• 9 years ago
SHANGHAI — Sleeping with the boss to get to the top is nothing new, but a Shanghai girl is taking shameless to another level by posting about her conquests on social media.

The Shanghaiist reports that twenty-some-year-old Molly was on call 24/7, often working through the nighttime hours, as a secretary to her boss … and oftentimes as much, much more.

The boss, she claims, gave her the thumbs up to create an Instagram account, where she posted sordid details about the affair they were having.

Molly apparently accompanied her boss to meetings and business trips, where they presumably got the job done quickly and efficiently.

Because of this, Molly, of course, has earned the ire of netizens, who've taken to defiling her photos with little hearts emblazoned with the words: 'you suck!' because, well … that'll teach her!

But with the boss giving her bonuses and pay raises left and right for a job well done, the girl is certainly getting her legs up on life.

If she plays her cards right, she'll probably be able to get early retirement by the time she's 30. If the angry people on the Internet don't find her first, that is.



