• 2 years ago
Unlock the power of SBonds with our comprehensive guide on converting SBonds to BTC!

Whether you're an expert or a newbie, our step-by-step instructions will walk you through the process smoothly

- Open metamask and copy the account address from the “Binance Smart Chain” (BSC) account where you need to withdraw your SBond.
- Now access the “Chain Bridge” using a web browser and connect your metamask wallet, Remember to connect the “BFIC Mainnet” account where your SBonds are stored.
- Select “BFIC Main Net” in the bridge chain’s “From Chain” field.
- Choose “SBond” as a “Token”.
- Select “Binance Smart Chain (BSC)” in the bridge chain’s “To Chain” field.
- Enter the amount of SBond you wish to convert.
- Paste the BSC account address that you copied earlier.
- Finally, click on the transfer button.
- Metamask will ask you to confirm the transaction, enter the same amount again, and click next.
- Review the transaction and click approve.
- A pop-up will appear to confirm the gas fee.
- Review carefully and click confirm.
- Your transaction will be completed after the network confirmation
- You can check all the transactions in the “Orders” section on the left panel.
- Click on action to see details.
- Furthermore, you can check swapped SBonds into BTC in your metamask’s BSC account.
