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Many reactions are on their way, quite a few are here. My Dailymotion channel will get as many of the YouTube videos as possible, exceptions below, as well as the ones that cannot get on YouTube. The viewers here also get an extended version of the monthly previews, with the shows included that YouTube disallowed.

Most of the time, videos here that cannot be on YouTube will go live earlier, possibly an hour and sometimes around midday. Since there is no scheduling here, that automatically makes it live at a certain time, I will make them public when I can. There are occasions they may go public later though, please be aware of that.

Shows that cannot get on Dailymotion, these are on, or will be on, YouTube.

Coronation Street Episode 2 got blacklisted so could not upload

All but the first Laurel and Hardy have been blocked

Reaper is blocked

Patreon members, supporter tier (tier 2) and above, get access to exclusive shows. VIP get all shows in batches, giving more than a year exclusivity with most of them, with many more to come. Superstar members will get all the movies, such as The Inbetweeners movie, Extras, behind the scenes/outtakes/as many full Most Haunted Lives as I can find, and stage shows, such as Bottom and The League of Gentlemen. Also coming are movie reactions for the Superstar tier

Please be aware, Superstar content has not, as of yet, been uploaded or recorded.

Current exclusive shows on Patreon include

Twin Peaks
You, Me and the Apocalypse
Murder She Wrote
Bad Girls

I will be making a second and third day for these exclusive shows and willing to make up to two more days for Patreons choice, where the members will choose what shows are reacted to.