• 7 years ago
Approved | 1h 2min | Comedy , Drama , Romance | February 1940 (USA)

A young street kid grows up and becomes a cop when he realizes that crime doesn't pay. One of his childhood friends is in prison for a murder he didn't commit, and the cop looks for evidence to free him. Meanwhile, the prisoner's brother gets mixed up with a gang of counterfeiters, and inadvertently discovers the evidence that can set his brother free, if he can only get someone to believe him.

Director: Robert F. Hill (as Bob Hill)

Writers: William Lively

Stars: Leon Ames, Dennis Moore, Joyce Bryant
01:07Hey, you got a letter from Mark Maloney?
01:09Come on, come on, I asked you something.
01:11Say, listen, if there was anything for you,
01:12I'd leave it at your house.
01:13Not this letter, it's going to the club address.
01:15Come on, you're only asserting that the people
01:16I pay my taxes, look through that bag.
01:18There's nothing today.
01:20Nothing today, nothing today.
01:22That's what I've been hearing every day.
01:23I'm getting tired of it.
01:24The letter's got to be there.
01:25It's a plot, that's what it is.
01:26I'll drag you and Uncle Sam and, boy,
01:27I'll drag you to the Supreme Court.
01:29Nothing today, nothing today.
01:31Get a load of that, fellas.
01:32Looks like hard-boiled Muggsy's got a girl.
01:34Bet you them letters smell of perfume.
01:36Hey, Muggsy, who is she?
01:37Do we know her?
01:38Don't, Redman.
01:39It's tough.
01:40I know, I was involved a couple of times myself.
01:42Yeah, dummy up with that drivel.
01:45Wait a minute, Blount.
01:46I was only kidding.
01:48Hey, wait a minute, Blount.
01:50I didn't mean nothing when I said you had a girl.
01:52After all, a guy's got a right to.
01:54That ain't that, Danny.
01:56You sure aren't funny.
01:58Come on, spill it.
01:59Tell me what it's all about.
02:00How would you feel if all your chances was ruined?
02:03Chances of what?
02:04Chances of being a jockey.
02:06A what?
02:07A jockey, a jockey.
02:08You know, a guy what steers horses.
02:10What are you going to do, take riding lessons by mail?
02:12Stop right up, folks.
02:13Learn to be a jockey instead.
02:16They laugh when he sat down.
02:17They laugh harder when he fell down.
02:19All right, come on, laugh.
02:21Laugh, that's all right.
02:22But I'm going to be a jockey.
02:23Even if he didn't write to me.
02:27Eh, just a guy.
02:28What do you care?
02:29You ain't taking me serious.
02:30Well, why should I?
02:31I've seen pictures of jockeys in the movies, you know?
02:34They ride horses.
02:35The only horses you ever seen was on a Coney Island merry-go-round.
02:38Well, I'm going to see real horses.
02:40And I'm going to ride them, too.
02:42I'm going to ride them.
02:44And I'm going to ride them, too.
02:46How come?
02:47Well, you remember that kid, Sullivan?
02:48That little guy who used to live on our street?
02:50Well, he goes away, see?
02:51Comes back dressed up like a million bucks.
02:52Takes his mother to a swell home out in California.
02:54Yeah, I seen him.
02:56You mean he's a jockey?
02:58Jockey Sullivan he is now.
03:00Do those guys make that kind of dough?
03:02Sure, and they get to see the whole country, too.
03:04People treat them like they were somebody.
03:06Why don't you like to live like that?
03:08Well, I'm going to, see.
03:09Jimmy Jockey's going to get me a job at the tracks.
03:13Is that what the letter was about?
03:14Going to stop me at the promenade in Long Island.
03:16Bad windbag.
03:18There you go.
03:19First you worm it out of me, and then you run it down.
03:21Now, wait a minute, Muggs.
03:22You got me wrong.
03:23I ain't like that.
03:24I'm all ears.
03:25Well, what I meant is that...
03:26Hey, you know, guys, I got an idea.
03:29Does it hurt much?
03:30I'll be quiet.
03:31Are we going to stand around and let a gold digger make a sucker out of Muggsy?
03:35All right, then.
03:36We'll wait for that letter and not let Muggs get it.
03:38Then we'll write him ourselves and bust the whole thing up.
03:39Hey, we can't write like no girl.
03:41I'll get my old lady to write what I tell her.
03:43Yeah, but we don't know.
03:44Muggs left her name.
03:45How are we going to write for her?
03:47Hey, that's a cinch.
03:48All we got to write is, dear Muggs, I don't love you no more.
03:51Yeah, what's the matter with that?
03:52Yeah, but how are you going to sign it?
03:54Oh, we'll sign it.
03:55Even a who?
03:56Yeah, we can write it on pink paper.
03:58Pink paper.
03:59Who's writing this letter?
04:01Pink paper.
04:03Hey, wait a minute.
04:04Paper's not any kind of paper.
04:05Just write the letter.
04:07Pink paper.
04:09Pink paper.
04:11What I can't get through my head is, how are you going to be a jockey when you've never been on a horse?
04:15Hey, get a job around the stables.
04:17Stable boys, they call them.
04:18Stable boys?
04:19Boy, you're going to take a lot of punishment before you're a jockey.
04:22What do I care?
04:23It'll give me a start, won't it?
04:24Why don't you forget it, Muggs?
04:25We can do a lot of other things.
04:27Get nothing.
04:28What do you say?
04:29One of these days, I'm going to be a jockey, and you guys are going to pay your good dough to see me ride.
04:32And when I come bouncing down that home stretch with a winner, you're going to be cheering for me.
04:35You're going to be yelling.
04:36Come on, Muggs.
04:37Come on.
04:39Come on, Muggs.
04:45Come on, Muggs.
04:47I've never seen anything like it, folks.
04:49What a jockey.
04:50How that boy can ride.
04:51He's a half a length in front of us and going around that old corner, folks.
04:54It ain't a corner, it's a turn.
04:55Corner, turn.
04:56What's the difference?
04:57Ride that thing.
04:58I got two crankets on him.
04:59They're coming into the stretch, folks.
05:01It's terrific.
05:02Muggs is out in front by one length.
05:04Two lengths.
05:05Three lengths.
05:06Muggs being a winner by four lengths.
05:10What a race, folks.
05:11What a horse.
05:12What a jockey.
05:14And now, one of the famous movie stars, Miss Gloria Snodgrass is crowning the winner.
05:20We'll take you down and let this great jockey say a few words to you all.
05:25Say a few words.
05:33Come on, boy.
05:34That's enough.
05:36All right, now say a few words to the folks in Kentucky, will ya?
05:38That's it.
05:39Speak right up.
05:40That's it.
05:41Don't be afraid.
05:42Thank you very much.
05:43That was wonderful.
05:44Say, man, you done beat the clock and broke the record.
05:47What was his time?
05:48I was...
05:50Very nice, boys.
05:51I'm proud of you.
05:52Do you mind telling me what's going on?
05:53We was just doing you a favor.
05:54Yeah, we were painting.
05:55So I see.
05:56Well, just wait till those painters catch up with you.
05:57It's our club, ain't it?
05:58Yeah, we got a right to help.
05:59You've got no right to make such a mess.
06:01Yeah, it is pretty awful.
06:03Listen to him.
06:05Tell me, how could you do so much damage just painting?
06:07Well, we was having a horse race.
06:08Hey, you know, Muggs is gonna be a jockey.
06:10Yeah, yeah, I know.
06:11Well, you better race out of here before those painters skin you alive.
06:13Where we go?
06:15Jockey yourselves over to your old stable hangout.
06:17That'll get your horsey enough.
06:19That's it.
06:22Guess what I've been looking for.
06:24If I remember right, that's where you'll find it.
06:26And plenty of it.
06:27Come on, gang.
06:28Let's go.
06:29You better go with them, Allison.
06:30Keep your eye on them.
06:31All right, if you say so, Knuckles.
06:35So this is the stable hangout you fellas have been telling me about.
06:52Not bad.
06:53Can you imagine that?
06:54We used to think this place was really this stuff.
06:57Yeah, before we got the club, we had no other place to go.
07:00I wish they'd hurry up with the club.
07:01This place gives me the creeps.
07:05Ah, that sport of kings.
07:07It's in the air.
07:08I love it.
07:15Now look here, Colonel Bentley, sir.
07:17You can't run my derby winning the big race unless my favorite jockey's riding.
07:22Commodore, who is this boy Muggs?
07:24I never heard of him.
07:25What's that, sir?
07:26You mean you ain't never heard of the Kentucky streak of lightning?
07:29The fastest rider in the deep south?
07:31The great Muggs Maloney?
07:33But Commodore, this is the north.
07:35We got the fastest riders in the world up here.
07:37Besides, I got a lot of lettuce invested in that race.
07:39You keep your country gallopers down south.
07:41Just a minute, sir.
07:43You can't stand there and insult the name and the honor of the old south.
07:47I'll meet you at the battlefield at dawn.
07:49Bring your own weapons.
07:51Take that, sir.
07:52And that.
07:53And that too.
07:54Now lay off, Danny, will ya?
07:56Besides, it hurts.
07:58No dead burn Yankee's gonna dirty the name of the greatest Dixie rider of the bluegrass
08:03Hey, cut it out.
08:04You're boring me.
08:05What do you guys know about horse racing?
08:08I seen them once.
08:10In a newsreel.
08:12Well, they don't call horses ponies.
08:15My uncle's a bookie, ain't he?
08:17Well, he calls them ponies.
08:18That's it.
08:19They call them geltons and fillies and maybe stuff like that.
08:23Come on.
08:24Fillies is a baseball team.
08:26Yeah, that's right.
08:27A baseball team.
08:28Anybody knows that.
08:29Ah, it's horses too.
08:32How can a horse play baseball?
08:34Hush up, my boy.
08:35Go saddle my filly and bring him out here.
08:38Very good, sir.
08:39That's the way, sir.
08:42Tell me, man.
08:43There's a gap.
08:44Let's go through.
08:45Hey, you know, I'm getting sick of this playing.
08:47What I need is a real horse.
08:49Why, sir, you got the finest horse in all of Cane Turkey.
08:52Come on, homie.
08:53Step out and give him a real ride.
08:56Get out there, honey.
08:57Hey, don't do that.
09:02Oh, wolf boy.
09:05Oh, let me out of here.
09:08Let me out of here.
09:09Get out of my way.
09:13Hey, keep moving.
09:14Please, now, keep moving.
09:15Keep moving.
09:23Oh, wolf boy.
09:25Oh, what was that?
09:32Stop it.
09:33Stop it.
09:36Now, honey.
09:37Honey, honey.
09:38That's it.
09:39Whoa, baby.
09:40That's it.
09:41My, my.
09:42I didn't taught you how not to get excited
09:44on every little thing, huh?
09:46Oh, you.
09:47Don't worry, I'll slay my poor life away for you.
09:51That's a nice, baby.
09:52That's nice.
09:53That's quiet.
09:54That's it.
09:55Quiet now.
10:08Where did he come from?
10:10Is that a real horse?
10:11Sure enough, yes, sir.
10:13A horse.
10:15A live horse.
10:17Ever rode before, boy?
10:19He might swell a job of it, sir.
10:21I don't think so.
10:22Didn't he fall off?
10:23Well, he mounts to goodness jockers.
10:25Can't stick on a thoroughbred baback.
10:27A real thoroughbred?
10:29Yes, sir.
10:30And he's going to be one of the greatest horses
10:32in this country.
10:34Where'd you steal him?
10:35What's he doing on a place like that?
10:36Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:37What's he doing with a real thoroughbred?
10:38Excuse me, gentlemen.
10:39What's he doing with a real thoroughbred?
10:40I don't know.
10:41I don't know.
10:42I don't know.
10:43I don't know.
10:44I don't know.
10:45I don't know.
10:47Gentlemen, but I didn't mean no harm.
10:48We just didn't have no other place to go.
10:50I just couldn't stand my poor little horse
10:52standing out in the cold.
10:54Oh, the blanket.
10:55Wait a minute.
10:56I'll get it.
10:57Thank you, sir.
10:58You don't have to be scared.
10:59You ain't going to tell nobody we's here?
11:01Ah, what do you think we are?
11:02A bunch of stole pigeons?
11:04Say, listen.
11:05Where are you from?
11:08Say, my pappy was from Kentucky?
11:10Sure enough.
11:11Well, sir.
11:12Well, outside of Louisville.
11:13Can you imagine that?
11:15I was born up there in Frankfort County
11:16on the old Preston plantation.
11:18Yeah, me and Blue Knight.
11:19That sure enough is a pretty name.
11:21Oh, yeah.
11:22And the whole world's going to know
11:23about that name for long.
11:24Yeah, look here.
11:25How come you're stuck here in New York?
11:26Well, I tell you, that's a long story, boy.
11:28Let me kick my honey right back into the stall
11:31and get a little bite to eat
11:32and I'll come back and start telling.
11:33No, wait a minute.
11:34Wait a minute.
11:35Let's all eat.
11:36Ain't you hungry?
11:37Yes, sir.
11:38I'll get some straws.
11:39That's a good idea.
11:40Yes, sir.
11:41I think I'll visit Louis the vegetable man.
11:42Come on, gang.
11:43Let's go.
11:45Get the blanket.
11:46Oh, thank you.
11:47Thank you, sir.
11:48Come on now, baby.
11:49Come on now.
11:50I'm going to give you a little something to eat.
11:51Put the blanket on and get you nice and warm.
11:52That's it.
11:54I rode on a horse.
11:56A turtle, but no less.
11:59But I ain't squawking.
12:03When Mr. Preston was taken so sick,
12:06he called me one day and he gave me a funny little quote.
12:09Said that's the only way he could pay me
12:10because he'd lost all his money.
12:13Well, I brung up my honey and I saved up a little money
12:16so I could come up eat.
12:18Did you lose it?
12:19Is that why you had to come in here?
12:21My honey child took a cough.
12:22Then I spent all my savings on medicine.
12:25Got sick and tired and wore out riding around in that truck.
12:29Truck gave out of gas, so I just snuck in here
12:31until I could figure out something.
12:33Well, why didn't you make Blue Knight pull a truck?
12:35Son, I'd rather starve than make my honey child pull a truck.
12:41I'm surprised at you, Danny.
12:43How should I know?
12:44Go on, then.
12:45Well, there ain't much more to tell.
12:47Why don't you take a look at Blue Knight now?
12:50You know, on there, we'll forget the morning
12:52that we pulled out of Kentucky.
12:54And Blue Knight looked up the road
12:56and knows she was headed east to be a chastis.
12:58I got all right, I told you, Louise.
13:02If they were, they'd have gone home to east.
13:04Oh, but we'll be late for the show.
13:05I can't help it.
13:06Taking care of these kids is part of my job.
13:08Their folks are worried that they'll be late.
13:11Oh, I'm sure they're all right, Knuckles.
13:13They've been so good since Aldry's father
13:15and those other men gave them the club.
13:17Well, I'm going to look around.
13:19Uh-oh, what's this?
13:21I thought so.
13:22Kentucky license plate.
13:23Come on.
13:26Somebody's coming.
13:27Who's that?
13:28Put that by our house.
13:29Wait a minute, fellas.
13:30I think it's...
13:31Danny, Danny, are you in here?
13:33It is.
13:34It's Knuckles.
13:35It's OK, you don't have to worry.
13:37What in the world have you kids been up to?
13:40What a surprise.
13:41When did you see it?
13:42I saw it.
13:43Why don't you swipe it?
13:44Swipe what?
13:45What are you talking about?
13:46That truck in the alley.
13:47Oh, that.
13:48That ain't ours.
13:49That's Blue Knight's.
13:50Blue Knight's?
13:52That's a horse.
13:53A race horse.
13:54Hmm, it must be the machine age we're living in.
13:55Trucks are driven and owned by horses now.
13:56All right, Danny, stop stalling.
13:57What have you kids been up to?
13:58Martin, come on.
13:59I'll show it to you.
14:00Come on, let's go.
14:01Just a minute, laddie.
14:02Now that you've found your youthful chargers
14:03and can't send them home, how about that movie?
14:04Listen, this is better than any show in town.
14:06Come on.
14:07We've got plenty of time, Louise.
14:08Let's see what this is all about.
14:12Please don't punish them kids, mister.
14:14They're just trying to help a poor old man.
14:16I'll make it up for you some day, sir.
14:18All right, then.
14:19But I've still got plenty of squaring to do.
14:21This is all very interesting, but remember, we were going to a movie.
14:25All right, honey, you win.
14:27You know, it's too bad you can't race Blue Knight.
14:29I don't know any more about racing than the kids do,
14:31but he sure looks like a good one.
14:33Well, we'd be champions of the world
14:34if we could only get a chance.
14:35We've just got to help Knuckles.
14:37There must be something we can do.
14:38Well, I don't know what it would be, kid.
14:40How much would it cost to get Blue Knight to the track
14:42and train him for the race?
14:43Well, I've got most of my equipment,
14:45but with stables and other fees,
14:47I couldn't get him to the post less than $100.
14:49Well, that's a lot of money.
14:50He sure is mad when he's got to dig it up.
14:52I'd sure like to see this horse run.
14:55Maybe we could help Ben raise the dough.
14:57He'd pay us back out of the horses for his winnings.
14:59I'd do more than that.
15:01I'd give 25% of all his winnings.
15:04Anybody can help us right now.
15:07Say, that must be worth working for.
15:09Oh, we could get a hold of...
15:10We could sell papers, insurance shoes,
15:13and polished cars.
15:14And wash windows.
15:15And swipe...
15:16I mean, sell potatoes.
15:18I'd just miss me.
15:20Well, that's a swell idea, boys,
15:21but the Parmanakh meat would be ancient history
15:23by the time you get $100 at that rate.
15:25Yeah, I guess it would.
15:26Let me see.
15:27There must be some way we could get a hold...
15:29I got an idea, Knuckles.
15:30That money you've been saving up, how much you got?
15:33Oh, I don't know.
15:34About a hundred and...
15:35Hey, wait a minute.
15:36What's on your mind?
15:37Oh, nothing.
15:38I was just thinking about how long it took you to save it
15:40and how Louise was always saying that you've got to have
15:42$500 before you get together.
15:44Well, I just thought you might be able to get together
15:46a lot sooner if...
15:47You mean if I made it work for me?
15:49Hey, I never thought of that.
15:50Yes, and you're not thinking of it.
15:51You saved that money for a definite purpose
15:53and it's staying in the bank.
15:54But, Louise, 25%.
15:56Think how much that'd be.
15:57Think of how much some horses like Seabiscuit have won.
15:59Oh, I am thinking of it.
16:00Not all of those horses won their first race.
16:02Suppose this one should lose.
16:03What then?
16:04Ben, you know what it's all about.
16:05You talk to her.
16:06No, I don't get along between two such nice people.
16:08When Miss Louise says there's always a chance to lose,
16:11she's right.
16:12I know I'm right.
16:14How much did Seabiscuit make, Ben?
16:16Oh, about a half a million or so.
16:18A half a million?
16:20A half a million.
16:21Let's see.
16:22There's Mugs, Peewee, Scrooge, Ousey, Knuckles, and me.
16:24A half a million times 25 minus $500,000.
16:27I can't even count that high.
16:29We're rich!
16:31Yeah, but what about first hundred?
16:38I got it!
16:40It's your old man.
16:42Wouldn't do any good.
16:43What do you mean it wouldn't do no good?
16:44Oh, just this once.
16:45You can handle him.
16:47All right.
16:48I'll ask him.
16:56Oh, it's you out here.
16:57Where's your mother?
16:59Oh, Mother's writing letters.
17:01Dodgers are coming right along, aren't they, Dad?
17:03Algie, please, I...
17:04Was Eversfield crowded on Friday?
17:06Why, I don't know.
17:08I had a director's meeting.
17:10Directing plays from behind third base, huh?
17:12Where'd you get those?
17:13Oh, Mother asked me to empty a brown suit.
17:16Well, thank heaven she didn't do it herself.
17:17Yeah, that's what I thought.
17:19Particularly when I found this.
17:22Ten dollars on Lady Luck.
17:25Too bad, Dad.
17:26She finished a poor fifth.
17:28Destroy that ticket, Algenon.
17:29Suppose my mother...
17:30She might take me to the track sometime.
17:33You know what your mother thinks about sporting events.
17:35Yeah, but I still wish...
17:36But she'd divorce me if I took you to see a horse race.
17:38Oh, but I don't want to see a race.
17:39Just one horse.
17:40What horse?
17:41Blue Knight.
17:42Never heard of him.
17:43No, of course not, but he's a champion.
17:44Gonna be someday.
17:45He comes straight from Kentucky.
17:46Boy, what a horse.
17:48I didn't hear all that, Algie.
17:49Well, Danny and the gang have a thoroughbred.
17:52Might have known that gang of Eastside kids was mixed up in this.
17:54Why don't you choose your companions from your own set?
17:57Oh, I know that I built them a clubhouse
18:00so they could rehabilitate themselves.
18:01But until they're good citizens,
18:02I don't want you to associate with them.
18:05What'd you say about this horse?
18:07The boy's on 25% of them,
18:08and if he's properly trained, he's a sure winner.
18:10Now, all we need is $100.
18:11Oh, yeah.
18:12Well, I'd soon be broke
18:13if I backed every horse somebody tried to sell me on.
18:15But you needn't give me any allowance for six months.
18:20Horse races have been the ruination of many a man, Algie.
18:24Who'd you say won the eighth race of Jamaica?
18:26Please, Algie, Mother will hear you.
18:28Here, here.
18:30Just a moment, I...
18:31There you are.
18:32Now, I hope you're satisfied.
18:33Gee, thanks a lot.
18:35Yes, sir?
18:36Come here.
18:37Don't forget to tip me off on that horse runs, will you?
18:39Gee, Dad, you as well.
18:42Ah, what do you know about racing?
18:44Quiet, you guys.
18:45You know what Ben said.
18:47Now, Mr. Muggs,
18:48you've got to remember some of the things I told you.
18:51You remember about the reins?
18:53Now, you've got to get on from this side.
18:56Right side, left side, what's the matter?
18:57You get a ticket?
18:59Listen, you try getting on over on that side,
19:00and you'll find yourself bouncing right on the ground.
19:02All right, all right, all right.
19:03Have it your way.
19:04Now, there's no use you getting riled up, Mr. Muggs.
19:07All I'm doing is what I promised to do,
19:09to teach you the technical of how to ride my honey.
19:12And win-win him.
19:13I'll do it, Ben.
19:14You just wait till you see him
19:15and me come breezing down that home stretch.
19:17Wait, wait, wait a minute.
19:18Wait a minute.
19:19Right now.
19:20All I want you to do is get right on up,
19:21then get right off.
19:22Then get right on up.
19:23Then get right off.
19:24Then do that right over again.
19:26That's all I want.
19:27That man is repeating himself.
19:29Up and off, off and up, off and off.
19:31What kind of race talk is that?
19:36Come on, pick up your feet.
19:42Wait a minute.
19:43Wait a minute.
19:44Where do you come up with all this sports and stuff?
19:46I thought Ben's the one that's supposed
19:47to be teaching me this jockey business.
19:48Yeah, he's learning how to ride.
19:49But I'm training, you see.
19:50I'm getting in shape.
19:51Ain't I, Ben?
19:52That's right, Mr. Muggs.
19:54I thought the horses were supposed
19:55to do all the running.
19:56All the jockeys, I haven't no road.
19:58You've got to take off weight,
19:59and road works part of it.
20:00That's for fighters.
20:01And for jockeys, too.
20:02Now, come on.
20:03Get going.
20:04Yeah, right.
20:05All right.
20:18You're not going to be in shape
20:19to ride a merry-go-round pony.
20:22Hey, look.
20:23There's Jimmy Sullivan.
20:26Sure is swell kid, Danny.
20:27I'd like you to meet him.
20:28Sure wish I got those letters
20:29he said he was going to write.
20:30Maybe he broke his arm.
20:32Hey, Jimmy.
20:35Are you paging me?
20:36See that, Danny?
20:37Just like I told you, he's always clowning.
20:38I want to answer those letters you wrote, Jimmy,
20:40but I never got none of them.
20:41I don't write letters.
20:42I just sign autographs.
20:43Any of your cards?
20:45You mean you really don't remember me?
20:46I'm Muggs Maloney, the kid you said
20:47you were going to meet.
20:48I'm Jimmy Sullivan.
20:49I'm Jimmy Sullivan.
20:50I'm Muggs Maloney, the kid you said
20:51you were going to write to.
20:52Oh, I remember.
20:53You're that kid from, uh, where is it?
20:55Vassie Street.
20:56That's right.
20:57I suppose you're down here with some charity bunch.
20:59What is it?
21:00A settlement house picnic?
21:01Why, for two cents, I'll punch you right in the nose.
21:03So long, Muggs.
21:04See me in the newsreel.
21:07Forget it, will you?
21:09Maybe you just don't feel so good.
21:11Don't feel so good?
21:12You know what he looks like to me, don't you?
21:15He don't look like the front end of a horse.
21:20Can you picture that?
21:22I run five miles, eat like a baby, get my skin torn up,
21:25and I rub down, and I gain a pound.
21:27That beats me.
21:28One pound, eh?
21:29Are you sure you ain't snitching eats on the side?
21:31Snitching eats?
21:32What do you think, I'm a cheat?
21:33I could tell you better if I had an x-ray machine.
21:35Come on, we're going to time you this morning.
21:41Let him out!
21:42Let him out!
21:43Come on!
21:44I'm hitting him!
21:45I'm hitting him!
21:46I'm hitting him!
21:47I'm hitting him!
21:48I'm hitting him!
21:50Give it to him!
21:51Let him out!
21:52Let him out!
21:57Come on, let him go!
21:58Come on!
21:59Come on, give it to him!
22:00Ride him, baby!
22:01Come on!
22:10Oh, man, I sure would like to ride that horse!
22:12Yeah, me too!
22:13Hey, how about it, baby, huh?
22:16That was sure slow time, wasn't it?
22:19It looked to me like Muggs was afraid to run him out.
22:21Oh, every time a horse runs down, he don't go for speed.
22:23A horse has got to work out like a human.
22:25If Muggs knows what he's doing, don't worry about him.
22:27All right, son, we'll try another, huh?
22:29Come on.
22:30I got shoes, you got shoes.
22:33All the girls still ain't got shoes.
22:37When I get to heaven, I'm going to put on them shoes.
22:40I'm going to walk all over God's heaven.
22:43Heaven, heaven.
22:46Oh, everybody talking.
22:47You like that song, don't you, huh?
22:50You know, I've been singing that song to champions for years.
22:53And every time I sing it, they win.
22:55And tonight you're going to win.
22:57You can't lose that.
22:58Do you like that song?
23:00Heaven, heaven.
23:03Oh, everybody talking about heaven and wine there.
23:06Heaven, heaven.
23:09I want to walk all over God's heaven.
23:12I got a room and you got a room.
23:16All the girls still ain't got a room.
23:18When I get to heaven, I'm going to put on that robe.
23:21I'm going to wear it all over God's heaven.
23:24Heaven, heaven.
23:27Oh, everybody talking about heaven and wine there.
23:30Heaven, heaven.
23:33I'm going to wear it all over God's heaven.
23:36I got shoes, you got shoes.
23:39All the girls still ain't got shoes.
23:42When I get to heaven, I'm going to put on them shoes.
23:46I'm going to walk all over God's heaven.
23:49Heaven, heaven.
23:52Oh, everybody talking about heaven and wine there.
23:55Heaven, heaven.
23:57I'm going to walk all over God's heaven.
24:00I got shoes, you got shoes.
24:03All the girls still ain't got shoes.
24:06When I get to heaven, I'm going to put on them shoes.
24:09I'm going to walk all over God's heaven.
24:12Heaven, heaven.
24:15I'm going to walk all over God's heaven.
24:18Oh, I got shoes, you got shoes.
24:21All the girls still ain't got shoes.
24:24When I get to heaven, I'm going to put on them shoes.
24:27I'm going to walk all over God's heaven.
24:30Heaven, heaven.
24:33Oh, everybody talking about heaven and wine there.
24:36Heaven, heaven.
24:39I'm going to walk all over God's heaven.
24:42Yeah, man, come on, let's do it again.
24:45Well, baby, this is the big day I've been telling you about.
24:49You got to bring home the bacon for all of us.
24:53Oh, I tell you what.
24:55You reckon you better change mine to pork chops.
24:58I love pork chops.
24:59Mm-hmm, nice and brown and juicy.
25:03That's what makes a man forget all his troubles.
25:08You got troubles, too?
25:11Yeah, maybe.
25:12Maybe you're going to have to win this race without even being rose.
25:16You're going to win it all by yourself.
25:18Hiya, Ben.
25:20How's Brunei?
25:21Oh, fit as silk.
25:22Fitter than that.
25:23Oh, sure looks great.
25:25Yeah, sure.
25:32Hey, what's eating him?
25:35Oh, I don't know.
25:36He's just walking up and down like he's got pins and needles in his feet.
25:40Well, everything's fine.
25:41Oh, fine sheep, is it?
25:47I thought you were supposed to be a rider, not a marathon walker.
25:50Just limbering up a little, that's all.
25:53Where's the gang?
25:54Getting their rides for.
25:56Well, you better save some of that dating for the race.
25:58I'm going to give Brunei the ride of his life.
26:00Do you still think he can win?
26:02Not a cinch.
26:04You look a little tired to me.
26:06You've got circles under your eyes.
26:07That what?
26:08That aren't the one of those beauty contests to ride in a horse race, does he?
26:10What do you want me to do?
26:11Get all prettied up like one of the movie stars?
26:13I ain't scared of a horse.
26:20Oh, gee.
26:21What's the matter with him?
26:22Don't he feel good?
26:23Nothing's the matter with him.
26:24That boy don't look so good to me.
26:25Don't worry about him.
26:26You know how those things are.
26:28A big shot jockey's a little nervous before the big race.
26:31Hey, let's go over to padlock and watch the horses walk around.
26:34Padlock, stupid?
26:36What's the big idea?
26:40Tell me the truth, Mr. Moats.
26:42I'll give you everything I've got.
26:44You can ride, and you can win.
26:47You just have to give everything.
26:51Sure, Ben.
26:52I know it all by heart.
27:00What's the matter, Ben?
27:01You worried?
27:02Go on, go on.
27:03Don't go brushing me off now.
27:05You got a funny look in your face.
27:06Oh, go along.
27:07My face ain't no different than the day it was yesterday.
27:09You worried over Mugs?
27:11Ain't nothing the matter with him.
27:12Mugs is going to be all right.
27:14He's going to bring blue light in way ahead of that whole entire doggone field.
27:19Your mouth ain't telling the same story that your eyes is.
27:22I know.
27:23I seen my pappy's eyes look like that once.
27:27We was on a boat, and he wanted me to jump off into the river.
27:30He was trying to learn me swimming.
27:32Tell me.
27:33You talking about swimming in rivers?
27:34This is a racetrack.
27:36I was scared, and he noticed.
27:38And I saw a deep sorrow come in his eyes, just like you got in yours now.
27:42Ain't nothing in my eyes but the sun.
27:44Mugs is scared.
27:45That's it.
27:46Say, hush your mouth.
27:47Don't you talk that way about Mugs.
27:49That boy's got plenty of gumption.
27:51Plenty of it.
27:57You see things that white boys don't see.
28:00But you buttoned up your lip a little, so I'll cut.
28:03I ain't going to say nothing, Ben.
28:05I ain't talking.
28:06I ain't.
28:07All right, then.
28:08Move along.
28:09Shake them legs, then.
28:10Yes, sir.
28:11Got plenty of work before post time.
28:12Yes, sir.
28:13I'm going, Ben.
28:14I'm going.
28:27Honey, it was a straight tip.
28:28The jock himself gave it to me.
28:30We came out here to see Mugs win, not to waste any money at the betting windows.
28:33But one little bet.
28:34I know.
28:35You put back $2 in the bank with the rest of your money.
28:39All right, you win.
28:43Well, I have a good thing in this next race, Morgan.
28:45The next one, too, I hope.
28:48Horses are nearing the starting gate.
28:51Well, if this blue knight is as good as Algy says he is,
28:54we'll have a new champion on the American turf very shortly.
28:58I'd sure like a chance to train you, Mr. Wilkes.
29:00Why do you think I brought you down here?
29:05They're off.
29:06They're off.
29:07JoJo is going to the front.
29:09Happy Harry is second.
29:10Guess who's third?
29:11And her dad.
29:13Hey, Mugsy.
29:14It's almost post time, ain't it?
29:15That's right.
29:16I'm betting on you.
29:18For real, so?
29:20Jackie, let me have two bucks on my camera.
29:21I got a guy to bet it for me.
29:23I got half that bet.
29:24Win or lose.
29:26Tell yourself.
29:27I'm going to tie it up on his neck just like I told you.
29:29Ben, thanks.
29:30Danny, see you later.
29:31To collect.
29:32You said it.
29:34Come on, honey.
29:35We both going to collect.
29:36Keep going, baby.
29:37The end of the stretch.
29:38It's JoJo by a length.
29:39Happy Harry.
29:40It's JoJo by two lengths.
29:41Happy Harry is closing.
29:42It's JoJo by two lengths.
29:43Look at that.
29:44I told you it was a straight tip.
29:45I'd have 20 bucks now.
29:46Gambling's no way to get a head knuckle.
29:47Suppose you had bets.
29:48Then you might get the betting fever.
29:49Yeah, I know.
29:50Besides, it makes me so happy to see you.
29:51I'm so happy to see you.
29:52I'm so happy to see you.
29:54Besides, it makes me so happy every time I think
29:56of that $150 you've got in the bank.
29:59Oh, yeah, the $150.
30:01Look, I think Mug's race is next.
30:03I'd like to see him in the paddock.
30:11Hey, there's Mug.
30:12See him?
30:13Hey, Mug!
30:14Did he weigh in all right?
30:19Oh, Ben, I hope he makes home plate.
30:22Since he won't have to slide for it.
30:33Mount up.
30:35Sit, Mugsy.
30:37In there, boy.
30:38OK, man.
30:39Ride him.
30:40Ride him on in.
30:42Man, ain't that something?
30:45Mug's looks awful little, don't he?
30:47You ever see a six-foot jockey?
30:49Gee, I wish I was him.
30:50Yeah, man, me too.
30:51I'd ride him home, boy.
30:52Ain't that something?
31:01Well, it won't be long now, boys.
31:02I'm saying, Mugsy.
31:05Wait a minute.
31:06Wait a minute.
31:07Guess everything, Mugsy.
31:08Lead the field.
31:09You don't have to do that, ma'am.
31:10Just be the first cross that line.
31:11Hey, look, if we want to place the rail,
31:13we'd better hurry.
31:14Come on.
31:16You really believe our horse will win, Schooner?
31:19Yeah, man.
31:20With Mug's up, he can't lose.
31:22I certainly hope so.
31:24It's a maiden race.
31:25Hey, what's Blue Knight doing in there with a bunch of girls?
31:28When they call a horse a maiden, Skinny,
31:30it means that, well, she or he has never won a race.
31:33Oh, fool it.
31:36You got shoes.
31:38We all got shoes today.
31:40All right, Mugsy.
31:41This is the day.
31:42Get in there, boy.
31:43And sit right down on that horse.
31:46Because we've got to win today.
31:48Hey, Mugsy.
32:04They're off to a good start.
32:06Monty's gal in the front is third,
32:08and the second, Topsy, is third.
32:10It's Monty's gal going to the front by a length.
32:12Topsy is second, a length.
32:14Dooky and his third.
32:15Burbank is fourth.
32:16The others are back and Blue Knight trails.
32:18On the third, Monty's gal in front by a length.
32:22Go ahead.
32:23Yeah, I got you.
32:24Others are far back.
32:26On the Blue Knight trails.
32:28Mugsy, come on.
32:29Ride them on.
32:30Come on.
32:31Keep him in there, son!
32:33Come on, boy!
32:34Oh boy.
32:35Oh boy, not so fast.
32:37He's moving like, whoa!
32:39Steady, boy.
32:40That's it!
32:41Steady, let it rock!
32:42Ride for the ride!
32:44Keep on!
32:45Come on!
32:46Come on, come!
32:47Come on, boys!
32:48Come on, come on, boys!
32:51What's holding them back, son?
32:52Come on!
32:53Slow down!
32:55Come on, son.
32:57Come on, son.
32:58You don't know what this means.
33:00Oh, Muggs.
33:02They're coming down to the line of business.
33:04It's Marty's gal by two lengths, little Jean.
35:25chance to do some more running. I know what this horse can do. He'll make the rest of them horses
35:30look like they're standing still. I haven't made up my mind yet Ben. I'm only giving Morgan a chance
35:35to prove to me that your horse can run. You know we've raced many a winner in our day. Well you
35:39gentlemen are going to race another good winner, yes sir. There's no reason Mr. Wilkes why Blue
35:43Knight shouldn't run the Parmalock Stakes for three year olds. Well will a week give you time
35:45enough to train him? Week? That horse don't need no special training. I keep him in apple shape.
35:50Ben's right Mr. Wilkes. Blue Knight's an A1 condition and if it's agreeable with you I'd
35:54like to have Ben stick around. He can help me a lot. Thank you. Well uh put him on the payroll.
36:00Does he mean it? I uh I'll be down at the clubhouse when you find Jimmy Sullivan. Okay I'm
36:04going after him right now. You know a track jockey like Jimmy Sullivan should be able to get the best
36:07out of Blue Knight. I'll see you later son. Goodbye dad. Gee but what about mugs? Just what I was
36:14thinking. Poor little fellow. You understand Jimmy we want to see what this horse can do
36:22and you'll be well paid for your troubles. Okay where is he? Ben will get him right for you. Oh
36:26yes sir. And I'll find Mr. Wilkes. Ben probably thinks I'm lost. You had a sleep coming to you.
36:32I sure came to meet that new trainer out you told me about. Morgan's supposed to know everything
36:35there is to know about racing. Is that beauty huh? Hey
36:44hey what's cooking? What's this monkey doing with Blue Knight? Oh I just got to try him out. Mr.
36:48Morgan's orders. He ain't riding his horse while I'm around.
36:53Say mugsy mugsy.
37:02Stop that. Come on get him up from there. Let's get out of here while we can. Come on out of here.
37:09Come on fella that's all right. Don't say nothing about this. You see Mr. Muller's just a little
37:15hot-headed but he ain't mean no harm. Ain't no real harm done either.
37:21This is Jimmy Sullivan Mr. Wilkes. To my mind one of the finest jockeys in the country.
37:25Well that's good enough for me. All right Jimmy let's get started. Six furlongs. Yes.
37:30Hand ride him. Talk to him. Sweet. Go on honey. That's the girl.
37:39We should have waited for Morgan. If he'd explained it to you why you couldn't.
37:43What good would that have done? Sullivan would have been riding Blue Knight if we waited and I'm
37:45the only one that's going to do that. Don't be too sure. If Mr. Wilkes finds out that you smacked
37:49Sullivan he might not like it. If he puts up the cash for Blue Knight he's got to say so. Yeah. Yeah
37:55I never thought of that. But if I don't ride that horse then he's to help me nobody's going to ride
38:00him. Come on there Blue Knight.
38:13That's it. Come on there baby.
38:23Got it. What speed and what a stride. 112 breezing. I think we've got something here.
38:27I think we can do it my honored child. What is the record? 110 for six furlongs.
38:37Great work Jimmy. We'll break a track record. He's a great horse Morgan. Keep in touch with me.
38:42Mr. Wilkes will probably want you for the pomelo steak. Okay.
38:49It'll break Mr. Muggs heart complete if you don't let him run the steak. But the boy is not a jockey
38:54then. Look what he learned in just a little while dad. And if Mr. Morgan will teach him. Well what's
38:58this all about? They're trying to persuade me to let Muggs Maloney ride Blue Knight. I don't advise
39:02that Mr. Wilkes. That's when I tell him if I'm going to back the horse I want to be sure that
39:05he's properly handled. Well I don't want to make trouble sir but I'll take my 75 percent of the
39:10horse out to run it if Mr. Muggs ain't up when the steaks are on. That boy's not a rider Ben. Oh
39:14he's a natural born one sir. I beg your pardon. But if he can do that good with old Ben teaching him.
39:19He'd do eight times better would you tell him what to do. Praise dad. I don't know why I always let
39:24you talk me into everything Algee but I'll go find Muggs. I'll see him tomorrow. Gee thanks a lot
39:29dad. That's swell. Yeah he's the right man. Oh yes you can't go wrong.
39:46I don't know why I ever give you tips on winners when the most you ever bet's a two dollar bill.
39:50You know how much I need the dough Nick. I'll do you a favor sometime. Yeah you might have to some
39:54of these days. Oh Morgan.
40:03Hello Nick. Hello Morgan. You know Blackie don't you? Yes how are you? Okay. Say I want to repay that
40:09money I owe you. The old lady must have taken the damper off you. First time I ever seen you
40:16having this stuff between races. No Mr. Wilkes gave me that for running Blue Knight around the track.
40:21That's what I want to talk to you about. Yeah I seen him run the other day. What can you tell me
40:25about him? Plenty. Only uh. That's all he's okay. Go ahead and talk. I'll favor I owe you. Let's have it.
40:32You got your money on the wrong horse. Don't make me laugh. Nick Muffler don't lose when things are
40:37right. I bet horses on him. And I train him. I just fought Blue Knight and close to a track record
40:44and a workout. Breathing. What? That's right. And Wilkes will have him up the stakes won't he? I don't know
40:52but even so what you're thinking is out. When I train him I train him to win and my jockeys
40:56ride him to win. You ought to know that Nick. Remember I repaid you that favor. Yeah I know. So long.
41:03So long and thanks. You gonna double up on this Blue Knight? You think I'm wacky? I don't know he's on
41:09the level. Yeah they all say they're on the level. He might be pulling a fast one. Wacky I'm going to
41:14give you a chance to pay me for all the things I've done for you and get a little that money you need
41:18the same time. Just say the word Nick. What can I do? I seen you gabbing with a guy around Blue Knight's barn.
41:24Who is he? Oh uh you mean Knuckles Dolan? Sure we grew up in the same block together. Good then you
41:32can get to him. Not a chance. He hit the sawdust trail when they put him in charge of that boys club.
41:38I've offered him plenty of soft touches since then but. Stop stalling you're talking to Nick
41:42Buffalo. Nick listen I tell you you can't touch the guy. I've tried. You can get to anybody with
41:47enough in your hand. Besides you got a week to soften him up. Okay Nick I don't care how you
41:55work it but if a horse called Blue Knight wins that race you're hot. Plenty hot.
42:02Now you understand Marty. Absolute obedience to everything that Morgan tells you
42:07or you won't be allowed within 500 feet of this stable or Blue Knight.
42:11Teach him everything you can Morgan. It's too short a time to accomplish much but uh
42:16but if Blue Knight can win this race well Mrs. Wilkes may not be so disturbed if she finds out.
42:22I won't let you down Mr. Wilkes. No I'm sure you won't Mug. Well I must be getting back to the office.
42:27He gone? Yeah he's gone.
42:29Come on.
42:32Wait a minute. It's Mr. Morgan a new trainer.
42:36Hey can I run your horses for you? Can you make the horse do setting up exercises?
42:39You got him on one of those diets? I've seen a lion trainer once.
42:44I'll beat it boys Mugs and I have got work to do. Oh boy.
42:54Mugs you'll ride easier if you put your foot in the surf this way.
42:57You'll notice sort of ratio. All right start riding.
43:03No no wait a minute Mugs.
43:07Down Mugs. You took off there on a walk. Limber up. You can't ride a racehorse with a ramrod for
43:13his spine. Now that's better. Now remember leading the gate take a flying start. You've been getting
43:18away too slow and that's not Blue Knight style. All right get going.
43:58Come on Mugsy. Come on. Ride him boys. Ride him. Get in there. That's it. Get down in that saddle.
44:18Come on. Come on Mugs. Bring him in. Give him the reins. Go ahead Mugs. Get your nerve in there.
44:27Oh boy that's it. I know Mr. Morgan didn't want me here this morning.
44:41The secret workout. But I had to see my honey run. Oh my goodness.
44:46Ain't nobody see me around here on this end of track no how.
44:52You rode as if you were a wooden Indian. Can't you follow my instructions?
44:55Can't you remember anything for two minutes?
45:09Yeah I know that. And I seen you ride too. But why'd you slow up on the far turn?
45:14Looked like he was afraid to let him out or something. Afraid? Who's afraid? Boy I uh I
45:19thought maybe uh Blue Knight might stumble and hurt himself. Yeah that's it. He might have hurt
45:23himself. Oh is that it? Looked like he was scared to me. Yeah I'm getting fed up with that stuff.
45:29First it's Pee Wee and Scrooge. How do you feel? How were you eating? You laying off your sweets?
45:34Then it's Mr. Wilkes. Well maybe you ought to get another chonky. You know you need a little more
45:38practice. You guys talk as though you thought I was yellow. No that ain't it Mugs. We just thought
45:43that well maybe you was overdoing it. Baloney. Guy's up at Sing Sing got more freedom than I
45:49got. I haven't left this track in days. All I've been hearing is horses and seeing horses. No wonder
45:52I ain't eating hay a million. Maybe that's it. Maybe you got too much horse. Yeah listen I'm gonna
46:00ride Blue Knight and those steaks the day after tomorrow get it? Okay that's the way you feel
46:05about it. I'll see Jakey tomorrow. You mean you're still gonna bet on me? Sure. Can you think of an
46:11easier way to lose money? Sleep okay Mugs? Are you gonna start that over again? I'm not starting
46:22nothing. Well I've been thinking. What about? Well maybe we'd have a better chance to clean up if
46:28Sullivan could ride and we... Now it's you. First it's the gang and it's Ben and now it's you. Fine
46:33bunch of pals all this and it's not the overboard. I got a no snicker. Baloney. Twice easy around the
46:39track. Yes sir. I sure wish Mugs would give up the idea. He ain't never been scared of nothing.
46:49But he is now Danny. Mugs ain't yellow. I know it but he's afraid. Afraid of that horse. Afraid of
46:54speed. Oh I'm scared of things too. I mean like like being on a high place. Everybody has some
47:00fear. Fear of snakes. Fear of fires. Some people are afraid of losing their jobs or growing old.
47:07Then then you mean there ain't no disgrace in being scared? It's useful if you don't fight
47:11your fear. Mugs has been fighting but he can't lick it. He's not a jockey and he never will be.
47:17If he'd let Sullivan ride Blue and Ike would win the stakes hands down.
47:21And if he don't? With Mugs up we hadn't got a chance.
47:28Ah that's chicken seed. Say pal this ain't no peanut racket. Now that you're in I'd like to
47:33show you the way around. For old time's sake. You sure know the angle. You gave me five winners
47:39yesterday. You know at this rate I can get married before the meet's over. Now you are talking peanuts.
47:45You listen to me I'll have you buying furs and jewels. I ain't kidding. You can lay your hands
47:50on five grand by tomorrow night. Five grand? I ain't listening. That kind of dough couldn't be on the
47:57level. We're set Knuckles. This is a cold proposition. Not a chance of a slip-up. I'm doing all right on
48:03peanuts. Now if you can deal me out Blackie. No matter what it is. You've been swell and I'd sure
48:10like to have a hunk of that dough on Blue and Ike tomorrow. Blue and Ike? Boy that nag ain't got
48:15a chance. What do you mean? Come on in here. We'll have a little privacy and I'll tell you all about it.
48:40Now get out of here.
48:48Okay wise guy. I'm telling you something. That horse ain't gonna win.
48:54Get out of here and don't let me catch you hanging around. Okay okay. I'm going.
48:59Hey Ben. Ben.
49:09Looks like we're gonna have trouble. You better get your truck ready and I'll round up the kids.
49:12Yes sir. Benny you sure everything's all right? Yes sir. Everything's on schedule.
49:29There's the signal now.
49:41It's gonna take longer than there's 100 bucks in it for you. Wait a minute. Come on get back in there.
49:52That guy must think I was born yesterday. You wait here and see which way they turn. I'll get Nick's car.
50:00Well you ain't gonna put him in the house. Why sure Ben. They'll never know we're here.
50:10The first time I ever put a horse in the house.
50:20There you are baby. We brought a lot of trouble to these good boys.
50:25Why sure ain't one of them wouldn't lay down his good for nothing life help us get where we're going.
50:31Well Ben I think blue night ought to be safe enough on this night out. We'll get the other
50:34things. I'm so tired I couldn't even carry a straw. That's exactly what you're gonna carry. What?
50:38Straw. Lots of it. We gotta have something soft under those blankets if we're gonna sleep on the
50:42floor. But where we gonna find all that this time of night? We're all gonna spread out in different
50:45directions and look for it. You mean spread out individual? Alone? Sure why not. You all get
50:52yourself some straw. I like hard beds. It's dark out there and besides I can't see myself in the
50:58dark. All right Danny you go with him. You other kids can spread out. Muggs you and I'll try to get
51:02some water. Come on kids. I thought you'd go and get some water with Mr. Knuckles. Yeah yeah I am.
51:11You got something in your mind I want to hear it first. All right son. You think blue night's a
51:16mighty fine horse don't you? And ain't nothing in the world too good for him. Well Mr. Wilkinson got
51:22my hunted child the finest trainer in the land. I can give him nothing but the best of care.
51:28And I ain't no traitor so I'm willing to let Mr. Morgan take over. What are you driving at?
51:33You got any doubts about bringing blue night in the head of that field tomorrow?
51:38Why don't you let that sullen boy do the job. So now it's you who faces the whole gang and now
51:44it's you.
51:55Why don't you hit me? Don't just stand there doing nothing. Beat me.
52:10I ain't even worth that.
52:14Poor little fella. Poor little fella.
52:45Knuckles! Knuckles! Where are you? Where are you?
52:53Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben! Where are you? Ben! Ben! Ben! Oh Ben! Ben! Come on Ben! You're gonna get burned! Come on Ben! Come on! Come on Ben!
53:11Oh he's great! Come on Ben! Come on!
53:21Take it easy Ben. Where's my baby? He's all right. Blue night's all right. Don't worry about him.
53:28Ben are you all right? Is he all right? Where's he? Right here beside you. He saved your life Ben.
53:35He pulled you out of that fire. Did he? Poor little fella. Oh poor little fella.
53:43Should I talk to him all by myself? Yeah but first of all Ben tell us what happened. Who did this?
53:48The same fella we had trouble with a little while ago. Blackie huh? He must have tailed us here.
53:53All right Ben we'll take care of him soon as we get you to a hospital. Come on kids let's get the truck.
53:56That horse is all Ben's got in the world. If he ain't raced it'll break the old man. Maybe kill him.
54:08Quit it. You're breaking my heart. Speaking of breaks why don't you give everybody one?
54:12Ben the horse yourself. I'll give you my share of the winnings. I'll do anything. Don't slam the door
54:17when you go out. You ain't got no mouth for the big race. I looked it up. You gotta have a mouth.
54:21You might as well ride Blue Night. Not me. I still got bruises from the last time I tried to ride him.
54:26Sorry about that Jimmy. Honest I am. You ought to be. Wish I was smarter than like I am now.
54:32I didn't have a hitchhiker. I never tried to be a jockey. Well now you got Kofi. It ain't Kofi Jimmy.
54:38I'm just not the guy to ride Blue Night. I was afraid but I ain't no more. I was wrong. I admit
54:45that all wrong. I just was never meant to be no jockey. You're telling me? It ain't just me Jimmy.
54:51It's lots of people. Friends of mine. They'll be sick if Blue Night loses.
54:56I said no. I meant it. Scram small fry.
55:21Danny's out looking for him now. I can't understand it. Danny said he woke up this morning and Mugs had disappeared.
55:41Oh we'd have heard if anything had happened to him. Well that's not the point. We have uh
55:45that is I mean to say uh there's money invested in this race.
55:51Oh yeah. Hey Mugs.
55:59I looked every place but the weighing room. They wouldn't let me in there. Why didn't you wait?
56:02I wanted to see the start. They were almost ready. If Mugs is here he'll show up at the post. He must
56:05be here. Blue Night hasn't been scratched yet. Hey look. Attention. Attention please. There's a late
56:11change of riders on number four Blue Night. Make the ride of Jimmy Sullivan. Replace of Mugs Maloney.
56:16No overweight. That was swell of Mugs. I wonder where he is. Well I'd like to shake that boy's hand.
56:21Wait a minute. They're going to the front. Little King is second. Last Hope is third.
56:31As they pass the quarter the tracks are moving in the front by a length.
56:36Last Hope is third. Blue Night is four.
56:39As they go around the corner. Little King is second by a length. Last Hope is third. Blue Night is four.
56:46Down the back stretch it's Paxon a length. Little King a half. Last Hope a half.
56:54Bang on that bankroll. What bankroll? What are you doing? Did you throw the rest of that money
56:59out of the bank? That chicken feed's safe and sound baby. Blankie Powell's throwing his party for me.
57:04Side to a length. Little King is second and Blue Night is third on the outside. Come on Jimmy.
57:11Come on Blue Night. Come on boy. Oh right that's when he's turning. He's getting. He's turning.
57:16You know the track. Jimmy's making his move. I know it. I feel it boy. I feel it boy.
57:21Seven eight. Seven eight. I'm not going to lose.
57:26It's Paxon by two lengths. Blue Night moving up.
57:30And Little King's behind. Oh boy. Oh his handwriting's going nice. Come on Blue Night. Come on Jimmy.
57:42To it. Bring it in Jimmy.
57:57They go over the line of finish. Three noses on the wire. Hold your tickets.
58:01It's going to be a photograph finish.
58:06Connie my darling. You haven't called me Connie for years.
58:09Never mind that. We will. Well you see they take a picture and then they develop.
58:13And then it goes up on the smokeboard and it's a full finish. I ain't worried about nothing you
58:18know. It had to be him. He was ahead. He was. It takes a long time to develop them pictures you
58:22know. We'll know in a couple of minutes now. They put up them numbers. It's got to be him.
58:26It couldn't be nobody else. Blue Night. Number four is the winner.
58:37I gotta get him. I gotta get him. Don't worry about me. I can sit here all night.
58:44Oh weren't they beautiful? Weren't they wonderful? Why don't you get a horse like Blue Night? I have
58:48part of one. What? Yes. Blue Night. Oh Connie. Come on let's find Muggs. Oh that was swell.
58:58Let me take that hand. Boy that was swell. Hey. Hey look at that water. Who is that guy?
59:04Oh that's Mushy Brennan. He's a world middleweight champ. Middleweight champ? Yeah. What you mean
59:09fighter? Sure. He'd make that kind of dough huh? Yeah. Hey get a load of this.
59:18There we go again boys.
