Zum vierten und letzten Mal verwandeln die Künstler von PARADOX Deutschlands einzige Hochseeinsel Helgoland unter dem Motto „Kunst ist eine Insel“ in eine lebendige Galerie. Ausstellungen an den verschiedensten Orten im Innen- wie Außenbereich auf dem Eiland machen den roten Felsen zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk, das sich der Besucher im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes erwandern kann. Abschlussfeier in der Nordsee-Halle Helgoland. Begrüßung und Moderation der Veranstaltung: B.J. Antony. Malen im Akkord für 1 Euro mit Gitta Witzke und Marie White. Songperlen mit Roger Trash und Stefan Hasenburg. Verlosung von gespendeten Kunstwerken der Künstler der Künstlergruppe PARADOX. Orientalischer Bauchtanz mit Sharifa. Generation-Rock mit RED HOUSE.
For the fourth and last time the artists of PARADOX transform Germany's only deep-sea island Heligoland into a lively gallery under the motto "Art is an island". Exhibitions at various indoor and outdoor locations on the island turn the red rock into a total work of art, which the visitor can literally walk around. Closing ceremony in the North Sea Hall Heligoland. Welcome and moderation of the event: B.J. Antony. Painting in chord for 1 Euro with Gitta Witzke and Marie White. Song pearls with Roger Trash and Stefan Hasenburg. Raffle of donated artworks by the artists of the artist group PARADOX. Oriental belly dance with Sharifa. Generation Rock with RED HOUSE.
For the fourth and last time the artists of PARADOX transform Germany's only deep-sea island Heligoland into a lively gallery under the motto "Art is an island". Exhibitions at various indoor and outdoor locations on the island turn the red rock into a total work of art, which the visitor can literally walk around. Closing ceremony in the North Sea Hall Heligoland. Welcome and moderation of the event: B.J. Antony. Painting in chord for 1 Euro with Gitta Witzke and Marie White. Song pearls with Roger Trash and Stefan Hasenburg. Raffle of donated artworks by the artists of the artist group PARADOX. Oriental belly dance with Sharifa. Generation Rock with RED HOUSE.