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The maiden copy of VANGUARD hit the news stands as a weekly on Sunday June 3rd, 1984 with the motto: Towards a better life for the People. It went daily on July 15, 1984. It aims to serve the people through unflinching commitment to free enterprise, the rule of law and good governance. DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH Between 1988 and 1995, it published among others, Mr. & Mrs. Magazine (a compilation of the popular comic cartoons on the front page of the paper), Lagos Mirror (an evening paper), Vanguard Yellow Pages (a directory), Lagos Law Directory and Sports Now (a weekly publication devoted entirely to sports). As at today, the paper has on its stable, the Daily Vanguard, Saturday Vanguard and Sunday Vanguard. It has since added other titles taken care of specialised interests. These include: Financial Vanguard, Allure, Sweet Crude, Hitech, Sports Vanguard and Cyber life. These titles are so-product specific that no serious policy maker, businessman, Politician, student and/or interests groups would ignore. Major among Vanguard’s features include: Sports, Advertising, Management and marketing, Maritime, Energy, Hi-tech and Computer, Aviation, Business and Banking, Tourism, Health, Labour, Human Angle and Women affairs, Politics, Education and Insurance.

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