• 5 years ago
Remember when John Cena was stabbed on WWE Smackdown...
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Bryan Alvarez on John Cena vs. Jesus at Armageddon 2004 - http://members.f4wonline.com/figure-four-weekly/f4w492-ecw-dvd-surprisingly-hot-seller-112904-88261

Dutch Mantell talks Brusier Brody’s death - http://www.solie.org/articles/brodeath.html

Dave Meltzer on Brusier Brody’s death - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrkeXoDe7U8

WrestleCrap induct John Cena being stabbed by Jesus - http://www.wrestlecrap.com/inductions/john-cena-gets-stabbed/

New Jack tells IWA-Mid South he’s signed with WWE - http://rajah.com/2005/2332

More details on New Jack signing with WWE - http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/235539-new-jack-signs-wwe-deal

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