• 8 years ago
How to kill Vizier in Prince of Persia the two thrones The Terrace Fight with Final Boss

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How to kill the vizier
Its more of a Hint than a cheat but nevertheless very useful

Many of you must have been frusturated at the final stage about how to defeat the vizier but it's quite easy. The key to defeat him is Patience, Quickness,Blocking and Speed (Kill).

The final battle is completed in 3 stages. Let me explain : In the first stage the vizier attacks by using his claws. He will either use both of his claws or will you use only one of them. When he uses both his claws he sweeps you off the floor but don't worry you don't loose your health just press the X button quickly.NOW the best way to attack him is when he uses only one of his claw because he is, what seems to be, stunned for a few seconds apparently because he couldn't hit you. Keep this in mind whatever you do don't attack him when he is using both his claws and never loose your guard.

Now when you have hit him 6, 7 times he will fly up and will throw one statue down from the sky, then again after you hit him 6 more times he will go up and throw 2 statues down and the third time he will throw three statues down.

(The best way to prevent these statues is to run in big circles but even if they hit you they don't consume a lot of health)Then again after hitting him 7 more times he will go up for the fourth time and throw down some blocks which will rotate in circles.

From here the second stage starts, Now you have to be very careful with these blocks because they consume a lot of life (Ironically more life than the vizier's attacks).In this stage he will be hovering in the air the whole time. Now you have to dodge the blocks and run up on the pillar near which he's flying and perform a speed kill.

You will be performing three speed kills, in the first and second the prince will cut of the vizier's wings and in the third he will cut through his armour covering his chest.
After this the third stage starts.

The third stage: After the three speed kills the vizier will fly very high up in the sky leaving a trail for you to follow, now I am assuming that you must have played the Sands Of Time and Warrior Within and even if you didnt you came this far to beat the vizier so you can figure this maze out on yor own. Its preety easy but be careful of the fireballs he throws at you, they may not take much of your health but if your hanging from a ledge it will make you fall to yur death and if you are out of sands you will have to start all over again from the first stage.

Finally when you are at the top of the maze you will have to walk at the end of the beam and again do a speed kill,the prince will jump off the ledge and then he will stop in midair, the camera will rotate a full 360 degrees (giving a movie type special effects feeling) and then the dagger will flare agian for you to kill the vizier, when this happens take a deep breath of relief and Press the square button to kill the vizier.

But the game doesnt end here, after killing the vizier the Dark prince will face the Good Prince.

Yes the dark prince is really pissed off at the good one for cutting him out. But don't worry you don't have to beat him or something he will take you to a crazy world (Someplace like a dream) and you just have to follow him and slash him with your sword when he stops.

All said and done the game is a pure delight to play and after completing it I am sure you will not regret the time and sweat (and most probably blood) that you spend on this game.

I completed the game and defeated the vizier

How to kill Vizier in Prince of Persia the two thrones The Terrace Fight with Final Boss, kill the vizier, final battle, killing the vizier, prince of persia the two trones final boss, prince of persia the two trones the terrace, how to kill vizier, fight with vizier, prince of persia, prince of persia the two thrones final boss (vizier) kill in 1 attempt. no rewinds., prince of persia t2t, last fight, pop t2t
