Yaaram is an upcoming Hindi movie scheduled to be released on 18 Oct, 2019. The movie is directed by Ovais Khan and will feature Prateik Babbar, Siddhanth Kapoor and Ishita Raj as lead characters.The film Yaaram is going to knock at the box office soon, in this film, Bollywood actor Prateik Babbar has played an important role. Before the film's release, the makers released a new poster. The new poster of Yaaram film is very funny, Prateik Babbar, Siddhant Kapoor, Ishita Raj Sharma and Shubha Rajput are going to be seen in important roles in the film Yaaram. In the film's poster, both actors are seen sitting on the bonnet of the car, while the actress is seen standing in the car with a garland in hand.
Short film