Zindagi Tumse is an upcoming Hindi movie scheduled to be released on 18 Oct, 2019. The movie is directed by Tariq Bhat and will feature Sadhana Singh, Guddi Maruti, Rajesh Puri and Vijay Ishwarlal Pawar as lead characters. Other popular actor who was roped in for Zindagi Tumse is Srichand Makhija.The film, which shows the story of a mother who courageously fights with the circumstances for her children after her husband passes away. But once the children got eligible to earn they throw her in old age home instead of taking care and makes her life miserable. Film deals with story of every second home in metropolitan city. This film is not only gives the difference to the parents but also shows that they are not given all the due respect , and ill-treated at their old age.
Short film