgment
00:02:45about which stuff will add to Vig's legacy.
00:02:48Hey, Charlie.
00:02:50What's the difference between Electra DeVille and a hockey player?
00:02:53I don't want to hear this.
00:02:56A hockey player showers after three periods.
00:02:58Oh, shit.
00:03:00It's so out of line.
00:03:02No, don't get me wrong.
00:03:03I mean, Electra is Major Pussy.
00:03:05In fact...
00:03:13I just rubbed one out last night to this sweet, pouty mug.
00:03:18You jerk off to pictures of Electra?
00:03:21You're fucking with the mother Mary now.
00:03:23That is disgusting, Tuna.
00:03:25I mean, the woman is a widow.
00:03:27Show some respect.
00:03:29What the fuck do you jerk yours to?
00:03:31Porno. Like normal people.
00:03:33Electra's the same as those sluts.
00:03:35Bullshit. Electra's a major artist.
00:03:38Her first album went platinum and received, like, glowing reviews.
00:03:41She's huge in Germany. She's even bigger in Japan.
00:03:44She's one of MTV's most requested artists.
00:03:46Her second album...
00:03:48Her second album's only big because her old man offed himself.
00:03:51You're a fucking retard.
00:03:54Yeah, Charlie, take it back.
00:03:56What did you say to me?
00:03:59What the fuck did you just say?
00:04:04You better fucking say nothing.
00:04:07Her second album was voted album of the year by the Village Voice.
00:04:11Listen, I don't give two shits what a bunch of fudge packers have to say about it.
00:04:15Her second album would be discounted by now
00:04:17if her old man hadn't stuck a rifle in his mouth.
00:04:20It was a .38.
00:04:22It was a rifle.
00:04:24Big killed himself with a .38, tuna.
00:04:26A rifle.
00:04:27Bullshit. It was a .38.
00:04:29Listen, I know. My stepfather has the same piece.
00:04:32It's a Remington M-11 rifle.
00:04:34Like you're telling me I'm wrong?
00:04:36I breathe this shit.
00:04:39You want to bet?
00:04:41In a heartbeat.
00:04:44Korn concert. This Saturday night. Orchestra seats.
00:04:49The concert's sold out.
00:04:51No, no. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
00:04:54Who's the scalps?
00:04:56Action, talks, bullshit, walks, Charlie.
00:05:09All right, I'm in.
00:05:11Hey, Spike!
00:05:14Hey, Spike!
00:05:16What is it?
00:05:17Bring in that Loader shirt.
00:05:19Which one?
00:05:20The one with the headline on the front.
00:05:22It's a sample. It's not for sale.
00:05:24I don't want to sell it.
00:05:26One minute. I'm ringing somebody out.
00:05:29A few blunts.
00:05:31In case it's all boys, Charlie Bliss, you are fucked.
00:05:35What do you mean I'm fucked?
00:05:37It's just T-shirt bullshit.
00:05:39Tuna, I got two more people in line.
00:05:42You got to come and get it yourself.
00:05:44Lazy bitch.
00:05:50Vig Loader, lead singer and key creative force of the megaband Bliss,
00:05:55took his own life today.
00:05:57Oh, shit.
00:05:58With a Remington M-11 rifle.
00:06:00What kind of documentation is a T-shirt?
00:06:02This is bullshit, man.
00:06:04This is contested. This is fucking contested.
00:06:07Security, we got a problem in vinyl.
00:06:11How could you lose that bet?
00:06:13I mean, this is your thing, man. This is your subject.
00:06:16That's what they said on the radio. They said it was a pistol.
00:06:19My God!
00:06:20What the fuck you think happens now, asshole?
00:06:23That we fucking take your picture, call your parents?
00:06:40You'll be getting back to me with all my tickets, right?
00:06:50Don't smile and don't talk
00:06:56Cause our love was left on the old boardwalk
00:07:06How was that?
00:07:08Pretty good, huh?
00:07:10Come on, Heidi. That used to be your favorite.
00:07:13Okay, okay.
00:07:14Then maybe something else will do it for you.
00:07:16How about number 234?
00:07:20Number 439?
00:07:22No, wait. I know, I know.
00:07:24Your favorite. My favorite.
00:07:25Ruthie's old favorite.
00:07:27Jimmy Visconti's two martinis, huh?
00:07:30Number 609?
00:07:43Two Martinis
00:07:55Two martinis, a pack of cigarettes
00:08:02It rained the day that we first met
00:08:07Clock on the wall, it tells it all
00:08:14You stood me up again
00:08:20And three martinis, mooching cigarettes
00:08:27It rained that day that we first met
00:08:33And if we ever meet again, girl
00:08:41You like it?
00:08:47Again, girl
00:08:51I'll see what
00:09:00I should kick your ass.
00:09:07I paid two grand for this machine.
00:09:09Told you, I didn't want you fucking around with it.
00:09:15You're supposed to be working, not entertaining yourself.
00:09:20Well, get your mop and get to work.
00:09:24Yeah, okay. I'm starting.
00:09:31I'm gonna do a super-duper mop-up, super-duper.
00:09:34I'm gonna do a lemon-pledged mop-and-glue super shine.
00:09:39There's puke on the ladies' room floor. Get it up now.
00:09:42I always get the puke, a lot of puke in this place.
00:09:45I always get the puke, a lot of puke in this place.
00:09:48I even get the little chunks.
00:09:50Yeah, yeah, just spare me the details. Get the job done.
00:09:53I take particular care of the bathrooms.
00:09:56Okay, I'm going.
00:09:57Why are you taking particular care of the bathrooms?
00:10:00Because the customers judge how clean the kitchen is by how clean the bathroom is.
00:10:05That's right.
00:10:24Eddie, you son of a bitch, get in here!
00:10:27How many times have I told you about this goddamn mutt?
00:10:30Louie, put the gun away.
00:10:33Louie, don't shoot, please!
00:10:35How many times? We got frigging health codes in here!
00:10:38Okay, never again, I swear on Ruthie's grave.
00:10:40Shut up about Ruthie. Get the dog out of here.
00:10:44Ruthie was alive. Her dog was allowed to eat at the bar.
00:10:51Don't you wise off to me.
00:10:53I see that dog in here again, the both of yous are out on the street.
00:10:56Do you understand me?
00:11:01Now get your girlfriend out of here.
00:11:06Come on, honey.
00:11:08Come on, come on, hurry it up.
00:11:11Come on, girl. Let's go.
00:11:36Eddie, did butter and eggs come by for that check?
00:11:39Which one?
00:11:42The blue one. Butter and eggs is always the blue one.
00:11:45Beer is red, soda's yellow.
00:11:50No, the blue one's still there.
00:12:03Yeah, Leo, talk to me.
00:12:06Oh, yeah? You didn't step on it a hundred times?
00:12:12Uh, now's good.
00:12:16Yeah, you send your guy, I'll send my guy.
00:12:23It's all tied up outside, boss.
00:12:25All right, forget work for now.
00:12:27I want you to do the regular Thursday favor for me today.
00:12:30The alley favor, boss?
00:12:32Yeah, the alley favor.
00:12:35And, uh...
00:12:37I want you to play my numbers for me.
00:12:48I got a few bucks here.
00:12:51How many do you think we got?
00:12:54I don't know, 80?
00:12:56Then you're making two bucks.
00:12:59I'm making four bucks.
00:13:01You think I'm doing this for my health?
00:13:04Fuck, Mark, I got a situation here, man.
00:13:06I might have welfare to park.
00:13:08Charlie, where the hell have you been?
00:13:10MTV's rerunning memorial service.
00:13:12You're taping it, right? Yeah, as soon as I get home.
00:13:14Hey, Luigi, I'll take a large pepperoni, extra cheese.
00:13:18I don't know if you could afford a large. How about a slice?
00:13:21How could you walk around like that in that apron?
00:13:23Looks like the neighborhood butcher.
00:13:25Don't they have a locker room in that place?
00:13:27At least I got a job, not running around on the street collecting bottles like some junkie.
00:13:31I'm doing a favor for a friend here, okay?
00:13:35Yeah, Mark, here's the welfare department.
00:13:39How much cash do you need?
00:13:41Charlie fucked up. I know, I heard from Spike.
00:13:44Jesus Christ, what do those tickets go for?
00:13:46It's his problem.
00:13:48Thanks, pal. Whatever.
00:13:52So what are you gonna do about Tuna?
00:13:55Got any money?
00:13:57I bounced two guys the other night.
00:13:59I could talk to the manager.
00:14:01The concert's this Saturday.
00:14:03Well, can't you ask your mother for the money?
00:14:07Look, you get the job, you go home in the uniform, you eat some shit, you ask her for the loan.
00:14:11She ain't gonna go for it.
00:14:13Why not?
00:14:14Because she don't got Phil buying her white russians no more.
00:14:16Yeah, but she ain't fucking around with those needles anymore, is she?
00:14:21It's ancient history, man.
00:14:24That bullshit job the church got her, she's making like minimum slave.
00:14:29Well, you gotta do something about Tuna.
00:14:32Fuck Tuna. I'll lay low.
00:14:35Crazy move. That guy is like dangerous nuts.
00:14:39What do you know that I don't know, Pauly?
00:14:42I know that he bit off Lenny Riccio's ear.
00:14:46Whole thing?
00:14:47Yeah. Supposedly, you could like see the brain bone.
00:14:54Fuck you, Pau.
00:14:56Let's shit. He saw me lift the fort.
00:14:59I'm gonna take the bottles, no rules.
00:15:01Get me fucking washed.
00:15:03His eyes are sticky.
00:15:06American blood was spilled for that motherfucker and it's the way he treats us?
00:15:10When was that war?
00:15:11Like a thousand guys got fried over there and it cost us like ten billion dollars!
00:15:15Shut up.
00:15:16This camel jockey has the nerve to say our bottles are sticky!
00:15:21Come on, Charlie. The guy is from Palestine.
00:15:24Let's take him to the gooks.
00:15:26Come pissing on me, we'll take him.
00:16:21I don't even know what half of these bullshit deductions are.
00:16:47Yeah, you get tired of this paycheck.
00:16:49You could always do like some other people do around here.
00:16:52What are you talking about, you gangster?
00:16:54Talking about using a little ingenuity with that register.
00:16:58Ask Rhonda about that.
00:17:00Are you saying Rhonda's a thief?
00:17:03I have my suspicions.
00:17:12Can I help you?
00:17:14Yeah, my mom around?
00:17:16Who's your mom?
00:17:18Rhonda. Rhonda Mullen.
00:17:20Rhonda's your mom?
00:17:22She's having a cigarette break in the back, Charlie.
00:17:47Charlie, honey, what are you doing here?
00:17:50Don't you have GED class?
00:17:52Well, I was going to, but you didn't leave any money on the table.
00:17:55There's not even any peanut butter and jelly in the house.
00:18:01Janet, can you spot me at ten until Thursday?
00:18:05This bar windshield is getting old, Rhonda.
00:18:08Here, it's all I got.
00:18:10Hey, Charlie, don't you even say thank you?
00:18:17All right, that was the number-five song in the country,
00:18:20Tortured Flower.
00:18:21This is the big doctor,
00:18:22Dr. Deliverance of 105 Alive,
00:18:24and I got huge, and I mean huge news.
00:18:27As all real rock and roll fans know,
00:18:29a movie about now legendary band Bliss
00:18:31and its brilliant and tortured frontman,
00:18:33Big Loader, is in the works out in sunny California,
00:18:35and you can be an extra.
00:18:37Brad Pitt will be playing the doon-doon-doon-doon-doon-doon-doon
00:18:41and I'll be playing the doon-doon-doon-doon-doon-doon-doon.
00:18:44You can be an extra.
00:18:45Brad Pitt will be playing the doomed heart of the band Big Loader
00:18:47and Winona Ryder will be playing his peroxide muse, Electra DeVille.
00:18:50And you can be an extra.
00:18:52How? How? How, you ask the doctor?
00:18:55Send a postcard in to us here at 105 Alive
00:18:57and the always scantily clad Electra DeVille herself
00:19:00will be coming down to the station to pick one at random.
00:19:03So get those postcards out to us
00:19:04and get ready to party the days away
00:19:06in Hollywood, USA, The Dream Factory.
00:19:35So I do okay?
00:19:41The regulars are in love with you.
00:19:44Kind of a touchy-feely bunch.
00:19:47How'd you do money-wise?
00:19:49Well, not bad for a Monday.
00:19:59What nights would you like to pick up?
00:20:02I was hoping to get Friday and Saturdays.
00:20:06Want another hit?
00:20:26Leo's right about you.
00:20:29You're a peach.
00:20:31Speaking of Leo,
00:20:33he sent over a little present for you.
00:20:35Ha. Leo sent a gift for me.
00:20:37Here it is.
00:20:39You saw the highway chase on TV, didn't you?
00:20:41Yeah, yeah.
00:20:43I guess it'll be worth a couple of bucks one day.
00:20:45You said you had a card collection.
00:20:47Yeah, an old dusty one.
00:20:49But what this means is,
00:20:51I gotta buy the asshole a couple of Remy's
00:20:53the next time he comes in.
00:20:57I'm kidding.
00:21:03Who the fuck is that?
00:21:05That's Eddie, my cleanup guy.
00:21:07Sorting out the bottles.
00:21:09I told you about him.
00:21:11He's the slow guy.
00:21:17Eddie boy, come over here.
00:21:25Did you meet our new cocktail waitress, Sherry?
00:21:27No, no, I didn't.
00:21:29I'm Eddie.
00:21:33Lots of empties downstairs,
00:21:35huh, Eddie?
00:21:37Well, we had a pretty busy week,
00:21:39and I gotta take each bottle and put them in the...
00:21:41Hey, Eddie.
00:21:43Did I pay you for the alley favor?
00:21:45No, no pay.
00:21:47Well, today you can get
00:21:49something better than pay.
00:21:51Today you're gonna get a pension.
00:21:53You know what a pension is?
00:21:55Money for nothing.
00:21:57For when you get older,
00:21:59like the guys at the O.T.B. bet with.
00:22:01He's so fucking adorable.
00:22:03And smart.
00:22:05I got something special for you.
00:22:07And if you keep it
00:22:09till you're very old,
00:22:11it's probably gonna be worth a lot of money.
00:22:17Money for me and Heidi,
00:22:19for when we get old?
00:22:21That's right.
00:22:23Now, you know who T.J. Cooper is, right?
00:22:25Oh, you're terrible.
00:22:27T.J. Cooper, football murderer.
00:22:29The guy on T.V.
00:22:31You showed me him going slow down the highway.
00:22:33Lots of police.
00:22:35Well, I got a very famous picture of T.J.
00:22:39His rookie year card.
00:22:41And it's a present from me?
00:22:45But you gotta promise
00:22:47that you're gonna keep it in a very safe place
00:22:49forever and ever.
00:22:53Cross my heart and hope to die.
00:22:55There you go.
00:23:01Where you going?
00:23:03Where's your manners?
00:23:09Thank you, Louie.
00:23:11You're welcome.
00:23:13Now go clean up the back room.
00:23:19That wasn't nice.
00:23:21I was joking.
00:23:23I've been taking care of that kid
00:23:25for a long time.
00:23:27Heidi's his wife?
00:23:29No. Heidi's his dog.
00:23:33You are fucked.
00:23:35You bring me all the way down to this jungle.
00:23:37For what?
00:23:39For nothing.
00:23:41I saw it on a poster.
00:23:43You said it was a blood-for-money thing.
00:23:45Don't you call.
00:23:47I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.
00:23:49I thought that's how it worked.
00:23:51This is fresh-squeezed.
00:23:53It's pretty good.
00:23:55This is fresh-squeezed.
00:23:57It's pretty good. You want some?
00:24:07Herbals. Weed.
00:24:09Better than pussy.
00:24:11Best you find now or any time.
00:24:17What do you got?
00:24:19Cajun orange.
00:24:21Bullshit. Ain't no orange been around here for, what, a year?
00:24:23Got any taints for us?
00:24:27Step into my office.
00:24:41How much?
00:24:43I got $20 bags, and I got $40 bags.
00:24:45We got $40, don't we, Charlie?
00:24:49I got $22.
00:24:51Where'd you get all this money?
00:24:55You win that stupid bliss contest.
00:24:57Are you guys doing that?
00:24:59Not me.
00:25:01My lady's obsessed with that bliss contest.
00:25:03Thinks she wants to suck Brad Pitt's dick.
00:25:05How many she send in?
00:25:07Like 300.
00:25:09Fuck, man, I gotta get my shit together.
00:25:11How many you send?
00:25:13How many you send in, schmuck?
00:25:15Like 32.
00:25:17That is so bush, man.
00:25:19Like 2,000.
00:25:25So, man, you buying?
00:25:27Markie, I can't, man.
00:25:29I gotta keep what I have.
00:25:31Charlie, don't be a pussy.
00:25:33We're coming up with the cash.
00:25:35I can't. I need the money.
00:25:37I need the money for postcards and for tuna.
00:25:39Look, look, look, look.
00:25:41I'm down with you on this.
00:25:43Markie, you heard the guy.
00:25:45He's got that fretted set at, like, 2,000.
00:25:47I'll give you half an hour and...
00:25:49Beavis, butthead, enough.
00:25:51Now, I'm taking the $22 just for my time.
00:25:53Come on, speed, haven't you been listening?
00:25:55I need the money, man, I really do.
00:25:57You got that friend who sent in, like, 2,000.
00:25:59Hey, what are we, friends?
00:26:01I don't give a shit about your asshole contest.
00:26:03You see this shit?
00:26:05Yeah? Can't we just talk this out?
00:26:07Shut the fuck up, Charlie, and give the spick his money.
00:26:41Where have you been?
00:26:43You haven't called me for like a month.
00:26:45I've been meaning to.
00:26:47I've been holding off
00:26:49because I've been arranging a special surprise.
00:26:51Oh, yeah? What's that?
00:26:53Four orchestra tickets.
00:26:55Corn. Saturday night.
00:27:01Here you have yet again
00:27:03the closing seconds of the freeway chase
00:27:05that captivated the nation.
00:27:07Football Hall of Fame player T.J. Cooper
00:27:09being talked out of suicide
00:27:11by his best friend and former teammate Andre Collins.
00:27:13And, of course,
00:27:15the dramatic moment when the two friends
00:27:17while exiting the SUV
00:27:19joined together in a moment of prayer.
00:27:21T.J. was fleeing police
00:27:23after being indicted in the murder
00:27:25of his former wife, Louanna Jones.
00:27:27The case that has polarized the nation
00:27:29will begin tomorrow in this very courthouse.
00:27:31Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Lou,
00:27:33I have that card.
00:27:35I have that card.
00:27:37Louie gave me that card,
00:27:39and it's gonna be worth a lot of money someday.
00:27:41What are you talking about, Eddie?
00:27:43T.J. Cooper, rookie card.
00:27:45Louie gave me that card,
00:27:47and it's gonna be worth a lot of money.
00:27:49Yeah, that we know.
00:27:51A regular Santa Claus.
00:27:53You want another Coke, Eddie?
00:27:55Just a short one.
00:27:57I have to go home and feed Heidi,
00:27:59and then I have to go to work.
00:28:01A short one it is.
00:28:03I don't want to be late for work.
00:28:05Good thinking.
00:28:07I want to make Louie proud.
00:28:09He gave me a nice present.
00:28:15That's not a short one.
00:28:25The door's opening.
00:28:27It's not him.
00:28:29T.J. Cooper, rookie card.
00:28:31Main condition?
00:28:33You got it.
00:28:35It's probably worth shit.
00:28:37He over on 73rd Street.
00:28:39Come on, let's go.
00:28:41Oh, shit. Here he comes.
00:28:43Okay, I got him.
00:28:45Lay back, be cool, and don't be up his ass, okay?
00:28:47Do you want to do this?
00:28:49No, I can't. I got to go with Markie.
00:28:51Then don't tell me how to do it.
00:28:59That's a lot of cat food.
00:29:01You know this chicken liver supreme?
00:29:03You don't always get it in.
00:29:05It's Mookie's favorite,
00:29:07and I like to stock up while you have it.
00:29:09Mookie, that's a cute name.
00:29:11He's one lucky kitty.
00:29:13He's been with me for ten years.
00:29:15Only the best for my Mookie.
00:29:17I always wanted to get a cat.
00:29:19Well, you should.
00:29:21They make the best companions.
00:29:25That'll be $29.95, honey.
00:29:35I'm sorry, sir.
00:29:37You just gave me a 20.
00:29:39That can't be.
00:29:41I'll need another 20.
00:29:43That can't be.
00:29:45I keep the 50s in the back
00:29:47and the 20s in front.
00:29:49I've been doing this my whole life.
00:29:51Well, I'm sorry, sir,
00:29:53but you've made a mistake this time.
00:29:55Another 20, or I'll have to call a manager.
00:29:57That's a good idea,
00:29:59but I can't do it.
00:30:01I'd like to know what Walter thinks
00:30:03about this situation,
00:30:05being treated like this.
00:30:07You know, sir, you're right.
00:30:09They are making these 50s
00:30:11look a lot like 20s these days.
00:30:13I want to talk to Walter.
00:30:15Get me Walter!
00:30:17I want to talk to Walter!
00:30:19I want to talk to Walter!
00:30:21Get me Walter!
00:30:23I want to talk to Walter!
00:30:25I want to talk to Walter!
00:30:33No morning break. I was jonesing.
00:30:39You're poisoning your body.
00:30:41I'm no longer interested in my body.
00:30:43Don't start that shit again.
00:30:45I can't help myself.
00:30:47You see, that's the problem with you people.
00:30:49No willpower.
00:30:55Last fall, suits have been
00:30:57discounted for staff,
00:30:59and even less for friends of staff
00:31:01who stop by Thursday after 6.
00:31:03And what do I have to do for it?
00:31:05You think I'm so crude?
00:31:09I'm offering you assistance.
00:31:11You're fashion-challenged.
00:31:13I'm offering you assistance.
00:31:15You're fashion-challenged.
00:31:19I'm not so bad.
00:31:21You're in denial.
00:31:25Thursday night, clothes are free.
00:31:27For friends.
00:31:31So help me God,
00:31:33if you try anything, you freaky motherfucker,
00:31:35I will kick your ass.
00:31:39You promise?
00:31:41All right, give me 10 cases
00:31:43of the new football glossy series.
00:31:45Is the ultimate fighting cards in yet?
00:31:47I got huge demand.
00:31:51What about the serial killer series?
00:31:55All right, give me two cases of Dahmer,
00:31:57two cases of Manson,
00:31:59two cases of Berkowitz.
00:32:01You gotta get Berkowitz.
00:32:03Hometown boy, big seller.
00:32:05Hold on, Marty.
00:32:07What can I do for you boys?
00:32:09TJ Cooper, rookie card,
00:32:11mint condition, how much?
00:32:13You own that card?
00:32:15Yeah, it's at home in my underwear drawer.
00:32:19Marty, when am I getting that order?
00:32:21Yeah, I'll talk to you Tuesday.
00:32:25So how much?
00:32:27If you sell it tomorrow,
00:32:29it's gonna get you anywhere from 400 to 4 1⁄2.
00:32:31If he's found guilty, more.
00:32:33If he's found innocent, less.
00:32:35Conviction is a big payday.
00:32:37Tomorrow you give me 450 for it.
00:32:41You boys go up to 63rd Street.
00:32:43Then you go up to the guy up on 90th Street.
00:32:45Hey, go into Manhattan if you like.
00:32:47But you boys, you come back to me.
00:32:49You come back to me, and I'll take care of you.
00:32:53All right.
00:32:55You boys come back to me with that card,
00:32:57and I'll throw in the serial killer series for free.
00:32:59All right.
00:33:07Yeah, it's me again, Marty.
00:33:09What can you get for the T.J. Cooper rookie card,
00:33:11mint condition?
00:33:13You're gonna believe him over me?
00:33:15He's a blind man.
00:33:19Remember the deal you had with Catholic Outreach?
00:33:21We are with you
00:33:23as long as you walk the straight and narrow.
00:33:25But you veer from that path,
00:33:27and you walk alone.
00:33:29What do you mean?
00:33:31What do you mean, you're gonna bus me to the church program?
00:33:33I'm gonna lose my job?
00:33:35They're not gonna help me pay my rent anymore.
00:33:37The guidelines from Catholic Outreach
00:33:39are very clear.
00:33:41Catholic Outreach.
00:33:43Catholic Outreach.
00:33:45Yeah, maybe Catholic Outreach wants to hear
00:33:47about how you rub up against me
00:33:49in those narrow aisles.
00:33:51That is outrageous.
00:33:53I want you to clear your locker right now.
00:33:59Ten dollars.
00:34:03That'll be enough of that.
00:34:05Come on, it's the least you can do if you're gonna fire my ass.
00:34:07I'm calling security right now.
00:34:11Yeah, maybe Jose wants a blowjob, too.
00:34:15Get in here right now.
00:34:25Get in here.
00:34:55Get in here.
00:35:25Get in here.
00:35:55Get in here.
00:36:25Get in here.
00:36:55Get in here.
00:36:57Get in here.
00:36:59Come on.
00:37:01Get in here.
00:37:03Get in here.
00:37:05Get in here.
00:37:07Get in here.
00:37:09Get in here.
00:37:11Get in here.
00:37:13Get in here.
00:37:15Get in here.
00:37:17Get in here.
00:37:19Get in here.
00:37:21Get in here.
00:37:23Get in here.
00:37:29Get in here.
00:37:35Little boy.
00:37:37Little Pauly.
00:37:41What are you doing down here?
00:37:45I tutor a Spanish kid down here.
00:37:47Oh, you are such a good boy, Pauly.
00:37:51Hey, you watching out for my Charlie?
00:37:54Yeah, I'm watching him, Miss Mullin.
00:37:56You're going to watch out for him, right, Pauly?
00:37:59You'll watch out for my Charlie?
00:38:04Mister, you got a match?
00:38:17Hey, Marky, my man.
00:38:19Chill a minute.
00:38:21I got to make first.
00:38:22Fuck first.
00:38:23Take a walk.
00:38:28How's your friend doing with those tickets?
00:38:30Sound like he's my best friend, Tony.
00:38:34You know that broad Karen?
00:38:35Works at Perfume Counter down at Rock Bottom?
00:38:38Yeah, I know her.
00:38:39Well, she's coming with me to the show.
00:38:42That's excellent.
00:38:43And I got a discount on a limo because I'm
00:38:45in front of my stepfather's.
00:38:48Got a bar in it?
00:38:50Yeah, it's got a fucking bar in it.
00:38:52Look, I got things in the works here.
00:38:55Your friend better come through with those tickets.
00:38:57I don't want to be embarrassed.
00:38:59No, no, of course not.
00:39:01Listen, rumor has it that you're going with Karen and Gemini.
00:39:05I was thinking maybe I should be the fourth.
00:39:12I hear that.
00:39:13So you like that Gemini bitch, huh?
00:39:15Like it?
00:39:16That bitch has been giving me the early dripping
00:39:18homeroom for two years now.
00:39:19You put a fucking blowtorch on a Charlie's pimply ass.
00:39:22What, you think I care about that schmuck?
00:39:23I'm on it.
00:39:25OK, when do we watch the house?
00:39:27No, I'm out.
00:39:28I got a test and I'm bussing.
00:39:29Shit, man.
00:39:31OK, I'll watch all night tonight and all day tomorrow
00:39:34and you watch all day today.
00:39:35No, you got to watch today.
00:39:38I got a test.
00:39:39Bullshit, man.
00:39:40You got to pull your weight, Marky.
00:39:42Look, just because you're some dropout,
00:39:43true and shitting on the street fugitive, suck my dick, man.
00:39:47I'm going to school.
00:39:48But you're getting a cut.
00:39:50And I'm going to get you that knife.
00:39:52Nobody said anything about a knife.
00:39:54Listen, Paulie, I'm going in alone.
00:39:56I need the knife.
00:39:58Paulie, calm down.
00:39:59Nothing's going to happen.
00:40:00It's a precaution.
00:40:02I don't know about this.
00:40:04Can we watch the movie now?
00:40:11Oh, man, this is gross.
00:40:14I got a porno, too.
00:40:33Hey, going inside, sweetie?
00:40:35Hey, handsome.
00:40:36Where you going?
00:41:01So I'm there all last night, and I didn't see no dog.
00:41:04What, I'm making this up?
00:41:06You only watch once, Paulie.
00:41:08So there's a fucking pit bull on the premises.
00:41:10What's the plan?
00:41:12This dog dies.
00:41:13Oh, man, that's cold.
00:41:15Bright ideas?
00:41:17Club it.
00:41:19Club it?
00:41:21Like with the seals.
00:41:23What the hell are you talking about?
00:41:25One good, clean whack. A bat.
00:41:32Compost. You know, uh...
00:41:34When you need to be your best, use compost and get rest.
00:41:38Who's holding the dog's mouth open?
00:41:40Dude, we, like, grind it up, we put it in some alpo.
00:41:45All right, genius.
00:41:47Suppose you're in the apartment looking for the cod,
00:41:49and this attack dog wakes up.
00:41:52I'm fucked.
00:41:54There's the possibility the dog will wake up, right?
00:41:56Yeah, there's a chance, Charlie, but if you use, like, six or seven pills...
00:41:59But there's the chance the dog will wake up.
00:42:02Yeah, there's the chance. What am I, a fucking chemist?
00:42:05Compost is out.
00:42:07What about rat poison?
00:42:08I get rat poison from my super.
00:42:13You put it in the alpo?
00:42:15I ain't killing the dog.
00:42:18I ain't killing the dog.
00:42:22I got it.
00:42:33Low-manning postal worker kills the dog.
00:42:35Oh, man, I suck at postal worker.
00:43:06Sorry I'm late.
00:43:08You got it?
00:43:14What do you got a burger for?
00:43:16Dago was out of dog food.
00:43:18Well, why didn't you go to Food Town?
00:43:20No time.
00:43:22You got any for us?
00:43:24Oh, man, this is fucked. This is so fucked.
00:43:27It's hamburger. It's beef. The dog will eat it.
00:43:30You got the stuff?
00:43:36Give it up.
00:43:37I got it. I got it.
00:43:45How much you figure that dog weighs?
00:43:47I don't know. A hundred and twenty-five?
00:43:49It says here that...
00:43:52That each packet will kill five to eight twelve-pound rodents.
00:44:00Let's say it'll kill five ten-pound rats.
00:44:03So if this dog weighs... I don't know. Let's be generous.
00:44:06A hundred and fifty.
00:44:08A hundred and fifty?
00:44:09Shut up. Paulie and me got the math.
00:44:11You keep your eye on the guy.
00:44:13He pays, he goes to the john, and he leaves.
00:44:17Five ten-pound rats equals one fifty-pound dog.
00:44:21So we use three packages.
00:44:23Three packages. Good.
00:44:24Better make it four to be safe.
00:44:26Four packages. Better.
00:44:27All right. Pour it on.
00:44:29The subject has left the table.
00:44:32Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
00:44:46What the fuck's he doing?
00:45:04What the fuck is he doing?
00:45:06I think he's improvising.
00:45:21You got that now?
00:45:23You want your dog back, you'll do exactly what we say, huh?
00:45:33Here you go, boy. Here you go.
00:45:42Thanks a million, Linda. I really appreciate it.
00:45:45Oh, good luck on this, Eddie. I hope you find her.
00:46:02I'm sorry.
00:46:03I'm sorry.
00:46:04I'm sorry.
00:46:05I'm sorry.
00:46:06I'm sorry.
00:46:07I'm sorry.
00:46:08I'm sorry.
00:46:09I'm sorry.
00:46:10I'm sorry.
00:46:11I'm sorry.
00:46:12I'm sorry.
00:46:13I'm sorry.
00:46:14I'm sorry.
00:46:15I'm sorry.
00:46:16I'm sorry.
00:46:17I'm sorry.
00:46:18I'm sorry.
00:46:19I'm sorry.
00:46:20I'm sorry.
00:46:21I'm sorry.
00:46:22I'm sorry.
00:46:23I'm sorry.
00:46:24I'm sorry.
00:46:25I'm sorry.
00:46:26I'm sorry.
00:46:27I'm sorry.
00:46:28I'm sorry.
00:46:29I'm sorry.
00:46:30I'm sorry.
00:46:31I'm sorry.
00:46:32I'm sorry.
00:46:33I'm sorry.
00:46:34I'm sorry.
00:46:35I'm sorry.
00:46:36I'm sorry.
00:46:37I'm sorry.
00:46:38I'm sorry.
00:46:39I'm sorry.
00:46:40I'm sorry.
00:46:41I'm sorry.
00:46:42I'm sorry.
00:46:43I'm sorry.
00:46:44I'm sorry.
00:46:45I'm sorry.
00:46:46I'm sorry.
00:46:47I'm sorry.
00:46:48I'm sorry.
00:46:49I'm sorry.
00:46:50I'm sorry.
00:46:51I'm sorry.
00:46:52I'm sorry.
00:46:53I'm sorry.
00:46:54I'm sorry.
00:46:55I'm sorry.
00:46:56I'm sorry.
00:46:57I'm sorry.
00:46:58I'm sorry.
00:46:59I'm sorry.
00:47:00I'm sorry.
00:47:01I'm sorry.
00:47:02I'm sorry.
00:47:03I'm sorry.
00:47:04I'm sorry.
00:47:05I'm sorry.
00:47:06I'm sorry.
00:47:07I'm sorry.
00:47:08I'm sorry.
00:47:09I'm sorry.
00:47:10I'm sorry.
00:47:11I'm sorry.
00:47:12I'm sorry.
00:47:13I'm sorry.
00:47:14I'm sorry.
00:47:15I'm sorry.
00:47:16I'm sorry.
00:47:17I'm sorry.
00:47:18I'm sorry.
00:47:19I'm sorry.
00:47:20I'm sorry.
00:47:21I'm sorry.
00:47:22I'm sorry.
00:47:23I'm sorry.
00:47:24I'm sorry.
00:47:25I'm sorry.
00:47:26I'm sorry.
00:47:27I'm sorry.
00:47:28I'm sorry.
00:47:29I'm sorry.
00:47:30I'm sorry.
00:47:31I'm sorry.
00:47:32I'm sorry.
00:47:33Where's the dog?
00:47:34The dog is in my basement.
00:47:35I'm going in tomorrow as soon as he leaves the apartment.
00:47:39Charlie why the hell would you risk a daytime break in?
00:47:44You got a meeting with him tomorrow night at 11 o' clock.
00:47:48A meeting?
00:47:49What do you mean, a meeting?
00:47:50I don't know about this, Pauly.
00:47:53Charlie the guy's a wuss.
00:47:55The dog's frigging name is Heidi.
00:47:57He wants me to stop by there tomorrow to pick up Heidi's sweater,
00:48:00because Heidi gets cold at night.
00:48:05Hey, genius.
00:48:06Suppose he woke in there tomorrow night.
00:48:08This guy has six friends waiting there with him.
00:48:10Yeah. What about that, Paulie? Six friends.
00:48:14He ain't gonna do that.
00:48:15He was crying on the phone.
00:48:18About what?
00:48:20I told him that if you're not in and out in ten minutes,
00:48:23I would cut the dog's throat.
00:48:26He started crying?
00:48:28Wailing like a girl.
00:48:34I don't know about this, guys.
00:48:46Try on the Martino.
00:48:49Which one is that?
00:48:50The magenta one on the hanger.
00:48:54Magenta one?
00:48:55The purple one.
00:49:14Hey, you boys want sandwiches?
00:49:16No, Ma. We had Chinese.
00:49:22I should be charging you for this.
00:49:24You're getting close.
00:49:27I should be getting money.
00:49:46I'll give you $27 if you let me suck your dick.
00:49:53All I have is $27.
00:50:01Give me the rest on payday.
00:50:22Check it out.
00:50:24Hey, there's the sucky.
00:50:26Hey, Tuna, Hank's down at the bowling alley.
00:50:29He's, uh, boasting to all the other faggots
00:50:32about how he, uh, swallowed your sword.
00:50:34Fuck you, Frankie.
00:50:38Hey, I hope you made him wear a little dress
00:50:41or something nice underneath.
00:50:43Fuck you, Frankie.
00:50:45Hey, I hope you made him wear a little dress
00:50:48or something nice underneath.
00:50:51Come back and say that!
00:50:53Come back and say that!
00:51:05Louie, can we sit?
00:51:09Louie, look, you don't have anything to do with this.
00:51:12I'm not doing this.
00:51:14I'm not doing this.
00:51:16I'm not doing this.
00:51:18Louie, look, you don't have anything to do
00:51:20with this Heidi thing, do you?
00:51:22Oh, I'm sorry, Louie.
00:51:24I didn't mean anything, Louie.
00:51:28Louie, Louie.
00:51:30I got a little problem.
00:51:49Hey, Tuna.
00:51:51Got a minute?
00:51:53You got my tickets?
00:51:55Well, I wanted to talk to you about that.
00:51:58Don't disrespect me, Charlie.
00:52:00No, just give me a minute, okay?
00:52:02Don't disrespect me and don't be a fucking wiseass.
00:52:05I'm sorry.
00:52:07I'm sorry.
00:52:09I'm sorry.
00:52:11I'm sorry.
00:52:13I'm sorry.
00:52:15I'm sorry.
00:52:17I'm sorry.
00:52:19I'm sorry. I swear to God I won't, okay?
00:52:21You better not.
00:52:23Look, corn is fucking impossible, man.
00:52:26The scalpers want huge fucking money.
00:52:28I don't want to fucking hear it.
00:52:30Look, Video Drone goes on sale Monday morning.
00:52:33I'll get tickets where they, like, fucking sweat on you.
00:52:35I'll sleep out at the ticket place.
00:52:37You're insulting me, Charlie.
00:52:39Have you heard their latest CD?
00:52:44Hey, Tuna.
00:52:46Now Hank says he taped the whole thing.
00:52:49You know, on the slide.
00:52:51He says he's gonna sell it down at the gym.
00:52:54Pretty brave in your bullshit from the car.
00:52:57He thinks maybe he can get to 20 bucks.
00:53:41Saturday night.
00:53:43I want a fucking ticket.
00:53:45No bullshit.
00:54:16Calm down, tiger.
00:54:20Look, fucking you once is one thing.
00:54:23But if I'm gonna fuck you again,
00:54:25I'm only gonna ask you a question.
00:54:28Fair enough.
00:54:30You married?
00:54:34So who's Ruthie?
00:54:39Ruthie was my fiancée.
00:54:42Eddie's older sister.
00:54:45So what happened?
00:54:48Well, she was, uh...
00:54:51a singer.
00:54:53Good one, too.
00:54:55The, uh, the lounge act here at the club.
00:55:00And, uh...
00:55:04And, well, she died.
00:55:08I'm sorry.
00:55:13It was a long time ago.
00:55:18So what nights did she work?
00:55:22What nights did she work?
00:55:24Fridays and Saturdays.
00:55:27Those are the nights you want.
00:55:29Those are the nights you want, huh? Come here.
00:56:21Come here.
00:56:45I gotta talk to you.
00:56:49I've got a problem.
00:56:51You got a problem. We're right.
00:56:55You cost me a triple C note.
00:56:58You were late to the pickup spot.
00:57:01And somebody stole my blow.
00:57:05And now I catch you wandering around here in the middle of the night.
00:57:09Doing what?
00:57:11Trying to get a peek at Sherry's titties?
00:57:15You're a fuck-up, Eddie.
00:57:17I'm tired of you.
00:57:19I'm tired of carrying you.
00:57:22But, Louie, I need your help.
00:57:24I've given you enough help.
00:57:30You're fired.
00:57:33I want you to get your stuff, and I want you to get out.
00:57:36And use the back door.
00:57:48Oh, Charlie.
00:57:50You scared the shit out of me.
00:57:53How long you been sitting there?
00:57:56Can you ask that guy for some money?
00:57:59No, Charlie.
00:58:01Why not? You used to ask Phil for money.
00:58:04That was different. Phil was a steady.
00:58:07I'm not a steady.
00:58:09I'm not a steady.
00:58:11I'm not a steady.
00:58:13I'm not a steady.
00:58:15That was different. Phil was a steady.
00:58:18Mom, listen.
00:58:24I got a problem with this guy.
00:58:27He's gonna fuck me up.
00:58:30He's gonna really fuck me up.
00:58:33And I need some money really bad.
00:58:36I'm getting lonely, baby.
00:58:38Yeah, Frankie, um, give me a minute.
00:58:41I got my kid in here.
00:58:43How much?
00:58:47Oh, Charlie, you might as well ask me for a million.
00:58:50Mom, I fucked up.
00:58:52I really need the money.
00:58:54All right, calm down.
00:58:56Can you get me the money, Mom?
00:58:58I got Frankie in the other room.
00:59:01Mom, go get the money.
00:59:04Rhonda, does this mean I get a discount or what?
00:59:08All right, listen to me. First thing in the morning,
00:59:11you and me will go to Janet's.
00:59:13She's got something put away.
00:59:28Now I lay me down to sleep.
00:59:31Pay my owed or so I keep.
01:01:12You see my mom?
01:01:16Uh, no.
01:01:20Last night she came by my place with a couple guys.
01:01:23Said they're going to Atlantic City.
01:01:25Atlantic City?
01:01:27Yeah, I'm sure she'll be back soon.
01:01:30Did my mom talk to you?
01:01:32About what?
01:01:36Charlie, your mother already owes me 800,000.
01:01:40Your mother already owes me $80,
01:01:42and until she gets another job, Janet's bank is closed.
01:01:47Another job?
01:01:49Charlie, your mother was fired.
01:01:52Don't you talk to her?
01:01:54When did you last see her?
01:02:21This is great pot rosemary.
01:02:25Really, you like it?
01:02:27It's a new recipe.
01:02:31And for dessert, we have banana swirl cake.
01:02:39Banana swirl?
01:02:43What about the video?
01:02:46Did you get the video?
01:02:51Did I forget the video, Charlie?
01:03:27All right, you guys.
01:03:46The jig's up.
01:03:48Where's my Heidi?
01:03:51Give me back my Heidi, mister.
01:03:58I got it right here.
01:04:03It's worth $600, $700.
01:04:06Now, when do I get my Heidi?
01:04:08Step inside. Step inside.
01:04:11Get in here. Get in here.
01:04:13Get in here.
01:04:15There's nobody in here.
01:04:17Get in here.
01:04:19Get in here.
01:04:21Get in here.
01:04:23Get in here.
01:04:26There's nobody else here, right, mister?
01:04:29Right? We're alone?
01:04:31Sit. Sit. Sit down.
01:04:36Let me see that baggie.
01:04:43What do you got here, huh?
01:04:47Six, seven.
01:04:49The dog will be tied up by the corner bidet in half an hour, okay?
01:04:53Okay, thank you.
01:04:55Thank you very much.
01:05:12Oh, you're sweating now, motherfucker.
01:05:17Here. Dry off.
01:05:19Where is it?
01:05:21Where's the card?
01:05:23Is it up here?
01:05:26The rest of your little valuables?
01:05:28What are you looking for?
01:05:30The card.
01:05:32The T.J. Cooper rookie card.
01:05:34How did you know about that?
01:05:36You don't ask the questions here.
01:05:39Get the card!
01:05:41Are you working for Louie?
01:05:43He hates Heidi.
01:05:45I'm working for myself.
01:05:47Get the card.
01:05:52In condition, right?
01:05:54Excellent condition. I have it in plastic and everything.
01:06:00Don't you know where the fuck it is?
01:06:02I know it's in here someplace.
01:06:06How's Heidi?
01:06:08Heidi's got seven minutes. That's how Heidi is.
01:06:12How about these?
01:06:14Worth thousands.
01:06:16World War II medals of honor.
01:06:18I got them from my antique guy.
01:06:26Give them here.
01:06:34Do you want the dog dead?
01:06:38These are track and field medals.
01:06:41It says it right here. Milrose Games.
01:06:45They're worth shit!
01:06:47These medals were awarded to the men who fought at Porkchop Hill.
01:06:51What, do you think I'm an idiot?
01:06:53No, they were awarded by General MacArthur.
01:06:56Shut up! Shut up!
01:07:00You gonna give me any more trouble?
01:07:03No. No more trouble.
01:07:06Just get the card. Okay? Please?
01:07:09Right now. I'm gonna get it.
01:07:18Okay, mister.
01:07:20Let's go get Heidi, mister.
01:07:24Right now.
01:07:28You either get the card,
01:07:30or I call my buddy and we stick a gun up your dog's ass, okay?
01:07:39I got it right here in the plastic and everything.
01:07:44Give it up.
01:07:52This is...
01:07:54It's mint, right?
01:07:56It's mint condition.
01:07:59Didn't you ever see this guy on TV?
01:08:01Yeah, at the bar.
01:08:03T.J. Cooley.
01:08:05He's a great guy.
01:08:07He's a great guy.
01:08:09He's a great guy.
01:08:11At the bar.
01:08:13T.J. Cooper, bad man.
01:08:20That card is gonna be worth $10,000 someday.
01:08:24You saw them together, didn't you?
01:08:29This is Collins.
01:08:32It's Andre Collins.
01:08:35The guy that drove in the highway chase, man.
01:08:38It's the other guy.
01:08:40T.J. Cooper.
01:08:42Louie gave me that card.
01:08:44It's Andre Collins.
01:08:46No, T.J.
01:08:48T.J. Cooper.
01:08:50Andre Collins!
01:08:59How old are you, huh?
01:09:03What are you, 40?
01:09:06What are you, fucking 40?
01:09:09You're supposed to be wise by now, you stupid shit.
01:09:12You can't even fucking read.
01:09:20What's this?
01:09:25Hanging out with your buddy?
01:09:29Stupid shit.
01:09:32I am not stupid.
01:09:35I am a child of God.
01:09:37Sister Rose told me so.
01:09:39You're stupid.
01:09:41Shut up.
01:09:43Sister Rose said that criminals are really stupid ones
01:09:46because they can't even get a job.
01:09:48Shut up.
01:09:50I have a job.
01:09:52You're nothing.
01:09:53Shut up!
01:09:55Shut up!
01:10:07Shut up.
01:10:33Hey, mister.
01:11:07I'm sorry.
01:11:09I'm sorry.
01:11:11I'm sorry.
01:11:13I'm sorry.
01:11:15I'm sorry.
01:11:17I'm sorry.
01:11:19I'm sorry.
01:11:21I'm sorry.
01:11:23I'm sorry.
01:11:25I'm sorry.
01:11:27I'm sorry.
01:11:29I'm sorry.
01:11:31I'm sorry.
01:11:33I'm sorry.
01:11:36I'm sorry.
01:11:47Look, I'm gonna need this table.
01:11:49I got a late rush on Fridays.
01:11:51I'm meeting a friend who will be here any minute.
01:11:54There's a minimum.
01:11:56Here he is.
01:12:01Charlie, what the fuck is going on?
01:12:04I'll leave this lady's breaking my balls.
01:12:06A Coke.
01:12:07Two Cokes.
01:12:09There's a minimum of $3 per person in the booth.
01:12:12Two Cokes and two orders of cheese fries.
01:12:16Yeah, thank you.
01:12:18Charlie, where have you been all night?
01:12:19We thought you got caught.
01:12:21I have news.
01:12:22I wanted to go over there.
01:12:23We didn't hear from you.
01:12:24Dr. Deliverance called.
01:12:28Dr. D called you?
01:12:29What for?
01:12:31Take a wild guess.
01:12:34You won?
01:12:36Holy shit, you won?
01:12:38An all-expense paid trip to the Bliss movie, baby.
01:12:41I'm going to be an extra.
01:12:43I thought the winner wasn't supposed
01:12:44to be announced until September.
01:12:45I got the call tonight.
01:12:52I leave in two days.
01:12:53Whoa, whoa, whoa, what about the guy?
01:12:55Did you get the card?
01:12:58You're not going to believe what happened over there, Paulie.
01:13:01What happened?
01:13:02Guy couldn't read.
01:13:05Turns out it was an Andre Collins card.
01:13:08Andre Collins?
01:13:09DJ's friend.
01:13:11The freeway guy?
01:13:16What about tuna, the tickets?
01:13:17Oh, no problem.
01:13:19OK, ready?
01:13:20Listen to this.
01:13:21They pick me up in a red rose, just
01:13:24like the one from the cover of the first album.
01:13:26The bar is fully stocked.
01:13:28This is the radio station.
01:13:30Of course.
01:13:32Go on.
01:13:33First they take me.
01:13:42First they take me to Astor Place to do my hair.
01:13:45And then I go to Markman on second and B, getting tattooed.
01:13:48A big, big Liz right across my chest.
01:13:50And the station pays for all this?
01:13:52$1,000 for a personal makeover.
01:13:54I'll give some of that to tuna.
01:13:58Last stop is 8th Street.
01:13:59Leather pants, leather jacket, and some serious kick-ass
01:14:03leather boots.
01:14:05Yeah, but Charlie, they didn't say anything
01:14:07about this in the promos.
01:14:08Wait, it gets better.
01:14:10Then the limo takes me down to JFK, where
01:14:13the Concorde is waiting for me.
01:14:16Bullshit, Charlie.
01:14:17If somebody's pranking you, it's probably fucking Mark.
01:14:20The Concorde, it flies international flights.
01:14:23Well, then maybe it's not the Concorde.
01:14:25You sure it was Dr. D?
01:14:27Come on, that voice.
01:14:30I'm not going to know that voice.
01:14:33What else?
01:14:35All the coke I won on the flight.
01:14:39Something's wrong here.
01:14:41Something's not right, Charlie.
01:14:44The cum shot is a night out with Winona Ryder.
01:14:56Charlie, let me see your hand.
01:14:58Dr. D says I'll probably get to do her.
01:15:01Says she's a nympho.
01:15:05Did you hurt him, Charlie?
01:15:07I have to go to the bathroom.
01:15:09My stomach hurts, Polly.
01:15:15Wait, Charlie, sit down.
01:15:17Sit down.
01:15:23I have to go to the bathroom.
01:15:30My stomach hurts, Paulie.
01:15:34Wait, Charlie.
01:15:34Sit down.
01:15:35Sit down.
01:15:48Eddie, it's Louie.
01:16:04Open up.
01:16:05Come on, open up.
01:16:09I know you're in there.
01:16:10I've seen all your movies.
01:16:23Thelma and Louise, California 7.
01:16:29Fight Club was a little bit weird, though.
01:16:34It is a real pleasure to meet you.
01:16:37Hurry up in there, buddy.
01:16:39We've got a line out here.
01:16:46Here's your check.
01:16:48And I really need this table.
01:16:50Yeah, sure.
01:16:57You know what?
01:16:58Put it up to the counter.
01:17:10Listen, I got a bag of your favorites here.
01:17:12I got your Twinkies, your Calchocula.
01:17:16I even got a box of cookies for Heidi.
01:17:22Listen, I'm sorry about what happened.
01:17:29I lost my temper.
01:17:32Is that Miss Ryder over there?
01:17:39Hi, Miss Ryder.
01:17:42I'm Charlie Mullen, winner of the Bliss 105 Alive.
01:17:49No, never been to L.A., but I'm looking to party, though.
01:17:52I know it's not your fault somebody
01:17:55stumbled onto a pickup spot.
01:17:57Come on, kid.
01:18:03You still got your job.
01:18:04Open up, will you?
01:18:22We'll take a ride out to Coney.
01:18:24Got a couple of dogs.
01:18:25What do you say?
01:18:27All right.
01:18:30I'll see you at the bar later, OK?
01:18:34I'm staying at the Holiday Inn.
01:18:55It's beautiful.
01:18:56It's beautiful.
01:18:57The bathroom.
01:18:58You should see the bathroom.
01:18:59Little soaps.
01:19:00And there's a jacuzzi and a full bar of the works.
01:19:03It's all there.
01:19:07Oh, of course.
01:19:09Of course.
01:19:11I'll be right here, OK?
01:19:12I'm going to be right here.
01:19:13I'm going to get ready.
01:19:26Hey, pal, it's the manager out here.
01:19:27You owe me $7 for the fries and the Cokes.
01:19:31And I got two people waiting to use the bathroom.
01:19:55Officers, can I help you?
01:19:56Yeah, we're looking for a kid.
01:19:5719, brown hair, 5' 8".
01:19:58Lucy, is that the kid in the bathroom?
01:20:00Step back.
01:20:01Let me get in there.
01:20:03Open up.
01:20:04Call Doctor Deliverance back in New York.
01:20:05Check with security.
01:20:32Partner, we've got a live one here.
01:20:41This is the police.
01:20:42I want you to unlock the door slowly...
01:20:46and come out with your hands up.
01:20:48I am going to ask you nicely.
01:20:51Please leave me alone.
01:20:52I have every right to be here.
01:21:09I am not ready yet.
01:21:11I'll be out in a minute.
01:21:17I'm gonna talk to Brad Pitt right now.
01:21:19I'm gonna go directly to his trailer
01:21:20and tell him exactly what's going on here!
01:21:24Get him up.
01:21:25Get him up!
01:21:26I'm gonna talk to Brad Pitt!
01:21:28I'm gonna go right now and tell him
01:21:30exactly what's going on with me!
01:21:34Call Brad Pitt!
01:21:36Call Brad Pitt!
01:21:37I'm gonna upset you, call Winona Ryder!
01:21:41Don't worry, buddy.
01:21:42Don't worry.
01:21:43We'll take care of this side.
01:21:44Don't worry.
01:21:47It's all right.
01:22:02Clear out, people.
01:22:03Clear out.
01:22:06Back up.
01:22:07Back up.
01:22:07Back up.
01:22:10Back up.
01:22:11Step back.
01:22:15Back up.
01:22:16Back up.
01:22:18Charlie, I'm so sorry.
01:22:20This is gonna work out for you, okay?
01:22:21I'm gonna help you out.
01:22:23Tell him I'm going to set, Paulie, okay?
01:22:25Tell him I'm going to set.
01:22:27Who are you?
01:22:30You know this guy?
01:22:33Not really, officer, no.
01:22:48I don't know what it is, kind of.
01:22:50I don't know what it is.
01:22:52I don't know.
01:22:53You just keep piling on me.
01:22:54I can't believe you're letting me down.
01:22:57Come back.
01:22:59I can't.
01:23:01I can't.
01:23:06I can't.
01:23:10I can't.
01:23:12I can't.
01:23:15I can't.
01:23:17Come here, sweetie.
01:23:18Come here, sweetie.
01:23:21Yeah, my pocket.
01:23:22You want me to hold it for you?
01:23:23Oh, hello!
01:23:48Hold on.
01:23:51Oh, no.
01:23:52He's very fertile.
01:23:55Where the hell is he?
01:23:58I though she said we got a limo.
01:24:06Shut up.
01:24:08We're going to get a limo.
01:24:11We're going to pick up Marky.
01:24:16Let's go get the tickets from Charlie.
01:24:30Come on girl, let's go.
01:24:47So should I open up on a train load?
01:24:49And get knocked for murder son?
01:24:50Request to see the weapon and victims
01:24:52Then big up myself like Colin Ferguson
01:24:54In that tee for the crack
01:24:56It's no different than that Sunday snack trade
01:24:58Cause the church is falling down
01:24:59But the reverend got a black drop tapalante
01:25:02Some seek that city job
01:25:04For secure benefits
01:25:05While other brothers shoot Cee-Lo for rent
01:25:07In South Bronx staircase tenements
01:25:09Packing magazines
01:25:11Cause all late night sports is illustrated
01:25:13Lost many brothers along the way
01:25:15So yo to surviving I'm dedicated
01:25:17Cause statistics show
01:25:19So some call killers don't know
01:25:20Busting different victims with the same gun
01:25:22Don't get done by ballistics
01:25:24And the peace is slicing slaughter
01:25:26And the peace is slicing slaughter
01:25:27Suckers might cause the metaphors blow the mic
01:25:29While I'm standing up in the spotlight
01:25:31Big time, big time
01:25:33Top shelf, TV exposure
01:25:35The crackhead whacks the bittens
01:25:37While the dame's all over the shoulder
01:25:39Dinner at Copeland's
01:25:41Drinks at Perks
01:25:42Parlaying with all the ballers
01:25:44All the mass, all the players
01:25:45And pimps that just got off of work, yeah
01:25:47So to hell with all those against me now
01:25:50Jerry Beats
01:25:51A combination of music and drama
01:25:52Like Quincy and Nastassia Kinsky
01:25:54Cause there's nothing dumber
01:25:56Than a summer morning
01:25:57When the cops held down a Haitian man
01:26:05Turn off the chatter
01:26:10Holding my breath
01:26:14I'm underwater now
01:26:18On a Sunday morning
01:26:25Just like any other
01:26:30Ordinary day
01:26:35I think of you
01:26:43Just the way you want me to
01:26:51I take my tiny boat
01:26:57To shore the mountains right behind
01:27:06Suburban skies
01:27:12But the numbers have been changed, yeah
01:27:18You're gonna live it again, yeah
01:27:25You're gonna do the best you can
01:27:31A rose is always a rose
01:27:43Driving up to greet you
01:27:47Where my seas move, baby
