Here the newest Clip .
I Delete the Other Clips from Youtube now . I did Reuploaded them onto Dailymotion here are the links :
I WILL DELETE THIS CLIP AS WELL . But I will reupload it as well on Dailymotion .
IG : PuppyJJoong
I am also So happy that Isak's Mother wrote him in the right moment and said the right thing !
I mean I get Sonja she cares about Even . But just like Even already said she is Controlling him . But to say that Even is not in love with Isak , that it is only a Sick idea ... I mean she went kinda to far on that one . I hope now after reading the message of his Mother he see's clear and knows that Even's sickness doesn't define him . I really hope we get a scene where they say " What happens after I've saved you?" - " I save you back " . THIS WOULD BE THE MOST ROMANTIC SHIT EVER !Run starts at 6:25 NOTE: Use stereo+ speaker. You may be interested in this as well: NOTE: Stuttering present in the original stream ...
Here the newest Clip . I Delete the Other Clips from Youtube now . I did Reuploaded them onto Dailymotion here are the links ...
Run starts at 2:35 Watch live: /GamesDoneQuick Official page: Runner(s): /0xwas ...
Want more of these high-quality english subs? Like the video and consider subscribing for future episodes! I upload these about 1 hour after the norwegian ...
Run starts at 6:25 NOTE: If you encounter any problems with this, you may be interested in this as well: NOTE: Stuttering present in ...
I Delete the Other Clips from Youtube now . I did Reuploaded them onto Dailymotion here are the links :
I WILL DELETE THIS CLIP AS WELL . But I will reupload it as well on Dailymotion .
IG : PuppyJJoong
I am also So happy that Isak's Mother wrote him in the right moment and said the right thing !
I mean I get Sonja she cares about Even . But just like Even already said she is Controlling him . But to say that Even is not in love with Isak , that it is only a Sick idea ... I mean she went kinda to far on that one . I hope now after reading the message of his Mother he see's clear and knows that Even's sickness doesn't define him . I really hope we get a scene where they say " What happens after I've saved you?" - " I save you back " . THIS WOULD BE THE MOST ROMANTIC SHIT EVER !Run starts at 6:25 NOTE: Use stereo+ speaker. You may be interested in this as well: NOTE: Stuttering present in the original stream ...
Here the newest Clip . I Delete the Other Clips from Youtube now . I did Reuploaded them onto Dailymotion here are the links ...
Run starts at 2:35 Watch live: /GamesDoneQuick Official page: Runner(s): /0xwas ...
Want more of these high-quality english subs? Like the video and consider subscribing for future episodes! I upload these about 1 hour after the norwegian ...
Run starts at 6:25 NOTE: If you encounter any problems with this, you may be interested in this as well: NOTE: Stuttering present in ...
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