• 9 years ago
Likely an etf for breach of contract inflating the bill.
[] What about 30 years?
[] Second that.
[] Pentagon didn't like it, so they ordered to attack that Syrian army base
[] it's a small man, not a boy
[] It's not controversial, just dumb. There's a reason that air travel is so safe, and it's because whenever something happens, they don't stop investigating until they've figured it out and implemented any changes necessary to make sure it doesn't happen again. If they just threw up their hands every time an investigation was difficult, we'd have a lot more plane crashes.
[] This game is not for them.
[] This effectively the exact same in America minus the bullshit add-in syrups. It's still shitty gas station drip coffee. Like you said, last resort for some bean juice.
[] idfc - Blackbear

I will follow you into the dark - Death Cab For Cutie

Starboy is a good one as well
[] That's is deep...
[] Did I miss the other 2047 sequels??
[] Why does this get downvoted?
[] Not to mention that unions in the US were systematically destroyed by the New-Deal-Reversers Reagan, Clinton and Bush...
[] I just watched this last night. One of my favorite moments from the office
[] If I were taking that order I'd have been worried you were a horrible parent forcing your children to excel at a sport they didn't enjoy.
[] "do you work here?"
[] I know, but hanging painfully from my finger tips doesn't sound as enticing as walking up steps to go down a wavy slide.
“I am taking into consideration your previous good character, you have a wife who supports you, a steady employment and your hopes to start a family in the near future."

I'm not sure how much longer he's going to have that steady employment...
[] Not actually a question and the customer didn't ask me but my wife. She works in a large book store. One day a customer came in and said, "I'm looking for a book". Nothing more. Just that. No title, no author. Just "a book". No shit, you do? You must be kidding! If only I had known before...

Unfortunately she was too polite in that moment. If it had been me in that situation I'd just have taken a quick look around in the well-stocked book store and replied, "Sorry, we don't sell books..."
[] That place is the best fucking museum in the world. Secret passages everywhere! Four story slides!

I've only been once while visiting but the experience touched me more deeply than anything else before. Reached right in my 33 year old self and spoke/played/laughed with my 5 yr old self.

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Shut up. The rest of the MLB is sick of your crying.

Oh no, you don't mean the entire ranger fanbase/team who is still pissy over an emotion ridden home run from last year.

Sam Dyson's (the pitcher who gave up the bat flip home run) response gets me cracking everytime. I bet if a rangers player did the same thing him and the fanbase would be jerking all over him.
[] Turn around and bend over then
[] Please don't confuse me with yourself, it's insulting.
[] Anyone remember local dial-up BBS?


Okay, I'll show myself out.

