• 9 years ago
Maritus Barbitubate, a 17 year old in Tong-Tong China, was born with what many would consider a physical abnormality, but to Maritus Baritubate, it isn't ...

Ghosts & the Supernatural – K.W. is seeing a Caucasian girl ghost in her house and her security cameras caught the full body apparition. The family lives in Elk ...

The truth, ladies and gents.

The compilation of some incredible lucky people. Some of them were so near to the death but they still alive with little or without injuries. ✓ Like Us on ...

Bikini 'Creeper' Kills 2 Men in Speedos She's known to police as 'The Bikini Creeper' and she is lethal to men with no idea they look putrid in speedos.

Asian Teen Born With Her 'Head Over Her Ass' Leads Peculiar Life

Asian Teen Born With Her 'Head Over Her Ass' Leads Peculiar Life


