• 9 years ago
Determined to make something "different" to commemorate the Silver Jubilee Year of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1977), Kaiser Porcelain commissioned Windsor sculptress Judy Cousins to design the Royal Silhouette Vase. The result is this unique porcelain vase which depicts the Queen and Prince Philip in profile, not in relief, but in inverse form. Viewed against a dark background, the profiles facing each other become even more apparent. In addition, since the two profiles morph into each other, you can also place the vase on a turntable (not supplied) as we show in the video, and as the vase turns, the profiles shift from one to the other and back again. It almost looks as if they are talking to each other!

The vase bears the Royal Coat of Arms on one side, and Price Philip's personal Coat of Arms on the opposite side. When the Queen's Coat of Arms is at the front, Her silhouette will be on the right, and when the position is reversed, so are the profiles.

After living in India, the Middle East and the Far East, Judy Cousins enrolled in Art School at the age of 40, with the intention of making sculpture her profession. She has completed many successful commissions and exhibited in many places, including the Royal Academy.