Song 528 de GDB Relaxing es una composición armónica con energía vital para curar y reparar el cuerpo. Esta frecuencia solfeggio de 528 hercios reduce considerablemente el estrés y es perfecta como música de ensueño, curativa, de estudio, para dormir y de relajación total.
Que lo disfrutes.
Song 528 by GDB Relaxing is a harmonic composition with vital energy to heal and repair the body. This solfeggio frequency of 528 hertz greatly reduces stress and is perfect as dream music, healing, study, sleep and total relaxation.
Enjoy it.
Gabriel Darío Barrozo
Que lo disfrutes.
Song 528 by GDB Relaxing is a harmonic composition with vital energy to heal and repair the body. This solfeggio frequency of 528 hertz greatly reduces stress and is perfect as dream music, healing, study, sleep and total relaxation.
Enjoy it.
Gabriel Darío Barrozo