• 5 years ago
Passed | 1h 22min | Western | 11 December 1942 (USA)

Two men join forces to build a cattle empire, battle rustlers, bad weather and each other.

Director: William C. McGann

Writers: J. Robert Bren, Gladys Atwater, Ben Grauman Kohn

Stars: Richard Dix, Leo Carrillo, Preston Foster
00:10:03Well, looks like we're in the cattle business.
00:10:05Sooner he'd handed us the money, though.
00:10:07He handed us an idea that's worth millions. We're way ahead.
00:10:11This whole end of Texas is full of cattle that don't belong to anybody.
00:10:14That's what increased during the war.
00:10:16We buy the land, all the cattle on it are ours.
00:10:19Sounds like a great idea. It's too much of a gamble.
00:10:22Gamble? It was running a blockade, but we made money, didn't we?
00:10:25Can't you see it, Dan? This beats any deal we've ever been in.
00:10:28We can take the money we've got, sell these cattle, and the Betsy Ann.
00:10:33We can buy land by the square mile, round up cattle by the thousands,
00:10:37sell them and buy more land.
00:10:39We'll have a ranch like nobody's ever seen before.
00:10:41It'll be like owning your own country, wouldn't it?
00:10:43It'll be bigger than that. It'll be like an empire.
00:10:47Our own American empire.
00:10:51When you're flying high, I'll flap along with you.
00:10:54We'll get to the river before we go have a talk with the land agent.
00:10:57Then I think we ought to drink a couple of toasts to a mighty bright future, don't you?
00:11:29Worse than a Nantucket sleigh ride.
00:11:32I'll put the law on you.
00:11:35Where's my customer? My customer!
00:11:54Hello, little fella.
00:11:56What a place to roost.
00:12:01The greatest prize I ever got in a grand bank.
00:12:03Is there any more in here like you?
00:12:05Isn't one victim enough? Or do you gently run them down with a dozen?
00:12:08Let go of my hat.
00:12:13You ain't hurt, Mama.
00:12:15I'll live.
00:12:17Hey, did you bust the seams, skimmer?
00:12:19No, I didn't.
00:12:21Hey, did you bust the seams, skimmer?
00:12:23Not a one, not a one.
00:12:25Get out of here. This ain't no corral.
00:12:30And you, mister, it will cost you a lot of money for this damage.
00:12:34All right, it'll cost me a lot of money. There you are.
00:12:36Take that and keep the change.
00:12:38All right, boys, show's all over. I'll see you down at the music hall.
00:12:41Hey, you got a wonderful story here.
00:12:51Go ahead, trample my luggage, too.
00:12:53I'm sorry, ma'am. Honest, I am.
00:12:56I mean about the whole thing.
00:12:58You ought to be fine.
00:13:00A grown man playing horseback on a cow.
00:13:02I ought to call the police.
00:13:04You'll have to call awful loud because we're not blessed with them out here.
00:13:08That's too bad. You belong in jail.
00:13:10You see, you're tacking way off your course
00:13:13because he's the finest little skipper that ever tripped across the deck.
00:13:16Thank you, Ronnie. My compliments, ma'am.
00:13:21To cool you off.
00:13:25Little lady, my compliments to hold in your temper.
00:13:30And may I compliment all.
00:13:32I've never seen finer specimens of drunken hoodlums.
00:13:40She upset or something?
00:13:46Well, I've shivered and froze over half the Arctic Circle.
00:13:50I've gotten these here whale bones
00:13:52so women can hold up their reputations.
00:13:54What thanks do I get?
00:13:56Reminds me of a Hattie T.
00:13:58Got the lines of a clipper
00:14:00and the dispossession of a balky barge.
00:14:02I sure hope we don't sight her again.
00:14:05Perhaps we'll go back to where we came from.
00:14:10Hey, Dan.
00:14:12What the Sam Hill? Where are you?
00:14:14What happened? I thought you were going to meet me after you got tied up.
00:14:17Something happened that kept me on board.
00:14:19Yeah, sure. I guess you did the honors for both of us.
00:14:21Better sleep it off.
00:14:22I don't want to go to bed. We're going back to the music club.
00:14:25Hey, will you see the redhead I got last night?
00:14:27We'll make it some other night.
00:14:28What's the matter with you? Didn't you hear me?
00:14:30I said a redhead.
00:14:31She's even prettier than the one you sent the violets to in Galveston.
00:14:33I didn't have a girl in Galveston. Must have been Sailor Wayne.
00:14:35Sailor Wayne, my eye. It was you she threw the lamp at.
00:14:38What else did the redhead do?
00:14:42What's she doing here?
00:14:44You know we don't allow women on board.
00:14:46She's no woman. This is my kid sister, Abigail.
00:14:50Mrs. Paxton Price.
00:14:52She arrived this afternoon and had a kind of an accident
00:14:54with a no-account drunk.
00:14:57What's so funny?
00:14:59It was the accident.
00:15:01She said it was a low-down no-good rowdy.
00:15:03I should have recognized you, Pax.
00:15:06Well, my fur is so much amusement.
00:15:13How did she have that cruise then?
00:15:15Did you send for her?
00:15:16Three letters. I might have mentioned in one of my letters
00:15:18that we had a lot of room on board.
00:15:19Oh, yeah, sure, sure, sure.
00:15:20And you also told her we're going to make a stab of rear of her.
00:15:23Holy smoke, Dan, we haven't got time to be a couple of nursemaids.
00:15:26Now, listen, Pepperpot, I did send for her.
00:15:28We probably hurt her feelings.
00:15:30That's too bad, but she can't stay.
00:15:36Poor kid. She's probably crying her eyes out.
00:15:38Fine reception we gave her.
00:15:40This country's no place for her.
00:15:42It's going to have to be.
00:15:43My aunt, who she's been living with, died.
00:15:45And actually, she feels that her place is with me now.
00:15:48I'm very sorry, but our plans don't include kids' sisters.
00:15:52She's going back east.
00:15:53Give her any excuse you like, but you've got to get rid of her.
00:15:56Nothing doing.
00:15:57Now, it's up to me to look after her, and she stays.
00:15:59Look, Dan, you know how bossy women are.
00:16:02Before you know it, she'll be telling us what to do.
00:16:04She'll have the whole place upside down.
00:16:06Well, if that's all it's worrying you, forget it.
00:16:08You won't even know that she's around, and I promise you.
00:16:11All right, see that I don't.
00:16:30I suppose I'll have to stand for some of these changes around here,
00:16:33but the Hattie Tee stays right there.
00:16:35Sorry, I was just going to put up something I like better.
00:16:38Maybe your brother doesn't mind if you make a parlor out of this cabin,
00:16:40but I'd appreciate it if you let my things alone.
00:16:43And where are the old curtains? I like them.
00:16:45Those are the old curtains.
00:16:46I just washed them.
00:16:48Would you mind telling me where my pipes are?
00:16:50Here they are.
00:16:51I washed them for you.
00:16:52You what?
00:16:53Don't get so excited.
00:16:54It's only soap and water.
00:16:55Only soap and water?
00:16:57Where'd my shaving brush go?
00:17:10So, I wasn't even going to know she was on board.
00:17:13The last two weeks, she's overhauled everything with the engine.
00:17:15Oh, simmer down, Pax.
00:17:16Personally, I like the way she's fixing things.
00:17:18And don't forget the good meals she's been cooking.
00:17:20Yeah, all the comforts of home.
00:17:21Well, I had enough.
00:17:22I'm going to show her and look at that apron.
00:17:24Hey, the land agent said I might make a good start up for the ranch.
00:17:26Well, I'll go with you.
00:17:27I'd better get a move on.
00:17:28All right.
00:17:29See you later.
00:17:30See you later.
00:17:31See you later.
00:17:32See you later.
00:17:33See you later.
00:17:34See you later.
00:17:35See you later.
00:17:36See you later.
00:17:37See you later.
00:17:38See you later.
00:17:39Yeah, I'd better get a couple of cans of beans.
00:17:42Abby's cooked a nice rabbit stew.
00:17:44Hey, Salloway, heave two at a time to the west bank.
00:17:52Salloway, you and Ronnie stay behind and give Miss Abby a hand.
00:17:54This tub has turned into a cruddy old hen house.
00:17:57Nice meat for a one-eyed eel.
00:17:58I ain't no cabin boy, Mr. Taylor.
00:18:00Of course you aren't, Salloway.
00:18:01And all hands will rest until we take a look at Mr. Bryce's property.
00:18:04It isn't every day that you can catch a glimpse of an empire, is it?
00:18:08Oh, ma'am.
00:18:09Are we ready?
00:18:18There's the boundary marker.
00:18:19And away up in those rolling hills is another marker.
00:18:22And everything in between is a...
00:18:23Is this the Bryce empire?
00:18:27And is that the Cadillac I'm with?
00:18:31All right, Ronnie, man your station.
00:18:33We'll put the little critter in dry dock.
00:18:35I'll take the bow.
00:18:36You take the stern.
00:18:38Let's go.
00:18:46Mr. Bryce!
00:18:47Mr. Bryce!
00:18:59Oh, it doesn't look bad at that.
00:19:03There are a lot of things to consider, Patch.
00:19:04We don't know anything about the cattle business.
00:19:06Well, we can learn, can't we?
00:19:07Look at that.
00:19:09When I see that, there's only one thing I can think of.
00:19:11How much land can I get and how many cows go with it?
00:19:14You're letting your imagination run away with you as usual.
00:19:17If it wasn't for my imagination, we wouldn't have a nickel.
00:19:19Why, we wouldn't have run cotton and we wouldn't have...
00:19:20Well, this time you're wrong.
00:19:21I think...
00:19:22I know you had to come along.
00:19:24Please don't buy my thinking.
00:19:26I was just going to agree with you, Mr. Bryce.
00:19:30You were?
00:19:31Well, that's a little different.
00:19:33Then neither are using any common sense.
00:19:35Who's going to buy beef from us in these parts when they can get it from nothing?
00:19:38They won't here, but they will up north and back east.
00:19:40But they're paying $10 a head in Abilene.
00:19:42And that fellow Chisholm proved that cattle can make the trip.
00:19:45That's a point.
00:19:47Why throw away money buying land when you can round up all the cattle you want?
00:19:50Well, it won't always be like that.
00:19:52Someday all this land will be privately owned.
00:19:54Of course it will, Dan.
00:19:55The country's growing this way and before long there'll be a new way of living.
00:19:59Law and order and property rights.
00:20:01There'll be no place for wild cattle hunters.
00:20:03You'll have to have your own range and a lot of it.
00:20:06Well, Dan, we're two to one against it.
00:20:13So you two are pulling together for a change.
00:20:16Well, I know what I'm like.
00:20:18We'll sell the Betsy Ann to that fellow in Riverford.
00:20:25Well, Abby, I guess I was a little bit wrong about you.
00:20:28It's getting to be a pleasure having you around here.
00:20:31That's the first nice thing you've said to me.
00:20:33Better be careful. It might get to be a habit.
00:20:35You couldn't be.
00:20:36A habit is something you're not conscious of.
00:20:39Like that awful frown when you're mad?
00:20:41Well, that's self-confirmed.
00:20:44Begging your pardon, Skipper.
00:20:45What are we going to do now?
00:20:47You can swap that harpoon for a branding iron.
00:20:49We're going to work.
00:20:50A harpoon on dry land?
00:20:52Why, that's plumb loony.
00:20:54I'm going to get me a buffalo for a pencushion.
00:20:56I'll clean in two and a hundred yards.
00:20:59That's the way you're going to make a valuable man on a cattle ranch.
00:21:02The way you can throw the bull.
00:21:59That's half as good as it looks, Abby.
00:22:01Better be. I'm going to eat eggs in it.
00:22:03Eight eggs in one cake?
00:22:05There it is.
00:22:08Why don't you let it burn a little while?
00:22:10Happy birthday, Sid.
00:22:11Happy birthday, Abby.
00:22:15For the first anniversary of the Bryce-Taylor ranch,
00:22:17we have to drink to that.
00:22:18That's right.
00:22:19Let's go over there.
00:22:21I'm going to have a drink.
00:22:22I'm going to have a drink.
00:22:23I'm going to have a drink.
00:22:24I'm going to have a drink.
00:22:25I'm going to have a drink.
00:22:26I'm going to have a drink.
00:22:27I'm going to have a drink.
00:22:29Want to cut the cake right away?
00:22:30Sure, we want to eat it.
00:22:31How about it, boys?
00:22:32Should we wait for the cake or should we do it now?
00:22:34Do it now.
00:22:35I'll do it now.
00:22:36All right, Abby.
00:22:43We're almighty pleased that the way you stuck by us
00:22:47through a pretty tough year.
00:22:49Since this is your birthday, we want to give you these.
00:22:52Gee, I don't know how to thank you all.
00:22:54Come on, open them up.
00:22:55Let's see what it is.
00:22:56Sail away and run.
00:23:00Oh, look.
00:23:03Isn't it nice?
00:23:04Oh, it's lovely.
00:23:06Of course, you don't have to.
00:23:10Don't you like it?
00:23:12Because you're twice as big, you get kissed twice.
00:23:16Gosh, I wish I was big as an elephant.
00:23:19Well, ain't you?
00:23:23Well, let's open up the other one.
00:23:26Come on.
00:23:34Oh, Pat, it's beautiful.
00:23:41Gosh, hair lace chaps.
00:23:47I didn't buy them.
00:23:48The sales lady must have put them in.
00:23:56I'll put the dress away so it won't get wrinkled.
00:24:04How about a little song?
00:24:05Huh, Rudy?
00:24:06Yeah, yeah.
00:24:07Come on, a little song.
00:24:08Come on, boy.
00:24:09You better stop that gal and she's got him earmarked.
00:24:12That lass has got him roping off to her.
00:24:14She sure has.
00:24:20It's the loveliest present of all.
00:24:26So, in this beginning, Abby,
00:24:28there isn't anything the future won't give you.
00:24:31All I want or need is right here with me now.
00:24:34Oh, Pax, we'll build something fine together.
00:24:37Something we can be proud of.
00:24:40We can be married before I go to Abilene.
00:24:43Oh, wouldn't this make such a lovely wedding?
00:24:46What do you think I got it for?
00:24:48Pretty sure of me, weren't you?
00:24:50I never heard of such conceit.
00:24:51Well, I...
00:24:52It's just a question of you, I could say no.
00:24:54But I don't see how I can resist it.
00:24:58It'll need some time to blow the man down
00:25:02Oh, it's sailors and tinkers and tailors as men
00:25:05Hey, hey, blow the man down
00:25:13Had I but known,
00:25:14I would have arrived sooner for our celebration.
00:25:16What do you want?
00:25:17Payment for your cattle?
00:25:18No, monsieur, but you have plenty of cattle now, eh?
00:25:22But they're all ours.
00:25:23Oh, oui, oui.
00:25:24Ours, eh?
00:25:25Not yours.
00:25:27The old score is all settled.
00:25:29Oh, absolutely.
00:25:30Dominique Bouchard always starts clean with his new partners, eh?
00:25:34Oh, what do you laugh?
00:25:35You use my ideas to go into business?
00:25:37Eh bien.
00:25:38My idea, your money, eh?
00:25:40We are partners, no?
00:25:43You have no claim, not even for a single hoof or horn.
00:25:46Yeah, but I have a different view.
00:25:47Listen, Bouchard.
00:25:48If we catch you or anybody else taking any of our cattle,
00:25:51I'll give you a dose of stomach totes you can't digest.
00:25:55We understand each other?
00:25:56I know how you feel, but I, too, have ideas like yours.
00:25:59Like a big ranch in my Louisiana where I can be a big man of much power.
00:26:04That's your affair.
00:26:05But when you're on this side of the river,
00:26:06you keep your eyes peeled for our boundary markers.
00:26:08Oh, I have seen them, but I don't believe little words on paper.
00:26:15Bonsoir, monsieur.
00:26:18Au revoir.
00:26:21Au revoir.
00:26:26He wasn't bluffing.
00:26:27We can take care of him, all right.
00:26:28Think you ought to put off the drive to Abilene?
00:26:30Not by a jugful.
00:26:31We need all the money those cattle will bring.
00:26:33You'll have enough men to take care of Bouchard.
00:26:36Well, let's do it for a fact.
00:26:37Come on, Ronnie.
00:26:38Let's finish the song.
00:26:39Yeah, come on.
00:26:40Oh, sailors as tinkers and sailors as men.
00:26:43Oh, blow the man down.
00:26:51So long, Pax.
00:26:52Good luck.
00:26:53Thanks, Dan.
00:26:54So long.
00:26:55Violet, Brian, take care of yourself.
00:26:56Sail away.
00:26:57Yes, sail away and take good care of my husband.
00:26:59Mike is not here to take care of me, ma'am.
00:27:03Well, come on, Ronnie.
00:27:07I promise you'll be careful, darling.
00:27:09It's such a dangerous trip.
00:27:10And if anything happened to you, I...
00:27:12Nothing will.
00:27:13Not when I'm with you.
00:27:14I promise.
00:27:15Come on.
00:27:16Come on.
00:27:17Come on.
00:27:18Come on.
00:27:19Come on.
00:27:21Nothing will.
00:27:22Not when I have you waiting for me.
00:27:23I'll be back by Thanksgiving.
00:27:27Goodbye, honey.
00:28:12Come on, honey.
00:28:13Just a minute.
00:28:14Just a minute.
00:28:15Just a minute.
00:28:16Come on.
00:28:17Come on.
00:28:18Come on.
00:28:19Come on.
00:28:20Come back here.
00:28:22I'll kill you.
00:28:23You're running.
00:28:24You're going to risk it in my office.
00:28:26Come back here, you buzzard.
00:28:28Hello, Willie.
00:28:29Hello, Willie.
00:28:30Hello, Willie.
00:28:31Hello, Willie.
00:28:32I know we'll have a real Thanksgiving show.
00:28:35How about a piece of that good old apple pie?
00:28:37The pie is waiting.
00:28:38But don't you mess up my kitchen.
00:28:39Because you know I know you, cowboy.
00:28:47Tax, I'm so glad you're home.
00:28:50You're better than I am.
00:28:55Let me get you another beer.
00:28:56I sold the cattle.
00:28:57They went right out and bought you the plainest present they had in Abilene.
00:29:03Bring it in, Salloway.
00:29:04Wait till you see it.
00:29:13We missed you, Salloway.
00:29:14Nothing like home port, ma'am.
00:29:15Where do you want it?
00:29:16Right there.
00:29:17It's the only one in the world I haven't made special.
00:29:23Well, there she be.
00:29:24Without a scratch on her hoe.
00:29:28You like it, honey?
00:29:29Like it?
00:29:31Oh, it's fit for a king.
00:29:34That's what he'll be someday.
00:29:36Oh, Abby, he's going to make our future complete.
00:29:38Something to build for.
00:29:40What's the matter?
00:29:42Lately, I haven't been so sure of our future.
00:29:45I've been worried, Tax.
00:29:46You'll get those notions right out of your head.
00:29:48We'll have the best doctor...
00:29:49It isn't that.
00:29:50It's Dan on the ranch.
00:29:51Beauchamp's been raiding us ever since you left.
00:29:54Why didn't you tell me in your letters I'd have come right back?
00:29:56Dan thought he could catch him, but he's managed to slip away every time.
00:30:00I guess I didn't take that hombre seriously enough.
00:30:03Where's Dan now?
00:30:04He's gone to Blue Rock Canyon.
00:30:05He put some cattle there to draw Beauchamp.
00:30:07Oh, Tax, I'm afraid Dan may be walking into a trap himself.
00:30:11Beauchamp seems to know...
00:30:12If you don't stop that fretting, he won't have any appetite for that turkey dinner.
00:30:15I'll go give Dan a hand.
00:30:33Ronnie, hold it.
00:30:35Wait till I start moving the herd.
00:30:37Augustine, you worry why the old fox...
00:30:39To find so many cow in one place, eh?
00:30:41For that, I am going to promise you...
00:30:43One hundred gold piece, eh?
00:31:04We're through, Dominique.
00:31:06Now I know why there are so many cow where the glasses are full.
00:31:09I smell a mice behind the woodpile someplace.
00:31:11This place is no good.
00:31:12Now we must go.
00:31:14Let's go.
00:31:17All right, fellas.
00:31:41Come on.
00:32:11Come on.
00:32:41Come on.
00:33:11Hi, Tax.
00:33:13Hi, Frank.
00:33:14Hello, boys.
00:33:15How are you?
00:33:16Well, you missed quite a ruckus.
00:33:18I finally got Beauchamp.
00:33:19He wound up in the river.
00:33:20That's the best day's work he ever did.
00:33:22I don't want any trouble for the next few months on account of Abby.
00:33:24That's right.
00:33:25How are things going, Evelyn?
00:33:26Got top prizes.
00:33:48Dr. Brook, you are hurt, eh?
00:33:50My friend gave me some tea.
00:33:52I will not forget too soon, eh?
00:33:54I will.
00:34:02Take it easy, Pax.
00:34:03Abby will be all right.
00:34:07That squeal's pretty high.
00:34:08It must be a girl.
00:34:09It's got to be a boy.
00:34:10I made him a harpoon.
00:34:14Is she all right, Willie Mae?
00:34:16So is your son.
00:34:17Give me a hug.
00:34:18Y'all be quiet.
00:34:22Come on.
00:34:24Cigars are on me.
00:34:32Help yourself, boys.
00:34:34How does it feel to be proper?
00:34:36I don't know.
00:34:38Uncle Dan?
00:34:39That's right.
00:34:40Lucky it wasn't a girl, Skipper.
00:34:41We'd have had a tough time raising her.
00:34:43Oh, what do you know about raising kids?
00:34:46I was the last in a 14-kid family.
00:34:48And I never did get enough to eat.
00:34:50The good thing you didn't.
00:34:54Let me tell you some of the troubles I had when I was a kid.
00:34:57And that, my mate, is how come I had the measles 14 times.
00:35:01How many times?
00:35:07Go on in, Pax.
00:35:08Meet your new boss.
00:35:29I can't tell you how much I love you.
00:35:33It's beautiful, Pax.
00:35:36He has your eyes.
00:35:49Nice cute old shaver, isn't he?
00:35:51Yes, sir.
00:35:52Top of the line.
00:35:53Nine pounds.
00:35:55Pax Junior.
00:35:57For every one of those pounds, I'll get you 10,000 acres.
00:36:00For every year after that, I'll double it.
00:36:46This way.
00:36:47Two fingers.
00:36:48Now, keep the elbow stiff.
00:36:49Put your weight on your right foot and bend your knee.
00:36:54Watch your blows!
00:36:56Oh, no, Pax.
00:36:57Get some heft into it.
00:36:59Bet you I could rope it.
00:37:01What kind of sailing talk is that?
00:37:03Oh, gee, sail away.
00:37:04I don't want to be a whaler.
00:37:05I'm a cowboy.
00:37:06Listen here, young fella.
00:37:07Whaling's a noble profession.
00:37:08And you're going to be the greatest whaler.
00:37:10I don't have anything to say.
00:37:11Morning, Pop.
00:37:12I got up next early for our ride.
00:37:13But you'd gone, though.
00:37:14I went into town to get something for you.
00:37:16My pony?
00:37:17Where is it?
00:37:18Ronnie's got him.
00:37:22Sail away.
00:37:24I don't like to be at you all the time.
00:37:25But you've got to stop spouting that kind of talk to Pax.
00:37:28That's my barnacles, Mr. Bryce.
00:37:29I hate to see the lad grow into a landlubber.
00:37:31He's not going to be a footloose windjammer.
00:37:33He's going to grow up to be a solid, dependable man
00:37:35that the whole country can look up to.
00:37:37Aye, aye, sir.
00:37:38And I still say he ain't cut out for no cowpoke.
00:37:46Mom, look!
00:37:47My very own pony!
00:37:48Great, isn't he, Mom?
00:37:49Oh, I'm glad you like it.
00:37:50You haven't even noticed the saddle.
00:37:52Oh, it's wonderful.
00:37:53And just my size.
00:37:56And a real lariat.
00:37:58Made it special for you.
00:37:59You did?
00:38:00Thanks, Ronnie.
00:38:01Is it what you ordered, son?
00:38:02Oh, you're the best pop in the world.
00:38:04And you're the best mom.
00:38:06Well, up we go.
00:38:09How does it stir?
00:38:10It's just right.
00:38:23You'll be outriding me in no time.
00:38:25Patch is awful smart, Pop.
00:38:27Chandler's easier than a sloop in a fair breeze.
00:38:30Wish you wouldn't pay quite as much attention
00:38:32to sail away's yarn, son.
00:38:33Oh, I listen because I like him.
00:38:35Can I go on the next round up?
00:38:37No, that might be a good idea.
00:38:39About time you learned how a ranch is run.
00:38:41You just keep your eyes open and watch everything I do
00:38:44because someday you're going to be the boss.
00:38:46Am I?
00:38:47If I watch you, will I be a real cattleman?
00:38:49Max, raising cattle's a mighty big job.
00:38:52It's probably the biggest job in the United States.
00:38:55You know, once Abraham Lincoln said,
00:38:57you must get beef to all the country, both north and south.
00:39:01He was talking to cattlemen like you and me.
00:39:04He left us with that responsibility,
00:39:06so we'll have to live up to it.
00:39:08Dolly, if we're going to feed everybody,
00:39:10we'll have to round up a lot of steers.
00:39:12Lucky I got my new lariat.
00:39:14I'll row calves and help ride herd.
00:39:17You always use a good hand, son.
00:39:19I guess we'd better get home.
00:39:20Want to race?
00:39:21All right, come on.
00:39:23At the end of the trail, little pal
00:39:29When the sun disappears in the west
00:39:34At the end of the trail, little pal
00:39:40We will have real contentment and rest
00:39:45If we should be parted by some trick of fate
00:39:51Wait at the old corral
00:39:56Why don't you all go to work?
00:39:58Maybe then that you'll find me, old friend
00:40:04At the end of the trail, little pal
00:40:11These figures are impossible.
00:40:153,000 head less than last year.
00:40:17Every year your tallies have been off more each time.
00:40:20I can vouch for the figures.
00:40:22We combed every inch of the range.
00:40:25I thought at first it was drought, freezing,
00:40:28normal straying when you consider the size of the herds we're handling.
00:40:323,000 head is too much of a leak.
00:40:34I don't like the look of it myself.
00:40:36Pop, will you fix my lariat?
00:40:38Not now, Pax. I'm busy.
00:40:40There's only one answer, Ford.
00:40:42Other ranchers are driving our cattle to market
00:40:44alongside of their own and burning out our brands.
00:40:47There's a sure way to stop it.
00:40:49Close the range to everybody.
00:40:51That'll cause a peck of trouble, Mr. Bryce.
00:40:54Folks have always driven across each other's land.
00:40:56They're not going across mine anymore.
00:40:58Post no trespassing signs and patrol the range
00:41:00to make sure everybody understands we mean it.
00:41:02Don't you think we better wait till Mr. Taylor gets back from Galveston?
00:41:05I gave you your orders, Ford.
00:41:10Pop, are Mr. Crowder and his friends stealing our cattle?
00:41:13Somebody is, and we're gonna put a stop to it.
00:41:22Ah, Piel, the journey was good, eh?
00:41:26Oh, good 1,000 times.
00:41:28Such fat cows.
00:41:30I should thank Mr. Bryce and Taylor for raising them for me, eh?
00:41:33And also the saints,
00:41:35that they don't find out it is you who take them all these years.
00:41:38Yeah, but you forget I am a ghost.
00:41:40Was I not drowned, eh?
00:41:44Something happened while you was away.
00:41:48I buy the Lemire Plantation, eh?
00:41:50Saint Croix.
00:41:52You buy?
00:41:53Oui, oui.
00:41:54Well, soon you will be the most rich man in Louisiana.
00:41:57Oui, the most rich and the most powerful, eh?
00:41:59Well, can I help it if my good partners are so careless with their cows?
00:42:02No, no, no.
00:42:08Howdy, Mr. Taylor.
00:42:10Howdy, boy.
00:42:11Glad to see you home again.
00:42:12Well, thank you.
00:42:13Why all the artillery?
00:42:15No outside herds allowed on the range.
00:42:17Mr. Bryce's orders.
00:42:19Some of the outfits are kind of hot, but so far they're just calling names.
00:42:32There you are.
00:42:33Now we'll run free without grabbing.
00:42:35Thanks, Pop.
00:42:37Pax, what are you thinking of?
00:42:39Closing the ranch to outside cattle.
00:42:41You know old Texas is open range.
00:42:43Well, it's about time it wasn't.
00:42:45A man can't raise a decent herd with every scrub bull mixing with his stock.
00:42:48Puts out feed, not a man's cattle eats it.
00:42:51You can't even run steers on your own land if somebody grabs them.
00:42:54Just the same you can't go around stepping on folks.
00:42:56I'll let them keep out of my way.
00:42:58Pax, you don't have to push people against the wall.
00:43:00Well, if you make those ranchers drive the long way to market,
00:43:02there won't be any meat left on their cattle to sell.
00:43:04You'll force them out of business.
00:43:06This country was made for men that can stand on their own feet.
00:43:09If you want to survive, you have to fight.
00:43:11You can't be a sentimentalist.
00:43:13And you can't play lord and master.
00:43:15You forget it took the little man as well as the big one
00:43:18to make this country what it is.
00:43:20I can do without your lecture.
00:43:22You've gotten so puffed up with your own importance.
00:43:24Dan, please don't quarrel.
00:43:26I won't have it.
00:43:28Have it your own way.
00:43:30But remember, you can only push him so far.
00:43:32Pax, what's happened to you?
00:43:34You've changed so.
00:43:36You're hard and greedy.
00:43:38Hard and greedy?
00:43:40Because I'm fighting to keep what I have for my family?
00:43:42I'll see them and...
00:43:44Pop, why is Uncle Dan so mad?
00:43:46Is it because you're turning people off our place?
00:43:50We can't let them keep on stealing our cattle
00:43:52when we have none left.
00:43:54So we have to keep them out, don't we?
00:43:56You betcha, Pop, and when I grow up, I'll help you fight them.
00:44:00He doesn't talk like that.
00:44:02What do you want him to be, a mollycoddle?
00:44:04Ready to fight for what's his?
00:44:06I want him to know there are two ways of putting out a hand.
00:44:08In a shake or a slap.
00:44:10You get back a hand accordingly.
00:44:25Howdy. I'd like to see Bryce, a tailor.
00:44:30Pax, it is a mighty good notion getting this breed.
00:44:32Certainly built to pack a lot of beef.
00:44:34Look, Dad, she's got a pillow on her neck.
00:44:36That's a braver bull, Pax.
00:44:38We'll cross him with our longhorns
00:44:40and that'll give us a higher percentage of beef.
00:44:42Bryce and Taylor are sure getting highfalutin
00:44:44building a castle like this.
00:44:46I wouldn't mind being in their boots.
00:44:48Well, you could be if you pushed folks off the land
00:44:50the way they have.
00:44:52You tried to buy me out.
00:44:54I sent them packing.
00:44:56I told Bryce he wasn't trampling on me.
00:44:58Crowder's got a lot of nerve
00:45:00coming here after running you two hand
00:45:02and wondering what he wants.
00:45:04I don't know. Howdy, boys.
00:45:06Hello, Crowder.
00:45:10We came to, uh...
00:45:12Well, a braver.
00:45:14Aren't Texas longhorns good enough
00:45:16for your outfit?
00:45:18We decided that improving our stock
00:45:20might encourage our neighbors to do likewise.
00:45:22Leading ranchers should set an example
00:45:24or else how is the cattle industry in Texas
00:45:26It was growing before you were born
00:45:28and it'll be growing after you're gone.
00:45:30I'll shove it along while I'm here.
00:45:32My son will carry on where I leave off.
00:45:34I'm learning now, Mr. Crowder.
00:45:36I'm gonna be Pop's right-hand man.
00:45:38Well, how about getting down to business?
00:45:40This Mr. McCabe, he represents
00:45:42the Great Southwest Railroad Company.
00:45:44How do you do, sir?
00:45:46Mr. Bryce and Mr. Taylor.
00:45:48Mr. McCabe has a deal for you.
00:45:50It concerns every man here.
00:45:52Well, gentlemen, we might as well be comfortable.
00:45:56Sit down, gentlemen.
00:46:02Go ahead, Mr. McCabe.
00:46:04Well, gentlemen,
00:46:06our company proposes to build a line
00:46:08from Abilene to Riverford
00:46:10and we're obtaining rights of way.
00:46:12So far, everyone along the route
00:46:14has given us permission.
00:46:16But we must have yours
00:46:18to complete the final link.
00:46:20Sorry, Mr. McCabe, but for my part,
00:46:22no railroad is going through our property.
00:46:24Well, you can't think of yourself
00:46:26all the time, Bryce.
00:46:28This'll benefit the whole community.
00:46:30Make Riverford a great cattle center.
00:46:34And it'll also bring in a tidal wave of settlers.
00:46:36Before you know it, they'll be demanding roads,
00:46:38town sites.
00:46:40They'll cut up the land and the farms.
00:46:42We cattlemen will be crowded out.
00:46:44Hold on, Pax.
00:46:46Maybe we can get on without a railroad.
00:46:48But I claim some of the smaller outfits
00:46:50are entitled to make a decent profit, too.
00:46:52And they can by freighting their cattle to Abilene
00:46:54instead of driving them.
00:46:56You're right.
00:46:58You know the cattle industry needs range.
00:47:00Enormous range. And a railroad will kill it.
00:47:02I say it stays out.
00:47:04You've got your sights leveled
00:47:06on the wrong target, Pax.
00:47:08I guess there's nothing I can say
00:47:10that'll switch them.
00:47:12Mr. Bryce, don't you realize
00:47:14you're stopping development in this territory?
00:47:16McCabe, it's taken years to put this ranch together.
00:47:18Years of sweat, struggle, and fight.
00:47:20I'm not letting your railroad tear it down.
00:47:25I'm sorry we can't get together.
00:47:27So am I.
00:47:37Crowder, looks like our deal's off.
00:47:40None of the land's any good to us without theirs.
00:47:42Well, they're riding high now,
00:47:44but they won't ride on forever.
00:47:46I was a-walkin'
00:47:48down Paradise Street
00:47:50Hey, hey, blow the man down
00:47:52A pretty young damsel
00:47:54that I chance to meet
00:47:56Give me some time
00:47:58to blow the man down
00:48:00Where did you get my pet fan?
00:48:02I borrowed it to shoo the flies off the patch.
00:48:04She wrote a tale for that purpose.
00:48:06Not on her front end.
00:48:08You don't mind, do you, Mom?
00:48:10If anything should happen to you,
00:48:12I'll be the one to blame.
00:48:14You don't mind, do you, Mom?
00:48:16If anything should happen to it,
00:48:18I'll buy you another one.
00:48:20You can never replace it, darling.
00:48:22First present your father ever gave me.
00:48:24Oh, I'll be careful.
00:48:26I'll put it away as soon as we get home.
00:48:28A rabbit! Let's chase it!
00:48:38Bryce can drive off some of the smaller outfits,
00:48:40but he can't stop this drive.
00:48:42If we don't stick together...
00:48:44Still, in all, we'll be a trespassing.
00:48:46Well, how are we going to get our cows to market?
00:48:48Why, it'll take a week to circle their range.
00:48:50If we don't shortcut, we'll have to cross the river
00:48:52and get on through the bayous.
00:48:54We can't drive stairs through mud that has no bottom.
00:48:58Asa Clinton tried to cut across Dry Creek.
00:49:00Bryce Taylor outfit shot 40 of his steers
00:49:02and creased him in the shoulder.
00:49:04Well, they're clamping down on us,
00:49:06just like they planned all along.
00:49:08They won't be satisfied until they starve every one of us out.
00:49:10No sidewinder's going to keep me from making a living.
00:49:12Me neither.
00:49:14Just let them try to stop us.
00:49:25Sorry, Mr. Crowder,
00:49:27but you can't cut across Bryce Taylor Range anymore.
00:49:29Well, we've been doing it right along,
00:49:31and we don't aim to change now.
00:49:33Mr. Bryce says different.
00:49:35Ford, you keep out of the way. We're coming through.
00:49:37Crowder, turn those cows. We don't want trouble.
00:49:39All right, bring them in.
00:50:09Stay away from the railways!
00:50:13Hey, stop!
00:50:15You can't hang on our place.
00:50:17My papa said so.
00:50:19Pull over!
00:50:21Save me trouble!
00:50:26The other way, Max! The other way!
00:51:13tried to...
00:51:19like you...
00:52:09There's something I want to say, Pax.
00:52:11I've been doing a heap of calculating.
00:52:13Oh, not now, Dan. I can't think.
00:52:15I've been going crazy.
00:52:19I can't believe he's gone.
00:52:21I had so many plans for him.
00:52:24How's Abby?
00:52:26She hasn't talked to me for days.
00:52:28She's taken it pretty hard.
00:52:30Little swine.
00:52:32I never wished they had.
00:52:34You're not responsible. You are.
00:52:36You pinned them in a corner, drove them into going against you.
00:52:38I didn't have to kill my son.
00:52:40I'll keep them off this place. I'll fence the whole ranch.
00:52:42I'll put a bullet in the first one that sets foot on it.
00:52:44And you'll do it alone.
00:52:48When we started this ranch, we wanted to make it something we'd be proud of.
00:52:52But you've turned it into a thing that wreaks some greed and oppression.
00:52:56A thing that all decent people hold against.
00:53:00It's already cost the life of an innocent child.
00:53:02What's happened from the beginning?
00:53:05There'll be more killings, more bloodshed.
00:53:08And for what?
00:53:10So you can have a few more miles of range?
00:53:12A few more cows?
00:53:14I can't stomach your notions any longer.
00:53:16You've gone soft.
00:53:18Well, I won't stop until...
00:53:20You've done enough.
00:53:22Stay out of this, Abby.
00:53:24I've had my crop full. I'm putting an end to this partnership.
00:53:26Good. I'll buy your interest. That suits me.
00:53:28Hex, listen. Hate and revenge will destroy you.
00:53:30It won't bring our son back.
00:53:32What kind of a mother are you?
00:53:34You want me to turn my other cheek?
00:53:36Well, I won't. That's not my way.
00:53:41Your way is to rule and trample the people.
00:53:43Grab for yourself at every turn.
00:53:45You taught it to Pax.
00:53:47You're very worried about him, too.
00:53:49It's easy enough to blame me.
00:53:51But if I had it all to do over again,
00:53:53I'd still teach him to fight for what's his.
00:53:55Hex, you're blind and you'll stay blind.
00:53:58There's no place in your heart for love and understanding.
00:54:01I can't go on like this.
00:54:03That's up to you.
00:54:06Miss your spout, you big walrus.
00:54:08Miss Abby will need me.
00:54:15Goodbye, Sally.
00:54:20You've been awfully kind to me.
00:54:22Thanks, ma'am.
00:54:26I'm going to miss you.
00:54:28I'm going to miss you.
00:54:30I'm going to miss you.
00:54:32I'm going to miss you.
00:54:34Thanks, ma'am.
00:54:36Thanks won't seem shipshape around here without you.
00:54:54You still don't settle, do you?
00:54:57I'm sorry, Pax.
00:54:59Terribly sorry.
00:55:01We had something fine and beautiful.
00:55:05It wasn't enough for him.
00:55:07Ready, Abby?
00:55:18I'll have the money for you as soon as possible.
00:55:20Whenever is convenient.
00:55:22We'll be in Riverford.
00:55:24Bye, Abby.
00:55:47Mr. Pricey.
00:55:49Mr. Sailaway told me to give you this.
00:55:57He ran out on me, too.
00:55:59Goodbye, Mr. Pricey.
00:56:05Yes, sir, you betcha.
00:56:07I tore right into them pirates.
00:56:09I cracked them on their skull so hard
00:56:11I busted all their toes.
00:56:13Bravo, bravo.
00:56:15Honor to meet you.
00:56:17Two honors to meet you.
00:56:19Why don't you stay here, Luciana,
00:56:21and come to work with me
00:56:23at the Rancho Opetela?
00:56:25No, I'm going back to the sea.
00:56:27They change people.
00:56:29Makes them forget to be human.
00:56:31But my boss is almost human.
00:56:33He pays well.
00:56:35He got so many cows,
00:56:37you can hardly see the grass.
00:56:39We find them in Texas by the quantities.
00:56:41I don't care where you found them.
00:56:43From now on,
00:56:45cows is only stakes to me.
00:56:47All right, have it your way.
00:56:49But honor me by meeting my boss.
00:56:51He like to meet men with courage like you.
00:56:53All right?
00:56:55All right, and we'll drink it,
00:56:57and we don't care.
00:57:07Are you sick?
00:57:09My liver.
00:57:11Is that your boss?
00:57:13Come and meet him, will ya?
00:57:15I'll meet him later, I'll tell you.
00:57:17My liver's turning the pedal.
00:57:19Don't disappoint a friend.
00:57:21He's gone.
00:57:29As I can figure,
00:57:31Dan's share comes close to a half million dollars.
00:57:33If we raise that much cash,
00:57:35that'll leave us with a mighty small herd.
00:57:39Hi, Skipper!
00:57:41What are you doing here? You're supposed to be halfway to the go.
00:57:43I was, but I ain't.
00:57:45I don't want no shore leave
00:57:47when there's some fighting to do.
00:57:49You're drunk.
00:57:51This ain't my eyes and ears, ain't it?
00:57:53I found out where your cow's been going to.
00:57:55Yeah? Where?
00:57:57Mr. Beauchard, Shanghai.
00:57:59Beauchard? Now I know you're drunk.
00:58:03Sure, but just the same,
00:58:05I saw him just as plain as Hector's life
00:58:07in a cavern across the river.
00:58:09Where you been all this time?
00:58:46Neat job of working these rands over.
00:58:48Looks like they're all wearing them.
00:58:50Lined up a couple of them.
00:58:52We'll take them along for evidence.
00:58:58One beller out of you and I'll tie your tongue to your tail.
00:59:03Ha, ha, ha!
00:59:18Ha, ha, ha!
00:59:22What an evening we have, huh?
00:59:24Now we can dream of our sweetheart.
00:59:26Bonne nuit, mes amis.
00:59:28Bonne nuit.
00:59:40Well, if it is not my old friend.
00:59:42Why you didn't let me know you was coming?
00:59:44I stay home to welcome you.
00:59:46I didn't want to put you in any trouble.
00:59:48Besides, this isn't a social call, Beauchard.
00:59:50In the last seven years,
00:59:52you've stolen 10,000 of my cattle.
00:59:54A normal increase would have raised that
00:59:56to about 50,000.
00:59:58That makes you owe me plenty of hard cash.
01:00:00But I will take my share of our partnership.
01:00:03And I keep it.
01:00:05I have men, both loyal and brave,
01:00:07and they will not let you take my cows from my ranch.
01:00:09There's more than one way of collecting your debt.
01:00:11Ha, ha, ha!
01:00:13If you kill me, my men will shoot you
01:00:15before you can go and mine.
01:00:17Oh, what you gain, eh?
01:00:19Ha, ha.
01:00:21Yes, you're right.
01:00:23I hadn't thought about that.
01:00:25But what can you do about this?
01:00:36Dominique Beauchard, you've been found guilty
01:00:38of the charge of cattle stealing.
01:00:40The sentence of this court is that you be
01:00:42confined for the term of two to five years.
01:00:45That's just a vacation.
01:00:47Well, if I skip in this here show,
01:00:49I'd stake him out on a yardage.
01:00:52Mr. Bryce, I understand you have filed suit
01:00:54in the Louisiana courts for the value
01:00:56of your stolen cattle.
01:00:58In view of this verdict,
01:01:00you should get your money quickly.
01:01:04It would be bad to lose the money,
01:01:06but it's better to save the neck.
01:01:08You're lucky they only tried you for stealing cattle.
01:01:11You've no cause to grin.
01:01:13Stand up.
01:01:15I'm not through with you yet.
01:01:17There's another matter.
01:01:19Beauchard, you've been a thorn
01:01:21in the side of law and order in Texas
01:01:23for over ten years.
01:01:25But the law always catches up with killers like you.
01:01:27For your raid on Clarksville,
01:01:29where you were responsible for the death
01:01:31of four persons, and on Melford,
01:01:33which you burned to the ground at the cost of more lives,
01:01:35for your attack on half a dozen ranches,
01:01:37the order of this court is
01:01:39that you be remanded to the custody
01:01:41of the sheriff to stand trial
01:01:43for murder.
01:01:45Court dismissed.
01:01:52Thanks for everything, Beauchard.
01:01:54It is too soon for thanks, monsieur.
01:01:56I promise you.
01:02:09You're very foxy.
01:02:11Foxy, yeah, but look, I am in here.
01:02:14That's a good one.
01:02:16That sure is a good one.
01:02:19Come in.
01:02:27What do you want?
01:02:29I have fresh clothes for monsieur Beauchard.
01:02:31All right, come in.
01:02:34Let's have a look at them.
01:02:36Oh, they are just handkerchiefs
01:02:38and socks and a robe.
01:02:40That will keep him warm.
01:02:44The cord.
01:02:48to tie around the middle
01:02:50to keep out the cold air, huh?
01:02:52All right, let him have it.
01:02:58Yes, same with you.
01:03:12Ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:03:14This is the style I am, eh, Fox, eh?
01:03:16Bonsoir, monsieur.
01:03:23Hey, but why you are keeping me wait so many days?
01:03:25The police come to the ranch.
01:03:27We have to hide in the hills.
01:03:29And they have taken all the gold
01:03:31and put in the bank at the rivier port.
01:03:33Oh, that is most convenient.
01:03:37Well, we'll be rolling east in about ten minutes.
01:03:39I suppose we'll ever get used to living there again,
01:03:41after all this.
01:03:43We'd better...
01:03:48Barbed wire
01:03:50and signed to the Bryce Taylor Ranch.
01:03:52Con found Pax's hide.
01:03:54He's just begging for trouble.
01:03:56Oh, Danny's so wrong.
01:03:58And the terrible part is, he believes he's right.
01:04:00Now, will you agree
01:04:02that we've got to clip Bryce's wings?
01:04:04That's the cruelest contraption ever invented.
01:04:06And he's using it to fence his whole range.
01:04:08They started coming in last night
01:04:10and they've carted most of it away.
01:04:12Look at them barbed wire.
01:04:14It'll tear the cattle to pieces.
01:04:16We've got to drive them out of the country
01:04:18before he puts up a foot of them.
01:04:20Well, he's like ginseng weed.
01:04:22He's choking us to death.
01:04:24I'm for making a necktie, soldier.
01:04:26Now, you talk.
01:04:28We'll all meet tonight at Mesquite Flats,
01:04:30past the wood with the rest of the men,
01:04:32and get to every man in Riverhood.
01:04:34Dan, we'll have to warn him.
01:04:36They'll kill him.
01:04:38I thought I'd stopped loving him.
01:04:40But I haven't.
01:04:42When it comes to packs,
01:04:44changing our minds is a tailor habit.
01:04:46I write out, you and Ruddy stay here at the hotel
01:04:48while this thing blows over.
01:04:50And they won't rest
01:04:52until you're swinging from a limb, Pax.
01:04:54Now, come on, give up the idea of using barbed wire.
01:04:56I run this ranch as I see fit.
01:04:58No mob is gonna dictate to me
01:05:00when I'm in the right.
01:05:02You're no more in the right than you were
01:05:04when you accused them of rustling.
01:05:06Now, admit it and pull in your horns.
01:05:08Me and my son died keeping them off this place.
01:05:10And as long as I live, they're gonna stay off.
01:05:12If I have to turn Texas upside down,
01:05:14they'll pull this house apart
01:05:16brick by brick, and what do you care?
01:05:18It's not your property. You got your check.
01:05:20Now, go on before they show up.
01:05:24All right. I'll go.
01:05:28For 15 years, I've been sticking my neck out beside yours.
01:05:32Now I'm through.
01:05:38Ronnie, where have you been?
01:05:40Dan hasn't come back yet, and I'm worried.
01:05:42I'm going to the ranch.
01:05:44You can bet I'll get you out of here.
01:05:46Riverford ain't gonna be healthy.
01:05:48Why, what's happened?
01:05:50Well, nothing yet. I was down by the river
01:05:52and heard two Frenchie boatmen yammering.
01:05:54Beauchard and his pack of scuttlers are coming in from La Combre,
01:05:56and they're gonna sack the town.
01:05:58There's nobody here to stop them. Crowder and his men.
01:06:00I know all about it, Cal.
01:06:02Ronnie and I'll try to stop them at the flat.
01:06:04You get all the women and children together
01:06:06Well, it looks like every man in town turned out.
01:06:08All right, men.
01:06:10Mount your horses.
01:06:21It's arrivals from Mr. Rice on the porch.
01:06:25Your ammunition's there, too.
01:06:36You got an extra six-shooter for me?
01:06:38I was hoping you'd come back.
01:06:40The fight wouldn't seem natural without the two of us in it.
01:06:42Oh, that's the way I figured.
01:06:52They may have left the flats by now.
01:06:54You go on after them, and I'll shortcut to the ranch and get help.
01:06:56Aye-aye, skipper.
01:07:08Mr. Hudson.
01:07:10Every man in town is gone.
01:07:12Only the old ones stay there.
01:07:14Well, certainly.
01:07:16Those ranchers, they make Mr. Rice pay for his sins.
01:07:18And while they do, Dominique Beauchard will collect.
01:07:24Hello, Monty.
01:07:28Remember, the ranches in the valley belong to you.
01:07:32And I give you the town also.
01:07:34But not the banks.
01:07:36That belong to me.
01:07:48Hey, skipper, it's Miss Abby.
01:07:50Close the gate.
01:07:59I thought I told you to stay in town until this thing blows over.
01:08:01Beauchard's outlawed Congress.
01:08:03He's got hundreds of men.
01:08:05He's gonna attack Riverford.
01:08:07Well, let him attack.
01:08:09But Pax, he'll wipe out the entire valley.
01:08:11Those women and children...
01:08:13Let the men take care of them instead of using their mob rule on me.
01:08:15Ronnie's gone after them, but I'm afraid he won't reach them in time.
01:08:17We can't let those women and children suffer, Pax.
01:08:19Your fight's not with them.
01:08:21She's right, Pax.
01:08:23Why should I worry about their families?
01:08:25They didn't worry about mine.
01:08:27Even so, we've got to help them.
01:08:29While we ride to the rescue, that pack of wolves tears my ranch apart.
01:08:31Pax Jr. paid a big price for this place,
01:08:33and I'm not letting it go for a noble gesture.
01:08:37It won't make it easier on you
01:08:39or bring agony on others.
01:08:41In spite of what those men have done.
01:08:43They love their families
01:08:45as much as we love Pax.
01:08:49Would you want it to go through with me?
01:08:55I wouldn't.
01:09:01Give your hand to the old ranch house with Willie May.
01:09:04You'll be safer there.
01:09:10Well, Dan,
01:09:12I guess this is the end of our empire.
01:09:16But I've got a notion
01:09:18you're starting to build something better.
01:09:22Sail away!
01:09:26I'll be back.
01:09:31All you men, get your horses!
01:09:37Oshart's got us outnumbered,
01:09:39but for where he is, we'll have to go through bottleneck fast.
01:09:41We're a lot closer to it than he is.
01:09:43I've got a hunch we can even up the odds.
01:09:45Y'all ready, men?
01:09:55Come on, keep working!
01:10:01Come on!
01:10:13Make those anchor posts good and solid, men.
01:10:15If that fire trap doesn't hold them,
01:10:17this barricade's done.
01:10:23Push the brush over.
01:10:31You fellas better pan it back to town,
01:10:33because Bouchard's gonna pounce on it.
01:10:35Well, you hold your shit, Taylor.
01:10:37He's up in jail and subpoenaed.
01:10:39Taylor told me so himself.
01:10:41Well, this rabbit is just one of Bryce's men.
01:10:43It's a trick to stall us.
01:10:45It is not a trick. I tell you, Bouchard is head...
01:10:47You go back and tell your boss
01:10:49we're not giving him time to get set for us.
01:10:51Oh, listen, fellas!
01:10:53Hey, Taylor, wait!
01:10:55Have the men lay low
01:10:57and wait for the signal.
01:11:07All right, men, get down.
01:11:21Come on.
01:11:35Don't want to spoil everything.
01:11:37Wait till they start coming back out.
01:11:39Come on, Ford.
01:11:41Start plugging that gap.
01:11:49Light up, men.
01:12:09What kind of trick is this?
01:12:11Yeah, it is not good to play with fire.
01:12:13We go back. We take another way to talk.
01:12:15Hold up! Hold fast!
01:12:33All right, let him go.
01:12:35I'll do it.
01:12:39I'll do it.
01:13:09That's a trap.
01:13:11Keep this gap open.
01:13:13Rest on your command, men.
01:13:21We are not...
01:13:23But we get out.
01:13:25Follow me.
01:13:39Get ready, men.
01:13:49Wait till they start up the slope.
01:14:09Come on!
01:14:33Now will you believe me?
01:14:35That ain't dogs barking.
01:14:37It's coming from the bottlenecks.
01:14:39Well, maybe Price sent some of his men to draw us off.
01:14:41That fire is too heavy.
01:14:43Price hasn't got that many men.
01:14:45I'm taking a look.
01:14:47Hey, we better all take a look.
01:14:49Come on!
01:15:07Hey, tell Ronnie about that one, will you?
01:15:37Make a go for it!
01:15:57Put the men down, Pax.
01:16:01Back on the rocks!
01:16:07Come on!
01:16:21Look who's bossing it over.
01:16:23Cactus fire, huh?
01:16:37Come on!
01:16:42Hey, back off!
01:16:44Come on!
01:16:50Come on!
01:16:53Pull it!
01:17:00I'll get that dog!
01:17:07Hold that rock!
01:17:09Hold those rocks!
01:17:15Get it!
01:17:17Hold this rock!
01:17:37Come on!
01:17:53Better play our ace, Pax.
01:17:55Sure, Skipper. Let's give it to him.
01:17:57Go ahead.
01:18:07Come on!
01:18:37Come on!
01:18:50Well, that blast ought to stop them.
01:19:07Come on!
01:19:27Hold it, men!
01:19:29Round them up!
01:19:37You ain't sunk when he shirred you for dry dock.
01:19:40Rice, from now on,
01:19:42you can string as much of that barbed wire as you want,
01:19:45and I'm going to help you.
01:19:47You fellas saved our family,
01:19:49and we won't forget it.
01:19:51I guess we've both been wrong, Crowder.
01:19:54I can't stop all their roads
01:19:56any more than you can stop Fenton Ranges.
01:19:59They're both here to stay because
01:20:02you both mean progress.
01:20:04Texas isn't.
01:20:06Dan, you better finish it.
01:20:09Well, Pax means if we all pull together,
01:20:12we can make this the finest state in the Union,
01:20:14the cattle center of the country.
01:20:16So we're letting the railroad through.
01:20:18When we put up our fences, we're going to leave
01:20:21plenty of gates for our neighbors.
01:20:26Give me a rock!
01:20:30Give me them bills, you big bunch of barnacle!
01:20:33You ain't giving these to Skipper, you little sand crab.
01:20:35Let go, or I'll flatten you like a flounder.
01:20:37But the catalog says they're good for man or beast.
01:20:39Yeah, sure. I swallowed one this morning,
01:20:41and my teeth still rattle.
01:20:42I don't care. Give them to me.
01:20:44Give me a...
01:20:50Here's the bottle.
01:20:52Eat one pill, it'll make you tie a knot in an octopus.
01:20:55Eat them yourself.
01:20:56Here's all the medicine I'll ever need.
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