• 5 years ago
Not Rated | 25min | Drama | Episode aired 18 December 1956

When a boy steals a cake for his beloved aunt on Christmas Eve, his young friend tries to set things straight.

Director: Laslo Benedek

Writers: William Fay

Stars: Maureen O'Sullivan, Danny Richards Jr., David Saber
00:00How are you, Mrs. Hayes?
00:20Fine, Mr. Fish, thank you.
00:22We'll have a table.
00:24Let me take your packages.
00:25You're very kind.
00:27Oh, how beautiful.
00:30Thank you very much.
00:32We try to do our best.
00:34Happy Bar Mitzvah.
00:36Sheldon Katzenbaum.
00:38Today, I am a man.
00:42Oh, congratulations, Herman.
00:45Oh, I just love the tradition, celebrating coming of age.
00:48You know, it's a little like what we call confirmation.
00:52Get away from there.
00:53I wasn't going to put a bomb in it.
00:55Who knows what you're going to do.
00:57I'll tell you this much.
00:58You're no Sheldon Katzenbaum.
01:00Why ain't I a Sheldon Katzenbaum?
01:02Are you kidding?
01:03You're both the same age, aren't you?
01:05You're both 13.
01:06That I can't help.
01:08So is Terrence.
01:09You're still in the seventh grade, and Sheldon's in his second year of high school.
01:13That's item one.
01:15Items two, three, four, and five, I wouldn't waste my breath on.
01:19Oh, I'm stupid.
01:21Listen, I'm not as stupid as I used to be.
01:26Ask me a question.
01:28What's the capital of Idaho?
01:31Spell Maratricious.
01:36For that, you can call up Sheldon Katzenbaum.
01:43When I'm hungry, my sister shouldn't ask me such foreign words.
01:56If you got business in here, all right.
01:58Otherwise, I had trouble enough with you before.
02:01You heard me?
02:03I'll take two jelly donuts.
02:05Here's your dime.
02:23What do you have to do?
02:26He's a friend of mine.
02:28Who is he?
02:29Teddy O'Hara, of course.
02:31He's been thrown out of school four times.
02:33So it's logical he'd be a friend of little boy Blue here.
02:37Lay off.
02:38He's not the worst guy in the world.
02:39Him and Gabe Golub are the two best fighters.
02:41He and Gabe Golub, Billy.
02:44Now, what were you going to say?
02:47Just that we're friends.
02:50His mother's dead, and his old man's real mean.
02:53I like Teddy, that's all.
02:55And it's no affair of hers.
02:59Teddy don't have many friends.
03:15Heaven help that poor boy.
03:18In a wretched little sweater on a night like this.
03:36You've been using that phone again, ain't you?
03:38Who said I was?
03:39I said you was.
03:40And I heard you putting it down, too.
03:42Calling Brooklyn again, huh?
03:44Talking to your sweet Aunt Agnes, huh?
03:48Is she going to pay the telephone bill?
03:50How many lies you tell her this time?
03:52What did you dream up today, huh?
03:54Christmas, maybe, huh?
03:56Did your sweet auntie tell you what she was going to give me for Christmas?
03:59Did she?
04:01I'll bet she didn't.
04:03Well, you tell her that I don't need her at all, see?
04:05That we don't need her.
04:06She never did like me anyway.
04:08And you think she likes you?
04:10Well, let me tell you something about your sweet Aunt Agnes.
04:13Let me tell you something about her.
04:15She's just too high and mighty, that's all.
04:18Everything you say about her is a dirty, rotten lie.
04:21A liar, I am, huh?
04:23You're going to stand there and call your pa a liar, are you?
04:26Well, I'm going to give you something you'll never forget as long as you live!
04:33All right, Buster boy.
04:35I'll take care of you tomorrow.
04:37I've got to go to work.
04:51Hi, Teddy.
04:53Isn't it late for you to be phoning?
04:56Did you do your homework?
04:59Homework, I said.
05:01Oh, yeah, homework, sure.
05:03Did all my homework.
05:04Was in the library three hours.
05:06That's right.
05:09I said you don't even know where the library is.
05:11Now, don't just try to make me feel good.
05:13You and I have been friends for a long time,
05:15and if you finished all your homework,
05:17it would be the first time it ever happened, now wouldn't it?
05:21And wouldn't it be better if you and I were honest with each other?
05:26That's better, Teddy.
05:29Now, let's talk about something more pleasant.
05:34Christmas, for instance.
05:38Oh, that's a secret.
05:42No, I'm not going to tell.
05:46I'll see you then.
05:49Well, of course.
05:53Good night, Teddy.
06:07Good night, Teddy.
07:07Come, let us adore you.
07:11Come, let us adore you.
07:16Come, let us adore you.
07:34Hey, you sing pretty good.
07:36What are you, the Perry Como type or the Elvis Presley type?
07:39The Como type. Why, you want to make something of it?
07:41Nothing, nothing.
07:43Say, where was Teddy today?
07:45You know, he sings real good.
07:46Didn't you hear? The guy's in trouble.
07:48And I mean trouble.
07:50He stole a cake.
07:51So what's a cake?
07:52Who couldn't steal a cake?
07:54That's nothing for Teddy.
07:55Stealing a means a cake?
07:58Say, was it a bar mitzvah cake?
08:00How do you know?
08:01Never mind how I know, was it a bar mitzvah cake?
08:04A great big one.
08:07That does it.
08:08What's the matter?
08:09I'm telling you, Charlie, I'm telling you.
08:11You should have seen that cake.
08:13The cops are after him this time.
08:15Not his father.
08:17The guy that owns the bakery's got a warrant out for his arrest.
08:20Quiet, please.
08:22Idle talk will gain you nothing and scandal will get you nowhere.
08:26Now look to your own sins, Teddy is folly.
08:29Boys, class has been dismissed, so please go quietly.
08:32Bye, Spencer.
08:33Bye, Dorothy.
08:34Edwin Gansmiller and Billy Hayes, would you be kind enough to remain a moment?
08:43I have been to see Monsignor Donnell
08:46and I had a chance to talk to him about that surprise I spoke to you about.
08:51Edwin Gansmiller, you and your partner here
08:54have been chosen to sing with the choir on Christmas Eve
08:58at midnight mass.
09:01Well, is that a surprise?
09:04Yes, sister.
09:06Well, how about you, Billy?
09:08Is there something the matter?
09:11I have to go to my grandmother's that night.
09:14On Christmas Eve?
09:19On Christmas Eve?
09:21Really, Billy?
09:24No, sister.
09:26That's better, isn't it?
09:28You're going to look very nice in your bright red cassock
09:31with the Buster Brown collar if that's what you're worried about.
09:34Just like a little cardinal.
09:37Well, now, boys, you may go and thank you for singing so nicely.
09:49Do I have to wear the Buster Brown collar?
09:53Billy, to please our Lord,
09:56we all have to do things sometimes that we don't like to do.
10:00Oh, Billy, just one more thing.
10:03You're a pretty good friend of Teddy O'Hara's, aren't you?
10:08Well, I'm worried about him, too.
10:12You pray for him, Billy.
10:15Yes, you.
10:17You were just as much trouble once and with much less excuse.
10:26What did they say about Teddy?
10:28Oh, what didn't they say?
10:30The cops are after him.
10:31The guy from juvenile court, he's after him.
10:33Grandpa Gernson, even.
10:35And Fisher's Baker, that guy Herman.
10:37You should see him.
10:38Murders what he wants.
10:39I know.
10:40It's awful.
10:41I wonder how Teddy could have stole the cake that big.
10:44I mean, how could he get away with it?
10:46They say he just walked in and picked it up.
10:48When everybody's in back of the store and there's just one customer,
10:51he's eating a strudel, and he thinks that's his cake.
10:54He's eating a strudel, and he thinks that Teddy is working for Fish when he picks up the cake.
10:57Next thing, no cake, no Teddy.
11:00They'll catch him.
11:01They'll kill him.
11:03I can feel it, Gabe.
11:05You think so, huh?
11:06He shouldn't have robbed Sheldon's cake.
11:08It's not as if it was just a cake, but he ruined a whole bar mitzvah.
11:11I know.
11:14What do you think they'll do when they catch him?
11:16They'll kill him.
11:17Just like you say, they'll kill him first.
11:19Then they'll send him to reform school.
11:21I'm right?
11:23That's real awful.
11:25I wish there was something we could do.
11:28Say, can you get away tonight?
11:30I don't know.
11:32I think I have to help my father at the store.
11:34I'll ask.
11:35Well, let's meet here at Fisher's tonight, okay?
11:37All right.
11:40God rest you merry gentlemen.
11:43Let nothing you dismay.
11:47Remember Christ our Savior.
11:51You can't, hon.
11:52You just can't come.
11:53We're too busy.
11:54My father would spit in me like a babel.
11:56He just gave me 20 minutes to come over here and get a bite to eat.
11:59Then I gotta get back to the store.
12:01If you hear anything more about Teddy, let me know.
12:04Yeah, okay.
12:07Hello, Rabbi.
12:08I'm glad you got here.
12:10Hey, there's Rabbi Gerdsen.
12:15He sees me.
12:17He probably wants to know why I'm friends with the guy that ruined Sheldon's bar mitzvah.
12:21You see, what happened is that the gate...
12:24I'm getting out of here.
12:31Hark the herald angels sing.
12:35Glory to the newborn King.
12:40Peace on earth and mercy mild.
12:45God and sinners reconciled.
12:50Joyful all ye nations rise.
12:55Join the triumph of the skies.
13:00With angelic host proclaim.
13:04Christ is born in Bethlehem.
13:09Hark the herald angels sing.
13:15Glory to the newborn King.
13:24Deck the halls with boughs of holly.
13:28Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.
13:31It's the season to be jolly.
13:34Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.
13:36Jolly now our fair Meryl.
13:39Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.
13:42Born in ancient Egypt and Carol.
13:45Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.
14:05What do you know?
14:06Nothing much.
14:08I just left Gabe eating the fishies.
14:10Rabbi Gerson was there. I didn't want to hang around.
14:21Take the rest of them.
14:23Take some yourself. He's hungry anyhow.
14:27Come on. Who are you kidding?
14:35You're okay, Billy.
14:41Hey, I got an idea. Come on.
14:45What makes you think your mother won't be back right away?
14:48I told you. She went Christmas shopping.
14:51Besides, if she came back, she wouldn't even snitch.
14:55Yeah, I guess she's like my Aunt Agnes.
14:58You got an aunt?
15:00You never told me about her.
15:02She lives in Brooklyn. She's always lived in Brooklyn.
15:07You know, I don't know.
15:09You never told me about her.
15:11She lives in Brooklyn. She's always lived in Brooklyn.
15:20Why'd you steal the cake?
15:22Never mind. I took it. That's all.
15:25You couldn't eat a cake like that. Nobody in the whole world could eat it.
15:29Why'd you really steal the cake?
15:34You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
15:39I swear, it struck me dead on the floor.
15:44It was so beautiful, that's all.
15:46I figured I could change the writing on top of the cake
15:49and stash it in the furnace room of the bowling alleys.
15:52That's where I slept last night.
15:54But why would you want to stash a cake like that away?
15:59So I could give it to my aunt.
16:01Christmas, you mean?
16:03Give her a bar mitzvah cake.
16:09I love her.
16:18My old man is a...
16:20I don't care what I say.
16:22That's a sin, your own father, Ted.
16:24I was going to take the cake to Brooklyn because my old man,
16:27he don't even let my aunt come near the house.
16:29One time when I was a little kid, she gave me some trains.
16:32He busted them.
16:33He hates her because she's high class like...
16:36like your old lady.
16:40Then last night, couldn't bring her the cake.
16:43Why not?
16:45Because I dropped it on the furnace room of the bowling alleys.
16:48I dropped it on the floor.
16:51I see what you mean.
16:55Listen, I got to get out of here.
16:59There's no use trying to tell me your old lady won't be sore.
17:03So long, Billion.
17:05Thanks for the food.
17:07So long, and take it easy.
17:19Jesus, Lord,
17:22help Teddy O'Hara.
17:25He's braver than anybody,
17:28but he needs your help.
17:32I promised to wear that Buster Brown collar
17:35and that dopey red tie
17:38and never to complain about it once.
17:44No matter if you help me or not.
17:48Please, Jesus.
18:01Now, attention, boys.
18:03This is our last chance to practice before mass tonight.
18:06Now, I don't want you charging into the church like a pack of cavalry.
18:10Is that understood?
18:12Um, Stevie, I think it's better if you change it.
18:16They caught Teddy, all right.
18:18He's in the office right now.
18:20Anthony O'Donnell's there and Rabbi Gerson even.
18:23You hear me, Bill?
18:25Yeah, I hear you.
18:27Mr. Fish is there with Herman the baker.
18:29How do you like that?
18:31Attention, please.
18:33Now, let's try to mind our own affairs.
18:36Uh, Billy Hayes, will you take your place
18:38alongside of Edwin Gansmiller, please?
18:40Come on.
18:48Come in.
19:01Oh, so it's you.
19:03Yes, Monsignor.
19:05And what brought you in here?
19:10Well, I wanted to talk to you about something.
19:14Anything that suits a Benedict or Rabbi Gerson kid here?
19:19Or, uh, Mr. Cronin from the children's court?
19:26You ever see this fellow before?
19:29Oh, yes, I know this one.
19:31We spotted O'Hara leaving his house last night
19:33and followed him from there to the bowling alleys.
19:37So you harbored criminals, too?
19:40Well, it wasn't like that, no.
19:42Oh, what was it like then?
19:44You tell us.
19:46Well, um,
19:48Teddy was cold and...
19:50and he was hungry
19:52and I gave him some chestnuts
19:54and I took him home with me.
19:56He was...
19:58He was so...
20:00You gotta help me, Monsignor,
20:02because nobody else is gonna.
20:10Come now, let's not break down.
20:13Did you know that your friend was
20:15hiding in the furnished room of the bowling alleys?
20:20Yes, Monsignor.
20:22I see.
20:24It should be no attempt to tell the proper authorities.
20:27Did you, son?
20:29No, Monsignor.
20:31All right.
20:33In we go now.
20:48Wait a moment.
20:51Tell me, son,
20:53what do you know that's good about this O'Hara?
21:00Isn't there anything good about him?
21:05He's braver than anybody I know.
21:13He loves his aunt.
21:16He loves his aunt!
21:27Noel, Noel,
21:31Noel, Noel,
21:38Born is the King
21:42Born is the King
21:49Now, that was good.
21:51It's almost midnight and in just a few moments
21:53we're going to be marching into church.
21:55Now, I don't...
21:57Oh, Billy.
22:02I really wish I had a picture to give your mother.
22:05So my sister could show it all over the neighborhood.
22:09Hey, Billy, what'd you get for Christmas?
22:11I don't know. Things I guess I'll do all right.
22:14I keep thinking about Teddy.
22:16Yeah, I know.
22:18Who don't?
22:21Now, we're just about ready to go, boys.
22:23And there's only one more thing.
22:27Oh, good evening, Monsignor.
22:29And a very happy Christmas to you.
22:31The same to you, sister.
22:35A fine pack of angels you've got here, sister.
22:38Well, you've got my sympathy.
22:40I was wondering if you couldn't use a first-rate Irish tenor.
22:43Could you now?
22:47Well, I, uh...
22:49I tried him out myself.
22:52We'd be very happy to.
22:54I'll build the first guy that makes a crack.
23:24I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
23:54I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
23:57I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:00I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:03I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:06I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:09I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:12I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:15I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:18I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:21I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:24I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:27I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:30I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:33I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:36I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:39I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:42I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:45I'm gonna live with my aunt in Brooklyn.
24:48This was a Don W. Sharp, Warren Lewis production.
