[english below] Comme vous le savez et comme nous aimons souvent le rappeler, nous sommes apolitiques et n’avons jamais eu la prétention de prendre une quelconque position politique. La préservation des ressources naturelles et l’écologie au sens large du terme nous semblent cependant être des sujets bien au delà des clivages politiques qui devraient être intégrés par tous et pris au sérieux. Il nous paraissait donc pertinent de mettre à l’honneur le grand Pierre Rabhi. Essayiste, agriculteur bio, romancier et poète français mais aussi fondateur du Mouvement Colibris… On vous laisse avec ce grand sage.
Our newest mixtape is out in this special presidential elections context. As you might know, we like to remind you that we are apolitical and that we never meant to take any political position. Nevertheless, natural ressources preservation and ecology in every sense are subjects that matter way beyond any political division. Considering this, it seemed relevant to us to highlight Pierre Rabhi. Essayist, organic farmer, novelist and French poet but also founder of the Movement Colibris… Meet him and his endless wisdom.
Thanks to the Colibri’s movement kind support. More informations here : www.colibris-lemouvement.org/
Our newest mixtape is out in this special presidential elections context. As you might know, we like to remind you that we are apolitical and that we never meant to take any political position. Nevertheless, natural ressources preservation and ecology in every sense are subjects that matter way beyond any political division. Considering this, it seemed relevant to us to highlight Pierre Rabhi. Essayist, organic farmer, novelist and French poet but also founder of the Movement Colibris… Meet him and his endless wisdom.
Thanks to the Colibri’s movement kind support. More informations here : www.colibris-lemouvement.org/