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英文名稱: Barely There
創作者: Hannah Lee : http://www.hannahartlee.com
歡迎訂閱影片fb Facebook : https://goo.gl/fqtb4a
歡迎至Vimeo看更多: https://vimeo.com/211058132

Barely There 是一部描述一隻小北極熊尋找失蹤媽咪的3D動畫短片,儘管勇敢天真的小北極熊一一克服困難,仍然還有一場比凍原還要冰冷的事實等著他…
Barely There is a 3D animated short film about a baby polar bear searching for his missing mother, while a force much colder than the frozen tundra searches for him.
動畫製作A Film by
Hannah Lee : http://www.hannahartlee.com
原創樂譜/音效設計Original Score/Sound Design : Suk Moo Lim
配音Voice Talent : Daniel Cantor
製作於 Ringling College of Art and Design
@Hannah Lee, 2017

Béa的fb粉絲專業成立囉! 歡迎您來追蹤看更多好影片: https://goo.gl/vl0PKF


