• 5 years ago
Part 1

For more than six decades, doctors, nutritionists, and public health officials have been waging a war against high cholesterol in an effort to fight heart disease. But what if the basic premise linking cholesterol and heart disease is wrong?

The link between coronary accidents and cholesterol in the blood is a mainstream medical dogma that has been going on for the last 50 years. It has led to the development of a billion dollars “low-fat” food industry ; and statins, the drug that lowers the cholesterol rate, is one of the most prescribed medicines in the world, with 30 millions users in the USA.

Yet, although cholesterol rates have decreased in developed countries, the number of coronary accidents remains almost stable. And more and more researchers contest the mainstream explanation.

How did the dogma settle, and where do we stand today?

See Part 2 here: https://dai.ly/x7mh1oo


