TV-14 | 30min | Western, TV Series | Episode aired 27 January 1958
Hardie attempts to find a gang of outlaws who specialize in stealing buffalo hides from a buffalo hide buyer, Fresno Keeley, backed by Wells Fargo. He suspects one of those involved is Billy Thompson, brother of Ben Thompson.
Director: Earl Bellamy
Writer: William R. Cox
Stars: Dale Robertson, Don Megowan, Weston Gavin
Hardie attempts to find a gang of outlaws who specialize in stealing buffalo hides from a buffalo hide buyer, Fresno Keeley, backed by Wells Fargo. He suspects one of those involved is Billy Thompson, brother of Ben Thompson.
Director: Earl Bellamy
Writer: William R. Cox
Stars: Dale Robertson, Don Megowan, Weston Gavin
Short filmTranscript
00:00Wells Fargo operates stagecoach lines.
00:05The company also hauls freight and delivers the mail.
00:08For a while, it was in the buffalo hide business.
00:11That explains what I was doing just now in Kansas.
00:14My name's Jim Hardy, and I handle trouble for Wells Fargo.
00:19I'd arranged a deal for an old friend of mine named Fresno Keeley,
00:23using Wells Fargo capital to buy hides and tote them into Buffalo Crossing.
00:27He was doing well, but whenever a man starts to make a little money,
00:31there's always somebody ready to take it away from him.
00:34Who runs this camp?
00:36Nobody, but the tents and the feral layout belong to Ben over there.
00:42Ben who?
00:43You telling me you never heard of Ben Thompson?
00:47Is that him?
00:50Well, now, Ben Thompson's about the roughest, toughest man in Texas, that's all.
00:54This is Kansas. What's he doing up here?
00:57Keeping an eye on his little brother.
00:59Seems Billy Thompson shot a man in El Paso, and some of the people didn't like the way he did it.
01:06Mainly the Texas Rangers.
01:08So they come to Kansas.
01:10Wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:12I want to see that dealer's box.
01:14They build crooked boxes in Texas.
01:16Seems like trouble likes to follow Ben Thompson.
01:19You suggesting this game ain't honest?
01:21I only want to look at the box.
01:29You sound downright suspicious to me.
01:31And insulting.
01:33I got a right to look at that box.
01:37You ain't looking at anything, friend.
01:52Hey, hold it!
01:56I'm still running this show.
01:58Now clear out and come back when you can cool down.
02:01And I get set up for business again.
02:12Thanks, friend.
02:16Here, have a look.
02:18I got no interest in it. I wasn't bucking your game.
02:21Ah, but if it hadn't been for you, that fellow stealing up behind me, they might have closed my game for good.
02:28I figure you're entitled to a look.
02:34Looks all right to me.
02:36Ah, just don't tell him about it.
02:38I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
02:41I didn't get your name.
02:43My name's Jim Hardy.
02:46I work for Wells Fargo.
02:48Ah, you've heard about me?
02:50I've heard a few things.
02:52Well, likely most of what you've heard is...
02:55Well, I never did run a crooked game.
02:58I believe you.
02:59I don't believe they do.
03:02Drink, Ben?
03:04Ah, this is Henry Wilson. He's a dealer in Buffalo Hides.
03:07How are you?
03:08But not much of a fighter, I'm afraid.
03:10Ben, I was covering for you all the time.
03:13I came from way back where it was safe.
03:16You know, I don't believe I've ever seen you around here before, have I?
03:19His name's Hardy. He's from Wells Fargo.
03:22Oh, you must be looking for Fresno Keely.
03:24That's right.
03:25You seen him around?
03:27Well, he should be over at Buffalo Crossing unloading.
03:29You know, that Fresno, he bought a whole load of prime hides right from underneath my nose yesterday.
03:35Fresno's a good trader, all right.
03:37Oh, he beats me plenty.
03:39Ben, I'm sorry about the fuss the boys made, but they'll be back.
03:42Even if they don't like your game, you're the only one who's got one in the camp.
03:46Good luck to you, Hardy.
03:53I wonder if he thinks he's fooling me, Annie.
03:56What about Fresno?
03:58I hear he's had a lot of bad luck lately.
04:00Well, somebody's stealing him blind.
04:03That's about all I know.
04:05Why don't you take a ride over to Buffalo Crossing and let him tell you for himself?
04:08It's not that simple.
04:10I just came from there.
04:12He and his wagon, either one, have showed up yet.
04:21How's the tally?
04:23Four hundred thirty-three prime Buffalo hides.
04:25Fine load, Mr. Wilson.
04:26Oh, thanks, Peter.
04:28You see anything of Fresno?
04:30No, no. Wasn't he here earlier?
04:32Nope. He's mistaken if he thinks this train's going to wait for him.
04:42You know, the least you could have done was give the boys a hand.
04:45I didn't hire out to roustle no Buffalo hide.
04:48I pay you enough to do anything I ask.
04:51Now, that's where you're wrong. Nobody pays me that kind of money.
04:54Billy, I swear, if it wasn't for your brother Ben, I'd...
04:56You'd what?
04:58Look, I'm getting pretty sick of folks hinting that Billy Thompson hides behind anybody.
05:02You got something to say, why don't you just say it?
05:08Billy, you shouldn't be so touchy.
05:10Boys, put the wagon up. I may want to talk to you later, Billy.
05:13Hey, uh, why don't you tell your boys,
05:16take a bath, get the stink of the Buffalo hide off them.
05:27How long we got to put up with that punk?
05:29As long as we need him.
05:31What you really mean is you're scared of his big brother.
05:34When the time comes, I'm going to settle with that Billy Thompson.
05:37Now is not the time. We've got other things to worry about.
05:39Besides, there's a Wells Fargo man that's been nosing around.
05:42You worry about Wells Fargo.
05:44We'll all worry about it.
05:46You settle down.
05:49It didn't take an awful lot of brains to figure that if Fresno's wagon had left the Buffalo camp,
05:54but hadn't reached town,
05:56then the place to start looking for him would have to be somewhere in between.
06:02I looked, but didn't find much.
06:05So I had to guess.
06:07The best guess was that someone had wiped out the wheel marks with something.
06:11A branch of a tree, maybe.
06:31Let's go.
07:32Oh, Jim, am I glad to see you.
07:35Get me loose, will you? Hurry up.
07:38Three times they've done it to me. Three times in a row.
07:42Maybe it wasn't such a good idea my talking Wells Fargo into backing you in this hide-buying business.
07:47Now listen, Jim Hardy, I can hold my own with any man that fights fair.
07:51But not the kind of shenanigans they've been pulling on me.
07:54They don't kill me. They don't even take my horses.
07:58They want me to stay right in business, buying hides for them to steal.
08:06You say they held you up three times?
08:08That's right. And whoever they are, they use a new play every darn time.
08:12It's too bad you didn't get a look at one of them.
08:15I've been trying hard to make a living peaceable.
08:18But this time when I get to town, I'm breaking out a rifle,
08:21and I'm going after that no-good hypocrite of a Henry Wilson.
08:24Wilson? Do you think he's in on it?
08:27Well, who else? Who would it be?
08:31I don't know. A lot of other shippers.
08:34Yeah, but not another one of them is smart enough to run a blazer on me.
08:39Well, stop and think a minute.
08:41Could Wilson or any of his men have been hiding in your wagon?
08:44Well, now, come to think of it, no.
08:49Con and Jake was both on his wagon when I left.
08:52Wilson was bucking Ben Thompson's game.
08:55Yeah, I seen them all.
08:58Well, then it had to be somebody else hiding in your wagon.
09:01Well, whoever it is, I'll smoke them out if it's the last thing I ever do.
09:04By grab, I'll go after them.
09:06And what if Ben Thompson's in on the play?
09:08Well, you don't think I'm afraid of Ben Thompson.
09:11I think a lot of people are.
09:14Let's go.
09:22Let's go.
09:33Where were you this morning, kid?
09:35I heard about what happened, Ben. I'm sorry.
09:37I thought I was paying you to work as lookout for me.
09:40Hadn't been for a fellow named Hardy this morning, I'd have a knife in my back right now.
09:45This Hardy's from Wells Fargo. What's he snooping around here for?
09:48I didn't ask. But maybe you know without asking.
09:51Now, just what do you mean by that?
09:54Look, I run a farrow game. And I mind my own business.
09:58But I know you're spending more money than I pay you.
10:00I'd like to know where you're getting it.
10:02Don't you sort of think that's my business?
10:04Not when you get in a hole and I've got to pull you out of it.
10:07Look, I've got a notion what it is you're getting into.
10:09And I don't like it.
10:11I quit worrying.
10:13If I was you, I'd start worrying.
10:15About what, for instance?
10:17For instance, that Wells Fargo man.
10:22Wells Fargo or not, I don't show railroad records to you or anybody.
10:27You're sure about that?
10:29I got my orders.
10:30You didn't get orders like that from the railroad.
10:32You're just trying to putter to Mr. Wilson's private affairs.
10:35He must be a good friend of yours.
10:37He's a good customer of the railroad.
10:39So is Wells Fargo.
10:41I want to see those records.
10:44So maybe I'd better send a few telegrams.
10:47Now wait.
10:49You'd better come inside.
11:09Billy, I got a job for you to do right away.
11:12There's something right down your line.
11:13Now the Wells Fargo man is in there talking to...
11:15I thought you had that angle taken care of.
11:17Well, I did as far as anyone else is concerned.
11:19But this Wells Fargo man carries enough weight to get Beasley fired.
11:21Oh, so you sort of want me to bust this guy up?
11:24That the idea?
11:26Yeah, yeah, that's the idea.
11:28And then Wells Fargo sends out another man to take his place and then another.
11:32You figuring on taking care of all of them one by one?
11:34Billy, you just follow orders. That's all.
11:36Yeah, all right.
11:37Only you owe me for this morning.
11:40I do this job and you got to owe me still more.
11:44Billy, you're going to get just what's coming to you.
11:47That's all I wanted to hear.
11:56Did you check with those hide hunters?
11:58Yeah, it's just as I figured.
11:59They sold more to me than they ever sold to Wilson.
12:02How many would you say he bought off of them offhand?
12:04Oh, six, seven hundred.
12:08The records show he shipped that many thousands.
12:10Well, blasted them's hides I bought.
12:12Yeah, with Wells Fargo's money.
12:14Well, you get it back, Jim. I'll pay every cent of it.
12:18That's not what worries me, Fresno.
12:20What worries me is how I'm going to stop them from stealing any more.
12:23Well, Wilson's in town. Let's go get him.
12:26Can't do that yet.
12:27We haven't got enough proof.
12:29I've got a hunch we're going to have to let him trap himself.
12:32Well, how are we going to do that?
12:36Could this be somebody looking for me?
12:38Oh, that's Billy Thompson.
12:40You stay out of this.
12:46You're the man from Wells Fargo?
12:48That's right.
12:49Do you know who I am?
12:51Fresno tells me you're Billy Thompson.
12:54My brother Ben tells me you're a pretty fast man with a draw.
12:58Faster than some, I suppose.
13:00Not as fast as others, though.
13:02He says you like trouble.
13:04That's where he's wrong, Billy.
13:05I don't like trouble.
13:07I'll go to any lengths to avoid it.
13:09Well, that's too bad, because I like trouble.
13:11I like trouble real good.
13:13So, maybe you just better play it safe someplace else.
13:18You're running me out of Buffalo Crossing, is that it?
13:21That's the idea.
13:27Ben says you're pretty fast with a gun.
13:29Is that right?
13:31Why don't you try me?
13:34You try me.
13:35Go ahead and draw.
13:39Come on.
13:44Unload him.
13:45If I had seen that, I wouldn't believe it.
13:47The next time your brother tells you something, Billy,
13:50you better listen to him.
14:10Game's close for now, boys.
14:24Something bothering you, Ben?
14:26You know what's bothering me, Hardy.
14:28You must have heard about the run-in, me and Billy had.
14:31I don't know what you're talking about.
14:33I don't know what you're talking about.
14:35I don't know what you're talking about.
14:37The run-in, me and Billy had.
14:39Look, Hardy, I like you, but don't push it too far.
14:43What am I supposed to do?
14:45Stand there and let him shoot me down?
14:47Oh, you don't understand.
14:49He's my brother.
14:51And here in Kansas, they don't like us Texans much.
14:54So, we gotta keep the upper hand, whatever happens.
14:57Even if it happens that Billy's dead wrong?
14:59Oh, believe me, sometimes it isn't easy.
15:01For my money, he's a show-off and a blowhard.
15:05All right, so maybe he's a little weak that way.
15:08The worst part of it is you'd kill for him.
15:10That's your weakness.
15:12I like you, Hardy.
15:14But that don't give you no right to say that.
15:17You know, you're not a bad fellow, Ben.
15:19But it's time you face the facts about your brother.
15:22He's no good, through and through.
15:24And I think you know it.
15:26There ain't many fellows that'll talk to Ben Thompson the way you're doing.
15:29I'm sorry.
15:31I don't want to start a fight or any kind of trouble.
15:34But I can't help it if you take it the wrong way.
15:37You challenged Billy for a showdown.
15:40You scared to do the same to me?
15:43I wish I was.
15:48Care to buck my play a little?
15:51Why not?
15:53Be something to tell my grandchildren about
15:55that I set across from Ben Thompson in a feral game.
15:59All right, Fresno.
16:01You put your rifle down now.
16:03See you later, Jim.
16:09Why, you son of a gun.
16:12Just a little insurance.
16:17So what if Billy couldn't handle the Wells Fargo man?
16:20It's all right, we can still use him.
16:22All right, but for one last time.
16:24Now, wait a minute. You heard me.
16:26I've taken plenty from that punk as you said we needed him.
16:29Jake, I think you're forgetting there's still Ben.
16:32I was right after all, wasn't I?
16:34It is Ben you're scared of.
16:36Well, I ain't.
16:37I ain't scared of them Thompsons or Jim Hardy either.
16:39All right, you go ahead and get yourself killed,
16:41but don't you spoil my setup.
16:48Had enough?
16:49I'm here to back a game.
16:52I didn't figure to make such a dent in your bankroll.
16:55You want to bet, you just go ahead and bet.
17:00You can cash me in.
17:01If you say so.
17:06I suppose you'll be riding shotgun for Fresno in his hides.
17:10He's our agent.
17:12Chances are whoever was jumping him won't bother him with you around.
17:17You want to bet on that?
17:20Maybe not.
17:22I didn't think so.
17:23You'd have lost.
17:25They'll strike again, all right.
17:28This time they'll mean business, because they know I'm on to them.
17:32And just who are they?
17:35If you don't know, your name's not Ben Thompson.
17:39It's been nice knowing you, Hardy.
17:42You sound like you don't ever expect to see me again.
17:46A man wants to go out and get himself killed, that's his own business.
17:50What are you trying to say, Ben?
17:53That you're not your brother's keeper?
18:08All right, we all know your job.
18:10You're going to have to change mine.
18:12I'm sorry, shooting in the back ain't the Thompson way.
18:14That's the only way.
18:16Now, you all know a Wells Fargo man has been snooping around.
18:18He's got to be taken care of.
18:20You saw for yourself he wasn't with the wagon.
18:22You were supposed to take care of him in town, remember?
18:25It's your fault he's still in our way.
18:27Look, Wilson, I don't mind a little stealing.
18:30And I would welcome the chance for a showdown with Hardy face to face.
18:34But I'd draw the line at murder.
18:36All right, Billy, if that's the way you feel about it.
18:38Jake, you're going to have to stand watch on Hardy.
18:40Now, you get down to the road and get ready to stop that wagon.
18:43Now, Fresno won't suspect you, so you'll be able to move in close to him without shooting.
18:47And when you get the drop on him, give us a signal.
18:49Now, get going. Fresno will be here any minute.
18:51Fair enough.
18:56Well, what do you say now?
18:58What use is he to us if he won't follow orders?
19:01Look, Jake, I'm not arguing with you.
19:03I know you've been itching to get at Billy for some time.
19:05So as far as I'm concerned, he's all yours.
19:07Not now, later.
19:09We got a Wells Fargo man to take care of first and a wagon load of hides.
19:13Hides? That's all that counts with you, ain't it?
19:15All I want is to get Billy Thompson in these sights for about a second, that's all.
19:18When I give the order.
19:20Come on, Con.
19:25Let's go.
19:49Why don't you shoot a man who can see?
19:55Come on.
20:19Howdy, Fresno. Looks like you got a few buffalo hides there.
20:22Yeah, a few.
20:24I'd like some money, Tommy, if I could just get them to the railroad.
20:27Yeah, that's been a problem for you, hasn't it?
20:30Hey, well, maybe I can take them off your hands. All of them, that is.
20:35So you come out in the open.
20:37I should have known you was in this.
20:39Well, I guess I don't have to wonder anymore who it was rode with me that last trip and darn near bashed in my skull.
20:45All right, you get the picture. Now put your hands up.
20:49I expected better than this from the brother of Ben Thompson.
20:53Just put your hands up.
20:56Hey, Wilson!
20:58Let's go.
21:12Well, it's a nice haul you got for us, Fresno.
21:15Maybe you thought we were scared and was gonna leave you alone just because a Wells Fargo man's been snooping around, huh?
21:20You ain't gonna get away with this.
21:22Oh, you think not?
21:23Don't go looking around for Hardy. We got a gun posted up there.
21:26He's all ready to take care of him because he shows up.
21:28Kind of outsmarted yourselves, didn't you?
21:31Hold it!
21:38That rifle's still up there. Only Jake won't be using it.
21:41Throw down your guns.
21:43Hey, how about throwing down yours?
21:46Sure, you got us, but we got your friend.
21:49All right, you use your guns on one of us and we'll kill him for sure.
21:52Now, what are you gonna do about that, Hardy?
21:55Looks a little like a standoff, doesn't it?
21:57It's all right, Jim. We done the best we could. Nothing to be ashamed of.
22:01They can have the hides.
22:03What about your own hide, Fresno?
22:05You think they're gonna let you live to testify against them?
22:07Come on, Hardy, drop your gun or shoot. We ain't got all day.
22:11You're living on borrowed time anyway, Billy.
22:13And just what do you mean by that?
22:15If you'd been up there and heard these three talk, you'd know what I mean.
22:18Jake was all for killing you right then.
22:20If Wilson says no, you're gonna have to wait.
22:22You're talking through your hat, Hardy.
22:24Might be, but it sounds interesting. Go on.
22:27That's all there was to it.
22:29Except as soon as everyone left, Jake threw down on you with his rifle.
22:32He was drawing a pretty fine bead.
22:34And you stopped him?
22:35I don't believe it. Jake wouldn't do that.
22:37Billy, he's lying. He's trying to split us up.
22:39Turn you against me if he can.
22:41You're getting out of hand, Billy.
22:42You drink too much and you talk too much.
22:44You're a poor risk as far as Wilson's concerned.
22:46But he says makes sense, Wilson.
22:48It's lies. It's all lies.
22:50Easy, Fresno.
22:51Wilson, Conn, put on your guns.
22:53And all you chickens hold tight.
22:56All right, Billy. Off the horse. Put on your guns.
23:05Cover him, Fresno.
23:12So you had to go prove my brother was a thief.
23:15You had your suspicions too.
23:17And also you had to save his life.
23:20I saw what happened up there.
23:23His life and mine.
23:25You sure go out of your way, Hardy.
23:30You're calling the play, Ben.
23:31What do you want to do about it?
23:33I'm going to take him in to stand trial.
23:35You got any other ideas?
23:37No, go ahead.
23:39That might do him some good.
23:41Teach him some of the things that I couldn't.
23:43Put him in a wagon. He's real fond of my buffalo hides.
23:49Here, Billy. Take your medicine like a man.
23:54The jail ain't made that can hold a Thompson for long.
23:56I'll be out quick enough.
23:58When I am, I figure it's time you and I went back to Texas, Ben.
24:03That's the smartest thing you ever said, Billy.
24:06And Ben.
24:09I'm glad you realize a man's got to be his brother's keeper.
24:15Ben Thompson went back to Texas, all right.
24:18He became a law officer in Austin.
24:20And Billy, history doesn't tell us what happened to him.
24:24But I've always wondered if he ever learned anything.
24:27Any of the lessons his brother Ben didn't know how to teach him.