• 7 years ago
A super-intense, precisely-sequenced aero/tone interval program led by a superb instructor. It's jam-packed with an amazing variety of diverse movements (e.g. Michelle never repeats more than four toning reps without tweaking something — a direction, position, an add-on...). Like climbing a mountain, each five-minute segment builds in intensity. You'll start with toning-focused "basecamp" and "ascent" intervals. Then you'll accelerate into aerobics with a challenging "climb" ("you'll feel uncomfortable here"). But you're not done yet; it all ends with a cardio "peak" — explosive, high-impact plyometrics. Features smooth transitions with high-energy, cue-ahead instruction (plus an on-screen countdown timer). Requires two sets of dumbbells (e.g. 5 and 20 lb.)

