Retro Crunch

Retro Crunch

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Youtuber! Run a Weekly Nostalgia News show that is all about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things 70s, 80s, and 90s!

Im a Nostalgia Junkie. I collect old games, movies, toys, books, and memorabilia. I love talking about the 70s, 80s, and 90s and keeping up with news about the things I love from way back when. I wanted to create a YouTube community that I can hang out with, discuss RETRO news, and talk about nostalgia topics. If your like me, SUBSCRIBE - because we are already friends!

Have you ever wished there was a nostalgia channel that focused on keeping you informed of current news that related to your childhood? Whether it is some new movies that are being rebooted, juicy news and rumors about the movie and music stars we all grew up with, or talking about retro fashion comebacks, you'll find all of that here at RETRO CRUNCH.

We focus on Current News each week about the 70s, 80s, and 90s!