• 9 years ago
[] If tvs doesnt need backlights anymore, why are tvs still thick at all...
[] Keanu Reeves as Constantine. 'Oh, this character is a short blond Brit? Let's cast a tall brunet American instead.'

No, I haven't spelt the colours wrong. I spelt them right - look it up
[] WALL-E > every Pixar movie minus WALL-E
[] I'm conservative and would be ok if my brother came out as gay. But if he starts talking in that damn lisp he's disowned.
[] She reaching for your junk?
[] If Jesus actually returned, I always imagined the first thing he would do would be to march into wall street, overturn the great bull outside (golden calf anyone?), and start wrecking shit inside. It would be glorious.
[] do you work here.
Like no im just a random person sitting behind the cash register
[] If you ever get that urge, just remember that they made the episode "Scott's Tots"
[] I don't know if David Firth would have put that much thought into it - I think its more likely to use a term "like the great war" (which I have heard used about WWI - and i'm in my 20's, its not like the saying just disappeared)

but I think its more likely he uses phases that sound creepy, to tell his story, more than "its 1939 here is what they would have said"

Furthermore, I'm not sure of the location either - I think its just again something David has heard (he is british) and just applied it.

There are a couple of interviews with him online - they are pretty interesting
[] LPT: If you get pins and needles in your legs, go see a doctor.
[] Back when I worked at a clothing store.

Customer: Do you have this in something larger than a small, but smaller than a large?

Me: ...

I guess she never heard of Medium
[] I presume like spy camera photos, or maybe asking girls to nude model, although that will be borderline artistic, because there are no laws against having children model nude as long as there is no intended sexual element.
[] My bank's online bill pay is free, even when, as in this case, they have to physically mail a check. Now that you mention it, that is odd, given how fee-happy banks usually tend to be.
[] They just drove over and asked him if they could take it.
[] No, not all at all. But a lot of them are, and "(organised) religion is bad for society" is the general feel of the sub.
[] If you read the article, then it tells you that the tail started out boneless, but finally grew a bone, which was making it uncomfortable for the boy to sleep on his back, and was why his parents finally saw a doctor about it.
[] Spidermen! Spidermen! They do all the stuff spiders can!
[] DJ here. A couple years back I was playing in this cheesy club downtown and this short dude comes to the booth with an angry face and asks: "Don't you have some new 80's music?"
Had no answer.
[] High five Brixton buddy
[] Haha yes, they look a bit weird, but hey, they came with the jacket.
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[] What a dumb thing to say
[] My wife heard about it from a co-worker a few years back and when we tried it in bed, I broke cartilage in my penis.
[] Costumes always looked fine to me. The overall movie is going for a reimagining of MMPR, and you can't really do that if you're just gonna slip them into the same looking costumes as before. It always looked weird whenever the Power Rangers got hit, their skin tight cloth outfits would shoot out sparks. At least now it'll make more sense because their outfits are now metal.

Plus we haven't seen the suits in action yet. I'm really hoping they pull this movie off, because if they do, you're essentially getting a cross between a Superhero movie and Pacific Rim.


