1h 16min | Adventure, Drama, Family, Sci-Fi, TV Series | TV Movie April 1954
This outer space adventure marked the debut of Rocky Jones and his Space Rangers. Two of Rocky's allies are captured by aliens and brain washed.
Director: Hollingsworth Morse
Writer: Warren Wilson
Stars: Richard Crane, Scotty Beckett, Sally Mansfield
This outer space adventure marked the debut of Rocky Jones and his Space Rangers. Two of Rocky's allies are captured by aliens and brain washed.
Director: Hollingsworth Morse
Writer: Warren Wilson
Stars: Richard Crane, Scotty Beckett, Sally Mansfield
Short filmTranscript
00:01:19Let's take a look, huh?
00:01:20We've walked millions of miles this trip, and that calls for time off.
00:01:24X-V2 calling Office of Space Affairs. Come in, please.
00:01:28This is the X-V2 calling Office of Space Affairs. Come in.
00:01:32Come in, X-V2. State celestial position.
00:01:34This is Rocky Jones of the Space Rangers reporting.
00:01:37Celestial meridian 58 degrees, parallel 146 degrees.
00:01:42We're now in second breaking ellipse of Earth,
00:01:44requesting landing clearance at approximately 1600.
00:01:47You're dead center on Baker flight path, Rocky.
00:01:49Right array, and we're all clear and waiting for you.
00:01:52Hold it. Here's Secretary Drake, sir.
00:01:55Welcome home, Rocky.
00:01:57Thank you, sir. I'm certainly glad to be back.
00:02:00Was it a rough trip?
00:02:01More or less routine, sir.
00:02:04Much more more than less less, Mr. Secretary. Believe me.
00:02:08I can believe you, Winky.
00:02:10Come in the office when you land, boys.
00:02:12I'll have your leave papers ready.
00:02:14Oh, thank you, Mr. Secretary.
00:02:17Thank you, sir. Out.
00:02:20Alert to ground crew. Alert to ground crew.
00:02:24Now learn this.
00:02:26X-V2 on Baker flight path.
00:02:30Now at 85,000. Prepare for landing.
00:03:01Pardon me, sir.
00:03:03But a car just drove through number three gate without stopping for identification.
00:03:17Okay, lock her up in the barn, boys.
00:03:23Hey, what about the seashore, Rocky?
00:03:26I know a place called Paradise Isle.
00:03:29Balmy nights and soft music under a big tropical moon.
00:03:34White sands washed by an emerald sea.
00:03:38How's it sound?
00:03:40Let's see what Drake has to say about that, huh?
00:03:42But he's already said it. Leave papers.
00:03:46Look out, Winky.
00:03:52Hey, you know something? It's safer up there.
00:03:59But, uh, who wants to be up there?
00:04:02Come on, Skipper.
00:04:04Do you know you're a trespasser?
00:04:06On any foot of that mountain road, you could have been destroyed.
00:04:09Yes, yes, Mr. Secretary, but I had to take the chance.
00:04:12What's your name?
00:04:13Veena Ray.
00:04:14And your reason for being here?
00:04:15Professor Newton.
00:04:16I have no interest in anything that concerns the professor.
00:04:19I know. I know. You believe he's a traitor to the United Worlds of the solar system.
00:04:23Yes, his own words prove it.
00:04:25But, Mr. Secretary, during our exchange of scientists with the Ophiuchus group, I was an interpreter.
00:04:31When the rest of us left, I shook hands with the professor.
00:04:35His eyes tried to tell me something.
00:04:38He gave me this.
00:04:41To Professor Newton from Secretary Drake, with profound gratitude and eternal friendship.
00:04:47But, Mr. Secretary, why did he leave the medal in my hand?
00:04:50He must have wanted me to bring it to you.
00:04:52I don't know.
00:04:53Professor Newton recorded his decision on film.
00:04:56The Ophiuchians left it at our outpost on Sassinus to be delivered to me.
00:05:00It is proof positive.
00:05:03Griff, project the Newton declaration.
00:05:05Yes, sir.
00:05:09One moment, please.
00:05:12Mission complete and job well done, boys. Congratulations.
00:05:15Thank you, sir.
00:05:16And now I have new orders.
00:05:20Here are your leave papers. Relax.
00:05:23Stretch out and watch the stars as something beautiful and mysterious,
00:05:26not as places you've been to make friends or to fight our enemies.
00:05:30Report back on the 20th.
00:05:32Hey, Rocky, two months leave. How about that?
00:05:35Ready with the Newton declaration, Mr. Secretary.
00:05:38Thank you, Griff. Enjoy your time off, boys.
00:05:41You've earned it.
00:05:42Thank you, sir.
00:05:44Come on, Skipper, let's not waste a second of that two months.
00:05:47Paradise Island, here we come.
00:05:49Wait a minute, Winky.
00:05:50As long as we're here, let's see the Newton declaration too, huh?
00:05:58When ready, Griff.
00:06:02Mind if we join you, Mr. Secretary?
00:06:04Please do, Rocky.
00:06:14Secretary Drake, may I first say this?
00:06:19The decision to remain on Ophiuchus is mine and mine alone.
00:06:25I have been influenced by neither word nor act.
00:06:29These people are my friends.
00:06:35Perhaps, thinking singularly,
00:06:38I would not have made such a drastic move and severed the ties of a lifetime.
00:06:44But I must consider my young ward, Bobby.
00:06:50A long life stands before him.
00:06:54And not through heritage, but by my choice.
00:06:58He can now share in the triumph and the glory of Ophiuchus.
00:07:07Come here, Bobby.
00:07:09Newton wanted Bobby to become a space ranger. He said it a thousand...
00:07:15Mr. Secretary, you've heard my wish, my declaration.
00:07:22Now, Bobby, say goodbye to our friends.
00:07:26Goodbye, Mr. Secretary.
00:07:28And please, sir, say hello to Rocky Jones, to Winky,
00:07:32and to the rest of the space rangers.
00:07:37A detailed letter made his breach complete.
00:07:39He surrendered all his property, even the Newton Observatory.
00:07:42I'm sorry, sir, but I just can't believe it.
00:07:44Professor Newton was either drugged or forced to make that declaration
00:07:47by a threat on Bobby's life.
00:07:49That's true, Mr. Secretary. He's their prisoner.
00:07:51With your permission, sir, I'd like to find out.
00:07:54Hey, Rocky.
00:07:58Oh, well. Another day, another moon, maybe.
00:08:05As you know, Rocky, they asked us to close our embassy.
00:08:08You won't be welcome, either.
00:08:09Yes, I understand, sir.
00:08:11But it could happen that we were lost in space and forced to land, couldn't it?
00:08:15I'm sure they're not prepared to invite open warfare
00:08:17by imprisoning a couple of space rangers.
00:08:19Yeah, but they will be soon with Professor Newton on their side, huh, Rocky?
00:08:22It's a gamble, but worth the chance, sir.
00:08:40Griff to W-O-X.
00:08:45Griff to W-O-X. Come in.
00:08:48W-O-X to Griff. Come in, Griff.
00:08:50Beam urgent message to Ophiuchus.
00:08:53Drake now believes Professor Newton prisoner.
00:08:55Rocky Jones may attempt rescue flight.
00:08:58We'll get it through, Griff. Any further orders?
00:09:01Stand by.
00:09:03If rescue flight is attempted by Rocky Jones,
00:09:05we'll inform you of blast-off time and refuel station.
00:09:08We're to destroy his orbit jet before it reaches your zone.
00:09:11And the blame placed on you. Out.
00:09:16This is the curtain which separates our League of Planets from the Ophiuchus group.
00:09:19From that point on, they are able to jam our missiles.
00:09:22If you pass that point, you'll be without a communication link.
00:09:24You'll be on your own, Rocky. It'll be dangerous.
00:09:27I understand, sir. We'll make it, though.
00:09:30Now, where will our refuel station be?
00:09:33That's up to you.
00:09:35May I suggest base station R-V-5?
00:09:37That's stretching the first hop, and there's very little traffic there.
00:09:40Right. And in the interest of secrecy, I'll declare the area out of bounds,
00:09:43except to commercial craft.
00:09:45Now, for your crew.
00:09:47Well, so that those on the other planet can't claim invasion,
00:09:50Winky and I should go it alone.
00:09:52We'll disable our ship, land, search for Professor Newton and Bobby,
00:09:55and try to get to the base.
00:09:57Disable our ship, land, search for Professor Newton and Bobby,
00:10:00and try to bring them back with us.
00:10:01Please, Mr. Secretary.
00:10:05Can't I go?
00:10:07It's out of the question.
00:10:08Why? Would that make it an invasion?
00:10:10No. But it's not a picnic, either.
00:10:12I don't like picnics.
00:10:14What I mean is, a flight like this is no place for a girl.
00:10:18I'm not a girl. I mean, yes, I am,
00:10:20but I'm not a girl in the way you mean I'm a girl.
00:10:23I'll take care of myself, Rocky Jones.
00:10:25I can be of real help to you.
00:10:27Please, Mr. Secretary, I know these people.
00:10:29I speak their language, and I know their country.
00:10:32And for your information, Mr. Rocky Jones,
00:10:35I'm also licensed as a navigator.
00:10:38Miss Ray would be extremely valuable as an interpreter.
00:10:41We mustn't pass up any chance to make the mission a success.
00:10:44Planetary conditions will be ideal at 0230.
00:10:47If you'll state my crew, sir, I'll prepare for blast-off.
00:10:50Winky will go,
00:10:52and Veena Ray will be signed on as auxiliary space ranger.
00:10:56Very good, sir.
00:10:58Ranger Ray, prepare to stand inspection at 0200.
00:11:02Very good, sir.
00:11:17Take positions on platform.
00:11:23Do your best to bring back Professor Newton,
00:11:25but please, Rocky, no unnecessary chances.
00:11:28Yes, sir, I understand, sir.
00:11:30We wouldn't dare because we have a girl aboard.
00:11:32It isn't that. We don't want to lose any of you,
00:11:35any more than Professor Newton and Bobby.
00:11:37I'm sorry, sir.
00:11:40Move in boarding platform.
00:11:48Switch on blast-off synchronizer.
00:11:52Switch on.
00:11:54Switch on.
00:11:56Switch on.
00:12:22Griff to WOX. Griff to WOX.
00:12:25Come in.
00:12:27WOX to Griff. Come in, Griff.
00:12:29Rocky Jones blasting off at 0230.
00:12:32Refused space station is RV-5.
00:12:34Area declared out of bounds,
00:12:36making it ideal for attack without interference.
00:12:39We'll be waiting for him, Griff.
00:12:56Secure for blast-off, Vena.
00:12:59They turn off that noise.
00:13:01Gives me the creeps.
00:13:03Say, you've been aboard a spaceship before?
00:13:05Sure, on an interplanetary express.
00:13:08It's about as exciting as a streetcar.
00:13:11The orbit jet is different, believe me.
00:13:14Well, that noise is our blast-off synchronizer,
00:13:17and when those two sounds get together,
00:13:19we'll be up there.
00:13:23There's your navigating table, navigator. Have fun.
00:13:26Before this trip is over, you two will be mighty glad I came along.
00:13:37How's the new crew member?
00:13:39Our glamour girl navigator.
00:13:41Not a thing to worry about, Rock.
00:13:43I hate to admit it, but she sure knows her stuff.
00:13:49All right. Ready, Winky?
00:13:51Ready, sir.
00:14:22The End
00:14:41Winky, you know I've never questioned an order from Drake before,
00:14:44but I just can't see where it helps,
00:14:46having a girl aboard on a dangerous mission like this.
00:14:49Well, she speaks your patient's language, Rocky,
00:14:51and that's what we'll need if we make a successful landing there.
00:14:54I'd rather have an extra pair of fists.
00:14:56Anybody understands that language.
00:14:58Aw, give her a break, Rocky. She's a good kid.
00:15:03Uh, we're entering the exosphere. Switch on artificial gravity.
00:15:06Artificial gravity, sir.
00:15:08Go to work grabbing Gertie and don't lose your grip.
00:15:14Correct drift, 0.1 by 0.4.
00:15:170.1 by 0.4, sir.
00:15:41Pardon, sir, but we've entered the exosphere.
00:15:44Oh, really?
00:15:45And may I suggest a drift correction, 0.1 by 0.4?
00:15:49Good charting, Vena.
00:15:51Thanks, Winky.
00:15:53Awaiting orders, sir.
00:15:55You're a little late.
00:15:57What should I do, sir?
00:15:59Return to quarters and knit me a sweater.
00:16:04Sorry, sir. I don't know how to knit.
00:16:07But if I did, I'd make you a muffler
00:16:09and maybe tie it real tight around your neck.
00:16:33See, now, I used to do this.
00:16:36Knit one, purl two.
00:16:45Knit one, purl two.
00:16:54Rocky, I'm, sir, an object is approaching from 2 o'clock.
00:16:58Oh, are you positive or is this merely a woman's intuition?
00:17:01I said and I repeat, there's an object approaching us very rapidly.
00:17:05She was right before, Rocky.
00:17:15Get Drake on astrophotography.
00:17:16Yes, sir.
00:17:17What can I do, Rocky?
00:17:18Nothing. Just sail away.
00:17:20XB-2 calling Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:22Come in, Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:27XB-2 calling Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:29Come in, Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:30Acknowledge, please, we're under attack.
00:17:32Enemy unknown.
00:17:34XB-2 calling Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:36Come in, Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:38We're under attack. Mayday.
00:17:46It's a cold channel, Rocky.
00:17:48All right, we'll make a fight of it.
00:17:50Prepare to return fire.
00:17:51Aye, aye, sir.
00:17:52Please, Rocky, what can I do?
00:17:53Secure your blast chair.
00:17:54But I...
00:17:55That's an order and stay there.
00:18:13He took a hit aft, sir.
00:18:18I can't nail him if you don't hold course.
00:18:28Ready, Winky?
00:18:29Ready, sir.
00:18:30Approaching target.
00:18:33Steady, sir.
00:18:41Steady, sir.
00:18:43On it, Winky.
00:18:44Fire away.
00:18:51Well, it takes care of that war it was.
00:18:56Level off for freefall, Winky, while I check the dam.
00:18:58Aye, aye, sir.
00:19:03You all right, Peter?
00:19:04Yes, but what happened, Rocky? What is it?
00:19:11I don't know.
00:19:12I don't know.
00:19:13I don't know.
00:19:14I don't know.
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00:22:04I don't know.
00:22:05I don't know.
00:22:06I don't know.
00:22:22Take charge, Winky.
00:22:23I think she'll be all right.
00:22:24She helped save our lives.
00:22:25We've got to save hers.
00:22:27I'll get us to the space station as soon as possible.
00:22:35The XB-2 calling space station RV-5, come in RV-5.
00:23:02This is the XB-2 calling space station RV-5, come in RV-5.
00:23:08RV-5 to XB-2, glad to hear from you.
00:23:12Rocky, this is Space Ranger Clark.
00:23:15Boy, am I glad to see you. I've got a crippled ship.
00:23:19If you were landed in more than one piece, I'd certainly be surprised.
00:23:22Hold on, I'll see if the magnetic couple will pick you up.
00:23:47We got you, Rocky. Relax and we'll pull you in.
00:23:51Thanks, Clark. Out.
00:23:55Oh, Vena. Gee, I'm glad to see you up and around.
00:23:59Thank you, sir. I'm sorry I caused so much trouble.
00:24:03Oh, that's all right. Could happen to anyone.
00:24:06Thank you, sir. And I'm going to make up for it.
00:24:09And prove that I can be it. Well, that a girl can be it.
00:24:13Vena. Yes, sir?
00:24:15I've been thinking it over. There's an express that stops at the space station and...
00:24:20Well, it might be best if... If I were on it?
00:24:24Yes, Vena.
00:24:26You see, what's happened so far could be called routine for a space ranger, so...
00:24:30It's really no place for...
00:24:33Well, what I mean is it's best if you go back to Earth.
00:24:36Say it. It's no place for a girl.
00:24:39Now, listen to me, Rocky Jones.
00:24:41In the first place, I was the one who spotted the enemy ship. Remember?
00:24:44Now, look, Vena, don't you... Go ahead. Be the referee.
00:24:47Don't count me out.
00:24:49I can say what I think about you in 37 different languages.
00:24:52I'll start with the Martian.
00:24:54You're nothing but a big vowel vac.
00:24:56On that, you may call your...
00:24:58On that, you may call your...
00:25:16And in conclusion, Rocky Jones, I meant every single word I said.
00:25:22Uh, you'll never get her on that express to Earth, Rocky.
00:25:26And, you know, I've got a feeling that she's gonna come in mighty handy
00:25:29when we make that forced landing on Ophiuchus.
00:25:32Forced landing on Ophiuchus.
00:26:03Space Station RV-5 to Earth Headquarters.
00:26:06Office of Space Affairs.
00:26:08Station RV-5 to Earth Headquarters.
00:26:11Office of Space Affairs.
00:26:13Secretary Drake speaking. Come in, RV-5.
00:26:16This is Clark, Mr. Secretary.
00:26:18I'm ready with report on flight code name Haystack.
00:26:21Anxious to have it, Clark. Send it over the scrambler.
00:26:28Ready here, sir.
00:26:29Proceed, Clark.
00:26:32Proceed, Clark.
00:26:48A late report on Rocky Jones' mission to Ophiuchus.
00:26:53That's it, sir.
00:26:55Thanks, Clark. Over and out.
00:26:58Damage to orbit ship repaired on Space Station.
00:27:01Area thoroughly searched, but no trace of attacking ship, nor clue to identity.
00:27:05Who did it, sir? Any idea?
00:27:07Griff, I'd give our claim to Aquarius to find out who it was.
00:27:10A tough order, sir.
00:27:11A sudden attack out of space by an unidentified ship.
00:27:14Could it be space pirates, sir?
00:27:17The blast-off from Space Island was successful at 0814.
00:27:21Rocky Jones, Winky, and Veena Ray aboard.
00:27:24In daily communication, Rocky Jones reports flight without incident.
00:27:28Yesterday's message gobbled, and now out of contact.
00:27:31Must assume that Rocky is through the curtain and flying in the Ophiuchus formation.
00:27:49Winky, we've just entered the Ophiuchus formation.
00:27:53They should be spotting us any minute.
00:27:55Well, then we'd better be on the alert, Rocky.
00:27:58Right you are, Winky.
00:28:23Who's there?
00:28:45Professor Newberry!
00:28:48The results of your experiment?
00:28:50Well, I haven't got them yet.
00:28:52Why not? You've had more than enough time.
00:28:54Yes, I know, but activating chemicals and alloys, it's a long and tedious task.
00:29:02It's like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
00:29:07But don't worry, Doc Anto. I'm not one to give up.
00:29:11Professor Newton, you're using the same formula as on Earth?
00:29:15Exactly. Oh, but tomorrow.
00:29:18And the same material.
00:29:21Do it now, Professor Newton, or I find you won't cooperate.
00:29:24You know what that means!
00:29:26Let go of him! Leave him alone!
00:29:34Professor Newton, you've been granted extraordinary privilege.
00:29:38Bobby has been near you and allowed a weekly visit.
00:29:40Proudly, I say, my own son does not know my face.
00:29:44As Bobby will not long remember yours.
00:29:49No, I won't go!
00:29:54Professor Newton!
00:29:57Stay down!
00:29:59Doc Anto!
00:30:00Yes, Professor Newton?
00:30:02I pledge my complete cooperation.
00:30:06I thought you'd finally see it my way.
00:30:19How's she going, Rock?
00:30:22Look, Quinkie.
00:30:27Ah, the officiant beams picked us up, huh?
00:30:30But still no challenge?
00:30:32Not a word. I don't like it.
00:30:34Well, this is spook land for sure.
00:30:37Trocovic and Sparcano. Trocovic.
00:30:40Sparcano and Orphean.
00:30:42Sparcano and Orphean.
00:30:44Sparcano, Trocovic.
00:30:46Sparcano and Orphean.
00:30:48Well, that must be their challenge now.
00:30:51Space Ranger Ray, forward please.
00:30:55Translate the incoming message.
00:30:58Trocovic and Sparcano.
00:31:00It's a repeat to identify and state destination.
00:31:03Shall I answer an officiant, sir?
00:31:05No, not yet.
00:31:06They'll know the universal distress signal, Helipso.
00:31:08That's all I want them to know at the moment.
00:31:11Helipso! Helipso!
00:31:13Rocky Jones of the airship XV-2 in distress.
00:31:23Come in, XV-2, and declare nature of emergency.
00:31:27Starboard control rockets conked out.
00:31:29Request permission to land and repair.
00:31:32Do you know you've transgressed the officiant boundary?
00:31:36We could disintegrate you with no questions asked.
00:31:40My apologies. It was unavoidable.
00:31:43I now ask that you recognize Article 7 of our treaty.
00:31:47Rocky Jones?
00:31:49May I speak to someone in authority?
00:31:52I am Cleolanta, the suzerain of Ophiuchus.
00:31:57Yes, I will respect the treaty.
00:32:00You have my permission to land.
00:32:02Ellipse our planet.
00:32:04We will then assign approach path and clearance.
00:32:07Fintendo and tow.
00:32:09Fintendo and tow.
00:32:11I guess that means Roger and out.
00:32:13Catch on fast, Winky. It does.
00:32:15Winky, go after and knock out one of the starboard rockets.
00:32:19Do enough damage so we'll have at least a week to find Professor Newton and Bobby while you make repairs.
00:32:24Oh, Rocky, all that work? Couldn't we just pretend?
00:32:27Order's orders. We've got to stay there a week.
00:32:29Go on now. Beat it.
00:32:32Fortunately, Griff prepared us for Rocky Jones's arrival.
00:32:36Now to prepare Professor Newton and the boy.
00:32:54Sit down, Bobby.
00:32:55Please, Cleolanta. I'd rather stand.
00:32:58Please, Cleolanta. I'd rather stand.
00:33:01Why'd you send for me?
00:33:03I said sit down.
00:33:08Are you enjoying your visit on Ophiuchus?
00:33:10It's not a visit. You're keeping us by force.
00:33:13You'll never let us leave.
00:33:15Professor Newton is very valuable to our cause.
00:33:18To Bobby, if you study and prepare yourself.
00:33:22And cooperate.
00:33:24I don't like what you teach.
00:33:26And if you think you'll ever lick Earth and the united worlds of the solar system,
00:33:30you've got another thing coming.
00:33:33You may change your mind, Bobby.
00:34:29He's under our influence.
00:34:32From now on, little Bobby will be cooperating.
00:34:36Now, Professor Newton is next.
00:34:38But, Cleolanta, the professor has just pledged his complete cooperation.
00:34:42The work can't continue with the distortion of thoughts.
00:34:44We don't dare risk confusing his brain.
00:34:46That will be my decision, D'Arganto.
00:34:49Right now, I'm going to make a decision.
00:34:52That will be my decision, D'Arganto.
00:34:55Right now, the report Rocky Jones will send back to Earth is more important.
00:35:09This is the XV-2, awaiting further landing instructions.
00:35:15This is Cleolanta, the suzerain of Ophiuchus.
00:35:18Come in, XV-2, and identify.
00:35:21This is Rocky Jones in the XV-2.
00:35:23We have ellipsed your planet, now request landing instructions.
00:35:26Set controls for free fall.
00:35:28We will bring you in.
00:35:30When you land, I shall personally extend a welcome to Ophiuchus.
00:35:35Fintendo and Tov.
00:35:37Fintendo and Tov.
00:35:39Set for free fall?
00:35:41What a system.
00:35:43Say, maybe we got our word Ophiuchus from their name Ophiuchus, huh?
00:35:46I'm afraid you're right, Winky.
00:35:49Well, let's take a look before we land, huh?
00:35:55Free fall, sir.
00:36:00If that's not the biggest building yet, I'll scramble Scorpio.
00:36:03What is it, Vena?
00:36:05An alcavary to Governor Knox.
00:36:06What's that in English?
00:36:07It means government headquarters.
00:36:09We'll be taken there.
00:36:10I hope we'll come back out.
00:36:12People have been known not to.
00:36:19I'm anxious to meet this fabulous Rocky Jones.
00:36:33This will be an unexpected pleasure in more ways than one.
00:36:44You and your friends are free to come and go as you wish.
00:36:47See our country.
00:36:48Look into corners.
00:36:50Search our minds.
00:36:52We have nothing to hide.
00:36:54I only ask for a fair report when you return to Earth.
00:36:59Don't believe a word of it.
00:37:02How long will it take to repair your spaceship?
00:37:05Oh, a week perhaps.
00:37:08We'll do the job as soon as possible.
00:37:11Why not enjoy your stay here, Mr. Jones, and let my technicians do the work?
00:37:16I insist.
00:37:17We can do a much better job, I assure you.
00:37:22Letting the rest of the universe know the truth about Ophiuchus is difficult, Mr. Jones.
00:37:27People who don't understand us go back with lurid tales.
00:37:31While those that do are left to remain and share our life with us in happiness here.
00:37:39Perhaps you know Professor Newton.
00:37:42I, uh...
00:37:44Why, yes, I do.
00:37:45John Ward? Bobby?
00:37:47Yes, I know them both very well.
00:37:49Then you must see them. At once.
00:37:51I'd like to, Cleolanta.
00:38:09We're proud of our observatory, Rocky.
00:38:12I'll have Professor Newton show you around.
00:38:15The professor likes it here very much, as you know.
00:38:20Ah, so now it's Rocky, huh?
00:38:22And he's about to crack out with...
00:38:24Some kid, Cleo.
00:38:26Oh, he's just playing it her way, stringing her along.
00:38:28Women always fall for that, you know.
00:38:42Professor Newton.
00:38:45Here are some friends.
00:38:46Hello, Professor.
00:38:47Hi, Professor.
00:38:51Oh, why, of course.
00:38:54Rocky Jones and Winky.
00:38:57Well, well, this is indeed a pleasure and a surprise.
00:39:02Welcome, welcome to Ophiuchus.
00:39:06We'll leave you alone to enjoy the reunion.
00:39:09There's no, no reason for you to leave, Cleolanta.
00:39:23This is like old times, isn't it, Rocky?
00:39:27Oh, Professor, you remember Veena Ray?
00:39:29Veena Ray?
00:39:30Well, it seems I should.
00:39:32It was during the exchange of scientists back on Earth that...
00:39:35You gave me a medal, given you by Secretary Drake, remember?
00:39:38I gave you a medal?
00:39:40Yes, don't you remember?
00:39:42Well, perhaps.
00:39:44Oh, but that's of no matter, Rocky, Rocky.
00:39:47Isn't this a wonderful country?
00:39:49So exciting, so stimulating.
00:39:52And look, these instruments, things to work with beyond my wildest dreams.
00:39:57And, uh, where's Bobby, Professor?
00:40:02Why, of course, Bobby.
00:40:04I'll get him.
00:40:07Hey, uh, maybe they got a bug planted in here so they can overhear our conversations.
00:40:12Maybe the Professor knows about it and he's putting on an act.
00:40:15But that look in his eyes...
00:40:17He's not the same, Rocky.
00:40:18I know.
00:40:21Hi there, Bobby.
00:40:22The Space Ranger service hasn't been the same without you around under our heels.
00:40:26We sure miss you.
00:40:27Nice of you to say that, Winky.
00:40:29Welcome to Ophiuchus, Rocky.
00:40:32Oh, come on, Bobby.
00:40:34Let's see how much you've grown.
00:40:35You used to come up to here, you know.
00:40:37Height alone isn't the measurement of a man.
00:40:54Well, Bobby, do you see any changes?
00:40:56Nothing appreciable.
00:40:58Remember, you were going to Captain One just like her when you grew up.
00:41:01And none of that newfangled stuff, boys.
00:41:03She's got to be just like the orbit jet.
00:41:05I'll captain a spaceship someday and she'll run rings around the orbit jet.
00:41:10Maybe we'll meet up in space against each other.
00:41:13And I'll like that.
00:41:17I'd like to go back to the observatory.
00:41:22All right, Bobby.
00:41:35Mina, take Bobby back to the observatory, please.
00:41:39Goodbye, Bobby.
00:41:41So long, Bobby.
00:41:44Nothing, huh?
00:41:46And I thought going through the orbit jet would bring him back to his senses.
00:41:49Boy, if we could get him back on Earth for a while, they'd come to their senses quick enough.
00:41:53Hey, maybe we could figure out a way to...
00:41:57We go by the rule of freedom and a man's right to make his own decisions.
00:42:01Professor Newton and Bobby want to stay here on Amphitius, so there's nothing we can do about it.
00:42:16We used to be friends.
00:42:18Sorry it's different now.
00:42:20Goodbye, Bobby.
00:42:42Bobby, what's the matter?
00:42:43I don't know.
00:42:44I feel sort of dizzy, as if I wasn't myself.
00:42:46Here, I'll help you up the stairs.
00:42:48It's cold.
00:42:49It's a prison, just like the rest of Amphitius.
00:42:52Say that again, Bobby.
00:42:53No, no.
00:42:54I don't know what I'm saying.
00:42:57Mina, I was just on the orbit jet with Rocky, wasn't I?
00:43:00Yes, Bobby, you were.
00:43:02Please, Mina, go get Rocky for me.
00:43:04I want to talk to him right away.
00:43:05Of course, Bobby.
00:43:06Hurry, Mina!
00:43:07I will, Bobby.
00:43:09With your permission, we'd like to blast off at 0300.
00:43:13So soon?
00:43:15Does this mean you don't like it here?
00:43:18I would like to prolong your visit, Rocky.
00:43:21And I would rather you didn't.
00:43:25Hey, Vena.
00:43:26Looking for me?
00:43:28Where's Rocky?
00:43:29He got a call from Cleolanta.
00:43:31What's reverse English for the government building?
00:43:33An Alcavar de Governos.
00:43:34That's what the man said.
00:43:35That's where Rocky is.
00:43:36Thanks, Winky.
00:43:40Do I have permission to blast off at 0300?
00:43:43You have no right to detain us, you know.
00:43:45Please, Rocky, sit down.
00:43:48Perhaps you'd rather blast off earlier.
00:43:500230, the time you left Earth.
00:43:54How did you learn that?
00:43:57I also knew of the attack by an unknown spaceship.
00:44:01And a great many other things.
00:44:04Shall I go on?
00:44:08This is very interesting.
00:44:12Please do.
00:44:14For instance, your mission to bring back Professor Newton.
00:44:18And the boy.
00:44:22But they don't want to go back, do they, Rocky?
00:44:27And maybe you won't want to go back either.
00:44:30Any more than they do.
00:45:27D'Arganto! D'Arganto! See me at once!
00:45:33You've got to come with us, Professor. I want to go back.
00:45:36No. I refuse. I refuse to leave Ophiuchus.
00:45:40This is my adopted land, and I prefer to remain here.
00:45:44He doesn't mean it, Crocky. He doesn't know what he's saying.
00:45:47Oh, Bobby.
00:45:48Please, Crocky, get us off of here. Right away.
00:45:59Meet them when you're standing by the spaceship.
00:46:01Now, we've been allowed to come and go as we wish.
00:46:03If we're lucky, we can make it for a fast blast-off.
00:46:05Oh, no! Ah, D'Arganto, my good friend!
00:46:10I beg you.
00:46:15Come along, Bobby. Come along.
00:46:17I've already told them we prefer to remain here.
00:46:21No, I won't go.
00:46:23I want to stay with Crocky.
00:46:34Yes, D'Arganto?
00:46:36Rocky Jones was trying to force Professor Newton to leave Ophiuchus.
00:46:39And the boy?
00:46:40He's been... He's been influenced, Cleolanta.
00:46:43Have Rocky Jones step forward.
00:46:47So, this is the way you repay the freedom I have granted you.
00:46:53Yes, Cleolanta?
00:46:54Bring Rocky Jones to Alcabar de Governox.
00:46:58It will be his decision to remain on Ophiuchus.
00:47:16D'Arganto! D'Arganto!
00:47:47Who told you about my flight to Ophiuchus?
00:47:50Who's your man on Earth?
00:47:53Tell me!
00:47:54Who's your spy on our planet?
00:47:56Griff. Griff from the Space Ranger Service.
00:47:59Did you say Griff?
00:48:45You can't lift a couple of space rangers, can you, Bobby?
00:48:57Quick, Bobby, up the ladder.
00:49:21Hey, Vena, here comes Rocky with the professor and Bobby.
00:49:26Looks like trouble. We'd better prepare for blast-off.
00:49:29On the double, Vena.
00:49:31Secure blast-off harness and ascend ladder.
00:49:34What was that last thing, Winky?
00:49:36Do what you what?
00:49:37Never mind, I'll get it.
00:49:42Secure for blast-off.
00:49:46Rocky, we're blasting off.
00:49:56Good work, Vena.
00:50:15I wonder how our passengers are.
00:50:18Rocky Jones, for instance.
00:50:20Griff, traitor, right in headquarters.
00:50:27What are you frowning about, Rocky?
00:50:29You've won. The adventure's about over.
00:50:32That's what you think.
00:50:34Just wait and see.
00:50:51Congratulations for a fine blast-off.
00:50:53Thanks, Rocky.
00:50:54Thank you, sir.
00:50:56I was talking to Winky.
00:50:58Now I'm talking to you, even though you are my commanding officer.
00:51:02Rocky, why don't you get that serious look off your face once in a while?
00:51:06I'll take over, Vena.
00:51:07You'd better go back with Professor Newton and Bobby.
00:51:10They may need some attention. They've had a rough time.
00:51:12Yes, sir.
00:51:19Ah, the woman's touch.
00:51:21But who's going to say anything against it?
00:51:23Hey, how's the professor, Rocky?
00:51:25Fairly confused at the moment.
00:51:27Keeps saying, why are you taking me away from a fetus?
00:51:30Then he rubs his head and can't understand why he said a thing like that.
00:51:34Gosh, that must have been some powerful treatment he got up there.
00:51:37Yes, he still acts as if his brain had been paralyzed, but he's coming around.
00:52:01This is weakness, Cleolanta.
00:52:03The ship must be destroyed.
00:52:05Or is it because Rocky Jones is aboard?
00:52:08Your great mistake was in trying to keep him here.
00:52:10I'm going to give the orders to...
00:52:11I give the orders, Dargonto.
00:52:13Not you or anyone.
00:52:15Cleolanta, if they even reach our communication zone, we lose our best ally on Earth.
00:52:19Our own man in their headquarters.
00:52:21You mean Griff?
00:52:23Rocky knows we have an ally on Earth.
00:52:25But Rocky can't possibly suppose that he is...
00:52:28But he can, Cleolanta. He knows. I...
00:52:32You told him?
00:52:34I was forced to.
00:52:36And you were the strong one.
00:52:38You're a weakling and a traitor.
00:52:40I had no intention of allowing them to go beyond our reach.
00:52:44But neither am I prepared to invite a war just now.
00:52:49In a moment, we'll falsely magnetize their instruments.
00:52:53If the orbit jet crashes into an Ophiuchus moon, it's not our responsibility.
00:53:00That will help correct your mistake.
00:53:03What do you bet they're just pretending to let us get away?
00:53:09Heads, they blast us. Tails, they don't, huh?
00:53:12The odds aren't that good.
00:53:14If they can't have Professor Newton on their side, they certainly don't want him on ours.
00:53:19Well, it's clear sailing ahead.
00:53:21That is, unless they decide to blast us.
00:53:25If they don't, we'll just have to wait and see.
00:53:28That is, unless they decide to blast us.
00:53:31Is it manual control, Roger?
00:53:33No, we'll go by instruments.
00:53:34Conserve all power for this long hop, Wicker.
00:53:40You know, Wicky, it's hard to understand how a man raised on our Earth
00:53:44could fall in line with the Ophiuchians and become a spy for them against us.
00:53:49You mean we got one of those things crawling around?
00:53:52Yes. And in the Space Ranger's service.
00:53:56You must be kidding. Galloping galaxies. I can't believe it. Do you know who it is?
00:54:01Yes. Griff.
00:54:08Hey, Griff's at headquarters.
00:54:10That's right.
00:54:12I don't understand it, but looking back, I can believe it.
00:54:16You see, Winky, Griff had a lot of time piled up, including a hop to Ophiuchus.
00:54:20That's when the bug bit him.
00:54:22That's when he fell for their phony philosophy.
00:54:24Yeah, go on.
00:54:26Then he took advantage of all Earth time to ask us for an office assignment,
00:54:30so he could spy for them.
00:54:32Niven, Comets, the guy must have got moon fever.
00:54:34He must be nuts to do a thing like that.
00:54:37Well, it's hard to explain a traitor, Winky, but...
00:54:40Well, his main purpose was to infiltrate the heart of our operations.
00:54:44That explains why the Ophiuchians seemed to know what we were going to do before we did it.
00:54:48Griff tipped them off.
00:54:51Gosh, Rocky, wait till Secretary Drake hears this and realizes it.
00:54:54He's our assistant.
00:54:55Yes, I know.
00:54:58Well, we'd better bring the log up to date and seal it.
00:55:04And so I... I was forced to make my declaration, as I did.
00:55:10Oh, but I hoped you wouldn't believe it, that you'd understand that I was being influenced.
00:55:15Please, Professor, calm yourself. We understand.
00:55:19Rita, please, come forward to make an entry in the log.
00:55:22Yes, sir. Right away, sir. At your service, sir.
00:55:27Don't worry, Professor. I said things just as bad, if not worse.
00:55:32I told Rocky I wanted to go up against him in a space fight, and I was going to lick him.
00:55:38No, you little bobby said that.
00:55:43And also during this mission,
00:55:46D'Arganto, a power in the Ophiuchus formation,
00:55:49admitted under stress that their agent on Earth is Griff.
00:55:54Yes, Mr. Secretary, Griff.
00:55:57The time is now 1535, and we're still within the boundaries of the Ophiuchus formation.
00:56:01You got that?
00:56:04Mr. Secretary,
00:56:05as an integral part of the log of this flight of the XV-2,
00:56:09I wish to make the following entry.
00:56:12I have never had so fine a crew.
00:56:15As an integral part of the log of this flight.
00:56:22Rocky, this includes me.
00:56:25Go on, Peanut, there's more.
00:56:27I wish to make the following entry.
00:56:30I have never had so fine a crew.
00:56:32This includes me.
00:56:34Go on, Peanut, there's more.
00:56:41Sorry, sir.
00:56:43There's only one T in integral.
00:57:03Southern satellites. That was too close for comfort.
00:57:07So Rocky Jones wasn't going to get beyond our reach, hmm?
00:57:12I have another plan.
00:57:22You know, Winky,
00:57:24I'm sure glad there's only one T in integral.
00:57:33Hey, listen, Rocky.
00:57:35I'm finally in clear contact with space station RV-5.
00:57:38Now to relay the message to her.
00:57:40Ah, Hopper and Hercules,
00:57:41won't Secretary Drake be glad to hear we have the Professor and Bobby aboard?
00:57:44Yes, he will.
00:57:46But our first report has to be unfavorable.
00:57:49Oh, because Griff might intercept it, huh?
00:57:52Yes. Our first report has to be aimed at Griff, not at Drake.
00:57:56You see, the spaceship we destroyed must have been their communication link
00:57:59between Earth and Ophiuchus.
00:58:00Now, that leaves Griff in the dark. It's the late developments.
00:58:03We've got to keep him that way.
00:58:04Hmm, I getcha.
00:58:05So until we land back at headquarters,
00:58:06it's safer to let Griff think our flight was a failure.
00:58:14The XV-2 calling space station RV-5.
00:58:17Reporting on Operation Haystack.
00:58:20Mission unsuccessful.
00:58:24All right, Rocky.
00:58:25I'll relay the message to Drake.
00:58:27Over and out.
00:58:29Man, I guess you can't win all the time.
00:58:32Clark to Secretary Drake.
00:58:36Operation Haystack.
00:58:38Come in. Headquarters of Space Affairs.
00:58:41Hold on, Clark. I'll call Secretary Drake.
00:58:50Mr. Secretary.
00:58:51Yes, Griff.
00:58:52Space station RV-5 reporting, sir, on Operation Haystack.
00:58:55Space station RV-5 reporting, sir, on Operation Haystack.
00:58:59So Rocky made it back.
00:59:06Mr. Secretary Drake.
00:59:08Send the message over the scrambler, Clark.
00:59:11Ready here, sir.
00:59:13Proceed, Clark.
00:59:20Mission unsuccessful.
00:59:22Professor Newton and Bobby, without apparent influence,
00:59:25seem sincere and determined in their desire to remain on the alien planet.
00:59:30This is a blow to our country, Griff.
00:59:32A staggering blow to the united worlds of the solar system.
00:59:35Yes, sir.
00:59:36Sorry, I had to send this kind of a message, Mr. Secretary.
00:59:39Over and out.
00:59:51Good morning.
01:00:00Space station RV-5.
01:00:02Space ranger ship XV-2.
01:00:04Come in, XV-2.
01:00:06XV-2 reporting.
01:00:08Pick up by magnetic coupler complete.
01:00:10We'll put you in.
01:00:13Well, how about it, Rocky?
01:00:15You all in one piece this time, or should I alert the pass crew?
01:00:18All in one piece, Clark.
01:00:19See you soon.
01:00:22Ah, the defeated warriors return at home.
01:00:25What a surprise this is going to be.
01:00:30How are we coming, Rocky?
01:00:32Everything super stellar?
01:00:33Super stellar, Bobby.
01:00:35We're in the magnetic field of space station RV-5.
01:00:38Oh, boy. Now to get out and run to 100.
01:00:40Rocky, I'll bet that way up here on the space island...
01:00:43Sorry, Bobby.
01:00:45I know we all want to get out and stretch our legs a bit, but...
01:00:48Right now, Professor Newton,
01:00:49it's best if you and Bobby stay out of sight in the ship.
01:00:52Oh, don't worry about us, Rocky.
01:00:55We'll do our stretching on Earth.
01:00:57Thanks, Professor.
01:00:59Oh, Rocky, don't lose your faith in people.
01:01:02Remember, it's the exception that proves the rule.
01:01:34WOA to Griff. Come in, Griff.
01:01:44WOA to Griff. Come in, Griff.
01:01:45Griff to W.O.A.
01:01:47Come in and identify.
01:01:49This is Dark Ganto.
01:01:51Dark Ganto?
01:01:53With everything going as planned, why chance a call at this time?
01:01:56Working as planned?
01:01:58What report have you received on the Rocky Jones flight?
01:02:01Mission unsuccessful. Professor Newton remaining unofficious.
01:02:04That's a lie, Griff. A scheme to trap you.
01:02:07One moment.
01:02:15That's me, Dark Ganto?
01:02:33Yes, you. Rocky has proof of your being our agent on Earth.
01:02:36The professor and the boy are with him in the orbit jet. They've told him.
01:02:39Get me off of here before they get back.
01:02:41Listen, Griff. One man strategically placed for sabotage has greater power than an army.
01:02:46I've done your work, Dark Ganto. Now get me off of here.
01:02:49Use your power, Griff. Wait for the orbit jet to land and then destroy the headquarters of Space Affairs.
01:02:54What about me? Am I so expendable?
01:02:57I didn't say that, but your duty comes first.
01:02:59You may need help, so call in Ramez.
01:03:02The job is important, Griff. You are important. Ramez is expendable.
01:03:08Over and out.
01:03:27A traitor in that uniform.
01:03:30Space Rangers and traitors, they don't go together.
01:04:00Yes, Griff.
01:04:06Ramez, report to headquarters of Space Affairs immediately for special assignment.
01:04:10I'll clear you through the gates.
01:04:13You have a confidential report for Secretary Drake.
01:04:29Secure it from blast-off.
01:04:33Home again. Home again.
01:04:35Jiggity Jupiter. It'll be super stellar when we get back on Earth once more.
01:04:56This is Earth Space Station. We're in free fall. Firing rockets in two seconds.
01:05:09The XV-2 calling Office of Space Affairs. Come in, please.
01:05:14Office of Space Affairs to XV-2. Come in.
01:05:17We're out of Space Station RV-5 and about to start primary breaking ellipse of Earth.
01:05:21Glad to have you back, Rocky. What's your landing time?
01:05:24Approximately 0800.
01:05:26Where's Secretary Drake?
01:05:28He's out of the zone. Any message?
01:05:31No, just hello.
01:05:33See you in the morning, Griff. Out.
01:05:49Rocky Jones says to say hello.
01:05:51Don't behave yourself. I'm going to need you.
01:05:57Come on.
01:06:18Let's go to the first section.
01:06:49Take her down to the second section while I plant and wire this one.
01:07:17Welcome home, Rocky.
01:07:30XV-2 calling Office of Space Affairs. Come in, please.
01:07:34Office of Space Affairs to the XV-2. Come in.
01:07:37I wonder where Drake is.
01:07:40Completing final breaking ellipse. Landing time now determined 0814. Requesting clearance.
01:07:46We'll be ready for you, Rocky.
01:07:54Landing is 0814. Would you set your timer for 0830?
01:07:57That'll make an error of 16 minutes, which will give us time to blast off.
01:08:00But it won't give Rocky time enough to find it.
01:08:12Come in.
01:08:14You're coming with me, Drake, just in case Rocky has some ideas that don't go along with mine.
01:09:14Stay where you are.
01:09:42I'll go out alone.
01:10:12So you left crew and passengers aboard, eh?
01:10:15Well, that's all right with me.
01:10:22Now, Rocky, switch on blast-off synchronizer.
01:10:26Go ahead.
01:10:32Start climbing.
01:10:52Climbers, take charge of the ship.
01:11:08Hold it.
01:11:09Stay right there. Grip will be here to take the ship off.
01:11:27Better be glad you're going along with us. Now move.
01:11:40Grip, don't turn around.
01:11:42Don't make one false move.
01:11:44Toss your weapon over the side.
01:12:11Take her off, Winky.
01:12:14Yeah, come on, quick, quick, take her off.
01:12:16Go with the synchronizer.
01:12:17That's an order.
01:12:18Rocky, stop them.
01:12:19Get us aboard.
01:12:20We don't know what you're doing.
01:12:37What am I doing, Grip?
01:12:38I've got the whole headquarters planted.
01:12:40Any minute now, any second, we're going up in smoke.
01:12:42Then you better go pull some switches if you want to live.
01:13:42No Space Ranger's going to put anything over on me.
01:14:41XB-2 to Office of Space Affairs.
01:14:48Come in, Office of Space Affairs.
01:14:53Office of Space Affairs to the XB-2.
01:14:56Come in, Office of Space Affairs.
01:14:58Well, Mr. Secretary, I must say this is quite a twist, my being on the receiving end here.
01:15:03But everything's under control. You can return to base.
01:15:06State landing time. We're all clear for you.
01:15:10Well, come in now, Rocky, and congratulations.
01:15:13Mission successful, thanks to you.