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Apoio: http://www.planetapecas.com.br - Toda linha elétrica e acessórios
Favorita, tanto dos fisiculturistas como atletas profissionais, a leucina é reverenciada pela sua incrível habilidade em acelerar a hipertrofia e melhorar o rendimento em qualquer tipo de atividade física.
ASASAS ANTHONY, J.C.; ANTHONY, T.G.; KIMBALL, S.R.; VARY, T.C.; JEFFERSON, L.S. Orally administered leucine stimulates protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of post-absorptive rats in association with increased eIF4F formation. Journal of Nutrition, v.130, n.2, p.139-45, 2000a. ANTHONY, J.C.; YOSHIZAWA, F.; ANTHONY, T.G.; VARY, T.C.; JEFFERSON, L.S.; KIMBALL, S.R. Leucine stimulates translation initiation in skeletal muscle of post-absorptive rats via a rapamycin-sensitive pathway. Journal of Nutrition, v.130, n.10, p.2413–9, 2000b.
BARACOS, V.E.; MACKENZIE, M.L. Investigations of branched-chain amino acids and their metabolites in animal models of cancer. Journal of Nutrition, v.136, n.1, p.237S-42S, 2006. BODINE, S.C.; LATRES, E.; BAUMHUETER, S.; LAI, V.K.M.; NUNEZ, L.; CLARKE, B.A.; POUEYMIROU, W.T.; PANARO, F.J.; NA, E.; DHARMARAJAN, K.; PAN, Z.Q.; VALENZUELA, D.M.; DECHIARA, T.M.; STITT, T.N.; YANCOPOULOS, G.D.; GLASS, D.J. Identification of ubiquitin ligases required for skeletal muscle atrophy. Science, v.294, n.5547, p.1704-1708, 2001. BOOTH, F.W.; SEIDER, M.J. Early change in skeletal muscle protein synthesis after limb immobilization of rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, v.47, n.5, p.974-7, 1979. BUSQUETS, S.; ALVAREZ, B.; LLOVERA, M.; AGELL, N.; LÓPEZ-SORIANO, F.J.; ARGILÉS, J.M. Branched-chain amino acids inhibit proteolysis in rat skeletal muscle: mechanisms involved. Journal of Cell Physiology, v.184, n.3, p.380-384, 2000. COMBARET, L.; DARDEVET, D.; RIEU, I.; POUCH, M.; BÉCHET, D.; TAILLANDER, D.; GRIZARD, J.; ATTAIX, D. A leucine-supplemented diet restores the defective postprandial inhibition of proteasome-dependent proteolysis in aged rat skeletal muscle. Journal of Physiology, v.569, n.2, p.489-499, 2005.
Face: wronskijc
Insta: wronskijc
twitter: wronskijc
Apoio: http://www.planetapecas.com.br - Toda linha elétrica e acessórios
Favorita, tanto dos fisiculturistas como atletas profissionais, a leucina é reverenciada pela sua incrível habilidade em acelerar a hipertrofia e melhorar o rendimento em qualquer tipo de atividade física.
ASASAS ANTHONY, J.C.; ANTHONY, T.G.; KIMBALL, S.R.; VARY, T.C.; JEFFERSON, L.S. Orally administered leucine stimulates protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of post-absorptive rats in association with increased eIF4F formation. Journal of Nutrition, v.130, n.2, p.139-45, 2000a. ANTHONY, J.C.; YOSHIZAWA, F.; ANTHONY, T.G.; VARY, T.C.; JEFFERSON, L.S.; KIMBALL, S.R. Leucine stimulates translation initiation in skeletal muscle of post-absorptive rats via a rapamycin-sensitive pathway. Journal of Nutrition, v.130, n.10, p.2413–9, 2000b.
BARACOS, V.E.; MACKENZIE, M.L. Investigations of branched-chain amino acids and their metabolites in animal models of cancer. Journal of Nutrition, v.136, n.1, p.237S-42S, 2006. BODINE, S.C.; LATRES, E.; BAUMHUETER, S.; LAI, V.K.M.; NUNEZ, L.; CLARKE, B.A.; POUEYMIROU, W.T.; PANARO, F.J.; NA, E.; DHARMARAJAN, K.; PAN, Z.Q.; VALENZUELA, D.M.; DECHIARA, T.M.; STITT, T.N.; YANCOPOULOS, G.D.; GLASS, D.J. Identification of ubiquitin ligases required for skeletal muscle atrophy. Science, v.294, n.5547, p.1704-1708, 2001. BOOTH, F.W.; SEIDER, M.J. Early change in skeletal muscle protein synthesis after limb immobilization of rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, v.47, n.5, p.974-7, 1979. BUSQUETS, S.; ALVAREZ, B.; LLOVERA, M.; AGELL, N.; LÓPEZ-SORIANO, F.J.; ARGILÉS, J.M. Branched-chain amino acids inhibit proteolysis in rat skeletal muscle: mechanisms involved. Journal of Cell Physiology, v.184, n.3, p.380-384, 2000. COMBARET, L.; DARDEVET, D.; RIEU, I.; POUCH, M.; BÉCHET, D.; TAILLANDER, D.; GRIZARD, J.; ATTAIX, D. A leucine-supplemented diet restores the defective postprandial inhibition of proteasome-dependent proteolysis in aged rat skeletal muscle. Journal of Physiology, v.569, n.2, p.489-499, 2005.
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