• 8 years ago
SEVERAL doors and windows of a hotel were smashed by vandals who left £20,000 bill worth of damage.

The Belleisle Hotel, Doonfoot Road, Ayr was targeted between 10am on Thursday, January 5, and 3pm on Saturday, January 7.

Police say a significant number of doors and windows were smashed resulting in damage estimated to be in the region of £20,000.

Community Inspector James Hendrie, based at Ayr Police Station, said: "There is no clear motive for the building being targeted, however, those responsible have caused considerable damage with no regard for the cost of repair."

"The building is fairly isolated, but it is on a well-travelled path for dog walkers and I would appeal for anyone who may have seen or heard anything to contact us, even if they feel it may be insignificant."

Anyone with information is asked to contact officers at Ayr Police Office on 101.

Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be passed on anonymously.


