Dr Strubbe Chiropractic Physician 727-541-6800. 5687 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781. Auto Accident Pain. Neck, Lower Back Pain, Headaches. Physical Therapy, Interferential Therapy, Diathermy Therapy, Massage, Chiropractic treatments can help reduce, and relieve pain. Research has found that massage therapy boosts immune function in women with breast cancer, improves symptoms in children with asthma, and increases grip strength in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Giving massages to the littlest patients, premature babies, helped in the crucial task of gaining weight.
Non-Surgical. Back Neck, and Arm Pain. Headache relief.
Disc & Spine Care Center The Treatment Center for Herniated or Bulged Discs with Spinal Decompression Therapy, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Auto Accidents, Whip Lash, Car Crash, Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Chiropractic Care
Physical Therapy
ATM (Active Therapeutic Movement)
Manipulation Under Anesthesia
Facilities & Equipment
Our facility is equipped with the latest physical therapy modalities.
Interferential (deep penetrating electrical muscle stimulation)
Diathermy (deep heat)
Ice & Heat What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
Manipulation Under Anesthesia, otherwise known as MUA, is a non-invasive procedure increasingly offered for acute and chronic conditions, including: neck pain, back pain, joint pain, muscle spasm, shortened muscles, fibrous adhesions and long term pain syndromes.
By lightly anesthetizing a patient, once painful adjustments and movements are accomplished quickly and pain free helping to greatly improve or even restore range of motion.
Manipulation Under Anesthesia is a viable alternative for those patients that are not responding to traditional conservative care of other invasive procedures such as surgery.
another MOOvin VIDEO video production.
Non-Surgical. Back Neck, and Arm Pain. Headache relief.
Disc & Spine Care Center The Treatment Center for Herniated or Bulged Discs with Spinal Decompression Therapy, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Auto Accidents, Whip Lash, Car Crash, Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Chiropractic Care
Physical Therapy
ATM (Active Therapeutic Movement)
Manipulation Under Anesthesia
Facilities & Equipment
Our facility is equipped with the latest physical therapy modalities.
Interferential (deep penetrating electrical muscle stimulation)
Diathermy (deep heat)
Ice & Heat What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
Manipulation Under Anesthesia, otherwise known as MUA, is a non-invasive procedure increasingly offered for acute and chronic conditions, including: neck pain, back pain, joint pain, muscle spasm, shortened muscles, fibrous adhesions and long term pain syndromes.
By lightly anesthetizing a patient, once painful adjustments and movements are accomplished quickly and pain free helping to greatly improve or even restore range of motion.
Manipulation Under Anesthesia is a viable alternative for those patients that are not responding to traditional conservative care of other invasive procedures such as surgery.
another MOOvin VIDEO video production.
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