• 9 years ago
*Are You Looking for Power MTA / PMTA Setup ?*

Here are the things that YOU NEED TO KNOW & SHOULD HAVE FOR A GOOD PowerMTA SET UP?

First, an Installation of Power MTA and License Activation.
- The updating of the DNS ( including A , MX, and the TXT record) as required.
- Creation and Configuration of the Virtual MTA in PowerMTA configuration file.
- We will also define Bounce back emails (as well as configure Multiple bounces Domains)
- And also We can define FeedBack Loops and complaints handling.
- Setting up your PowerMTA Monitor.
- Setting up your SMTP user and your Password. Of course not to mention
- Generating your DKIM key and Configuring it.
- We can also Update your SPF with required IP.
- and of course, Your rotation of your IP.

What else ?

We’ll install a powerful mailing platform for your email marketing campaign. We we’ll configure the platform (By Linking it to your

SMTP, Bounce and FBL servers, as well as Tracking domains)

Should you need more information about our services you can visit our webiste at www.pmtasetup.com


