• 10 years ago
Welcome to The MY FITNESS ANGELS !!!


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Quick Stats:

Born: October 27, 1989 ( age 26 )

Height: 5' 5" ( 65 inches) / 165 cm

Weight: 119 lbs / 54 kg Dress


Despite being the butt girl, her first column is all about abs.

And her three 'go-to' exercises for great abs are:

Exercise-ball crunches

Step-ups with weights

Leg throw-downs (where you lay on your back and throw your legs up high - so they are at a right angle to your body, then lower down again without touching the floor. Like a reverse crunch.)

Squats are a girl’s best friend. [Squats] work your core, your glutes and they keep your legs toned. They especially strengthen the muscles around our knees. My overall fitness goals are to look tone and lean, so I‘m not trying to build muscle or gain weight.
Core Challenge

50 crunches
10 push ups
1 minute plank
30 seconds side plank (right side)
30 seconds side plank (left side)
1 minute plank
10 pushups
50 jumping jacks
50 crunches
Claudia Sampedro Tuesday Upper Body, Abs, & Cardio Workout

The Claudia Sampedro Tuesday workout is focused on upper body, abs and cardio. The best way to get abs is diet and cardio. Once you’ve gotten to the point where your abs are showing, you then kick your abs workouts into high gear.

Watch my other fitness angels videos:

1. [ Fitness Angel ] Alice Matos All Exercises & Workouts
2. [ Fitness Angel ] Jen Selter All Exercises & Workouts
3. [ Fitness Angel ] Michelle Lewin All Exercises & Workouts
4. [ Fitness Angel ] Yovanna Ventura All Exercises & Workouts
5. [ Fitness Angel ] Eva Andressa All Exercises & Workouts
6. [ Fitness Angel ] Juliana Salimeni All Exercises & Workouts
7. [ Fitness Angel ] Larissa Reis All Exercises & Workouts
8. [ Fitness Angel ] Bruna Lima All Exercises & Workouts
9. [ Fitness Angel ] Ana Nascimento All Exercises & Workouts
10. [ Fitness Angel ] Claudia Sampedro All Exercises & Workouts

Watch free exercise videos with the best exercises for your body and tips to get the most out of your workout at FITNESS ANGELS


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