Short filmTranscript
00:00When the West was young, so were many of its bad men.
00:16Billy the Kid was famous, but there were others just as young, just as vicious.
00:22There were also youngsters who might have turned killer, but for help at the right moment.
00:27Rex Allen stars as the Frontier Doctor.
00:41You sure you want to go through with it, kid?
00:44Hank comes from a family of killers.
00:46He's a friend of Bell's star, you know.
00:49I ain't afraid of him.
00:51Choose your gun.
00:53There's one bullet in each.
00:57Did you explain the rules?
01:02I know the rules.
01:06Let's get it over with.
01:09You fire at the count of five.
01:14One, two, three, four, five.
01:21Looks like you missed.
01:27Go ahead.
01:31It's too bad you couldn't have figured some other way of proving what a big man you are.
01:35Maybe if you was to beg, I'd let you off.
01:39I ain't doing that for anybody.
01:40You asked for it, kid.
01:52Look at his face.
01:58You ain't dead, kid.
02:00Them was blinds.
02:03You make a fool out of me.
02:05Hey, take it easy, kid.
02:07We only wanted to see if you had the guts to go through with it.
02:09I ain't nothing to get sore about, kid.
02:12You did fine.
02:14I did?
02:16Now all you got to do is pull a job with us and you're in.
02:19What kind of a job?
02:20We'll start you on something easy.
02:22Like holding up a store.
02:31Hey, Doc.
02:32Evening, Asa.
02:34If you're not busy, I'd like to see you for a minute.
02:38You're just holding up a little checker game with the sheriff.
02:42Doc, I cut my finger yesterday.
02:44Kind of sore right here.
02:46One of you would mind taking a look at it.
02:48Put some iodine on it?
02:50I sure did.
02:51Like to burn the doggone thing off.
02:53It looks all right now.
02:55Put some more iodine on it and keep this old dirty bandage off of it.
02:58Let the air get to it.
03:00Thanks, Doc.
03:01How much do I owe you?
03:02One cookie.
03:04I'll take care of it.
03:06I'll take care of it.
03:08One cookie.
03:09One cookie.
03:11Help yourselves.
03:16Hey there now.
03:17Shame on you, Prince.
03:18Now you be quiet there.
03:20What's the matter?
03:22He ain't been feeling so good here lately.
03:24Might be a little touch of his temper.
03:27He's not better by morning.
03:28Bring him over and we'll have a look at him.
03:30Sure will, Doc.
03:35Good night, Doc.
03:41I want to talk to you.
03:43What about?
03:45Your sister tells me you've been running around with Hank and that other bunch of boys.
03:49Paula's got to have something to complain about.
03:51It hasn't been easy for her, Jim.
03:53Since your folks passed away, she's had to be a mother and father both to you.
03:57It's time she quit trying so hard.
03:59That's what I told her.
04:02When I was 16 years old, I tried to be the toughest kid in town.
04:07I figured it was the only way I could make people know I'd grown up and amounted to something.
04:12What are you driving at?
04:14I was lucky.
04:16Before I got into serious trouble, I found that if a man really knows he's a man,
04:22he don't have to keep proving it.
04:28Thanks for the words of wisdom, Doc.
04:32Good night, Jim.
04:37Good night.
04:53Anyone in the store?
05:01You ain't going chicken, are you?
05:05Let's get on with it.
05:16Sorry, I'm...
05:17What are you kids...
05:18Shut up!
05:19Get over there.
05:20What's the matter with you?
05:21Come on.
05:22Get the cash drawer.
05:46He's hurt bad.
05:48Why'd you do it?
05:51Where are you going?
05:52To get Doc Baxter.
05:53Don't be a fool.
05:54The whole town will be here in a minute.
05:56Come on.
05:58Come on.
06:03Now get home and act like you've been there all evening.
06:05Doc Baxter saw me in town.
06:07Okay, okay.
06:08But if anyone asks you about the holdup, you didn't see anything.
06:11Without a witness, they can't prove we did it.
06:13I won't say anything.
06:14You better not.
06:15If you want your sister to stay healthy.
06:17What's Paula got to do with this?
06:20If you keep your mouth shut.
06:21First you shoot an old man, now you're threatening women.
06:23Now wait a minute.
06:24All right.
06:25I'll keep my mouth shut because I have to.
06:28But from now on,
06:30but from now on,
06:32keep away from me.
06:47Hey, is something wrong?
06:54Get everybody out of here.
07:01Anything you can do?
07:04I don't think so.
07:07Asa, can you hear me?
07:09What happened?
07:13Three youngsters held me up.
07:19Do you recognize any of them?
07:22Warm masks.
07:25Prince bit one of them.
07:36Ten to one, that gang of hanks did this.
07:39I wouldn't be surprised.
07:40That hank's no good.
07:42Father a murdering half-breed, his mother even worse.
07:45Wish she'd stayed in Arkansas.
07:47Friend's a bad start.
07:48Prince bit one of the robbers.
07:50In the morning, I'll round up that gang of hanks.
07:53And if one of them doesn't have a bite,
07:55I'll be mighty surprised.
07:57You go on home, doc.
07:59I'll take care of Asa.
08:04Easy, boy.
08:05Easy now.
08:06You taking him with you?
08:08He hasn't been feeling too well anyway.
08:11With Asa gone, well,
08:13an animal can grieve almost as much as a human.
08:17Come on, boy.
08:19See you in the morning, Joe.
08:22Come on.
08:24I took the dog home and then headed for the Mason place.
08:27I hadn't mentioned seeing Jim before the holdup
08:30because if the boy wasn't involved,
08:32I didn't want to make trouble for him.
08:36Bill, it's you. Come in.
08:38Jim here.
08:40What's wrong?
08:42Mr. Goddard's store was held up.
08:46I knew this would happen.
08:48We don't know Jim was mixed up in it, Paula.
08:50I just...
08:51Then why do you know him?
08:52Well, I talked to him just a short while before
08:54and I thought he might have seen someone.
09:00Jim, come out here.
09:02I was just going to bed.
09:04Never mind. I want to talk to you.
09:08All right, what's the matter now?
09:13Oh, hi, doc.
09:14Hello, Jim.
09:15Goddard's store was held up.
09:17So what's that got to do with me?
09:19Goddard was killed.
09:22It happened right after I talked to you and...
09:26What's the matter with your leg?
09:28It's nothing. I cut it on some barbed wire.
09:30Maybe I better have a look at it.
09:32Why should you? It's nothing.
09:34Asa's dog bit one of the boys.
09:37And you want to check my leg and see if it was me, is that it?
09:39If it's just a scratch, you don't have anything to worry about.
09:45Check all you want to.
09:46Sit down.
09:50Sit down.
09:58Now get in there and put your clothes on.
10:00We're going to the sheriff.
10:02Come on.
10:08The next day, Leo Wilde and other members of the gang were questioned.
10:12They claimed they knew nothing and furnished each other alibis.
10:15They were lying too, but we couldn't prove it.
10:19In the days that followed, Paula and I tried again and again to make Jim talk.
10:24But the answer was always the same.
10:27I told you I wasn't even there.
10:30No one thinks you killed Mr. Goddard.
10:32Why are you protecting the person who did?
10:34I'm not protecting anybody.
10:36Then what are you doing?
10:37According to the sheriff, if a bunch of guys break in someplace and somebody gets killed,
10:42it don't make no difference who fired the shot.
10:45All of them are guilty of murder.
10:47That's what the law says, Jim, but there can be exceptions in any case.
10:50I'd still go to jail.
10:53Well, that's better than hanging.
10:54I ain't so sure.
10:57How can you say such a thing?
10:59Look, I'm sorry, sis.
11:02It's on account of you I got to play it this way.
11:05Did someone threaten to harm Paula if you talked?
11:09I don't know what you mean.
11:12All right, Jim, I give up.
11:15Let us out, Joe.
11:38The sheriff's with him.
11:41That means he's alone.
11:43Come on around to the outhouse.
12:07Tonight there'll be a horse for you over by the shed.
12:11After you break out, wait for us at Smuggler's Cave.
12:15What about the money?
12:16I'll bring it in the morning.
12:18I'm just as anxious for you to get out of the country as you are.
12:21I didn't think you were doing it as a personal favor.
12:26He'll break down eventually.
12:28They always do when they realize we mean business.
12:30See you, Doc.
12:32I'll see you home.
12:33No, thanks. I...
12:34Oh, Doc.
12:36I was over at the telegraph office a while ago.
12:38They gave me this for you. Almost forgot.
12:49Something the matter?
12:51Some vaccine I ordered won't be in Elkinsville tomorrow noon.
12:54Is that bad?
12:56I don't know.
12:58Paula, I want to tell you something. I don't want to alarm him under observation.
13:02For rabies. You see, when...
13:05There's always that possibility with a dog.
13:07But precaution I can by keeping him confined.
13:09Well, how could he have rabies?
13:11There hasn't been a mad dog in town.
13:13A dog isn't the only carrier of the disease.
13:15Prince could have been bitten by a squirrel or a coyote.
13:18Well, then why didn't you give Jim the vaccine right away?
13:21I don't know the dog is mad.
13:22And even if I'd had the vaccine, I wouldn't have used it.
13:25The pasture treatment is so painful
13:27that, well, a doctor doesn't use it unless he has to.
13:30When will you know?
13:31If he doesn't show any symptoms by Monday,
13:33I'll assume that the bite was harmless.
13:35I saw a man die of hydrophobia once. It was terrible.
13:39Look, if Prince is rabid, and there's no reason to believe that he is,
13:43we still have plenty of time to get the boy over to Elton for treatment.
13:46Don't worry about it, Paula.
13:52The next morning, when I returned from making an emergency call,
13:56Paula was waiting for me.
13:58Good morning, Paula.
13:59What brings you out so early?
14:01I've been waiting for you since the sun came up.
14:03I'm so worried about Jim.
14:05How's the dog?
14:06Well, I haven't had a chance to look.
14:08Mrs. Jenkins had her baby this morning about four o'clock.
14:11A big, nine-pound, bouncing baby boy.
14:14Come on in. Have some coffee.
14:16Well, can't we look at the dog first?
14:18Sure, if you like.
14:21I keep him here in the barn. It's a little cooler.
14:32Here, Prince.
14:36Get out of here, Paula.
14:43Look out.
14:52What's wrong around his mouth?
14:54At this stage, he's partially blind.
14:56He'll attack the first thing he boots.
14:58You can't let him run around loose.
15:00There's a gun in my desk drawer. Get it, will you, Jim?
15:50Thanks, Paula.
15:52I've never killed anything before.
15:54The disease would have killed him anyway.
15:56We saved him from a more painful death.
15:58What about Jim?
15:59We've got to get him to Elkton.
16:11An extra key in the drawer of the desk.
16:13He's got a hold of a gun somewhere.
16:15When did it happen?
16:16About midnight.
16:17He asked for a drink of water, and as I stuck my hand through the bars...
16:20You've got to find him, Joe. That dog that bit him had rabies.
16:24The vaccine comes in on the train tomorrow in Elkton.
16:26I've got to have him there to meet that train.
16:28Do you mean if we don't find him, it'll be too late?
16:31Should be.
16:38You two, come here.
16:39Doc, go to the livery stable and get yourself a horse.
16:42Jim Mason escaped last night.
16:44You get a posse and search north of town.
16:46You and I and the doc will go in the other direction. Let's go.
16:58A half hour after we left town, we met a rancher who'd seen Jim,
17:01or somebody like him, heading in the direction of Smuggler's Cave.
17:05He was leading a lame horse.
17:29Hey, Mason!
17:34Hand me that rifle.
17:40We know somebody's in there. We've seen your tracks.
17:44You'd better come out, or we're coming in after you.
17:50It's all right, Jim.
17:51It's all right.
17:52It's all right.
17:53It's all right.
17:54It's all right.
17:55It's all right.
17:57It's Jim, all right.
18:00Listen to me!
18:02This is Bill Baxter.
18:04That dog had bet you had rabies.
18:06I've got to get you to Elkton for treatment.
18:08You can think of a better story than that?
18:10I'm telling the truth.
18:11I don't believe you.
18:12Jim, you have rabies.
18:14Once symptoms develop, you'll die in agony, and no one can help you.
18:18I don't believe you!
18:19You'll never convince him.
18:22Whether you believe the doc or not, you'd better come out.
18:26You're cornered!
18:27I'd rather die than spend the rest of my life in jail!
18:30Come on! Come on, after me!
18:33Stubborn fool.
18:35Come on, Sam. Let's get him.
18:36Wait a minute.
18:37If we rush in there, somebody's going to get hurt.
18:39I'll go in alone.
18:40But that's suicide.
18:41That boy's not a killer.
18:43Jim, I'm coming in to talk to you!
18:55Jim, I don't have a gun!
18:57I just want to talk!
18:58I just want to talk!
19:13Don't come any closer, doc.
19:17You're no killer, Jim.
19:18Don't come any closer, doc. I mean it.
19:21I'm not going to let him hang me, and I'm not going to let him hurt Paula.
19:23Nobody's going to hurt Paula.
19:25Now put that gun down.
19:26Not a chance.
19:28Don't make me do it, doc!
19:29Please don't make me do it!
19:31What I told you about the dog, Jim, is true.
19:34Did you ever see a dog die of rabies?
19:36With foam coming out of his mouth and beating his head against the ground?
19:40Well, it affects humans the same way.
19:43You don't want to die like that, Jim.
19:45Frothing at the mouth and beating your head against these rocks out here with nobody to help you.
19:50That's not the way.
19:56Come on, boy.
19:59Come on.
20:11They caught him.
20:12We're as bad off now as we were before.
20:14All right, Jim. Get on your horse.
20:17He's lame.
20:18Come on, you can climb up behind me.
20:28If we keep him in that jail in Elkton, we'll never get him out.
20:30He'll spill everything he knows.
20:32There's only three of them.
20:33There's four of us.
20:58You go on ahead. We'll try to hold them off.
21:29Keep him pinned down.
21:31Leo and me will cut over the ridge.
21:58Come on.
22:12Pull up.
22:17All right, climb down, Doc. We're taking over.
22:20I got to get to Elkton.
22:21You're getting out of the country.
22:22Look, the dog that bit me had rabies. The doc's taking me for treatment.
22:25Who are you kidding?
22:26It's true, Hank. Honest.
22:27You fool, you told him my name.
22:28I knew it anyway.
22:30Get down.
22:35And you, get out of here.
22:38Look, Hank, I got to have that vaccine.
22:40If there's anything wrong with you, we'll take you to the doc in Elkton to get you fixed up.
22:45Sorry, Baxter, but you could identify me if I let you go.
22:50Don't be a fool. It's the only way you'll ever be in the clear.
22:53I'd rather go to jail.
22:54Well, I wouldn't.
23:11Hold it!
23:16Hank's butt, sir.
23:18What about the others?
23:20The deputy's got them. This is quite a haul.
23:22Were these two mixed up in the killing?
23:24Hank did the shooting.
23:26You'd have saved us a lot of trouble if you'd have said that in the first place.
23:29I know, Sheriff.
23:31Come on, Jim, we've got to get to Elkton.
23:33All right, you two, let's go.
23:37The pain will go away in a minute.
23:39It's been three days.
23:40How much longer?
23:42At least 15.
23:4415 more.
23:46Then I'm going to stay in trial.
23:48The Sheriff thinks you'll get off with a light sentence.
23:51It don't matter.
23:52It don't matter.
23:54I can take anything they throw at me.
23:58I can even take having a sister that treats me like a 10-year-old idiot.
24:02She won't. Not anymore.
24:04You know, it's funny.
24:07Here I am in jail, in a peck of trouble.
24:11I feel great.
24:14I guess it's because I know everything's going to turn out all right.
24:19Sounds like you're growing up.
24:25I want to thank you for...
24:27for helping me to grow up.
24:30Don't you remember?
24:32You said a...
24:34You said a man that knows he's a man
24:36don't have to keep on trying to prove it.
24:38I said it, Jim.
24:40But that's something every man has to learn for himself.
24:43It's the hard way.
24:53At the trial held a month later,
24:56Hank Butz and Leo Wilde were sentenced to 10 years to life in the state prison.
25:01Jim Mason, because of his cooperation,
25:04received a six-month sentence
25:06and then was paroled to the custody of his sister.
25:09Jim had learned that a man who knows he's a man
25:12doesn't have to keep on trying to prove it.
25:15He had to prove it.
25:17He had to prove it.
25:19He had to prove it.
25:20A man who knows he's a man
25:22doesn't have to keep proving it.
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