• 8 years ago
Fairley Street Glasgow at 10:33am today

Walking along the street minding my own business & i see 2 men get into a car not thinking it's the police & the passenger looks at me in a weird way as i cross onto their side of the road & the police officers steps in front of me while the driver gets out as well & asks me where am going & said i don't answer questions then said we are carrying out a survey in the area.(Lies) & told them am not interested & kept asking me different questions like where u come from & where u going & i told them none of your business that's why i pulled my phone out. So later in the afternoon i phoned police Scotland 101 number & they said police don't carry out (Survey) in the street.

U need to defend yourself against bully police because they will try anything on u & ruin your life which they did to me last year in brand street glasgow & they denied all my complaints i put in against the 2 officers. thats why i told them am going to record them for my own protection & they backed off & believe me they will try any excuse to stop u & I've told helen street police station i don't tolerate corrupt police abusing me in the street for no reason asking me stupid questions to justify stopping me.

For the haters to let u lot no. i don't drink ,Smoke & am not a criminal or hang about in gangs. Am a normal person going for a walk & visiting family. I respect the law & worked for charities helping others
