• 12 years ago
Official video for Allyson Ezell's PICK IT UP, directed by The Parallax Corporation. PICK IT UP is part of the debut Pick It Up EP, available for download on Soundcloud: http://snd.sc/ZPu0iC

Follow Allyson on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allysonezell777

Sign up to Allyson's mailing list for news&upcoming concert dates: http://allysonezell.com

Special thanks to the following people for their love/support/hard work and for giving this video a life of its own:
- Pascal Forneri & Antoine Bouillot, aka The Parallax Corporation, the dudes that saw me through the darkness with their camera
- Oscar and L'Hotel Particulier for lending us their luxurious rooms, and for always smiling :)
- Coco and her mad make-up skillz
- Bibiana Paris for her jewels, her dreams, her friendship (http://www.bibianaparis.com)
- Gaspard&Guido for their sexy as hell fringe-y dress (http://www.gaspardyurkievich.com)
- Laureline, our wingman and my dear "amie"
(I feel like I'm accepting an award or something... ok, so, I'm really proud of this video!!! )
- Romain Boileau for his expert editing eye
And let's not forget:
- The State of Iowa for letting me be born there
- The Fantastic Mr. Fox and all his taxidermy'd coolness
- My hula hoop that now mocks me because I'm too old to "hoop" anymore
- Mom-sicle, Pop-sicle, Kat-Dog and all my blood-related homies for, ya know, putting up with my special kind of crazy. Love love love you

Seriously, I wouldn't be here without you guys. You will all forever hold a very special place in my heart and mind. I SING FOR YOU!!!!

xoxo allyson
