Many people who drink caffeinated beverages or take caffeine pills late in the day have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep at night. Caffeine also reduces the amount of deep sleep a person gets each night. Sleep deprivation and insomnia may be caused by caffeine intake. To cure insomnia a person may need to cut caffeine out entirely or avoid drinking caffeine past a certain time of day; however, when a person reduces the amount of caffeine they consume daily, withdrawal can cause temporary sleep issues. Many people may be unaware that many medications contain caffeine and may interfere with sleep.
Caffeine use can cause symptoms of anxiety, including sweating, fear, restlessness, irritability and feeling of being on edge. Biochemist, Stephen Cherniske, states that in his practice he often saw people suffering from anxiety syndrome. After he recommended patients abstain from caffeine for one month, 50 percent of patients anxiety disorders resolved. While some people rely on caffeine to prevent fatigue, some people are sensitive to caffeines effect from consuming a small amount. One cup of coffee or tea can cause feelings of anxiety. People who do not consume caffeine regularly may feel these negative symptoms more than a person who has built a tolerance to caffeine.
Irregular Heart Rate
A persons normal heart rate at rest is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Anything over 100 beats per minute is called tachycardia. Fast heart rates can cause palpitations. The National Institutes of Health states that reducing caffeine intake can cut down on palpitations and return the heart to a normal heart rate.
Infrequent caffeine administration can actually help headaches, but with repetitive daily use, people are at increased risk for developing daily headaches. When a person ceases to use caffeine, they may develop withdrawal symptoms, including headaches.
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Many people who drink caffeinated beverages or take caffeine pills late in the day have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep at night. Caffeine also reduces the amount of deep sleep a person gets each night. Sleep deprivation and insomnia may be caused by caffeine intake. To cure insomnia a person may need to cut caffeine out entirely or avoid drinking caffeine past a certain time of day; however, when a person reduces the amount of caffeine they consume daily, withdrawal can cause temporary sleep issues. Many people may be unaware that many medications contain caffeine and may interfere with sleep.
Caffeine use can cause symptoms of anxiety, including sweating, fear, restlessness, irritability and feeling of being on edge. Biochemist, Stephen Cherniske, states that in his practice he often saw people suffering from anxiety syndrome. After he recommended patients abstain from caffeine for one month, 50 percent of patients anxiety disorders resolved. While some people rely on caffeine to prevent fatigue, some people are sensitive to caffeines effect from consuming a small amount. One cup of coffee or tea can cause feelings of anxiety. People who do not consume caffeine regularly may feel these negative symptoms more than a person who has built a tolerance to caffeine.
Irregular Heart Rate
A persons normal heart rate at rest is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Anything over 100 beats per minute is called tachycardia. Fast heart rates can cause palpitations. The National Institutes of Health states that reducing caffeine intake can cut down on palpitations and return the heart to a normal heart rate.
Infrequent caffeine administration can actually help headaches, but with repetitive daily use, people are at increased risk for developing daily headaches. When a person ceases to use caffeine, they may develop withdrawal symptoms, including headaches.
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